DuEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIE~ Ts,E 12noon -m , -__ sne% A Ir PADDY'S Market new haM new tumnitume, appliaiices' T.V.'s and sterees and aisc used furnituro and appliancesý WiII accepttrade-înis. Paddy'd 1Manket, Hampton, phono 263, 2241. 33-tý ÛISED Furnifure and Applii- ances. Paddy's Manket,,, Hampton 263-2241.- 26-tf1, RAMBLER trailers, see themn at Newcastle Tralier Park and Sales, No. 2 highway, New- castle, seven days a week. 987-5131. 29-tf SEE D FOR SALE Winter Wheat - Winter Barley CERESMORE FARMS L.TD. 623-3552 or 623-7233 33-6 75 CZMotorcross bike made in Czeckeslovakia, 300 miles nover raced. 125cc 20 h.p. Phono 623-2913. 37-if ELMER'S New and Used Furniture and Appliances. We buy contents et homos. Phono Hampton 263-2294. 119-tf Pure Pine Shavings Baled, Du st-f ree Phone 723-6660 29-tf CEDAR rails for sale.i One dollar each. Phone 623-7968. 36-2 8,000 BALES et hay, Tyson Farms, Newtonville, 786-2927. 33-tf COMPRESSORS Al kinds of machinery. Seil. Buy. Trade. Rent. MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9-6 Ace Machinery 859A Nelsen Street Oshawa, Ontario 723-0933 18-tf APPLES, early seconds, $2.50 bushel. Start picking Mclntosh new. First road east et Zoo, turn north, 3rd house east side. 623-2106. TEAKWOOD, Scandinavian, Danish, bedroem, complote.; dining room, 9 piece; living room; waIl unit, conee =a;es, new turniture, very roason- able. Phono 1-247-4377. 10O-tf Water Delivery For filling swimming pools and wells. PHONE FRED WILLIS 623-2469 19-tf WHITE'S T.V. TOW ERS Towers, U HF, V HF Aerials, Rotors& Repairs - Apartment &Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our - Guarantee Phone -576-5606 COU RTIC E WESTERN CANADA 1SCHOOL 0F AUCTIONEERING LTD. Canada's t inst, and the only c pltely Canadian course =tee anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schooîs Licensing Act, R.S.A. 1970, C.366. For particulars et the noxt course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Aberta or Phono 782-6215 36-9 a 5E PUREBRED and partbred Arabian herses - show qual1ity, reasonable. Cotfonwood colts, Blackstock. 986-4925 ovonings. 37-i FIFTEEN cows, fouteen caîves, three heifers, nine sfockers, H-ereord, Hereford- Charolais. Newtonville 786- 2536. 37-ix PIGS fan sale. 30 chunks, sews with igs, sow due in month, boar Duroc. Sides of beet, 75c lb. Phono 263-2589. 37-1 *I~gilà lu URGEÉTILY -REQUIRED! ! We have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanville area. Prhaps your home would bring tp dollar? We'li be piease d to appraise if for you.- and help you lecate the "home et your dreams". For frîendly efficient sale ot your home, cail P. & R. Realty Company, Realten, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- vil le576-6120 17-tf Ceunciller Kennetf L yaii has opened a municipal office at 57 King Street East, Bow- manville. Aniyone heeding help with a municipal preblem is învited te cal 623-6744 or if ne answer 987-5020. 34-tf Senior Citîzens, 10 per cent off ail hair services. Menday, Tuesday and Wednesday enly. open 6 days a week. Kut n' KurI Beauty-Shep, 71 King St. E. Phone 623-5019. 34-4 Dr. A. F. McKenzie's effice wil be clesed Septem ber 10 te September 19 inclusive. 36-2 NOTICE Ail RuSing Car Owners Join national group taking legal action te recover lasses fremn Ford, G.M.C., Chrysier. WRITE: RUST GROUP Box 164, Station N New Toronto 14, Ont. 35-4 Harry Voerman Insurance 181 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont. fPhono 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSU RANC E 28-tf ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 136 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 37-tf EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jewel lers Ltd. Regular Price $12.00 NOW$ 10.00 with studs Special 10 per cent reduction on first purchase of earrings with the release form. Phone 623-5747 For Appointment 45-tf INFORMATION, RAPE A crisis intervention centre for victims of rape or sexual assault. CA LL 623-7273 or 623-RAPE 24 hour answering service. 36-4 FRKEE te geod home, 3-yoar- aid toma le Saluki. Phono 987-5462 atter 6. 37-1 S 1NGI1NG baby canaries, van- lous celours. Phono 623-5692. 37-i DOBERMAN Pinscher pups, neg istered, needies, excellent pot an d watch dog, reasenablo pricos. Oshawa 728-9122. 37-i WANTED - homes ton fhree adorable puppies, found abandened en roadside. Other- wise wiii be taken te peund. Phono 623-4173 af ton 5. 37-1 x FREE REMOVAIL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CAL L MARGWI LL FUR- FARM Hampton 263-2721 30-tf SOFA-BED with 54" mattress for cottage. Phono 723-8049. 37-i LOOKING to, buy a 1965 Nova fer parts. Phono 987-4077 atter 5. 37-i GENTLEMAN preferred to shane heme and oxponses, alie-te drive my car. Write advertiser 639, c-e Canadian Statosman, P.O. Box 190, Bawmanville, LIC 3K9. 37-ix WANTED! Couples interestod in goed teilowship. Learn modemn square dancing and basic round dance stops. Ne previeus experience requined. Modernmmusic on record. Came and join eum, wintem prnognam. Ontario St. Scheol, Bowmanvillo. Thursday 8:00 - 10:30 p.m. stamting Septem ber 23rd. Fer information cail 623-5811 on 728-5042. 37-2 APPLE GROWERS Again buying juice appies in lange volume bulk at fanm, aise peelers. Cash payment and prompt pick-up units. Raymnond Inch 416-753-2246 36-4 16 - 6 WE EK old pigs for sale. Phone 723-6660. After 9 p.m. cal l 1-983-9445. 36-2 Riding lessons given by, qualified instructor - equita- tion, jumping, basic dressage. Use your own horse or we have good herses available. Aiso herses broken é;nd train- ed. Cali1623-4558. 25-tf EQUESTR!AN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOA RD ING instruction in Equitation Jumping Dressage Schooling of Huntes& Jumnpers Hunters & Jumpers Bought & Sold RR 3 BOWMAN VILLE 623-7336 COOKandwaitress. Il p.m. to 7 a.m.* Apply directit to Fifth Wheel Restaurant, Highway 115 and 35, north of Newcastle. Experience an asset, but we will train if no experience-. Permanent help. 35-4x PERMANENT factory heip wanted. Appiy J. Anderson Smith Co. Ltd., Newcastle. 35-3 INFORMATION RAPE CRISIS CENTRE urgently need V olunteers Over 18 ,Moral support to victims. Ca Il 623-7273 or 623- RA P E 24 heur answering service. 36-4 PRACTICAL nurse, live in, Teronto area, geod saIary, ceeking one day per week. Other help in heuse, female stroke patient, pleasant case. Please give references. Write Advertiser 636, c-o The Can- adian Statesman, Box 190, Bewmanville, Ont. LiC 3K9 35-3 BABYSITTER' required fer eccasienal evenings f rom 5 p.m. te il1p.M. in Church St. area (one chid). Cail 623-7632.. 37-1 FULLtime clerk fer delicates- sen meat counter. Experi- ence preferred but net neces- sary. Apply Dykstra's Delica- tessen Food Market. Phone 623-3541. 37-1 TAXI driver, day shift, 18 years of age or ever, dlean recerd.* Apply 35 King St. East. 37-1 SECRETARY fer decter's office. Reply stating qualifica- tions te Advertiser 638 c-e The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, LIC 3 K9. 37-tf MOTHER'S 'helper for baby- sitting and housework; 16 heurs per week, Enniskillen area. Phone 263-8052. 37-1 NEED help in my fast F riwng cesmetic business, uIl training previded. No areas, qLuotas, or initial invest- ment. F or appeintment 'cal 623-3072. 37-2 EXPERIENCED waitress, cook and dishwasher. Cal 987-4226. 37-1 GOOD apple ickers needed. Apply E. Mostert, Newcastle, No. 2 Highway, first fa rm seuth-east of su bway. 37-2 FULL and part tîme, experienced weman prefer- red. App y at Burger Bus, King St. E. 37-1 Ron's Floor Care Commercial and household cîeaning. Dry foam rug and carpet shampooing. Wax re- mova1, wall washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf -jOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL, REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Diyision St., Bowmanville 26-tf DARLINGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf NEED a pressure systemn? Water Soteners? Repairs to ail makos. Harvey Pantnem, Orono 983-5206 on Zenith 14620. 36-tf Karen Tordiff is pleased te announce the opening on OCTOB ER 4th, 1976 ef Country Roads Nursery Schooî at Shaw's Schoeî on SHighway No. 2 For Registrnations Cati 987-4960 EXPERT or experienced ha ir- dresser wanted. Full time an part time. 725-8710. 37-1 WAITRESSES, experienced. Apply BowAmanville Fish and Chi ps, 623-3223. - 37-i EXPERIE-NCED apple pick- ors required Septem ber 2th. Cali Newt Seiby 987-4594. 37-1 LADY or studlent ta assist disabled womnan, weokonds enly, one heur in morninq ansd, one heur in even"ing. Phono 623-7020. 37-i CAR ETAKE R Applications will be nocel by the undamsigned u Friday, September 24, 1 fer the position of Part i Caretaker, 10 hours per v at the Enniskilien Pul School. Good knowiodge et scl caretaking proeodurs cleaning methds bilit work tram oral and wnit instructions and te commt cate woll with othens. Reply in witing stating qu tications, address and t phono number te: M.A. MacLeod Business Administrator ai Treasurer 1 The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educal Box 470 COBOURG. K9A 4L2 CAR ETAKE R Applications wiil be nocel by the undersignedu Friday, September 24, l for the position ef Part i Caretaken, 10 hours per wv at Vincent Massey Pul Scheol., Good knewledge oet sch ca mtaking procéduresi cleaning methods. Ability work tram oral and writ instructions and fa cemn icate weil with others. Ropiy in writing stating qu fications, address and te phono number ta: M.A. Mac Leod Business Administrator ai Treasurer The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educat Box 470 COBOURG. K9A 4L2 ýived until 1976, ime Noek ublic .hool and- THE "'AD-E LS"" 1MODE RN BAND AVAILABLE NOWTO PROVIDE MUSIC FOR ANY SOCIAL FUNCTION Telephone 723-6514 or 723-0089 37-3 INSTALLING er-renevating a bathroem, kitchen, iaundry reem, etc. Pipes, valves and fittings f rom Harvey Partner. We service ail makes. Cali Oreno 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 36-tf Mother wiiling tegive leving day care in my home, te children over 2 years, aise wiiiing te take schooi chiidren first th ing in merning, for lunches, and after scheel for working parents. Reasonable. References if required. Waverly Gardens, area. Cali 623-9277 after 6 p.m. 37-1 WILL babysit in eur heme, Vincent Massey area, children 2-5 years et age,-het lunches. WouId consîder, giving lunches te scheel chiidren of werking mothers. Phone 623-7785 er 623-4148. 37-lx DRYWALL installation, tap- ing and tinishing. Telephone 623-7578. 37-ix Monte Hennessey Ca rpentry and Tri m Industrial, Commercial, Residentfial Maintenance Phone 579-5957 or 623-4581 - RELIABLE day care in my home, playroem, swing set in fully fenced yard. Nutritieus lunches previded. Martin Rd. South. Pheâne 623-6631. 37-1 Lawn and Garden Ca re Grass cutting, rota tilling and Iawn relling with a commer- cial machine. Seedinu down new lawns and aid, tree cutting, painting, and odd jobs cleaning up. 500 Ibs. pressure washing for farm equipment 1trucks, etc. Robert Jones 987-5222 -- 987-4098 27-tf CHIMNEY REPAIRS- ROY ANGE R, R. R. 4, Bowmanviîle, Ont, 34-4 LADY wiil do heusecleaning in Bowmanville area. Phone 623-4397. 37-lx y to CUSTOM SILO ttenFLLN uni- ILN PHONE ORONO juaîi- Deug and Bruce Cathcart tele- 983-5697 or 983-5075 foie 37-2x nd Lloyd Barnes Plumbing tion Carpentry, Renovating AIl General Repairs 37-1 REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf ýived jntil 1976, AIl-Type rime Painting & Aeek îbiic Roof ing :hool and y, ta itten 'nun- aoie- nd tion 37-1 1.WANTED SKILLED MACHINISTS Somne maintenance experienco would be an asset. Excellent working conditions. Small modern machine shop, steady days. Plant is Iocated Close ta 401 in Newcast le. For f urther inf ormation please caî11 Denise Smith at 987-4776. 37-i ATTENTION FARM WORKERS! Apple Picking. Register with us now. NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM FARM LABOUR POOL 7A DIVISION ST. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 623-3880 37-2 1WANTED Persons to train'as plastic film extruder and sîitter operators. Excellent werking conditions, advancemnent appertunitios for responsible persans. Modern plant is located close te 401 in Newcastle. For f urther inf ormati' on please calil Denise Smith at 987-4776 37-1 Mlats, tar and gravel, metal, coîd process, leaks, repairs, shingles, interior and exterior painting, Free estimates. PHONE 623-5038 19-tf Peter Sutherland Alumînum Prod. Siding - Suffit - Facer Eavestrough - Windows, Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estîmate 22-tf ANTIQU ES WiIl refinish yours. 263-8167 36-2x INSTIALL an Esso furnace, boler, humidifier, hoater or air cleaner. Combination woed and eil. Financing ava il- able. Furnaces cleaned - Parts and service policy. Cali Harvey Partner, your Esso service dealer. F ree esti- mates. Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 24 heur service. 36-tf Gloria's Canvas &,Upholstery Custom Made Boat, trailer and sal devers and tamps. Any size. Ail othen canvas needs or mepains. Ail types et upholstery and ne- cevening. Free est imates. 623-4654 Prof essional Stei Cîeaning Servie Commercial - Indu Residen fia I Wall-to-Wall Broadlooi Carpets, Rugs & Uphelsi CALL BOB AT 623-2383 29-tt JACK BURGESS ,OIL BURNERS-FURNACtES CL EANE D PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS. -P.O. BOX 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repa irs Service and Estimates Cal 1623-2641 33-tf BUTCHER CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING WM. HENDERSON 263-8072 OXFORD, Bricklayers and Stonemasons (Our fireplaces do flot smoke) 1-983-5606 25-tf Bill's GLASS and MiRRORS 1-1T1. 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ontario. Phono 621-5187 Shoot and Float Glass Sea led Units - S5-'rm Windows Store Fronts- Floaf Mimrons Pafterned and Colored Glass and Gîazing. 17tff 4VAT E Wells bomed,-30" tie. Wand's Well Boring. Tele- phono 342-2030. Ropresenta- tive Harny L. Wade. Tele- ohone 987-4531. 16-tf_ J. A. HAYES (SMOKEY) MEATS Custom Cutting FREEZER ORDERS 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa Phono 579-8011 or 623-7056 36-tf C & CJANIl-OR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professionally Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION Now Homnes - Renovating Roc Roomns Repa irs of al types. PHONE 623-2263 Ref rigeratiorn and Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refigeraion - MiIk Colors PHONE BERT SYER Days................ 623-5774 Nights .... ..... 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2t ALLIN COL E'S MOBI LE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS ( Tune-ups - Brakes - Etc.) AI l wenk done by Licensed Class "A" Mechanic At'your home on place et business. AI l parts and labor guaranteed. Terms cash. PHONE 623-5045 Bowmanvi île ..... ... GARAGE, tram Nov. 1 until Aprii i in Bowmanville, ton car starage. Phono 623-6045 afto 5. 37-tf, APARTMENT for roliabie couple. Realsonable rent. Phono 723-8373 botween 2 p.m. and 9p.m. 37-lx TWO bedroom apatmont me- quired by aduits. Phono 623- 3174. 37-lx RELIABLE aduits wouid like country houso te ent. Within cemmuting distance et Osh- awa, 1-705-292-7121. 35-8x BOAT STORAGE October to May OSHAWA NORTH 14 ft. high x 12 ft. wide door. Caîl Evenings 263-2591 Storage space foi BOATS AND TRAILERS Phone 623-5428 r '66 VAL IANT, excellent condi- tion. Best offer. Aise "Apoelle" 10 speed, 2 months old. Phone 623-4207. 37-1 x '71 GRAND'PR IX, 400 cu. in. meter, power brakes and steering, electric windows and defegger, 'bucket seats and radial tires. Excellent condi- tion. Asking $1750. -Phone -3 623-7747. 37-1 1969 FORD Galaxie 500. Phone 623-7670. 3- 34-6 LAND for lease, approximate- ly 60 acres, 2 miles east et 3-x rono. Phono 2-62 37-lx35-3x amn FOUR bedmoomn house, 11/2 ,es baths, finished ec. ron stria î sunny bright kitchen with )M rediately at $385 a month. -ter Phne 63-433.37-i ;T, 7 BOWMANVILLE - two bed- room apartment, living reem, kitchen and bath. Immediate possession. Reasonabe. Heat- ed. Cabie T.V. Phene 623-7523. 37-1 4 ROOM apartment with separate entrance iecated en Hwy. 2 in Mapie Grove. Phene 623-4623. 37-1 ONE bedroem. apartment. Heated, steve and fridge. Adults enly. Phone 623-3303 8 a.m.to 5p.m. 37-1 FOUR bedreom Tewnheuse, fuily broadioemed, garage, baicony, in Port Hepe. Occu- pancy Octeber 1. Phene 1-416- 447-2659 after 5 p.m. 37-4x ON E reom fer werking person er student. Kitchen priviileges. Phone 623-7173 after 4 p.m. 37-1 CENTRAL - twe one-bedreem apartments. Available Oct. 1. Aduits enly. Ne pets. 728-5123 or 725-8333 after 5. 37-1 ONE-HALF Century heuse, for single, mature aduit. Super apartment en three levels. $175 plus shared ex- penses. Newastle 987-4395. 37-1 TWO bedroom heuse, ail cenvenionces, aduits enly. Write Box 640, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowman- ville, Ont. LiC 3K9. 37-1 ON E bedroem basement apartmont, Jane St. district. Phono 623-2694 after 8 a.m. Thursday. 37-1 THREE bedroom tewnheuse, 11/2 baths, full basement, appliances, available Octeber 1. Phone 623-7558 before 8:00 p.m. 37-1ix THREE bodroom heme, fully broadloomed, finished family room. Available Oct.- 1sf. Phone 623-9515. 37-1 BOWMANVILLE - twe bed- room apartment, living reem, kitchen and bath. Immediate possessien. Reasenable. Heat- ed. Cable T.V.,Phone 623-7523 or 1-705-696-3361. 31-tf ,,/ITALIZING! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofing on new or used vehicios. Writton war- ranfy. Durham Vitalizing, phone 723-1155. 25-tf 1971 PEUGEOT, red, 4 door, front wheel drive. Best offer. Cail D &R Sports, 623-3421, 623-7342. 37-1 '72 V EGA GT, new motor, new tires. $700 or best off er. Phone 623-5427. 37-ix '71 MGB, AM-FM stereo tape deck, 3 tops. Best offer. Phone 263-8018. 37-1 69 chev 4 deer sedan, 327, V-8, mechanically geod. As is. Best offer. Phono 987-4942. 37-1 '71 CHEVY VAN 6 cyl. standard, 74,000 miles. Radial tires, radie, insulated. Phene: 1 -983-9558. 37-1 '70 EPIC, 23,000 miles, geed condition. $500. 623-6480 attor 5. 37-1 1970 GRAND PRIX, best offer. Phone, 987-5163 after 5. 37-1 '68 CHEVELLE, V-8, auto- matic, geod condition. Certi- f ied. Best offer. Phone 623- 4358. 37-1 1968 REBEL Rambler, runs well. $400. Phone 623-3735. 37-1 '69 CHEV 4 door sedan, 327, V-8, mechanically geod. As is. Best offer. Phono 987-4942., 37-1 1970 FORD 1/2 ton, 302, std. transmission, radie. 1968 Plymouth stationiwagen, aute- matic transmission, radie. Caîl atten 6. 263-2645. 37-1 1968 VOLKSWAGEN, mater - geed, body - needs somo repair. Asking $550. Phono 263-2135. 37-ix 1965 PLYMOUTH Savoy, tain condition, 65,000 original miles, asking $200. Phono 623-7946. 37-1 x '72 LeMANS statienwagen, 9 passengen, 6 cylinden, P.S., P.B., as is, $1000. 623-5469. 37-1 Auction Sale, Furniture and Antiques for Mns. Jean Carnahan, Village 0f Keene, 10 miles southeasf et Peter- boroug h, Friday, Sept. 17, 4:30 p.m. Rounded china cabinet, antique buffet, dining -noom ,table, many assorted chairs, pantny cabinet, panloun tables, maple desk, ôak dosk, bed- room suites, piano, piano stool, love seat, wash stands, china wash sets, antique radio, bnass iamp, assented fables, hall mimeor, eak office chair, dressons, mimrons, lamps, picturos, Coldspot freezer, washing machine, gas steve, B & W tel evîsion, kitchen utensils, pots and pans, toasters, irons, grills, kotties, spice racks, docks, retnrigenater, step chair, kitchen chairs, new tan, radio, box traiter, matching Press- back chairs, ironing boards, chesterfields, fine china, covened bowis, silverware (assonted>, silver sots, (cream and sugar), cheese dish, mustache cup, cracks, cake plates, cut glass, fruit dishes, dish sots, canes, trunks, stop ladden, tools - many assorted, ga rden teols, 16' moto plywood oat and traiter, 16' x 6' pontoon beat (metor). Many, many mono articles tram, this large house. Steve Liptay, Auctioneer. 1976 World Champion Auctioneer. Sale Managed b y Liptay Auction- eens Ltd .,R R. 1, Bowman- ville. Phono 416-263-2117. 37-1 Fa Il Horse Sale te beheidaàt COLBORNE LIVESTOCK SALES BARN (on Hwy. 2) Saturday, Sept. 25 at 1 p.m. AIlI classes of herses te be soid. For information and consign- monts please contact William A. Ceollins, proprioton and auctioneer 416-355-2725. AIl consignments are welcome. 37-2 Aucf ion Sale Saturday, September 18 at 12 o'clock 6 mil es south et Trenton and 3/4 mile east ef Highway No. 33 on the 2nd, Concession et Amelias- burg. Tunn at Radar Towers. 79 head et Charolais Cattie censisting etf: 32 Charolais cews withcaives at side. Some et the langer calves will 'bo sold sepanate. 14 Charolais heiters bred te freshen in 1977, 1 Purebned Rogistered 3/ French Charelais Bull (2,000 ibs.> These cattle have been bred from registered stock and are of gaod type and colar. David Brown 995 tracter, Allis Chaimers 2 now forage han- veston, fuilli11neofetmodern farm machinery. Quantity et baled hay, sfraw, 1,000 bu. et eafs, 40 acres standing cern. Walter Tenny - Owner. Bob Sullivan - Auctioneen. Plain- field - 613-477-2672. 37-1 Auct ion Sale on Sat., Sept. 25 or Oct. 2 in case et nain. Display and sale 10: 00 a.m. -1 p.m. auctien atterwards. South et Knox Christian Scheoi, Scugog St., Bowman- ville. 37-2 Auctien Sale Grist Mill Auction Barn Newtonville, Fni., Sept. 17t'h S7:00 p.m. Oid china cabinet, drop front desk, hall tables, 3 Pc. bedroom suites, washstands, dressons, chests et drawers, rockers, cnecks, sealers, trunks, dishes, Quebec heafen, space heator, smali1 box stove, Dominion piano, ceai skuttles, fridge, stove, wringon washer, dryer, pool table, cushioned loveseat, vacuum, bikes, nug, 'beds, copper log basket, etc. Tenms: Cash. Auctioneers: Stapleton Bros. 786-2244. 37-1 Real Estate Auction 3 Valuable Acreages Sat., Sept. 18 i. 39 acres, about 4 miles nonth et Newtonville, lot 2, donc. 4. On Starkville Road, 2 miles east et hi9hway. Build- ing Permit available. Creèk. Sale at 9:30 a.m. 2. 52 acres, 4 miles west et Bowmanville, about 1500' south et No. 2, on Sauina noad. Sale at 10:30 a.m. 3. 49 acres north et Osh- awa, 2 miles east et Simcoe St., 3 miles south et Port Perny, on Shirley Road. Sale af 11: 30 a.m. Look for aur signs at each preperty. Sale subject te lew rosenve bld. CONTACT: Liptay Auctioneers Ltd. R.R. 1, Bowmanville Phono 416-263-2117 36-2 Auction Sale. Seiling by Public Auctien for Ciare Cha pman, second farm west of Kirby Store, off 115 and 35ý highway, Clarke Township. Farm machinery and heuse- hoid effects on, Thursday, Sept. 30 at 1 p.m. Herse drawn impiements, spreader, pîew, mewer, disc, wagon, eld iren, iadder, (30 ft.) cutter, parts of toilet sets, butter bewi, jars, desk, washstand, saddle, brass bed, green gardon gato. fence, rope, dishes, two olç cradios, large quantity 0 -ý- smaii articles. Lots of these things are oid antiques. First sale in 6 generatiens. Barns are geing down. No roserve. Terms cash. Leek at the day and date aai n. Hope te seo yeu there. Lawrence Harris, cierk. Cliff Pethick auc- tioneer. 37-3 Auctien sale, furniture and antiques including iamps, tables, raiiread lanterns, foie- phone, hall tree, recking chairs, volume TP Weeki y washer, dryer, crocks, Fran k lin steve, dressers, hutch, pine, washstand, toilet set, wîcker, tools, numereus ether articles, the preperty ef Ross Disney, Greenwood Village, 5 miles west of Brookiin eff Ne. 7 highway. Watch fer signs. Saturday, Sept. 25-11:30 a.m. Terms cash, ne reserve, lunch availabie. Earl Gausiin, Norm Faulkner auctioneers. 37-1 Auctien Sale. Seiiing by Public Auctien. Sat. Evening, Sept. 18, Wednesday Evening,' Sept. 22,'and Sat, Evening, Sept. 25 at. Pethîick's Auctien Barn, Hayden, 1 mile east of Enniskilien at 7 p.m., Sept. 18. Chest freezer, elec. fridge, eiec. steve, 2 bedroom suites, dining reom suite, like new (9 piece), kitchen suite, lamps, edd chairs, automatic washer used 6 times, band saw, skiii saw, gardon tools, bther teols. Theso are eniy a few of the thnsbeing effered fer sale atray night. The abeve articles and mere was the preperty ef the late Charles Mowat, Orene. Ne Reserve, terms cash. (Sale tîme 7 p.m.) Cliff Pethick auctieneer. 37-1 Wed. evenin gAntrau- tien sale Sept 22, a large quantitiy of furniture and thing s from an Oshawa home. Remember this mid week sale and date at 7 p.m. aise at Pethick's Auction Barn.ý Auction Sale fer Mr. and, Mrs. H. Strong, Lot 12, Corn. 4, Darling ton Twsp. N. of Bew- manv ilile', lst place nerth of Golf Course on Middle Rd. Farm implements and seme furniture. On Tues. afternoen Sept. 21 at 1 p.m. John Deere tracter 20-10 gas used 50 hrs John Deere baller, side dç' very1 rake, new HollaÈ_ moer, 7 ft. Cut, 3 peint hitch, Ford tracter N9, two furrew plow fer same, saw frame for 3 point hitch, 2 wheel trailer, die Set, 2 circular saw blades, chain saw, 2 fonce gates. Large Quantity of lumber, fonce stretchers. Ne reserve, Cliff Pethick auc- tioneer. 37-1 Auctien sale Saturday, Sep- tember 18, 1:15 at Bannisters Auctien Hall, besido Fire Hall in Bewdley, censisting of drap loaf table, pedestal, oak !ce box, eak bed, tables, chairs, dishes, glassware, oul lamps, Hoover spin washer, Lleyd baby carniage, portable TV's, books, and ether items stîli being censigned. Reger Banni- ster auctioneer. 37-1 Monday, September 27 1 p.m. Furniture &Antiques Auction sale including round eak table, 6 chairs, eak buffet, China cabinet, 3 pc. wîcker set, small bedreem box steve, brass double bed, antique chesterfield and 2 chairs in excellent cendition, Admirai TV, pressback rocker, antique bedroemn suite-excellent con- dition, antique chairs, severai antique tables, pine pieces, Mantel dlock, waIl brackets, 2 trunks, quilts, dishes, pine cupbeard, copper beiler, chests of drawers, antique tea stand, miro rs, Vi king wringer washer, pictures, cracks, large number of fruit lars, antique dishes, teels, garden teels, electric lawn- mever (new>, the property et Mrs. Cecil Heard, 31 Kig St. in Uxbridge (from Commerce Bank north te corner of King St.) Lloyd Wilson, Sales Man- ager & Auctioneer, Uxbridge, 852-3524. 36-3