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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1976, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 15, 1976 13 Auction sale, choice anti valuable collection c antique dlocks. Many pri Cranberry ware and china. Select assortmei antique furniture. Foi ample: One Jacobian Sel pce. - rocker - armi Orthophonic Victrola, replica of Antonlus S- varius, curved glass c, china cabinet, Limoges p lain, lamps, lanterns, excellent quality Solid und table dining room ý_JIlf.) Buffet and Serving flus 6 chairs (beautiful c ~ion). Edison cylinder1 Gramaphones, CLO' Pequegnat Canadian, Thomas, Banjo0, Mz carriage, Mantel, Gi bread, Hall Canadian, deil, Grandfather (3 c Regulator, Calendar sc ornate, wag, inlaid, ca Pendulum; Rocking c wicker carria ge, beaver er, Vienna Pitcher, anr smoke stand, antique ci wooden washing mac crocks, nice olde love tables, olde butter disheý prints, very ornate tea urn, blue glass pitcher, Ei Rocker, Brass bed, smali walnut cabinet', ci Amberina pitcher. car vrilass, Wedgewood china, ransfer print vase, Crant items (many), Aladdin (marbie base), Gilt AIab picture frames, hanging with prisms, woodenc mi11, etc., etc. Please not this is a mere partial list. some 2th century dom chattel and expedients. S day September 25, 1:00 in t he Antique Gallery, L Antique Auction Ce Peterborough, Highway( and Bensfort Road, at fi light just east of the Otor River. Sale conductec Liptay Auctioneers Auctioneer Steve Liptay. World Champion Auctior Antique - Palomnino - McMahon, Peterboroug R.R.6 - Lot 2 Con. 9, Doi take Parkhill Road east t 8th Con. 4 miles eas- Peterborough. Saturday, femnber 18, 1976 at 1:00 pý Organ and horse hair s Singer sewing maci woven stand; Vi ctro la; tain's chair; World Enc, pedlia 1917; Pine Bu Sidboard; Quilting Frar Battery Radio; Fine Kil Cabinet; Railroad Lanf 0larlour Table; set of ir ýtes; beils; picture frê ~.atr;tea pot, etc. AI head of Herefords. 1 Ara Mare; 650 bales of hay;-c posts; and numerousc items. Sale Manager & tioneer, Ed McMorrow, 730, Lindsay. Telephone wood 22 R 14. Saturday, Septem ber 12 Noon Farm Sold Auction sale includini Head of cattie, 22 sti charolais Hereford <1-2 oids). Hostein Heifer du October, MF 165 Diesel 1 tor with, cab and p steering (good), 467 Hay 7' (like new>, N-H 273 baler, Oliver sîde rake, In 3 furrow T-B plow, Int. 10' 45 Vibra-Shank Cultivato pt. hitch) JD No. 34 Mai Spreadler - 2 yrs., Wagon Rack, MH 15 run seedc Sedor Snow Blower new), Int. Side Rake,i Hammer Miii, and Bel sections of harrows, 32' elevator on carniage, g augers, land rilier, buncher, cockshutt mou. mowgr 7', grain dryer, riding lawn mower (go cattie clippers and dehori 2 farrowing crates, si plow, AC No. 66 Combine. Insilage Cutter set of sli extension ladder, pile f r minerai feeder, electric fi posts, wagon load, 2500 b of hay. Furniture: Heintzman F and Bench (excellent cc tion), organ stool, wicker stand, 2 dressers, Moffati stove,' kitchen cupbc tables, bath tub, laundry t washing machine, 2 li crocks, windows and do jars, fruit jars and numei other items. The property of lrwin K, R. R. 1, Uxbridge, Lot. 9, 4, 1/ mile north of San df Owner and Auctioneers responsible for accidenti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *. ... .. . .. . .. . ,'-'.. .. A pedia, 2 single beds, black white TV, lamps, pots ga ns, dishes, chrome st lender and mixer, pi table, sleeping bags, ti saw, toals, many c articles. The property of R PEW on Cemetery Roa( Uxbridge off Hwy. 47 bel Beach Equipment. Lloyd son,' Sales Manager &Auci eer, 416-852-3524. drill, Farm Auction Sale, Live- (like stock, Machinery, Antiques Gehi for Ran Robinson, Lot 11, Con. t, 5 4, Cavan, 1 mile south of hay Mii1brook, on Ga rden Hil11 Rd., mrain 1/2 mile west. Thursday, Sept. hay 23, 1:00 pm. LIVESTOCK: 1 înted purebred Hereford with Sim- 1JID mental caif, 1 purebred Here- ood), fard with Hereford caif, 1 ners, grade Hereford with Sim- ingie mental caif, 1 grade Angus iInt. with Charolais caif, 1 grade ighs, Angus with Hereford caif, 1 ails,g rade Hereford due in Nov. fence ?Charolais bull), 1 grade baies Angus with Angus caif, 1 two 'ao year Holsteincow, 2 Hereford ondi- and f ive heifers, 7 Igeese, 25 fern Spring white Mountain mixed. t 30" FARM IMPLEMENTS: Mas- îard,' sey Ferguson tractor with ubs, Aied loader, 2 bucket, 165-M- ýarge Power, 1 Massey Harris 44, ,1 oors, Cultivator- International, 1 nous low MF 3F-12, Disk-tiiier 6, bd, adles, 2 hay elevators, Hay ydmower M.F. new, Harrows, Con. Post Haie Auger, Manure ford. spreader, John Deere Na. 5 not Mower-new bar and guards, ýs or aid hav rake, 2 hay wagons ivail- (single wheel) HOUSEHOLD p. ITEMS: . . . ANTIQUES.. . iager parior table, hall table, 1899 idge, Pot beiiy parlor stove,, 2 pine cupboards, pine table, rocking 37-2 chair, 1 pressback chair, 2 - washstan ds, potato bowi, 18 larae niatter, butter press,' crack, chamber pot, 2 oid couches, Finlay waad stave, g26 Piano (EVANS) (recondition- ffer, ed, new feits and straps... This beautiful tone). MISC ELLAN- iams EOUS: 1972 1/2 ton Chev... Deep '70,000 miles certif ied, stock tion racks, 3500 bales of hay, grain, iytag roler, sump pump, 2 large pane. tables, scaies, cedar posts, ýpane cedar rails, aid iumber,sieigh, i, 2 brand new C.C.M. bike, sad- ains, dies and biies, variaus pj% harness, other misc., Sale le-6 canducted by Liptay Auctian- RCA eers Ltd., Steve Liptay, bies, Auctioneer. No reserve. ing 37-2 5ft of and ild's COUNTRY yco BA RGAIN MART and Consigniments Wanted and- Praduce, Househoid Items ;uite,, Livestock, Antiques cnic or What have you? tabie Turn them iînta dollars. then zoss Phone 263-8226 ?hind SEPTEMBER 18, 1976 Wii-. lstfarmnwest of Enniskilîen tion- Village. 36-2 37-1 Wednesday, September 29th. Giviïïng up farmine. Auction sale 0frivestock, implements and furniture. The property of David Ness north ha if Lot 3 west Commu- nicator- Road,' Smith 'Twp. 1/2 mile north of Brookdale Plaza on Chemong Road at Peter- borough (west side). 13 head of Purebred and Recorded Charolais Cattie, catalogues availabie on request. 1975 M.F. 265 diesel tractor, com- gietelye ýLJipped, ap rox. 40 manure loader, heavy duty bucket, lift forks. 1975 M.7F No. 84 4-16's trip beam plough 3 pt., 1976 M.F. 124 Baler P70 - floatation tires - baled 7000 bales. Triple K type 12' cultivator 34 tooth 3 pt., Horst 8 ton rouler bearing wagon, with- new rack 8'X20' -ý floatation tires. 1973 New Idea 9' mower conditioner PTO, 4 Star post hole digger, Nelson heated waten bowl, 2 cattie oiiers, tandumn trailer, ferti- lizer spreader, fertilizer, 20' George White hay elevator new motor, 12 laying hens, fujll uine of machinery. Approx. 7000 bales mixed hay . Some baied straw. 1973 Kelvinator 21 cu. ft. deep freeze, 2 chesferfields, G. E. colour television, colonial couch and chair, square dining room table, buffet, 6 chairs, queen size bed, glass coffee and end table, wing back chair, brass lamp, kichen table and chairs, many other items. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Furniture at 12:30 p.m. Ma- chinery at 1:30 p.m. Cattie at 3:00 p.m. Cari Hickson Auc- tioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324- 9959. 37-2, Farm Sold- - Saturday, September 18th. Auction Sale of Livestock, lm plements and Household Furniture. The pro- perty of Ea ri Thurston, Lot 29, Con. 9, Ops Twp. 6 miles north of Lindsay on Hwy. 36 or 6 miles west of Dunsford. 50 head of Hereford stocker steers from 600 to 800 lbs. Cattie will be weighed morn- lng of sale and sold by the pound. M.F. 35 diesel tractor complete, like new with Rob- bin hydraulic bucket manure loader. Model D Case gas tractor live power. .1970 New Holiand 273 Baler PTO - super tn eam piough, New Idea 7' tra iltpe power mowen, New idea si de rake, Int. 13 disc combination seed drill, Cock- shutt 625 manure soreader, 150 bus. PTO 2 rouler bearing with racks, 1973, Detson 6' snow blower, auger type, 24' hay elevatoôr, h21' grain auger, 1967 Dodge 3/4 ton truck with rack, 1967 Gaiaxy 2-door car, elm piank, cedar lumber, full uine of machinery, 20 laying hens, Heintzman piano, round oak dining room table, 6 chairs, combination desk and book case, Viscount electric dryer, Simpiicity washen spin dryer, Beatty washer spin dryer, square dinirig room table, antique cupboard, bed- chesterfielâd,eViking 30" heavy duty electric stove, 3 power lawn mowers, well pump. Terms cash. No reserve. Furniture sale at 12:30 p.m. Machine sale at 1:30 p.m. Cattie sale at 3:00 p.m. Carl and Greg Hickson, Auction- eers, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324- 9959. 35-3 Saturday, September 18 10Oa.m. Furniture &Antiques Auction sale including Ham- mond Electnic organ, 2 manual (excellent condition); 6 piece dining room suite, consisting of aval table and four chairs & china cabinet (like new); Panasonic Tape recorder; Viking Stereo; Clas- sical records; Dinner setting for six; Coal ail- amp; pictures and antique frames, RCA Television; Chesterfield - makes into bed; lamps; pair 0f end tables; coffee ta ble; recliner chair;, mahagany chest 0f drawers; bed; wash- stand; coal1 box, slide p rajector and screen; bedraamn suite; 9 x 12 red broadloom; Elna sewing machine; 9 x 15 rug; Antique dishes; black wedgewood vase; blankets and miens; all electrical kitchen small ap- pliances; set of silver; oval mirror; 2 table iamps; kitchen table and four chairs; wicker chair; china cabinet; vanity; 9 x il green broadoom (excellent condition); glass- ware; knee hale desk; cane battam chair; set of lined drapes; ,numýerous ather articles. The property of Mrs. ETHEL MOORE, 72 Spruce St., in Uxbridige. Sale will be heid in the parking lot beside the a partment building oppo- site tM station. Liayd Wil1 son, Sale Manager & Auctioneer, Uxbridge 416-852-3524. Satunday, Sept. 18 - At 12:30 P.M. - Clearin g Farm Auctian of high qualiiy John Deere Fanm Machinery, some Antique furniture, electnical appi lances, etc., - the property of Jahn Maw - lacated 1/2 mile east of Myrtle, on Durham Regionai Rd. No. 5 (formeriy 9th Conc.) approximately 4 miles nonth af Brooklin. Partial list includes: oak curved glass china cabinet (a beauty); aak table with 2 leaves; aak carved buffet; oak dresser with mirrar; pine bianket box; press back high chairs; wicker pram; hand made oak bed; treadie sewing machine; quantity of aId callectable toys; tables; dame trunk; books; mron kettle; trunks; mcClary "ROYAL Charm" coai & wood stove; Speed Queen washer; Woods freezer; electric heater; John Deere "1020" tractor com- plete with industrial loader (like new - only 712 hrs.); J-D tRtary mawer; J-D 3 furrow tnp bealm plaw (14"); J-D model "R" spreader; J-D cultivatar 10'; J-D post hale bugger- -34T", J-D matenial- bcket 7' 3 pt. h. attachment box; grain auger; 4 sect. harrows; hay tedder; bale fank; seed drill; 3 drum land nouler; trailers; scaies; aid fanning miii; grain bagger; 60 rad new-,fence; wheelbanrow; vide; 3 ft. h. circular saw with extra blades;' quantity of lumben, toals; forks, shovels etc.; laddens; iran pump and mnany more miscellaneous items. Everything in this sale has been well cared for, and machinery is just like new. Terms cash. No reserve. Property sold. Refreshments available. Kahn Auction Services - Phone 985-8161. 36-2 Monday, September 20 12: 30 p. m. Furniture &Store Goods Auction sale includling ladies 3 speed bicycle, childs high rise bicycle, Dura jet pump, antique cast nron bath ub, childs playschoi desk, barbeque, hibatchi, weed sprayer, trailer, 9' x 12' rugs, 7' x 50 binoculans, 4 cycle awnmawer (new this spning), antique hand drawn fine dept. hose reel (with hase), taais and wrenches, stainless steel1 parts box, stave, fixtures,i hangers, dress racks, woad4 stove, car radar senteny, 35 mm. nemote contralled Argus pr jector plus cartnidges,1 G.Eý. refrigerator-freezer( combination, aId books and1 sheet music, Indian brass1 coffee table, new ladiesi blouses, sweaters, slacks, run-1 ning shoes, cosmetics, !ce1 packs (aIl sizes), toys, regular size maffress, Maple iLUi=,s pictures, Webster (paint) airE compressor. Doors, double1 hung wood sash and framesc and Alum. storms, 8 ft. woad gnain couniter top and sink1 tp, coioured bath and sinïk,1 white bath sink and tailet, Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Pûirposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 I L'il s Realtor Bus. 623-6121 Wednesday, September 22 12 Noon Real Estafe - Furnifure Antiques Auction Sale including very large brick home on large lot, 66 x 165, at 35 Brock St. E. in Uxbridge. This older home has 4 large bedrooms and bath on 2nd floor and 6 rooms on the main floor. Terms $5,000 down day of sale, 30 days to arrange balance. For furthen infor- mation contact Auctioneer. Also selling ail the contents of this large home. 9 pc. carved oak dining room suite - an unusual beautiful piece, poster bed, maple bedroam suite, round walnut table, walnut bureau, tea wagon, roll top desk, wicken library table, walnut sideboard, book- cases, silver pieces, several pictures and paintings, swords, mantel dlock, brass lamps, glass bookcase, chests of drawers, very large num- ber of dishes and antique Yieces, 1966 Chevrolet (as is). Th is estate.will be one of the most interesting sales of the year. Many, many items not listed. Sale at 12 noon sharp. 2 auction rings. Real estate at 3 p.m. The property of the Estate of the Late Wm. Hogg, 35 Brock St. E., in Uxbnidge. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbridge, 852-3524. 36-2 Saturday, Septem ber 25th Farm Sold- Auction Sale ai Livestock, Imnpiements, Some Furniture. The property ai Ernest Telford, Lot 32, Con. 9, Veruiam Twp. 6 miles north ai Bobcaygeon on Hwy. 649 and 1 mile west or 5 miles north af Fenelon Falls on Hwy. 121 and 7 miles east on County Rd. 36. 38 head of Hereford Cattie. 17 mature Hereford cows with 17 calves by side. Hereford heifer due sale time. 2 Hereford heifers 2 yrs. aId bred. Purebred Hereford Bull 3 yrs. old. M.H. tractor for parts, Cockshutt 415 trail type 7' power mower, Int. 3 bar side rake, Int. 3 - 11I's ace bottom plough, Int. 18 tooth trail cutivatoir, Cockshutt 4 wheel- ed manure spreader, rubber tired wagon. A.C. 28-42 thresh- ing machine with shredder and grain thrower, cutter, set of sleighs, tanning mili, 1962 Fan go 11/2 ton truck with platform, 1963 Chev. car, full I ne of machinery. Iran sap kettle, separatar, square extension table,,chairs, wash stand, rocker, antique chest of drawers, antique cupboard, dash churn, butter bowl, coal _oi lamps, gas lanterns, alad- din lamp, toilet' set, cracks, iran pots, many other items.. Terms Cas h No Reserve. Furniture Sale at 1:00 p.m. Machine Sale at 2:00 p.m. Cattle Sale 3:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneen Reaboro, Ont.,705-324-9959. 37-2 Wednesday, Sept. 22nd. Farm Sold. Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, Trucks, PCV License, Same furni- ture. The property of Cliff Linstead, Lot 12, Can. 6, Georg an Twp. 21 2 miles west of Suzton and 21/2 miles south on Con. 6 or 212miles east of Dan Mîlis, Int. 460 diesel tractar, John Deere 60 gas tractor. 1973 Belairs diesel tractar 871 hrs., M.F. super 90 diesel tractor, power steening, remaîts, good. M.F. 85 gas tractor. John Deere 40 gas Crawler Loader. 1975 Ford F750 double decker livestack truck with PCV license, 1964 GMC livestock truck, 1959 GMCbulktruck box, hoist and blower, 1956 Fard truck box, racks and hoist, 1955 Int. 180 truck with freezer van. Int. 4 furrow plough -ftast hitch. Int. 10' tandem disc, 1974 Ford 8' snow blower PTO, Howard 6' rototiller PTO, 1974 Clark 400 g-i field sprayer 30' booms. Bulk 4 tan gra i n vator on wheeis. Tri ple K type 3 pt. hitch cultivator, McClaren oat raller, 1500 gallon Husky liquid tank, Husky liquid pump, New Imbersai chap mixer 2500 lb. capacity. 13 farrowing crates, 4 bulk self feeders, fulll une of machi- nery. Benkel meat suicer, stynafoamn insulation, 2 glass show cases, sofa, gas heater, table and chairs, iamps, dishes, many other items. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Furniture Sale at 1:00 p.m. Machine Sale at 1:30 p.m. Truck with PCV license seils NEWCAST LE Beautiful stone side split on a big country lot. 3 bedrooms, large bnight living - dining room, 2 baths, family rooM with stone fireplace. 20 x 40 pool, a Iovely family home just waiting for you ta mave in. The vendors have bought and are anxious f0 see an offer. Asking $67,900.00 623-3911 PONTYPOOL AREA-89 acres. with a surveyed plan of 24 - 1 acre lots, and about 24,000 white spruce and pine Christ- mas trees on balance of the property. PONTYPOOL - 4 bedroam house with sepanate D.R. and small barn on lot 52 x 262. Excellent family home right in the village close ta every- thing. HAVELOCK - mobile home- site on lot 110 x 220. Dilied well, septic system, telephone cable and water uines instal- led. Askîng $12,000. BLACKSTOCK - 3 bedroam il/2 storey home, separate D.R., new wiring, insulation and vinyl siding, asking $41 ,900. ENNISKILLEN - 2 storey 5 Ibedraam Century ,Home, 2 lbaths, sepanate D.R. and 3/ acre beautifully landscaped lot, with circular drive and large stone f ireplace Bar- B-Q. Vendons anxious., Asking $65,000. BOWMANVILLE - 2 bedraom il/2 storey semi with separate DR., aluminum siding, paved drive and 8' x 12' sundeck, Very central, asking.531,500. BOWMANVILLE- 2 bedraom semi, has new kitchen cup- boards and broadîoom. Very central, ideai for the widaw or young couple, asking $27,000. BOWMANVILLE - we have 3 brick semi detached homes, with 3 and 4 bedrooms and braadloam. One has 4 appui- ances, priced from $40,000 to $45,500. REESTATE IMITED 1 181 CHURCH, STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LlC 1T8 623-4428' 3 Years New with lots of space s a 3 bedroom aiuminum beauty in Orono. Try your offer. Asking $47,900.00. Easy Commuting tram this 10 acre country praperty with 3 bedroom bungalow, tinished nec. roam. Smaii hanse barn. Excellent land for hanses. Corner, location. ,Asking $85,000.00 17 Acres of pivate retreat propenty, mostIy treed with smali cabin, and natural spring. 20 miles tram Bow- manville. Only UJ7,900.00 with $3,000.00 down. Spotless 3 bednoom backsplit with patio and garage. Frank- lin firepiace in nec. roam. On lange pnivate lat in Newcastle. Asking $53,900.00 37-1 Pontypool - Immaculate 3 bednoamn split level home on a lot 120' x 156'. Has 2 car garage, paved driveway, roug hed-i n tineplace, walkout to patio, extra goad quality braadloom, spaciaus raoms. Priced ta selI. Will accept trade in an near Bowmanville. Commercial - Excellent cor- ner location one block tramn centre 0fBowmanville. Store, wonkshop, smali office and large apartment. Asking $75,000. Terms available. Three Units - Lange ioveiy 3 bedroom home with carpont and fineplaces for owner and two more apartments fan rentaI purposes. Could be ideai set-up for a live-in land- lord. Caîl for details. Asking $79,900. Tenms. New Homes - Four ta choose from in a quiet court. ýVith famiiy raam, fireplaces, gar- ages. Priced -tram 565,900. Tenm s. After Hours: S. Annis P. Kowa J r. 623-7664 623-5868 37-1 ZION RD. - 10 ACRES with 4 bedroomn ranch bungalow, fireplace in fînished rec room, swimming pool and ternific view. Asking $119,000. 3 ACRES - with large home, 2 barns and creek on property. North of Bowmanville and onlv $68,900. 50 ACRES VACANT LAND idealfor the executive type home, spring on property, located near village of Tyrone. Cail 728-7328. OPEN HOUSE This Week-end Sept. 18 and 19, 1976 2 p.m. fa 5:30 p.m. at 345 North St., Newcast le $69,900. for this large angel brick, 3 bedroom sidesplit with special family room, on extra large lot. Nlorth at 4 corners o f Newcastle, watch for signs. After hours please cail: Allan Werry 263-8190 A. O'Boyle 576-1224 A. Louis Voif 728-7068 EdVarga 728-6322 Steve Englerf 728-5581 Joe Leclerc 725-7976 Shirley Clancy 725-6616 'Alan Glaspel 723-7618 EarI Hannan 728-1770 Linhda Lang 725-7960 37-1 Wanted to Buy Bowmanville Area House in $30,000 fa $50,000 range, must be well financed. No real estafe deals accepted. PHONE EVENINGS983-5985 37-1 !I filM? R. "BUD" Gvirtue 118 King Street East, Bowmanville 623-2967 Lake Scugog - Furnished 2 bedroamn cottage, overlooks lake on nicely treed street, asking oniy $20,900. Inspect it now and try your offer. Bowmanville - Vendor forced ta seli this lovely 4 bedroam home. Family roomn with fireplace, walkout ta rear yard, nec and games roomn in basement, attached garage, many other extras. Asking only $64,700. Excellent terms. Port , Hope - No. 28 highway, pnice reduced on this brick and frame bungalow that 4th needs finishing inside. Lot 122 30M. x 264. Asking $30,900. Could be a fine home for anyone with 37-1 întegrity. Cali ta day. - 37-1 JEAN ýER s~ I 477RilonRd, S. Backsplit - Shopping Centre Area Vendons transferring, anxious to seul this 4 bedroom back- spuit, north of Gibb St. on Durham Court. Walking dis- tance ta Oshawa Centre. Onl'y $3,000 down payment. Living roam, dining raom and kitchen, fenced yard. See it now., Bowmanville - 4 Bedrooms Newly deconated 4 bednoom home with plush canpeting and 2 piece and 4 piece bath. Recreation raam, large lot, double sized driveway, $41,900. Peterborough - Ashburnhamn By The Lake Bovis Home, 5 piece bath, nicely decorated, drapes, dishwashen, split ent rance, $3,000 ta $4,000 clown. $44,900.. See if now. Starter Home with Incarne 3 bednoom bungalow with a oneý bedroom apartment that rents fan $160 per month. Above g round pool, 2 stoves, 2 nefnigerators, large $35,000 martgage at 10 per cent at $317 per month. Hause only $52,900. Let the apartment, help you carry this home. See it naw. Mechanically Minded Smali 2 bednoom home with third bedroom and nec. roam in basement. Lange concrete garage-ta work on your cars or do body work. Asking $48,900. Town 1 ne east of Oshawa. See if to-cday. $2,000to $3,000 Down Payment 4 bedroam home, close ta schools and shopping. Large yard. Make an offer now. Only $45,900. 37-1 Rea itor, ANTIQUE LOVERS 100 year aId brick home, Newcastle, 36 x 18 ingraund pool, /2 acre, very private, excellent financing, $55,900. Joanne Swadran. 9 ACRES COLBORNE "A" trame chalet high an a hilI with panonamic view of Lake Ontario. 55,000 down, $20,900. N EWCASTLE 3 bednoom home on fully fenced, pool sized lot, 2 baths, nec. noam with stone finepiace and wet ban. Reduced ta $56,000. iris Fowler. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW Spacious 2100 square foot home, nestled on 41 acres of, land. 2 walk around. fine- places. This 112 year aId beauty needs tinishing. $951000. OSHAWA Three bedroom, brick 2 storey, semi. Single attached garage, full basement, 91/4 per cent martgage. Reduced to $56,900. Jim Harbinson. il ACRES- KENDAL Three bedroam cedar home, finished nec roam, 2 waikouts, inground pool, bandering on the Ganaraska Forest. Asking $85,000. Jim Harbinsan._ BOWMANVI LLE Four bedraom sidesplit family roam with fireplace and waikaut. Single attached gar- age., 93/4 per cent first mont- gage. $62,000. Iris Fowlen. 3.5 ACRES - ORONO Century insulbrick home, 2 bedrooms, aIl modern con- veniences, small barn, needs repai r. $34,500. Joanne Swadron. -RSULTS COUNT!'l tMultiple Listing Servicel Oshawa & Districtl SReal Estate Board tff' 25 Scenic Acres near Rice Lake On goad Township raad. Building permit, available. Asking anly $25,000. Easy terms. Cali Charles Reid. Bowmanville Tastefully decorated Semi. 3 bedroams and dining room. Rec-raom needs your fin ishing touch. 35 year 83/4 per cent mortgage. Asking $44,900. Cali Jan Oudshoarri. 5 Acres - Orono Anea Brilliant flowers, shrubs and trees enhance this immacu- late 3 bedroomn brick Bunga- low. Richly bnoadlaomed, completely finished basement, garage. Loaded with extras, only $73,500. Terms. Cali Phyllis McRobbie. Super Starter - Bowmanville This 3 bedroomn Semi is immaculate and well iocated near schools and shopping. Ideal for, a young family. Asking $35,500 an d we can arrange financîng. Cali Tony Klampmaker. 3 Bedroam Backsplit Bowmanville il/2 year aid home in immacule condi- tion, family room dawnstairs, lange living raom, dining raom combination, large lot, car- port. Asking $52,500 with gaod terms. Cali Charlie Reid. $39,900 - $2,500 Down 4 bedroom Townhouse in Part Hope. Large rooms, balcony, separate dining roam. Attach - ed garage. Cal i Bill Turansky. Pontypaal 4 bednoom home sîtuated an 60' x 200' lot, This home has new shag carpet thraughout extremely large living raomn pannelled in teak with a separate dining room and knotty pine Farm style kitchen. New wiring and furnace. An excellent buy at $40,900. Caîl Charlie Reid. Sacrifice - Bowmanville Splendid 4 bedroomn Backsplit Twin home. 2 baths, broad- loomed, finished recreatian roam with bar. Immaculate throughout. Asking $42,900. Terms at 10/4 per cent. Tny an offer--CaîliPhyll!s McRobbie. Oshawa - Taunton 7 roomn 8 year old Ranch style brick bungalow, double gar- age, 114 acre lot. Owner wiil carry mortgage. Must be seen ta be appreciated. Asking $97,500. Clare McCullough. Farm - Orona Area ,120 scenic acres, partially woaded with crystal dlean year round stream. About 50 acres workable, goad rad fr=ag e, briîck farmhouse in nedfrep air. Ail this for only $84,500. E state sale. A Real Good Buy. Caîl Elfie Jast. Owner Transferred - Bowmanvi lie Lovely sidespit with 2-car garage, 11/2 baths, family roam with fireplace. $59,995. Cail Ken Brown. Orono Elegant ranch Bungalow with 20' x 40' imýground pool, waod bur ning freplace, 2-car gar- age wih ma ny extras. Asking $96,900. Cali Kay Brown. Bowmanville Located on quiet street close ta park and shopping. 2-storey 4 bedroom home with in- graund pool. 93/4 per cent martgiage. Asking $55,995. Cali Jan Oudshoorn. Are Yeu Considening a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped ta handie your home needs anywhere in Canada and U.S.A. SCoast to Coast Réal Estatè Service 37£1 Pat Marjerrison 623-4115 Dollie Davey 786,2256 (N ewtonville) Two Blocks From School Spaciaus four bedroomn brick home on iandscaped lot. Separate dining room, 11/2 bath s rec. roomn with fine- place. A good buy at $54,900. Port Hope Unique solid brick, 2 storey home, quiet residentiai street, 2 bedroams, separate dininq room, corner lot. ideal starter home for young, couple. $35,900.00 Newtonville Area 2 acre waoded residential lot, luxury 4 bedroam home, 2 car attached garage, famîly roomn with fireplace - $69,900. 37-1 Be a regular ORED CROSS% Blo$%od0o 'â%no%%r A e I *Êm 2nd and 3rd MORTGAG E MONEY A VA ILAB LE - 5 year term, - Open Mortgages - No payments for three months - No bonuses - No Credit Checks - No inqumry from neighbors - Confidential arrangements made in your home -Bonrow as iow as 51,600 Fast service Cali1 Mr. Wi lks Mortgages bought and sold (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 683-2611 R o - e a g Haydon News Mrý Bill Ashton and baby Paul, Newmarket, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, on Sunday. Mrs. Helen Werry, 'Mrs. Shirley Werry, and Jean, Toronto, were Sunday cahiers at the Lloyd Ashton home. Mrs. Bill Mason, Brockville spent the weekend with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones. Tom Jones returned home from Brockville with Mrs. Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton attended the 5th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. S. Morton, Maple Grove' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Mr., Ronald Ashton, attended the Decoration Service at Bethesda Cemetery, on Sun- day afternoon. ,Messrs. Ian and Kyle Gra- ham attended the Flea Market at Barrie on the weekend. Mrs. J. Jones, Miss Cora Degeer accompanied Mrs. Harry Degeer of Blackstock to Mrs. Meta Kellar's, Oshawa, where a Tupperware party was held. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Potts and family attended the Flea Market at Barrie on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Buttery attended the Orono Fair. Mr. Buttery got lst place for his vegetabje display. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Potts, Cornwall, Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Potts, Cornwall. Mr. Arthur Trewin came home from Port Perry Hospi- tai last Tuesday. Mrs. Meta Read is still a patient in Memorial Hospital Bowman- ville. BURKETON Mrs. M. Argue is a patient in Bowmanville Hospital much improved in health. Our best wishes ta her. Mr. A. Hubbard, Bowman- ville called an neighbors and friends in the village on Wednesday. Master David Grace is spending a week's holidays in Quebec with Rev. and Mrs. E. McCaig, travelling by train. Our sympathy goes out to Mrs. Lloyd Aldred's family and friends, Tyrone, ln the passing of a loving husband. Service was held from the Norcutt - Elliott funeral home in Bowmanville. Interment in Bethesda, Cemetery. Mrs. S. Lavery, Toronto, with Mrs. E. Carnochan. Mr. Donnie Holroyd, Lind- say, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holroyd and family on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Cousins, Oshawa, called on Mr. J. Sinclair ituring -the- holiday weekend. Several from this district enjoyed U.C.W. meeting held in the parsanage in Enniskil- len and viewing the interior of same and meeting aur new minister Mr. and Mrs. Kemply from Sunderland. Service in Enniskillen United Church, Sept. 19, at 9:45 a.m. everyone welcome. Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Stephen- son are now residing in Bowmanville. Mrs. R. Davey attended a sparts day held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Grant, Zion. Relatives and friends attend- ed from Long Island, N. York, Toronto, Oshawa and sur- rounding districts. A bountiful hot supper was served. Wedding beils are ringing. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gatchell, Brooklin, visited neighbors and relatives over the week- end. Strike Avenue, Bowmanville, 3 bedroom bungalow with bedroom in the basement plus a finished rec-rc ASKING $51,900.0 William J. Norris LTD. REALTOR 200 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario Offi ce 683-3364 Res. 655.3911 Toronto 368-4482 REALTY WORLD MEMBER BROKE

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