1 can (9 Oz.) crushed pine- apple 2 - 3 oz. pkgs. orange Jello Peel peaches and chop. Boil with sugar for 5 minutes. Add pineappie and Jeilos. Stir until dissoived. Pour into hot sterilized] jars and seal. Mrs. Marion Knapp R.R. 3 Newcastle HALF & HALF JAM 5 cups diced rhubarb 1 cup drained crushed pine- apple 5 cups ýwhite sugar 3 oz. strawberry Jello powder Boil rhubarb and sugar together for 15 minutes. Add pineapple and jello powder and bringc, to boiling1 point. pour intýo jars. Mrs. Ma rion Knapp, R.R. 3 Newcastle SAURKRAUT SALAD 1 large cani of saurkraut, wïNelI drained 1-2 cup chopped onion 1-2 - cup green pepper chop- ped fine 1-2 cup ceiery chopped fine 1 1-2 cups white sugar 1-2 cup vinegar Mix togethier. Lbet stand overuight. GO0LDEN GLOWV SALAD 1 orange Jeily 1 cup Pineapple Juice 1 cup crushed Pinieappie 1,1cup cherries 14 sp. sait cup boiling water 1 tsp. lemnon juice or vinegar 1 cup grated carrots Rind of one orange Mix together aind let set. SALAD FOR 35 PEOPLE 10 lbs. po'tatoes 2 doz. eggs 2 1-2 lbs. onions 10 tsp. vinegar and sugar About 2 1-2 inches is lef t in a 32 oz. jar mayonnaise. Mix with a large fork. Dorothy Crago %à POTATO SALAD Sprinkie 2 1-2 cups dieed cooked potatoes with: u 1 tsp. vinegar and sugar add 1-2 cup chopped onion 3.' cup mayonnaise (uise only to your choice) add sit, pepper, celery seed to taste Fold in 2 hardi cooked eggs sliced. Chili and serve. Dorothy Crago TUNASALAD 1 lemoni jello1 ï 1-2 cups watexr (hot) 1-2 teaspoon vipegar Mix and let stand in refrigerator until thick but not firm. Stir in 1 cup salad dressing unitil thoroughly mixed. Fold in 1 cup tuna (drained), 2 tablespoons chopped pimn- ento, 1-2 cup finely diced celery, 1 tabiespoon finely diced onion. Put in mold and set in fridge. Vera Dorland, Wooier, Ont. DELICIOUS JELLO SALAD 1 large imne jello 20 oz. can crushed pineapple 1-2 cup mayonaise 1 1-2 cups water (hot) 1-2 cup juice from pineapple Make jello with water and juice. Add mnayonaise. t wiii look curdiy at this point. Let stand uantil starting to set, then whip until foamy. Add the pineappie. Chili. Vera Dorland, Wooier, Ont. PLUM MARMALADE 5 lbs. plums (pitted) 5 ibs. brown sugar 4 orang-,es 2 tenions 1 lb. seeded raisins 1-2 lb. wai.uts. Add the juice oif oranges and lemnons to fruit and sugar. Grate 1 lemon and 1 orange rind. Boil 20 minutes. Sealiin jars and wax tops. Vera Dorland, Wooler, Ont. Recipe Supplemeni of the- Ganadji PEACH JAM 118 peaches 3 oranges put above through chopper 6 cups white sugar Boil until clear (abotit 1-2 hour). Add a few well dratied 1red cherries,- chopped, near the end, Seal in jars and wax tops. Vera Dorland, Wooler, Ont. CUCUMBER SALAD 1 large cucumber sliced paper thin 1 tbsp. chopped onion 1-3 cup vinegar, 4 tbsp. saiad. oi 1-2 tsp. sait 1/4 tsp. pepper Make a marinade of ail the .ingredients and pour over the cucumbers. Cover and let stand overnight in refrigera- tor. Stir occassionaliy. Before serving add saiad où, Stir. Helen Balson, Hampton MARSHMIALLOW SALAD, 2 cans drained crushed pine- appie 2 cans mandrain oranges drained 4 cups miniature marshmal- maiiows, colored 4 cups of coconut 16 oz. sour cream Mix ail ingredients together. Helen Balson, Hampton QUINCE PUDDING 6 large quinces 1 cup iugar 1 cup heavy cream 1/ cup rosewater 6 egg yoiks, beaten 6 egg whites, beaten stiff Rub fuzz from 6 large ripe quinces; pare and quarter them (save -péels for quince jeiiy). Grate quinceS to a puip; add sugar andj cream and mix well. Add rosewater and beaten yolks of eggs. Fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites. Turn into a weii-but- tered baking dish and bake 45 minutes a t 350 degrees. Serves 4. an Statesinan, September 15, 197 MÎOIS:2 AND DELICIOUS: A SENSATIONAL RUM CAKE If you're looking for a dessert that comnbines ail of the best: new ideas in cake baking and easy prepgration, with fool-proof resulti, try a Bacardi Rum Cake. This exceptional cake is a pudding cake baked ini a ring pan and flavored with dry Bacardi light-amber ruin. You can get a reaiiy elegant cake witb the addition of a littie whipped cream topping and the artfui placemnent of pecan halves. The recipe is easy. Just sprinkie chopped pecans or wainuts in the bottom of a well-greased pan, and, after, mixing ail the remaining cake ingrédients, pour over the sprinkled nuts. Then bake one hour. (The full recipe follows). Adding pudding mix to a cake recipe assures that your cake will be moist for days s0 you can confîdently bake one well in advance of a party and cut down on last minute prepar- ations. The real star of the recipe is Bacardi rum. A half-cup goes into the cake mix, and, although the alcohol in the rum evaporates durîng the baking, the delicious mellow flavor of the rum remains. It's your "secret ingred- lent," and your guests wilI demand the recipe as they corne back for seconds. The Bacardi people speak from experience on.thak point since they've been testing reactions to the cake for the past several months. Through a mail-in survey, Bacardi learned that the -ake has been served at bridge clubs, churcjb sociais, special parties and for family dessert. The response to the cake has been overwhelming, with descriptions such as "terrific," "marvelous," and "ýelegant." Many have noted with pleasure the reactions of others to the cake with the "secret ingredient. " As a ring cake with a simple giaze topping, the Bacardi Rum Cake is adaptable to al kinds of uses. It is just right to MICIII-M Ani l yoUUare the one who has to provide the dessert at a Pot Luck dinner, this cake wiii arrive just as monist and attractive as when you made it in your kitchen and is sure to be a hit with everyone. Here is the complete recipe: Cake: 1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts 1 18% oz. package yellow cake mix 1 33/4 oz. package instant vanilia pudding 4 eggs " cup vegetabie oul "2 cup coid water "/ cup 'Bacardi light-amber rum Glaze: 1/ lb. butter 1/ cup water 1 cup granulated sugar ½cup Bacardi iight-amber rum, Preheat oven te 325 degrees- F. Grease and foeur a 1-inch tube pan or 12-cup Bundt pan. Chop the nuts and sprinkie themn eveniy over the bottom of the pan. Mix the cake mix, pudding, eggs, vegetable oïl and water together in a mixing bowl. Stir in the ½ý cup of iight-amber dry Bacardi rum. Pour the batter over the' chopped nuts and balke on the middle rack of the 325 degree oven for one hour., While the cake is baking, take 1/4lb. of butter (one stick) and meit in a saucepan. Add 1/ cup of water and 1 cup of granulated sugar. Bail for five minutes, stirring constantiy. Allow to cooland stir in 1/ cup rum. - Remove the cake fromn the oven and set on a rack to cool. When cool, invert onto, a serving plate. Prick the top of the cake (where the chopped nut layer is) with a- fork and drizzie the glaze eveniy over the top, ailowing it to soak into the cake. The cakze is now ready to eat and énioan ,rd uith its nikt ation. F or instance, you may add whipped creami and halved pecans, or dust lightiy with confectioner's sugar and garniish with powdered fruit such as grapes or cherries (paint fruit wîth egg white and roll in confectîoner's sugar). The folks at Bacardi would like to hear from you after you've tried their rum cake. Their addressis FB3M Distil- lery Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 368, Brampton, Ontario L6V 2L3. If you wouid like a full color illustrated 3 x 5 card for your recipe file, as weii as a free deluxe illustrated bookiet of recipes'for drinks, tunches, snacks, hors d'oeuvres and entrees, write- to the same address. -FUDGE BROWNIES 4 oz. unsweetened chocolate 1 cup butter 3 eggs 2 cups sugar 2 teaspoons vaniila 1 cup chopped wainuts 1 cup flour Method: Grease a 9 inch pan and dust withilour, set aside. Combine chocolate and butter, meit over, low heat. Remove and add -sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Add chopped wainuts. Graduaily add fiur, mix weli. Pour inýo pan and bake in oven at 350 degrees for 509 minutes. Mrs. Deniise Curr, Bowmanville DAD'S COOK IES 11/ cups butter or shortening 2, cups brôwn sugar 2 eggs weii beaten 1/2 teaspoon soda Y4~ teaspoon sait 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup fine coconut 2 cups rolled oats 2 cups flour Mix ail together and drop on greased cookie sheet and press down. Bake at, 350 degrees 10 to i2 minutes. Mrs, Denise Curr, Ar TRAVEL Presenting Bowmanville Travel Centre' LAND Miss Bonnie Morrison For Ail Your Travel Needs, Please Coli One of Our, Experienced Councillors at 623-3182. "YOUR GUIDE TO TRAVEL" Hours: Mon, to Fri. 9:OCto5:-30 Ctosed Wed. Afternoons Sat. 10:00- 1:00- Except Holidays 47 King Street West'