4The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 92 1q76 Section Two Agricultural Ne-ýws by Rod Stork, Assoc. Agricultural Rep. 4-H Club Achievement Day Resuits Some time ago in the news column, we pointed out that the 4-H Agricultural Clubs in the County would be holding their Annual Achievement Days at fall fairs or on their own. Most of the clubs have now completed their Achieve- ment Days with only the Veterinarian and Hope Caîf Club remaining and that the top Caif Club members are taking part in the Inter-County 4-H Championship Show at the Lindsay Exhibition on Thurs- day, September 23rd. Three clubs - the 4-H Swine, Sheep and Beef Clubs held their Achievement Days at Blackstock Fair on Saturday, August 28th. The 4-H Swine Club, under the leadership of Hlarv,,ey Yellowlees was the first to exhibit their projects, with Richard Huggins of Port Perry being first in the Showmanship Competition and Grant Best being second. In the 4-H Sheep Club with leader Jim Coombes looking on, John Ayre of R.R. 4, Bow,ýmanville was the top $howýman in the Sheep lub, With Barry VanCamje in second. In the 4-H Beef Club, Don Rlickard and Neil Alun were the leaders for the year. First in th1e UJunior Showman- ship wýas Mlark Wagler of 11,ckstoc k and second was Wayýne Yellowlees. In the Senior Showmnanship first was Jimi Smith followed by brother CÇary Smith mn second. In the Junior Heifer Class, ý Paul Hlurst of Orono was first and Wayne Yellowlees was second, while the Senior Ileifer Class, Gary Smith was first and-c Scott Bennet was second. In the 4-H Steer Class, first wias taken by Jim Smith and second by Wendy Cornish. The 4-H Landscape-Garden- ing Club held a car tour where all members in the club evaluated each others projects 'INSURANCE WILL PAYVI Public Liability insurance wiII flot only pay legal costs to defend you and judgments agajnsty ou, but wiIl pay first aid and medical costs for injuries to others, whether you are Iegaïly Hable or flot. Investigate personal and ý'pub. lic hiabhty insurance at the James Insurance Agiency Limitled. 24 KiNG ST E,BOX 100 OFFICE 623- 06(. RES. (623-5023 for the year and scored them accordingly. The 4-H Conser- vation and Farm Manage- ment Clubs Achievement Night were held at the Agri- cultural Office in Bowman- ville and members in each of these clubs we re asked to give an oral presentation on the project area that they covered during the year. A panel of judges scored the presenta- tions and in addition, each club member wrote quizzes at the Achievement Night. A number of Achievement Days for various '4-H Clubs were held in conjunction with the Durham Central Fair in Orono on September 9, 10 and 11. Mr. Jeff Nurse of George- town was the judge for the 4-H Dairy Club Achievemnent Day held on Friday, September 10. The Junior Showmanship Competition for Dairy mem- bers - first was Clarence Prins of Hampton and Leanne Van Camp of Blackstock was second. In the Senior Show- snanship section, John De- Vries of Bowmanville was first, and Cindy VanCamp of Blackstock was second. In the competition to pick the top two dairy Showman, John DeVries and Cindy VanCamp were picked as Champion and Reserve Champion respec- tively. In the, Junior Hostein Caîf Class, first was Valerie VanCamp of Blackstock and second was Norman DeJong of, Nestleton. In the Senior Hostein Caîf Class, Cindy VanCamp of Blackstock was first, followed in second by brother Barry VanCamp, also of Blackstock. In the other dairy breeds class - first was taken by John Berry of Orono and Second by Paul Larmer of Blackstock. The 4-H Sheep Club held a Fat Lamb Show in conjunction with the Sheep Show at Orono Pair. Twelve members brouglit out their fat lambs to bc judged by Mr. Dan Emke, of Elmwood, Ontario. First in this Class was taken by John Ayre and second by Louise VanCamp. In the evening, the lambs, were all sold in conjunction with the Steer and Cake Auction at Orono Fair. As well, each member of the 4-H Sheep Club had to exhibit n fleece at Orono Fair and Glen GlaspelI of Oshawa placed the fleece of Peter Coombes in first and that of Doug Larmer of Blackstock in second. In the 4-H Field Crops Section, under leaders John Larmer and Stan Found, 4-H members brouglit out exhîbits of oats, barley, cob corn, or silage corn. Judge of these ;exhibits was Mr. Don Rickar-d of Bowmanville and in the oats section, first was taken by Craig Larmer and second by Dennis Yellowlees, while in the barley, first was taken by Doug Larmer and second by Paul Larmer. In the cob corn class, fîrst was taken by Sue Best of Hampton, in second was taken by Bruce Brown of Newcastle. In the silage corn class, first was taken by Don Prins of Hampton and second by Janet Brown of Newcastle. Each of the 4-H Agricultural clubs were asked to place an exhibit in the 4-H and Junior Farmer Exhibit Tent area at Orono Fair, and in this competition, judged by Don Rickard and Don Glover, first was won by the exhibit from the Hope Caîf Club and second wns the 4-H Field Crops Club. In addition, the 3rd and 4th place exhibits fromn the 4-H Landscape - Gardening Club and the Junior Dairy Club, along with the top two exhibits ATTNTONFARMERSI WHY PAy MORE"? SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY GAS -DIESEL FUEL MOTOR OIL Prompt Deivery Please Caîl Colect Do You Need Money? $29OOO - è$509OOO - lst, 2nd or 3rd Mortgages - Cut Your Payments in Haif - Consolidate Ail Your Loans - Pay Off an Existing Mortgage - Combine 2 Mortgages into One - Purchase or Improve Property Any Worthwhi le Purpose Farmns- Commercial - Residentîal Mike Coughfin Tel1. 705-743-2501 Great Northern Financial Corp. -SAME DAY APPROVALS - will go on to compete ini the competîtion at the Lindsay Exhibition. The exhibit tent area was put to good use again this year, with the 4-H Homemaking Clubs, also, put- ting in a number of exhibits from across the area. This, then, will give you some idea of the active program that 4-H memnbers have been involved in during the past summer and with the excellent leadership demon- strated by the 4-H club leaders, how much young people can learn in the 4-H Program. OBITUARY1 WELLINGTON FARROW A life member of Durham Masonic Lodge, No. 66, A. F. and A. M. Wellington Farrow, died at Port Perry, on Thursday, September 9th, 1976. He was in his 87th year. A farmer aIl his life, east of Newcastle, retiring 13 years ago to live in Newcastle lie was the son of the late William and Annie (Graham) Farrow. Born in Clarke Township and educated at Cowanville school, lie married Aima Perrin on April il, 1916. Mr. Farrow was a member of Newcastle United Churcli, a member of Newcastle Horti- cultural Society and of Orono Credit Union. Surviving are a daughter Wylma (Mrs. Stanley Alun), R.R. 1, Orono, three grand- children, and one great grand- son. Reverend David A. Spivey conducted the funeral ser.vice on Saturday at the Morris Funeral Chapel. Palîbearers were Messrs. William Morley, Alec Martin, Clarence Allun, Eliza Mostert, Robert Stephenson, and Lawrence Milîson. Interment Orono Cemetery. Business Directory Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM Ç. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V. SNODDON 14 Frank Street Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-4597 Residence: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A.' 67 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 HAAR, CHAPMAN & FLETT Chartered Accountants Suite 202, 54 Centre St. N., Oshawa, 728-7363 133 Church St., Bowmanvil le 623-6868 JOHN WINTERS Chartered Accountant RR. 2, Bowmanville Phone 623-5828 Chiropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Ch iropra ctic 270OKing St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointmnent DR. W. M.RUDELL D.D.S. 75 Kin St. E., Bowmanviîîe Office Hors: Mon., Tues, and Thurs., 9 'tiI 5 Wednesday - 9 'tii 2 Friday - 9 'tii 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Off ice Phone 623-5790 PATRICK G. DE EGEN, D.T. Denture Therapy Clinic 33 King St. E., Bowmanville Office Hurs: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:30'ti 5: 00 Wednesday 8:30 Iti 112:00 Saturda y- By appoi ntment onIl' Phone 623-4473 Orono Public School's Wizard of Oz Float A float by Orono Public School students helped to make the Orono Fair parade of local schools a success on Friday. Spectators were given a friendly wave from those playing a part in the Wizard of Oz display by the grade four and five classes. FROZEN, BEEF, CHICKEN, GREEN GIANT FROZEN SALISBURY STEAK OR TURKEY VARIETIES Fancy S weet Peas SavarînHIGHLINER FROZEN iin rs'l OZ Ocean Perch fiIIets PRE-PRICED 93e Joy Liqu 'id FLZ Detergent PLASTIC BTL.9 Bromio Seltzer FAML SI m ]GA (26" 36") 1.5 MIL 1 1 Plastic Garbage Bags CRACKER BARREL Kraft Medium Cheddar Cheese 100% VEGETABLE 011. QUARTERS Blue Bonnet Margarine PKG $149 TENDERFLAKE OF2?à Maple Leaf Lard -Il' ONTARIO GROWN y ONARI NO.1 GADECANADA FANCY GRADE ONTAIO N. i RADEMclntosh Appke FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA Ontarlo CANADA FANCY GRADE Potatoes Petpearsh ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Rutabagas ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Cooking Onions 2LB MRS. LUKES RAS PBERRY OR POLY BAG 2 LB trawuerry Jam WITH PECTIN y 16oz $129 OR SWEET ORANGE PK& Marmalade OZF'AlR IGA 160,$189 Choice Whole PKG, à T o m a to e s OZ TN- 30$159 . - OBITUARY WILLIAM GEORGE BENTHAM <D.V.M.) Employed with the Toronto Board of Health from 1921 - 1946, William George Ben- tham D.V.M., aged 90, passed away in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Sunday, September 5th, 1976, following a year's illness. Born in Enniskillen, ne was the son of the late Richard and Minnie (nee Parish) Ben- tham, and was educated at S.S. No. 17 Darlington, Lind- say Business College, and the Ontario Veterinary College. Retired for 23 years, lie had previously resided in Toronto fromn 1926 - 1946, and at R.R. 2 Burketon fromn 1946 - 1953 where lie farmed. On retiring lie came to Bowmanville ,where he resided at 14 Lover's Lane until his death. A member of Trinity United Churcli, le was also a member of the Masonic Order for 52 years. Dr. Bentham served in India from 1913 - 1920 in the Imperial Army Veterinary Corps. Surviving are three sisters Mrs. F. Millican (Rena) Toronto, Alta Belle, Bowman- ville, Mrs. J. Little (Lenore), a niece and two nephews. Reverend John, Peters and Reverend Arthur Amacher officiated at the funeral ser- vices held on Monday at the Northcutt Elliot Funeral Home Palibearers were- Messrs. Gordon Flaxman, Vie. Cook- son, Melville and Edwin Baker, John and Richard Batten. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. ORONO 983-5206 ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE 89, "~ IGA -REGULAR I UAIllînPî ZEEA. 89Ç Potato Chips PKG. 99e PRICES EFFECTIVE WEO. TO SAT.,SEPT 22-25. TROPHY ~ 49~ WE RESERVE THE RIGHTT-O LIMIT QUANTITIES. PausinSei12 oz.5 PODOUCE 0F REPUBLIC 89'B 0F SOUTH AFRICA 3 Les991, Outspai 2 FOR 391~ Orangeà L. M3e SIZE 112'S7 3-LB AfCDOZ. GAG* 49, 7 1 It' j 1 B 77 King Street East Bowmanvillie BOWMAN VILLE STORE, ONLY dd et eze, ...... . . . . . s -Nd % lu es lm