an A-1 Used Car. f »-If you' prefer to save your money by buYing a used car or demonstrator, look at the '17 models, then ask one of our frien dty salesmen to show you You'II be pleasantly surprised at 'both its condition and value. 1975 MAVERICK 4 door, 6 cylinder, radio. Lic. JPR675. autom atic, power steering, TORINO 2 door, V8, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio. Lic. JTF486. $3995 $4095 97 2FORD F-100 119 2 Li. 7521.V8, standard transmission, radio, radial tires., $ 49 1in974 1973 1973 1973 COU NTRY SO UIRE WAGON Air conditioning, power windows. Lic. 8RM265. POINTIAC LEMANS Air conditionin'g, V8, automatic, power steering and brakes, skrts,.2 door. Lic. AUU617. BUICK CENTURION 4 door, air conditioning, power windows, AMI /FM/ 1Stereo. Lic. HRHO25. PLYMOUTH FURY Il 2 door, V18, automatic, power steering and brakes. Lic HHH187. $3895~ $3595 $3095 TORINO BROUGHAM 10 2 V8, automnatic, power steering en rks 1973Lic. BJP973. 107Q PINTO SEDAN ýl 9724 cylinder, 4 speed, radliais. Lic. EZB448. radio. $3 295 $1895 972 FORD LTD 4door,ý V8, automatic, power steeringan$ 29 il 972brakes, radio. Lic. EBJ483. 1071PONTIAC STATION WAGON *97IIAs is. Lic. HlDJ692. $1 095 976 GRAN TORINO 4 0 2door, in Yellow. V8, power steering and brakes, 4 0 1976radio. Lic. KLB756. ýj976W CUSTOM 4 DOO)R Sedan in Yellow, V8, automatic, power sern 4 0 l()and brakes, radio. GRANADA 4DOOR Luxury Ghia in tlack and Silver. Air condition- ing, Arn tape player, power windows, power~ fJf *1 V f seats, rear defroster, Iuxury interior group ,710 radiais. Lic. KOD17O. 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 DEM ONSTRA TORS 16 1976 1976 1976,1976 LTD 2 DOOR, In Brown. AMIFM stereo tape player, heavy duty suspension, 400 V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radiais, light group, prot. group. Lic. KHY747. GRANADA 2DOOR In White, V8, automatic, power steering and brakes, AMI/FM, radio, interior decor group. Lic. KHY785. PINTO 2 DOOR In Metallic Blue. V6, 2800 cc., AM radio with tape player, Iuxury decor group. Lic. KHYB74. LTD BROUGHAM 4 door, in liglit Blue. AMIFM stereo, radiais, full vinyl roof, 400 V8 engine, automatic, power steer'ing, power brakes. Lic. KTF51 5. TORINO ELITE In Aqua. Interior decor group, powver windows,- wire wheel covers, rear speakers. Lic. KTF621. THUNDERBIRD ln Sîlver Blue. AM/ FM tape, leather trim, power moon roof, power seats, automatic air con- ditioning, automatic light, power windows, radiais, reardefrosters, luxury wheel covers. Lic.1 KTF695. PINTO SOUIRE WAGON Automatic, radio-, deluxe luggage rack. Lic. KTF709. $5350, $4833 $4147 $5641 $6053 $10665 $4490 29King Street East TELEPHONE 623-4481 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. "TeFriendly Peo pie"ý