The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanv-ille. Sept em ber s, 197,6 il IEdito Socia a Mr. WilliE mnother were cently andi Aquilina wh remembered friends. The LadiE were enterta of Mrs. Ra Monday, Sep Last Tuesd rai ladies we a misceilai honor of Mis the hom e of Miss Saliy miscellaneou nor of her c Hamilton, About sixtee this shower evening. Mr. anid M have r-etjirri week holicil Indiana, and Mr. Calvil awVa, visitec his parents, James Murri Mr. andMr and Judithv with Mr. ai Markie, Alys Alliston, the Andrew's fou Miss DalE Cathy Syers; spent the weE parents, Mr. Powell.* Ale end festivitie in the Viiiaîi On Saturdî Newcastle1 Rev. DavidS the wedding Judy Beech Westwood. Mr. and Mford, Trentoi visitors witi Douglas Wri A Brereton ing was enjc3 home of Mr.z Jong, Dere Village gues and Mrs. Alf and Mrs.) Wendy, Tar Nicholson, Douglas Cu and Mrs. J( and Phiiip,]1 ýréreton ar( - -Mrs. Dougl Jamie and Out-of-town and, Mrs. C Mr. and Mns and Tracey,' Brereton, Ci Mr. and Mrs. ane and Jar '-Pat Brereta Gordon and ahl of Port H Mrs. Tom BE Miss Rosa was an over Tuesday wit George Buel day and Thur Mrs. Kathle Village o f N Mrs. Jean Fý ville PUC att Aecounting torian Inn, Wednesday dies enjoyec Night's Drea pearean The Mr. and i ley, Willowdc evening ivisit Mrs. George 6 The Newcastle Indepen dent irs: Jack and Hazel Crago Telephone 987.- wbere they visited their bro- entertained the cl ther, Clayton. their wives Tuesda, (3~ ew agQ~Mr. Gordon Hallowell and at St. John's, Bo' Mr. and Mrs. Verne Webber witb lunch atD and family, Mount Forest, had Marina. dinner with Mr. and Mrs. On the occasion ol Wilfred Wood hast Wednesday anniversary Mr. ciaQ and Herb Gibson are and Personal Mr. and Mrs. George K im- r.Wled odhl a gus tS. Georg ie Woo and bis bail entertained ber aunts, double sbower on Sa> urday Hall on Sunday, O1 .e in Toronto re- Mrs. Ida Plumb, Bowmanville evening for two granctdaugh- from 2 p.m. to 5 p. met Mr. Charhie adMs ereMro ters, Cheryl Pye-Finch, Tor- United Church ho ~ ~ ~ n aseMoh rhst weoe Miloirten, onto, and Judy Wood, Orono. On Sunday, Septei to bis Village Ms arwiuh ely Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett, Rev. David Spvy ville in the afternoon and re- Omemee, were Sunday dinner sermon, "Taking t] ies Euchre Club turned to the Kimball's for visitors with ber mother, Mrs. Task - What about 1 ained at the home dinner. Nellie Spencer. ,e hildren's story, "S achel Dennis on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sta- Attending the Allin-Tachau- Numbers" wasden pt. 2tb. . pleton, Orono and Mr. and er wedding in Toronto, Satur- by Rev. Spivey, m~ day evening seve- Mrs. George Kimbail enjoyed day were 'the groom's family, strings of single,d ,ere entertained to Lindsay Fair ast week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allin, triple strength to neous shower in Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pearce MsGladys ll and viM nd, et ss Helen Yates at and boys spent the weekend in adMr. Genalan d f.Hoaridy On Sundaymet fMrs. Art Tuson. Brampton visiting lber sister, aln. andiMrsaHowardig mt t [y Noden held a Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ruttan, ln ecsl otclt- iiilmeiga us sbower in ho- Karen and Kevin. TheNecsl otut- On Sunday morni )usin, Miss Shirley Weekend visitors 'with Mr. rai Society held its Fall Show 26th, a special il Bowmanville. and Mrs. Albert Pearce were on Tuesday, September 2lst. bulletin was prepar n ladies attended Mr.OieRcadshw Mrs. Mary Miller, Orono was for a record player t ron Wednesday and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Waltontejdefrteeehbt. ereig uh B rampton. The Waltons also Mr. King Baker was guest chairs, pots of haîf-t. vrs. David Foote visited bis parents, Mr. and speaker, The District Conven- board games, and ied from a two- Mrs. Murray Walton and tion will be held in Kinmount, the evening, a cieî îy in Evansville, enjoyed Sunday dinner with October 23rd. sion in the basement à New Orleans. bis sister, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Saturday dinner guests with planned.' n Murray, Osh- Taylor and Bobbie, Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. Harper Kelsey At the manse 1 on Sunday with Last Monday evening, M~rs. and Sandra were Mr. and Mrs. morning service, a ;Mr. and, Mrs. Wihda Johnson entertaineci Ted Irving, Frankford, Mr. was beld on work ay. members of the Bowmanville PeterYork, New South Wales, children, beginniný Irs. Stanley Powell Nurses' Association and some Australia. Ail enjoyed the short lunch and the visited on Sunday visitors. Ail enjoyed Wilda's Oktoberfest festivities at the of intensive -vork. nd Mrs. Wayne pîctures of Yugoslavia. Newcastle Community Hall. The Take a Bre ssa and Andrew, Misses Candy Storks and Birtbday greetings to Mrs. met for its first Fa. e occasion being Linda Williams, Rexdale' Edna Darling, and Mr. Wal- on Sept. 2lst. No m( )urth birthday. spent the weekend witb Mr. lace Couch. held on Sept. 28t le Powell, Miss and Mrs. Bihl Storks. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Ingram, October 5tb, the gro and Mr. Dan Lee , Miss Candy Garrod, Hum- Belleville, ealhed ast week at bowling. ýekend with Dale's ber College, spent the week- Mr. and Mrs. Doug Walton's. The Prayer for tbi and Mrs. Stanley end at home. Mr. Cliff Trewin, Bowman- Tbank you, God,f enjoyed the week- Mr. Gary Johnson, Misses ville was a Sunday caller with day. May 1 fil it to ies of Oktoberfest Glenda. Johnson and Rose Mr. and Mrs. Harve Britton.1 Sept. 20 ge. Gibbons, Belleville, spent the Miss Julie Hamilton, Bow- (Intended for Las lay, Sept. 25th, in weekend with Mr. and Mrs. manville,> spent Friday and Ladies 200 & United Churcb, Lorne Johnson. The young Saturday with bier godparents, T. Langstaff 203, Spivey performed people enjoyed the Oktober- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago. 243, A. Langstaff 2: ceremony of Miss fest activities. Patients in Memorial Hospi- Meta 288, R. Cou< i to, Mr. Russell Mr. and Mrs., Rick Pearce tai, Bowmanville, inelude Henry 201, R. Sin and Kevin and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Gladys Brown and Mrs. Major 279, 211, M.1 irs. Thomas Bed- Wayne Pearce, Vieki and Kirk Elsie Walton.' . A. Buckley 214, 225, n, were weekend were Sunday visitors with Mr. Anglican Church News 245, 227, M. Wade 2 th Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. On Stýnday, Sept. 26th, the Couroux 211, K. Mer igbt. Sunday visitors with Mr. Rector's Sermon was 'Give a Foster 210, F. Perr )n Famiiy Gather- and Mrs. Robin Alldred, Lake Drink of Water'. Flowers at Kidd 201. îyed Sunday at the Shore were Mr. and Mrs. St. George's Churcb in memi- Men 200,& 0O and Mrs. Sierd De Roland Krouak, Pickering ory of Mrs. Mabel LeGreshey, W. Flintoff 218, k and Tammy. and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wood, were placed by bier son, Mr. Kimbaîl 239, J. Gr ýsts included Mr. Orono, Mr. Kirouak is a Pig Reginald LeGresley. 267, B. Farrow 243, ý lfred Garrod, Mr. and Whisthe Dancer. St. George's Felhowsbip Cowhing 222, H. Cla Wallace Couch, On Saturday, Sept. 25, Mr. Group Met on Sunday evening Taylor 230, G. Wats (mmy and Rosie and Mrs. Harold Harris at- at the Parish Hall with about Taylor 205, B. Lewi Mr. and Mrs. tended the fiftietb wedding 15 members present. Various Thurs, Mixed 200) lunningbam, Mr. anniversary of bis brother, members sbowed slides of the F. Lewis 243, G. F obn Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Verne Harris, past summer's holidays and 0. Heard 201, 210,' MVr. and Mrs. Sam Gore's Landing. Harold was trips. A short business period 234, 201, M. Lewî id Irene, Mr. and best man, at the wedding. folhowed when the Club votedt Glanvihle 202, E. Ste l1as Wright and Last Wednesday the Osh- to giv7e $500 to the Chureh. A Friday Mixe 200) 1 Mary Parker. awa Senior Citizens enjoyed a new permanènt moyie screen J. Stere 230), B. KE guests were Mdr. bus trip to the Roekton Lýions is being considered by thîs 265, G. Kentner 228, Charles, Brereton, Safari and Kitchener Market. group for varions functions in 201, 248, M. Henr: s. Jim Jones, Lisa Mrs. Florence Knox, Mrs. the Hall. The usuai turkey Gutbrie 247, 219, I Mr. and Mrs. Bifi Helen Harris and Mrs. Gwen supper for the fahl bas been 202, B. MeDonald "ory and Danny, Gibson tood advantage of this cancelled. Warren and Marg Pearce 224, 211, A. . Marty Brereton, outing., Tait are in-charge of October's M. Vogels 206, L. Wi net, Mr. and Mrs. May we extend heartiest meeting. Rev. Robt. and S. Glanville 214, 241, on and Curt and congratulations to Mr. and Barbara served turkey on a 204, B. Pearce 213, 1Bruce Brereton, Mrs. Herbie Gibson who hun with sahad. 212, S. Niekolson 2( Hope and Mr. and celebrate their Sth wedding- St. Saviour's Anglican Ladies 200 & C 3edford, Trenton. anniversary on Saturday, Oc- Church are sponsoring a card H. Couroux 228,1 ;a Spry, Stirling, tober 2nd. They are reeeiving party at 8 p. m. on Friday witb 246, S. Foster 228, 26 rnigbt guest last guests at the Parish Hall on prizes and refreshments, all 235, B. Major 233, J. ith Mr. and Mrs. Sunday, Oct. 3rd from 2 to 5 for one dollar. On Oct. 24th, St. E. Kidd 200, A. AIl -kley. On Wednes- p.m. SvorsHretEesn Buckley 212, 1 Broi rsday, Miss Spry, Mrs. Gladys Pacey aeeom- will bebhehd at 4:30 p. m. with a Wade 201, R. Cou( en Powell of the panied by bier brother, Mr. pot luek supper following in Holmes 204, T. Lanl ýewcastle PUC and Norman Covert, Winnipeg, the I.O.O.F. Hall, Orono, to 253, Y. Benthey 214 1attrick, Bowman- spent several days with bier wbich ahi the people of St. 200, J. Jones 207, B. ttended the AMEU daughter, Mrs. Brown, Peter- Saviour's and St. George's are Men 200 & 0-. Conference, Vie- borough. Tbey motored to invited. M. Henry 261, G iStratford. On Belleville were tbey visited a Weatber permîtting, the 203, P. Gardner evening, the la- 95-year old aunt in hospital Walkathon wilh commence at 9 Flintoff 276, B. Sta] ýd A Midsummer and bad supper with their a.m. on Oct. 2nd at St. L. Taylor 227, 207,( ýam at the Shakes- brother Walter, Napanee. George's Hall. The walk wilh 258, J. Forrester 22 ýeatre. Mr. Vernon Sunday accom- be via the Lake Shore Road to Lewis 206, E. Taylc Irs. Charles Buck- panied bis grandmother, Mrs. St. John's Church, Port Hope. 255, J. Graham 231, ale, were Sunday Gladys Paeey and bier broth- Come and join the Rector or 224, S. Glanville22 tors witb Mr. and er, Mr. Norman Covert to sponsor a wahker. Tbùrs. Mixed 200 ýe Buckley. Niagara Falls on Sunday Bîshop Alan and Mrs. Read G. Forget 205, B. F Oktoberfest Rabbits a Big Attraction- BIFOCAL SALE 9, 1976 This price includes: " your choice of frame from a combînation of 65 styles, shapes and colours; including mods; " your prescription inwhite, rose or sunglass green lenses. " one year replacement warranty against breafraqe, " your choice from a vvide selection of cases, " 4-oz. botuie of eyeglass cleaning solution; " bifocals in KRYPTOK, FLATTOP ou ULTEX style,ý Next wveek you can buy the inest quality National Bî,iîîî b)ifocal glasses, comiplete wvith the frame of yotir chue e, ai the onie lovv discount PI Ce of only $41 .50.0 iiî prescript ions filIled at the sarne lowv price. Ex trc'nii' Ini i and metal styles are only $ 13.00 mor e. Speciailelnseisiî id fash ion tînt', are a iso availal)le at lov d iscomi nt pi e s COMPLETE' SINGLE VISION GLASSES ARE STILI ONLV $31.00O Charýqex ôrcepte<I lirokeri tramnes repie<l ori iefflacudile liyoi i moi. KRYPTOK ULTEX FLAT TOP 23 Bond Street [ast, Oshoa1wua 728COMPoiANY B4 -4201 lergy and ay morning owmanville )arlington cf their 5Oth and Mrs. receiving ,e's Parish ectober 3rd ?.M. News ember 26th, zlelivered.a the Lord to Him? " The, 'trength in nonstrated who puhled double and Dbreaking L 9th, the for their the Manse. iing, Sept. llustrated ired asking bhat works, ons, easy Llsed paint, lamps. In ean-up ses- it room was after the aworkshop kwith the .g with a in an hour -ak Group all meeting ieeting was th but on -)up will go is week is: for a new full Ghory. st Week) )ver J. Pollard 219, 212, B. ih 207, G. iou 213, B. Major 233, I, . Brown 218, 219, H. ýrer 251, S. rris 247, E. )ver 3,210, 'G. raham 208, 244, 20,8, G. ýrk 212, E. bon 264, L. is 233. ý& Over Foxget 205, W. Forget is 206, B. ,pbens 208. ý& Over :ntner 305, ,R. Burhey ry 240, A. H. Gutbrie Id 206, A. Vogels 206, Vilems 231, L. Pearce R. Pearce >2. )ver K. Mercer i3, N. Neal 1Stere 202, Iin 221, A. vn 234, M. ich 203, J. ngstaff 204, 4, L. Elîs Meta 209, )ver rKimbail 268, W. ipheton 203, G. Watson i9, 205, B. or 203, 281, T. Embley ý3. 0& Over Forget 201, To the west of the town hall,ý a refreshment garden was set up and in the evening, there was dancing in the town bal with the Tiroler Brass provici ing the entertainment. by the Newcastle and District Chamber of Commerce. ELIZABETH VILLE Church services were hehd Sunday as usual Rev. Barthett spoke on, "Making the most of our diffieulties." The choir sang. Next Sunday, Oct. 3rd World Wide Communion will be held. Our a nniversary will be Oct. l7th a, il a.m. Dr. Franklin Banister to be the -guest speakèer. On Oct. 5 the Women's Institute wiii be held at Mrs. B. Wbeeler's at 2 p.m. Convenor Mrs. H. Muîdrew. Last week a meeting was Kentner 215. OJIUUUU11est wda tllganileu neld to plan tne ainner for thle CLERANCESL SEP-T. 30, OCjeT. 1-2 I FENCE GRADE 1 DA TURETLO>W LOW PRICES 6" LONG 4"x4"x' ~ 6CEDAR PICNIC TABLES Legs Bolted - Just Nail Sats and Top 4"x4"x8'on. Nails included. LB4 xà,CASH &CARRY ~47 SOLID ALTERNATE PATIO SLABS (BOND STORE ONLY) 12"' X 24", Grey and Colours in the group. 1x6x5' .89 CASH & CARRY$1 , CASH AND'CARRY O__ý WNED & OPERATED SHOP EARLY FOR BYAAW ODPOUT SLDBEST CHOICE OH W ODPOUT FOUR CONVENIENT SELF-SERVE LOCATIONS HENRY OL HR YUCN HPI ASSOCIATE SiORE CMLT NOR O'FR OSHAWA WHITBY COU RTICE PORT HOPE 100 Bond Street West 223 Brock St. N. Between Oshawa and Bowmanville 37 Orna Street Mo>n- Wed. to 6:00 Mon.- Wed. to6: 00 Mn r.t :0-$i o4o Eter via Richmond Street West Thurs. & Fn to9:OO Sat.f05:30 Thurs. & Fri .to9:00-Sat.toS:00Mo.F 530-Stf 40 Mon.- Fri. to 9: 00- Sa?. to 5: 00 Phone 728-1617 Phone 668-6821 Phone 728-1611 Phono 885-2423 PHASE il Soturday, October 2 Sunday, October 3 from 1 p.m. to5 PONTY POOL, ONTARIO Prinewood E states Qua lity homes by Strahi Construction Ltd. 7 MODE LSTOCHOQSE FPROM priced f rom $44,970 to $49,970 Exclusive Agents -Scujgog Realty 1 LTD. Port Perry, Ontarîo 985-3292 Wilson's at the hall we plan to serye it in. Eight ladies. from here took in the bus trip from Shiloh hast Tuesday ahi reported a good day. They went to Toronto. Mr. Bruce Fowler, Toronto, was home over the weekend. Mrs. Mae Trew was with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mereer a day hast week. Little Alyson. Westheuser celebrated ber fifth birhtday on Friday with a small party. Mr. and Mrs. J. DeKoker, Sunderland and Mrs. Robt. Westbetiser and Alyson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thickson's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Fowler were at their place over the weekend. Several in the area are planning to go moose hunting in the next few days. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mercer, Montreal were home on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. R. Avery and family, Osbawa, and Mrs. Mae Trew were witb Mr. and Mrs. H-. Muldrew on 'Sunday. KENDAL Visiting with Miss Catherine Stewart last Monday were Mrs. Eihean Billings and Mrs. Dorothy Bailey both of Orono and Mrs. Irene Dunbar of Peterborough, also on Satur- day Mr. Ruddi Wilherding of Scarborough. With Mrs. T. Stevens on the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. J. Hellebust, three sons and Mrs. Hellebust Sr. of Norway who is visiting ber son and family. Those from this area who went on the bus trip to Toronto last Tuesday sponsored by Shiloh Were. MIrs.J. Stapleton. Mrs. A. Downes, Mrs. MI. Thybenga. Mrs. Epping, Mrs. W. Turansky, Mrs. A. Low. Mrs. Mary Garczynski and Mrs. J. Carscadden. Some of the places visited were the Todd Morden Mihîs. Some old homes built and furnished as early as 1790, the, restored Don Station, City Hall, and a time for shopping. Ail report a very good day despite the rainy weather. Mr. Arthur Thompson, wbo bas been in hospital for surgery is able to be home and feeling better. Mrs. Catherine Lowery and Mrs. R. Elliott enjoyed a bus trip last week to Sault Ste. Marie and the train excursion to the Agawa Canyon wbere the trees were just at the peak of color. While in Sudbury they had a guided tour of the mines. Cburch service was quite well atttended Sunday morn- ing. We were pleased to have a choir who sang 'In the Garden'. Rev. A. Tizzard's sermon entitled 'Get Going' was based on the prophet ' Elijab taken from I Kings 19:1-18. The bay ride and pienie supper planned by the Sunday Sehool had to be postponed because of weatber conditions. It is to be held next Sunday if weather permits. Y Kendal Anniversary Service is to be October 24, 2:30 p.m. with Rev. David Spivey as guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Elliott of Maple Leaf ealled Sunday afternoon on Harland Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott. * By popular 'demand there will be a second Kendal Jamboree Fluffy white rabbits were were baskets cf fresh toma- just a few of the attractions of toes and peppers, plants, the outdoor market held last furniture and antiques on Saturday as part of the display at the village eom- Newcastle Village Oktober- rnunity hall. fest. As well as rabbits, there The St. George's Anglican Church women had a booth O. Herd 201, 210, B. Glanville that sold books a haîf a dollar 202, E. Stephens 208, F. Lewis a handful as well as plants, 243, W. Forget 234, 201, M. clothing, preserves and more. Lewis 206.. The Newcastle figure skat- Friday Mixed 200 & Over ing club also had a booth at the A. Pearce 205, B. Glanville market. where, books and 241, 231, H. Nicholson 232, R. skates wecre foýrsale Peic 22b '. 1Nihotlon 224 R. Burley 20Q8, 200, E. Darling 217, M. Hienry 213, T. Embley 205, 246, G. Stere 239, 273, E. Kidd 269, A. Guthrie 250. 203, H. Guthrie 217, 233, B. Madili 202,.B. Kentner 222, 297, G,