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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1976, p. 13

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B 13 DUNN - Donna and Jamie are pleased ta announce the birth of their son, Kevin James, 7 ibs. 3 ozs., on September 21, 1976 at East Generai Hospital, a baby brother for Christopher. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. Blair, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dunn, Bowmanville. 39-1 ODFREY - Bill and Karen -(Watson) are pieased ta announce the arrivai of their f irst son, James Derek Roy, on, September 2, 1976, at Mississauga Hospital, weigh- lng 9 ibs. 31/2ozs. Happy g randparents are Roy and E sie Godfrey and Reg and JC e Watson, al of Bowman- vii e, First great grandchild for Mr. Ralph Rimmer. 39-1 HAWTHORNE'- Rick and Jan (Black) are pleased ta announce that Heather Elien arrived safely September 15, at Brockviiie General. A sister for Jennifer. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Black, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Hawthorne, Waterloo. 39-1 THOMPSON - Carol yn Ruth happily announces t he safe arrivai of her 9 lbs. baby brother, Geraid Alan, at the Belleville Generai Hospital on September 20, 1976. Proud parents are Alian and Anne, (nee Werry) . Deighted grand- î2a rents are Mrs. John Werry, B5owmanvilie, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thompson, Ras- l in, Ontario. 39-1 x The family of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Copping invite friends and noeighbors ta -an Open House at the Oddfeilows Hall in Orono on October,3rd tram 2 ta 5,p.m. in honour of their parents 5th Wedding Anniversary. Best wishes anly. 38-2 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gib- son are ceiebrating their 5th wedding anniversary on Oct- aber 2, 1976. The receptian is at St. George's Anglican Chumch Parish Hall on Oct- aber 3 f rom 2-5 p.m. Everyone welcome. 39-1ix The famiIy of Allan A. Martin, etired inspector of Public Schools, invite his friends and relatives toaa reception in his honor on Sunday, October l7th', in Simcae Street Unted Church Parlours, Bagot Street, Oshawa, fram 2:00 p.m. ta 5:.00 P. M. 39-3x Howard and Florence Cryderman wish ta invite relatives and friends to an At Home on the occasion of their 4th Wedding Anniversamy on Saturday, October 2, 1976 f rom 2 - 4 and7 - 9, ta be heid at their home, Base Line Rd., R.R. 2, Bowmanville. Best wishes aniy. 38-2 0 m 0iilos]lii0[ MAr. and rs. rAlton Webbh are pieased ta announce the farthcoming marriage of their *daughter, Donna Marie ta Luke Harold Drake, son of Mrs. Ron Kavanaugh and the late Mr. Harold Drake. The OPEN HOUSE The Ommistons (Dorothy and Eari) of "The Pondemosa" Kendai invite their friends and relatives ta an Open Hause in honom of thei r 2th Wodding Annivrsary an Sun., Oct. 3rd, 1976 From 2 -5:30 p.m. and, 6 - 9 p.m. at their home in Kendai1. BEST WISHES ONLY 38-2x BURLEY - At Oshawa Hos- pital, Sunday, September 26th, 1976, Gardon James Buriey, 133 Labrador Drive, Oshawa, aged 54 years, beioved hus- band 0f Elleen Vesna, dear lher of GayIe, (Mrs. Barry rris), gandfathem of Bett, '-ear son of Mrs. Roy Buriey. Service was heid in the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowman- ville, on 'Wednesday after- noon. Intemment Orono Cemn- etery. 39-1 October 8, 1976. 39-1 GAYE, Thomas - Suddeniy at his home on Monday, September 20, 1976. Tom Gaye of 321 Mamiand Ave., Oshawa, husband of the hate Mary Gaye, brother of Todd, Ann -Arbour, Michigan and Vasai, Montreai. Rested at the North- cutt Eiliott Funerai Home. Private funerai service was held on Friday. Intermfent Bowmanvilie Cemetery. 39-1 _LINTON, Coral Iva - At Extendicame Nursing Home, Oslhawa on Saturday, Septemn- ber 25, 1976, Iva Linton (farmeriy of Toronto), in her 93md yeam. Dearaunt of Mrs. J. Patterson (Betty), Bowman- ville, James W. Linton, Don Milis, G. Harris Linton, Mon- treai. Sister of the late G. Meredith Linton and W. Reg- inaid Linton. Rested at the Nothcutt Eiiiott Funeral Home. Private family service was heid on Manday. Crema- tion. 39-1 CARNATION "FlowersFrAlYu Say it Flowrile'a Best" STOP IN AND SEE VAN BELLE 'OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS DAILY Deveryto ... THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Oshawa - Bawmanville Arta Carnation Fiower Shop Phone 623-4441 33 Division St. 43-tf 623-7141 t Durhamn County's Oldest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE Thoughtful selection of cemetery sites, for varlous reasons a concern f0 ýmany peope ... often far in advance of need. We have available information on ail local cemeteries, simply on request. This is part of our service f0 the community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 39-1 SIMPSONS MEMORIALS 885-6434 49 Lavinia Street Port Hope Monuments - Markers - Inscriptions - Wrought Iran Fîower Stands - Home Appointments'Giadly Arrangod 39-1 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED e Estabiished 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario Li A 3W High Quaity at Reasonable Prices Phono 885-5216 Home 885-5222 0*l r WORKMANSHIP - QUALITY .CLARK - In Ioving memory of a dear husband, George, who passed away, Oct. 2, 1973. SadI y missed mare every day it's ionely hear without you. No langer in my life ta share But in my heart he's aiways there. - Sadly missed by wife, Pearl. 39-1 FAJT - In laving memory of a dear father and grandfafher Ies Fait who passed away, Sept. 26, 1963. Anothe 'r sad and laneiy year has passed Sinceaur great sarrow fell The shock that we received that marning We stili remember weil. Gai gave us strength ta meet it And courage ta bear the biow But what i t meant ta lose you No one wili ever know. lt's Ianely here without yau, Dad, We miss you mare each day For life is nat the same since You were called away. You bade no one a iast farewel I Nor even said gaadbye. You were gone before we realized And anly God knows why. - Sadiy missed and ever remembered by daughter and son-in-law Mary and Andrew Sutch, grandchildren, Dave, A'ndy, Ron and'f-amilies. 9l FOGG - In iaving mnemary of a dear wife and mother, Emiiy who passed away Qct. 1, 1975. We mourn for her in silence Nau eyes can see us weep utmany a sulent tear is shed While others are asieep. - Ever remembered by husband George and famiiy. 39-1 JONCKHEERE, Eugeen- in iaving memary of my dear husband, Eugeen, who passed away, October 4, 19174. There is always a face before me A vaice i wouid like ta hear A smiie i will always remem- ber 0f a husband i lave so dear. A cluster of beautiful memor- ies Sprayed with a million tears Wishing God had spared hlm For many mare happyvears. Sottly at night the stars are shining On a lone and sulent grave Where i laid my ioved ane Whom I loved and couJd nat Save Do not ask if 1I miss-tilm Oh! There 'is such a vacant place. Often I think 1 hear his footstep And see his smiiing face. Day by day 1 miss him mare As I waik thraugh life alone No length of time can take awa y My thoughts of you fram day ta day l'Il neyer stop ioving you dear Eugeen. - Sadly missed and aîways remembered by your wife Eugenie Jonckheere. 39-Ix POTTER- In iaving memary of a dear husband and father, William Thamas, who passed away Sept. 30, 1968. Gone are the days we shared, But in aur hearts you are always near The gate of memories shahl neyer close And we miss you mare than arlyone knaws With tender love and deep regret We who ioved you shahl neyer farget. - Sadly missed by w'ife Florence, daughter Patricia. 39-lx TENNANT - In ioving mem- amy of J. Arthur Tennant wha passed away Sept. 28, 1965. Just as you were you wiii aiways be Tmeasu red for ever in memory - Sadiy missed by wife, family and grandchildren. 39-1 x VIRTUE- In laving memory of my dear husband Otto L. Virtue, wha passed away October lst, 1951. 1 remember the day 1 met him The day Gadl made him mine. i remember the day I iost him I wiii 'tihi the end of time. But with ail the tears and heartache ,One thing makes me ghad. He chose me ta shame The preciaus yeams we had. -Sadiy missed by wife Pearl. 39-1 x WOOD- In ioving memamy af a dear mother, Nomma moeno Wood, who passed 'away, Soptem ber 30, 1974. - Sadly missed by the family. 39-1 YEO- In laving memory ofa dear tather and grandfather, George Yeo, who passed away, October 2, 1970. Wondemf ul memaries woven in gaid This is a picture we tendemly hoid Deep in aur heamts a memamy is kept To love, ta cherish, ta neyer farget. - Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by youm family. 39-1 1 wish ta express my thanks ta Dr. Ewamt and assisting dactars and nurses on surgery floor for their kindness wfilo I was a patient in the hospital- Aima Thebeau 39-1 The famiiy of the late irene Greer Popavich express sin- cere thanks ta relatives, friends and neighbors for beautiful f owers, cards and messages of sympathy in the lass of a dear wife and mather. Speciai thanks ta the medical and nursing staff of Memorial Hospital, also ta Capt. Robt. Perry. of the Saivation Army, the Horne League, and the Marris Funeral Chapel. John Papavich Virginia and Joseph 39-1 i wouid ike to thank friends, neighbors and relatives for cards, flowers and visits whiie in the hospitai. Speciai thanks ta Drs. Hubbard, Long and Doctor aiso the nurses and staff of the first and third floor of Memoriai Hospital for their excellent care. Meta Read 39-ix i wish ta express my appreciation ta my relatives and many friends for being Sa kind ta me during my stay in Memorial Hospital. Special thank you ta Dr. Ferguson and Dr. Sylvester and the nursing staff of the second flbar. God biess you ail. Ada Passant 39-1 i wish ta thank my neigh- bars, f riends and relatives and the Directors of Orono District Credit Union for visits, cards and many kindnesses during my iiiness. Thanks ta Drs. McKenzie and Long and the nurses of Memorial Hospital. Leila Werry 39-1 The famiiy of the late Lena S. Rahm wish ta express their sincere thanks ta relatives, friends, neighbars, and Part Perry Comm unity Nursing Home for acts of kindness shown in the ioss of a iaving wife, mother and grand- mother. Speciai thanks ta Enniskiiien U.C.W. for the loveiv lunch Pravided. Club Annrene Scugog Island FALL DANCE BAND SCHEDULE Oct.2-"Common Bond" Oct.9-"Something Blue" Fri.,Oct.15-"Lockerbie" Oct. 14-"The-Shadows"' 0ct.23-"Somethi ng Blue" Oct.30- "Par Four" No.6-"Sun" Nov. 1V' Positive Outlook" Nov.20- "Par Four" Nov.27-"Littie Caesar and the Consuls" Dec.4-" Positive Outlook" Dec.ll -"Lockerbie" Dec.18-" Par Four" New Year's Eve "Samething Blue" INFORMATION: Don Armstrong 725-4344 or 576-6599 39-1 BI1NGO NIEWCASTLE COMMUN ITY HALL Tues.,Oct.5th Eariy Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Spansared by NEWCASTLE LIONS 39-1 BAZAAR and GIANT AUCTION St. Jasoph's Cathoiic Women's League Saturday, Oct.23rd Bazaar 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Auction - in evoning. Don't miss the Auction. 39-1 Arts 'n Crafts 76 St. PauI's United Church SAT.,OCT.23rd 1-8 p.m. ADMISSION 50 CENTS 39-4 Dance in Kendal Orange Hall, Satumday, October 9th. Sponsored by the Orange Lodge. Music by Audrey Gilmours Orchestra. Every- one weicome. 39-2 West Durham District Boy Scouts Wili 'be holding a fund-raising Bar-B-Que and Dance at Tymone Community Centre, October 2. Tickets $25, a couple includes everything. Tickets will be available at the door or phone Harry Waolcatt 623-7759 evonings, 623-4481 daytime, Eleanar Dadson 623-5989, Phyllis Findiay 623-5226 evenings. 39-1 ST ORY HOUR for children ag e3- 5 TU ESDAYS AT 2p.m. beginning Tues., October 5 BOOK REVIEWS second and fourth Tuesdays of the manth begiinning TUES., OCTOB ER 12 Coftee, Everyone Weicome Bowmanville Public Library 62 Temporance St. 623-7322 A * * Town of Newcastle Swim Club The Department of Parks and Recreation in canjuniction with Pine Ridge' School, is inviting ail interested persans ta register for the Newcastle Swim Club. lt is hoped, the club can be divided inta competitive swimming aind>water sports, such as water polo and water, hockey. The club will meet Saturday and Sunday afternoons f rom 2:00 p.m. ta 4:00 pm. Fee is $2.00 per applicant. For further information please contact the Recreation Department, Town Hall, Bowmanville, 623-3114 or 987-5039 Garage sale Saturday, Oct. 2 from 10 a.m. ta 4 p.m., 103 Scugog Street, Bowmanviile. 38-2x APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NEWCASTLE JASON DAVID REVUE Friday - Saturday October i - 2 Dancing 9 - 1 WOO DVI EW COMMUNITY CENTI MONSTER BIN( NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P. M. RED BARN - WAYNE OSHAWA, Turkey Shoot, Orono and Hunt Club Range, Oct. 3. 12 - 4 p.m. Fol lows at Taunton and Lesl Roads. 12 gauge anhy. Sý supplied. Lunch available ADULT COU NS ELLIN( WILL BE AVAILABLE EVERY THURSDAY A BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL for people who have, discontinued their forma oducation and are thinking retraining or resuming thf formai education. No appointment necessai No charge. For f urthem informatio Contact Miss Hughes or Mr. Schwalm at the High School. IGO Towne Used- Furniture 19 Temperance St., Bowmanville THIRD ANNIVERSARY SALE Starts Thursday, September 3th. Dlning room tables, chester- field suites, buffets, chrome chairs, occasionai chairs, Christmas decorations, tables, plus much more, To our many customners "ITHANK YOUII 39-1 Greenhouse SAVE $100 Clearance of Eden Aiuminum Frame 6' x 8' Greenhouse, glass included, Regular $M99 For $399 LANDER HARDWARE 51 King Street East, Bowmanville. 623-5774 39-1 Pick Your Own Apples SATURDAYS FROM9.5:30 SUN DAYS FROMIO-5:30 THANKSGIVING MON DAY FROM9-5:30 EST. QtUALITY FARM FRESH PRODUCE M6a>n 'arm 21 -tf o rgo R2 Bownan,,dle On - Tel.i46)623 7252 Fish 39-2 Sun., signs kard CHRISTMAS >hells DISPLAYS e. 38-2 Four oloctrically oporated - dispiays suitable for window stoppers. Paymaster choque writer. Two drawer, manuai S National Cash Register. Glass front display case. E PHONE WARDS OSHAWA T 725-1151 39-1 TABLE patatoes, excellent ýaio quaîity. Joe Bouma 623-2847. g9. 35-tf eir ýry. MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY - 7-30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softball JUM~LEE PAVILlON OSH4AWA 50-ti House of Amber, Antique and Gift Shap, pre-Christmas Tea, October 15, 16 and 17 f ram 9 a. m. - 9 p. m. North end Hampton Village. Shop in the relaxing atmosphere of aur home and cou try gift shop. Phone 263-2981. 38-4 Maranatha Christian Re-' farmed Church invites chiid- ren a ges 5-9 ta Friday night Bible Schooi, October 1, 7-8:30 f m. For information or ransportation cahh 623-2495 or 987-5215. Caivinettes and Cadets available for aider chiidren. 38-2 Rummage Sale- Friday, OCtober 1, 9:30 - 12 noon at the Bowmanviihe Public Library (dawnstairs). Sponsored by Bowmanvilhe Nurses Assoc. Coffee availabie. 39-ix Mixed VoloybaIi League There wiII be a meeting of ail interested men and wamen on October 6th, 1976, Bowman- ville Town Hall 7:30 p.m. This meeting is designed ta form an executive for the league ta work with the Recreation Department. For further information please contact the Recreation Department, Town Hal1, 6M3-3114 DANCE Pontypool Comnmunity Centre SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2ND' Gary Bristow and the Country Fever $5.00 couplie- Refreshments "'Life Without Lack"# (Christian Science Lecture) by Mrs. Ada P. de Mondino FR IDAY, OCT. 1, 1976 8: 15 p.m. Durham Cailege, Oshawa - FREE PARKING - 38-2 OSHAWA OBEDIENCE ASSOC IATIlON Dog Training Classes in Oshawa and Bowmanv Novice (beginners) an Op-fn (advanced) Classes commence Octal: in bath locajtions 576-1167 or 623-738À I SI XTY-F IVE galion aquarium campete with dynaf la filter, heater, plants and f ish. And a beautiful stand. Phone 623-7031. 39-1 SAIL BOAT, 27', fibreglass, Selox raie,$420 623-2762 after 7 p.m. 39-2x GLASS bookcase, 3 sections, severai other articles. Private sale. 623-3052. 39-1 Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North A saiesman in Dariington Township. 35-tf CAULIFLOWER FOR FREEZING 4 per case Phone 723-6660> 39-2 .5 w FILM PROCESSING CHILDREN'S PHOTOS Crla atsend Phatagra supplif 78 King St. W., Bowman 623-2404 CAR PETS of ai l kinds,custom made drapes and sheers, hard- surface flooing, prof essionai-* ly installod. Free estimates. Your one stop shopping. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowmanviiie. Furnitume, Car- pet and Drapes. 13-tf Beauty Counsellor "Make-up Demonstration and Tea" wili be held in Hampton Village (private home) in the near future. Cali to-day for further information. Mms. Faber, 263- 2981. 35-5 SWEET corn, 1-8-vaârieties, excellent for freezing, picked fresh daiiy. We do not seli day aid corn. Keith Bell Famm, concession 9, one mile west of Raglan (approx. 6 miles nomth of Oshawa on Simcoe Street). (Watch for signs.) 655-3326. 34-tf Pineridge Tire Sales TIRES AND WHEELS> To fit your car or truck. Phone 623-4866 BOWMANVI LLE 23-tf TOP soul, Leiand Payne, 1-786- 2512. 117-tf VIKING spin washer, one year aid. Very g ood condition. Asking $175. Phione 623-2988. 39-1 1974 LIONEL Hardtap trailer, sieeps six,' model 85, aiso aquarium cabinet, campiete with five tanks and ail accessories. Cali 623-4275. 39-1 THREE piece living room set, 8 manths aid, paid $550, wiii sel i at $450 or best offer. Phone 623-7722. 39-2 FRENCH Provincial coffee table and boy's skates, sîze 5. Phone 623-3122. 39-1 NEW western saddie. Make an affer. Phone 263-2211. 39-1ix GARAGE Sale - Flea Market - Open daily an Base Line Road, 21/2 miles West of Waver[ev Road. Good variety of useful household items. Prices rea- sanabie. 623-7490. 39-1 8,00f>l BALES 0f hay, Ty son Farms, Newtanvilie, 786-2927. 33-tf PADÔY'S Market naw ha! new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and aisc used furniture and applilances, Wi!l accept trade-ins. Paddy't Market,' Hampton, phone 263 2241. 33-t USED Furniture and Appli. ances. Péjddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 264tf ELMER'S New and Used fFumniture and Appliances. We -buy contents of homes. Phono Hampton 263-2294. 119-tf TEAKRWÔOOD, Scaàndinavian Danish, bedraom, complote; dininq moam, 9'piece;- living room'; wali unit, cattee tables, new furniture, very reason- able. Phono 1-247-4377. 10-tf Pure Pine Shavings Baled, DUsf-free Phone 723-6660 îphic 29-tf OeS RAMBLER trailers, see them iville at Newcastlo Trailor Park and Sales, No. 2 highway, New- castle, seven days a week. 35-10 987-5'ý I. 29-tf New Machinery SpecialIs 1150 Grinder mixer------------------------------.....$3695. 555 Forage Harvester with 72" pick-up and 2 raw corn head--------------------------------......$5995. 46-4F-14" Bottom mounted plaw..............$45 710-4F-18" Bottom semi-maunted plow--------$45 (automatic reset) .....-..............$3695. Krone Rotary Tiller (Working width 50") .... ......... $1775. Used Machiniery 434 D 1.H. Tractor-------------------------------.....$3650. Na, 227 l.H. 2 row corn head for 91-93 orl105com bine----------------------------....$1000. Model 80 l.H. combine---------------------------.... $2000. Gehi Model FB88 Fora ge Biower--------------------....$ 725. Model 575 Cockshutt 6F-16" bottom (autamatic reset> piow--------------------------....$3000. 1. H. 103 Man ure spreadem-------------------------.....$ 600. 1. H. '50 Manure spreader-------------------------. ..$ 950. New HoIiand 131 Manure spmeadem------------------....$ 775. 633 Cockshutt Manure spreader--------------------...$ 825. Farm Hand Forage Box and Wagon-----------------...$1495. Wo now have Interest Free Programs on new and used tractors and most other seasonal farm equipment. Rager Davidson is now our Sales Representative in the Bowmanviiie area. Customers in Bowmanville, Blackstock, Hampton, Newcastle and Orono cail ZENITH 34400. ROBINSON & KITCHEN FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. (Your International Harvester Farm Machinery Dealer) 1/2 mile east of Junction 7 and 35 highways, south of Lindsay. 38-2 OSHAWA SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY' vile ScREEN-ED SAND id GRAVfL & STONE LIMESTONE PRODucTS îe6 AIL SIZES FOR DRI VEWAYSe :r6 & PARKINMG LOTS TOPSOIL & DIRT F111 2 DELIVERFO OR REMOVID 37-4 TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR REN - SNOW REMOVAL Phone Oshawa 725-0232 :9OLINA RD. N. 39-1 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. iDINING raom table and four chairs $85, buffet $50, alumin- ium storm door (32 x 80) $7, variaus sized windows with starms and screens (waad), Girl's winter coats and jackets, size 12, snow boots size 7, blue card jean suit $15, Men's size small, Girl's-24 in. bike $10. Mrs. P. Elliott, 24 Sauthway, 623-4632. 39-1 x ONE iight brown genuine suede pant coat, mink, collar, zipped in borg lining, size 11-12, $239 new, asking $75. One dark brown spiit leather pant coat, size 14, $6 '9 new, asking $20. Bath excellent condition. Phone 623-5718. 39-1ix EXCELLENT sweet corn stili availabie, ideal for freezing. Also winter potataes in 75 IL bags. Keith Bell Farm, Con- cession 9, 1 mile west of Raglan (Approx. 6 miles narth 0f Oshawa). 39-2 LIVE geese (White Emden) and l ive ducks (Muscovie and Rouen) Phono 263-2730 39-1 RYAN 16" sad cutter, suitable landscape gardener, best offer 723-2334. 39-1x TRACTOR mou nted (3 pt. hitch), rear fork Ilift, cap. 1 ton, lift ta il ft. 723-2334. 39-ix PALLETT forks for sod or pales, fits Case front end loader, $150, 723-2334. 39-1ix GUN type furnace burner and contra s with excellent 200 gallon storage tank $45. 723-2334 39-1ix SPANISH onions for sale. John Rozema, R.R. 1, Bow- manvi le, 263-8841. 39-1 PEARS for sale. West of Cemetery on No. 2 Highway. Phono 623-5026. 39-1 ONE electric stave, one 1 burner space heater and one 2- burner space heater. Phono 623-7084 39-1 PICK your own -Macintosh appies at Browview Farm, Junction Hwy. 2 and 115, also crab apples for sale. 39-2 USED 100 galion ail tank, $60. Phane 623-5878 39-ï MEN'S modern suits, large, like new, reasonable. Phone 623-4809. 39-1 LIVE geese and ducks. G. Hartemink, R.R. 2, New- castle. Phone 987-4430. 39-2 TWO Vega snow tires and rims. A-78. Asking $25. Phone 623-7591. 39-1 VANDA Beauty Counselior, Mrs. Bannie Faber, represent- ative. Cali taday, i will be glad ta show you aur exciting new products for Christ mas. Hampton 263-2981. 39-5 COMPR ESSORS Ali kinds of machinery. Soul. Buy. Trade. Rent. MONDAY TO SATURDAy 9-6 Ace Machinery 859A Nelson Street Oshawa, Ontario 723-0933 18-tf VANDA- Beauty Caunselior Hampton Village representa- tive "Mrs. Bannie Faber". Cali ta-day ta view aur exciting new praducts. Phone, 263-2981. 35-5 Water Delivery For filîing swimming poolsi and welîs. PHONE FRED WILLIS 623-2469 19-tf WH ITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, VHF Aerials, Rotors a Repairs Apartment &Homos Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee SPhone 576-5606 E. WHITE COU RTICE Blonoe maie cocker spaniel, answems ta Mickey. Phease phono 623-7204. Reward. MALE SIAMESE Good Rewa rd tiL, Ieretoru. Uwrîer may- have same by paying dam- ages and board at $10 per week. Phono 728-5213. 39-ix ONTA RIO MINISTRY 0F NATURAL RESOURCES (Division of Mines) Form 5 The Pits and Quarrios Contrai Act, 1971 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION 1, Geraid M. Balson, Hampton P.O., Ont, LOB iJO hereby ,give notice that application has been made for a licence ta open, establish or operate a PIT on the lands descmibed as foilows: Lot 7, Concession 9, Town 0f Newcastle, formerly Darling- tan Township, Durhami Re- gion, cansisting 0f 5.42 acres, mare or less. The estimated amfount of Gravel and Sand ta be extracted annually is 15,000 tons. The operation wilh be a Intermittent operation with a Portable plant installation. The last day upon which written abjections may be filed with the Minister 0f Naturai Resources is Novem- ber 15, 1976, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1W3. Gerald M. Baison (signature of applicant) Dated this 23rd day of September, 1976. 39-2 Harry Voermfan Insurance 181 Church St., Bowmanviiie, Ont. Phono 623-4428 Res. 62;4-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSU RANCE 28-tf Senior Citizens, 10 per cent off ail hair services. Manday, Tuesday and Wednesdlay only. Open 6 days a week. K ut n' Kumi Beauty Shop, 71 King St. E. Phono 623-5019. "A very friendly atmosphere." The winner of the Boman - ville Basebail Assaciation's Draw for $500 cash drawn Septem ber 23, 1976 was Mr. W. Paeden, 18 Lambs Lane, Bawmanville. Ticket na. 305. 39-1 Cauncillor Kenneth LyaIl has apened a municipal office at 57 King Street East, Bow- manvilie. Anyane needing heip with a municipal probiemn is invited ta cail 623-6744 or if na answer 987-5020. 34-t GUITAR LESSONS Also 4string Banjo Tommy Cinna mon 623-5060 38-3 WESTERN CANADA SCHOOL 0F AUCTIONEERING LTD. Canada's first, and the oniy campieteiy Canadian 'course affered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schoois Licensing Act, R.S.A. 1970, C.366. For particulars of the next caurse write: Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phono 782-6215 36-9 FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CA LL MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 GARAGE, fmom Nov. 1 until April 1 in Bowmanvilie, for car starage. Phono 623-6045 aftem 5. 37-tf' NURSE needs ride frmm Bowmanviiie ta Oshawa Hos- pital. Wili pay ail gas. 623-4054. 39-lx APPLE GROWERS Again buying luice appies in large volume bulk at farm, alsa peelers. Cash payment and prompt pick-up unîts. Raymond Inch 416-753-2246 3- RESLTSCOUNTI Mutpe Listin g serv 'e . Oshawa & District 4eal Estate Board tf $500. 00 ln 58 numbers or ess NEWCASTLE LION'S BINGO Tuesday, October 5 7-30 p.m. NEWCASTLE COMMUN ITY HALL

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