EAR PIERCING, SERVICE Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. Regular Pice $12.00 NOW $10.00 with' studs Special110 per cent reduct ion on first purchase of earrings with the release farm. Phone 623-5747 For Appintment 45-tf ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 136 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 INFORMATICI RAPE A cisis intervention cE for victims of rapeor se assault. CA LL 623-7273 or 623- RA P E 24 hour answening servic 37-tf )N entre ;exual ECO LOOK ING for a gooa home for a, year aid Suike, registered, $100. Phone 623-6892. 39-1 FEMALE Afghan, 1 yean aid, looking for a goad home. $150. Phone 623-6892. PART Lab, f ree ta gaad home, preferably on farm. Phone 623-6892. 39-1 TWO kttens, f ree ta gaod home. Phone 623-6892. 39-1 TWO beautiful kittens, free ta good home. Phone 623-2752. 39-1 2nd and 3rd MORTGAG E MONEY AVAl LABLE 5 yea >r term -Open Mrtgages -No payments for thrpe months -No bariuses -No Credit Checks -No înquiry tram neighbors -Confidential arrangements made in your home -Baraw as low as $1,600 -Fast service Catil Mr. Wilks Morfgages boughf and solId (Oshawa, Whifby, Ajax) 683-2611 699-1211 (Toronto) TWELVE week old pigs, $30. Phone 725-6210. 39-1 HEREFORDcaw, bred Char- olais. Phone 416-786-2443. 39-1ix HOLSTEIN heifers, due in October. Phone Cameron 705-359-1085. 39-1 Riding lessans given by qualified instructar- equita- flan, jumping, basic dressage. Use your awn horse or we have gaod horses available. Also horses broken ê;nd train- ed. Cal 623-4558. 25tff EQU ESTR 'AN tRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOARDING instruction in Equitation Jumping Dressage Schooling of Huntes & Jumpers Hunters & Jumpers Bought & Sold R3 BOWMANVILLE 623-7336 SNOW PLOWI NG Applications wilI be receuved by the undersugned until Friday, October 8, 1976, for snow remaval and sanding of school driveways and parking a rea s. Apply in writing stating the type of equipment and the nuniber of units available fog ether with the names of the sMoiaain which you are interested n servicing. M.A. MacLeod Business Admninistratar and Treasýurer The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Box 470 COBOURG K9A 4L2 38 2 ~p*s s Imam for Rustproofing on new or used vehicles . Written war-' ranty. Durham Vitalizing,ý phone 723-1155. 25-tf 197u MuSTlANG 302, auto- matîc, power steering and brakes, good condition, will certify. C ail Peter 728-8055. 39-lx 1073 FORD Courier, red, step bumper, and fibreglass cap, low mileage, excellent condi- tion . Phone 1-983-5470. CARETAKE R (Part-time) To dlean outside grounds and some interior cleaning of local plaza. Suitabie for a retired persan able ta work 1 or 2 haurs every mornina or evening. Good renumeration for ight persan. PLEASE CALL BERT GRANT AT 1-297-4115 for interview. 39-1 Apprentice ta iearn the printlng tra<i Age 16-18 desirable. WilIingi wcrk and eagerness ta learr trade- necessary. Go' benef ifs. A y in person te: Plant Manager, Canadian Statesman, 66 King St. W. DURHAM EAST RED CROSS NEEDS SEWERS Matenial supplied ta do home in your own time. MRS. G. EVERS 14 Jane St. 623-2639 35 WAITRESS needed full tir experienced. Phone 623-322 de. to ýod 0. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homnes - Renovating Rec Roomfs Repairs of aIl types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf Ref rigeration and Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Ref rigeration - MiIlk Colors PHONE BERT SYER at Days .............. 623-5774 Nights .............623-3177 Lander Hardware t9-1 1and ELECIlTRIC 2-tf ne, 23. 9-1 HOUSEKEEPER for eideriy gentleman ta live in. Apply un writing ta Advertiser 643, c-o Canadiat) Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3 K9. 39-1 MATURE cleaning lady. Phone 623-4428. 39-1 INFORMATION RAPE CRISIS CENTRE urgentîy need Vo lunteers Over 18 Moral support to victlms. CatIl 623-7273 or 623- RA P E 24 hour answering service. 36-4 TYPIST - Full or part time, with excellent typing skills, speed and accuracy essential. Appi1 in writing ta, Box 642, c-OpT h e Canadi an Statesma n, 62 King St. W., Bowmanville. * 39-1 RELIABLE, responsibie, nurses aides required in nursing home east of Oshawa. Own transportation essential. Apply to Advertiser 641, C-o The Cana dia nStatesman,.Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3K9. 39-1 THREE level apartment in Newcastle, century home for responsible aduit. Days, Orono 983-9134, Evenings 987-4395. 39-1 SMALL, one bedroom apart- ment, centrally located. Phone 623-7438. 39-ix PLANNING a boutique? We have space available in Bow- manville downtown area at reasonable rates. For further information, please caîl. 623-7865. 39-1 RESPONSIBLE Person to care for 2 young g iris in my home, Monday - Friday, 6:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Pay $40 per week.. Phone 623-7644. 39-lx SIX room house, near to shopping. $270 per month. Adults preferred .No pets .Call 623-3764 atter fîive. 38-2 APARTMENT, one bedroom, stove and fridge. Aduits only. Reasonable rent. Write Box 644, c-o Statesman Office, 62 King St. W., Bowmanville. 39-1 FOUR bedroom Townhouse, fully broadloamed, garage, balcony, in Port Hope. Occu- pancy October 1. Phone 1-416- 447-2659 after 5 p.m. 37-4x BOWMANVILLE - wo bed- room apartment, living room, kiti;hen and bath. Immediate possession. Reasonable. Heaf- ed. Cable TV. Phone 623-7523. 38tf Storage space for BOATS AND TRAILERS Phone 623-5428 Staffordf Brothers -Monu ments [IMITED Box 1U* 318 Dundas SI. E. -Whithy Phone Whithy 668 1,552 Gloria^'s Canvas &Upholstery Custom Made Boat, trailer and sali cavens and tarps. Any size. Alil other canvas needs or repairs. Alil types 0f uphalstery and ne- covering. Free estimafes. 62-465 Jim's Body Shi located at Petels Es Scugog. Paint and repaii and trucks. 623-3122 THE "AD-E LS" MODERN BAND AVAI LABLE NOW TO PROVI DE MUSIC FOR ANY SOCIAL FUNCTION Telephone 723-6514 or 723-0089, 37-3 NEED a pressure system? Water Saffeners? Repairs ta ail makes. Harvey Partnor, Orono 983-5206 or Zen ith 14620. 36-tf DRYWALL BOARDING and TAPING PAINTING - CERAMIC TILE GENERAL HOME IM PROV EME NTS Phone 987-5474 38-2x INSTALLING or renovating a bathroom, ,kitchen, Iaundry room, etc. Pipes, valves and fittings from Hmarvey Partner. We service all makes. Cal Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 36-tf Ail-Type Painting& Roofing Flats, tar and gravel, metal, coid process, leaks, repairs, shing les, interior and exterior painting. Freeestimates. PHON E 623-5038 19-tf Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Siding - Soff it - Facer Eavestrough - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estimate 22-tf C& C JAN IYOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professionally Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE OXFORD Bricklayers and Stonerma sons (Our fireplaces do not smoke> 1-983-5606 25-tf CARPENTER Interior or exterior renova- fions of aIl kinds. Specializing in kitchens, bathrooms and rec room remodeling. FREE estimates and ideas. Telephone 987-5474 39-1 INSTALL an Esso furnace, bolier, humidifier, heater or air cleaner. Combination wood and oil. Financing avail- able. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service policy. Cali Harvey Partner, your Essa service dealer. F ree esti- mates. Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 24 hour service. 36-tf JACK BURGES S OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CL EAN E PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-f BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating Pressure Systemns New Work and Repairs Service and Estimnates Calil 623-2641 J. A. HAYES (SMOKEY) MEATS Custom Cutting FREEZER ORDERS 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa Phone 579-8011 or 623-7056 36-tf CUSTOM FORAGE HARVESTING Phone 579-0562 39-1 39-1 O GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. .50 onl 7 Division St., Bowmanville ir, cars Ontario. Phone 621-5187 Shoot and Float Glass * SeaIed Units - St'rm Windows Store Fronts - Floaf Mîrrors 39-tf Pafferned and Colared Glass- and Giazinq. 17 tf AIATER Wells bored, 30" 111e. Ward's WeIi Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- ahane 987-4531. 16-tf BUTCHER CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING WM. HENDERSON 263-8072 34tff Durham Masonry Contra ctors Ltd. Bricks - Logs Field Stonework Specializing in Fireplaces Phone 576-0230 Night 439-6516 Lawn and Garden Ca re Gra ss cutting, rota tiiuing and lawn rolling with a commer- cial machine. Seedina down new Iawns and aid, tree cufting, painting, and odd jobs, cleaning up. 500 lbs. pressure. washing for farm equipment trucks, etc. Robert Jones 987-5222 -987-4098 27-tf Monte Hennessey Carpentryand Trim Industrial, Commercial, Residonfial Maintenance Phone 579-5957 or 623-4581 Ron's Floor Care Commercial and househaid cleaning. Dry foam rug and carpet shampooing. Wax ne- movai, wali washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Carpentry,,Renavating Ail Generai Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf Professional1 Stea ni Cleaning Services Commercial - Industrial Residentia i Wall-to-Wall Broadloom Carpets, Rugs & UphoIstery CALL BOB AT 623-2383 29-tf ALLIN COLE'S MOBILE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tune-ups - Brakes- Etc.) AIl1 wo,-k done by Licensed -Class "A" Mechanic At your home or place of business. AI l parts and labor guaranteed. Terms cash. PHONE '623-5045' Bowmanvillie '69 PONTIlAC, 4 door,,power windows and steering. Phone 623-3617. 39-ix 1968 CHEV 1/2 ton, 6 cylinder, standard, $1100 ,or best offer. Phone 987-5226. 39-1 1973 THUNDERBIRD, ail power, air conditioning, sterea. Phone 623-6067. , 39-1 '72 CHEV VAN 350, low mileage, needs paint job and minar repairs. Asking $1400. 623-2119. 39-1 1973 PONTIAC CATALINA, 2 door hardtop, power steering and brakes, excellent condi- tion, Iow mileage, certif led. Owner ardered new one. Phone 623-5427. 39-1 1972 VEGA GT, 4 speed, new motor and tires, $700. Phone 623-5427. 39-1 '72 BLUE TRIUMPH SPIT- FIRE convertible. Low mile- age, Lady's car, Good top, new tires, solid exhaust, under coated. Asking $1850. 623-4872. -39-1ix 1964 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT, 4 wheel drive, com- plete with snow plow. Phone Newtonville 786-2421 after five. 39-1 '71 CHEVELLE MALIBU 350, low mileage, radiais, power steering, power brakes, radio, goad condition. 623-6769 after 5. 39-1 '76 YELLOW FIREBIRD, with stripes, man y options, plus rustproofing. Days G.M. 644-5144. 39-1 '68 M.G. Midget, good shape, certif led, asking $675. Phone 623-2913. 39-1 '616 VAUXHALL EPIC, 33,000 miles, $250 firm. As is. Phone 263-2501. 39-1 '67 FORD 1/2 TON with )long box, heavy duty suspension with 1968 V-8 motor, in good condition. Phone 623-4204. 39-1 '72 CHEVELLE, V-8, auto- matic, power steering, radio, snow tires, ver y good shape, great on reg ular gas. Cal 728-6121. 39-1 1975 MONTE CARLO, two tone beige, vinyl top, swivel bucket seats, console model, radio, dlock, radial tires, 20,000 miles in A-i condition. Phone 623-5809. 39-1 1968 CH EV, best offer, as is. Phone 623- 4616. 39-1 SPACE u!n barn or garage ta keep stationwagon during the winter months. Please cali 623-7811. 39-lx RELIABLE aduits would like country house ta rent. Within commuting distance of Osh- awa, 1-705-292-7121. 35-8x URGENTLY REuUIRLD! We 'have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanville area. Perhaps your home would bring top dollar? We'Il be pleased ta appraîse if for you and help you locate the "home of your dreams". For friendly efficient sale of your home, caîl P. & R. Realty Company, Reall'or, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- v il le 576-6120. 17 tf AUCTION OF LAI Land Managç Sale File T.î 24.653 acres of lai Lots 15 and 16, Cc Town of Newcasti Municipality of C cated at the North- rant of Highwa y and Martin Roadi, the Town of Bowr Sale ta be held ont at: 12:30 p.m., -I Frîday, October 15 Terms: $50,000.00 the day of sale certif led cheque able ta the Tri Ontario ), balance thirty days. If the intends ta financea the balance by moi a boan agency or Party and more days aretrequired« the mortgage arn this Ministry wilI reasonabie extens thirty day perîod, interest on th balance. For further i please contact: The Auctioneer: Mr. Bob Stapletc 72 Brown Street, Bowmanville, Or Telephone 623-24 or The Ministry of tion and Communi Right-of-Way Off i Central Region 3501 Dufferin Stree Downsview, Ontari llphone 248-3081 the-hours of 8:15 a. p.m. Sale subject toa a established by the "No emplayees of try of the Ontario C will be allowed to n these Auctions she has prior writtl from his.her Depui tA Saturday, Oct. 9 -10 a.m. I Property of Wayne Downs, _________ Coboconk, 3 miles west on 2 1M highway 46, clearing sale of SALE constuction equipment, NO Dter equipment, sheetnmetal e.upment, new and used 'yrnent plumbing supplies, snow- 05493 mobiles, 1973 case 580B back- md being hoe with extendahoe and cab nc ein in (reserve bld) No reserve on: ,oeiona1, anything else. 1969 John Deere ne, eginai 350 truck and loader, 1966 Durham, 10- International tandem dump N-e uber truck, certif led, 1964 Chevro- jute w 2t0 let 960 with 1500 gaI tank and justWes of vac uum pump, certified, 1972 nanvulle., Ford 1/2 ton pick up, certified, the property 9 ton triple axie trailer, 2 - 1973 LoalTi snowmobiîes, land saw, joimi Loth 1976.e, er planer, wood lathé - - 15h,196.. jfsmth tools, brake. shear: 0 deposit on frminpg machine, grooving e(cash or machi1ne edger, lockformer, made pay- etc., somne furniture, dishes. easurer of Ntetme 10 a.m. corne early Dpayable in for preview and-reg uster. No ie purchaser reserve. Orval Mc Lea n auc- aI I or part of tioneer 324-2783 Lindsay. rtgage from 39-2 r an pnvate Auction sale, Sat., Oct. 16, tha cmtr 96, 2:30 p.m. tram the rangements, estate of the late Carl Bi 11ings, 1 consider a at his residence, Main S. ision of the Orono. Auction sale af-q uality 1subject ta antuque furniture, incîuding re unpaid one of a kind, solid walnut dining roomn suite, with six Chiooendaîe chairs, Duncan information Fyfe chesterfield, two wainut love seats, French Provincial Mason and Risch piano, wal-' nut high poster bed with lon, matchinchest on chest; one ntario, suite; one three piece oak 439 bedroom suite; two'oak hall tables; one -walnut gateleg Transporta- table; French provincial iications chesterfield suite; in excellent ce, condition; three harvest ýet tables; one pot bellied antique et stove; one upright antique io M3K 1 N6, Quebec heater; three Axmîn- 1, between ster rugs; several antique side i.m. and 4:30 chairs; as weIl as washer, dryer, twa refrigerators, elec- tric stove, di shes, brass Reserve Bid ca(ndie sticks, several tools, Ministry. garden furniture, and many other items too numerous to r any Minis- mention. Plan to keep this Governmnent date in mi d for one of the best )participate sales f0 be held in this area. sunless he- Charles Reid, Auctioneer, en approval Lawrence Harris, cierk. ity Min ister. 393 Auction Sale Funiture and Antiques, the ,roperty of r. C arenceSelk, illageof Picering, 67 KIng- ston Road West, Saturday, October 2, il a.m.. 9L piece dining room suite, Mason and Rlsch piano and bench. RCA cabinet radio (antique), antique dlock, pressed back arm chair, antique rocking chairs, antique wash stand towel bar on ends, antique oak bench with hat storage, 2411 color T.V., Gone with Wind lamp (electrified), cut glass vases and rose bowl; 6 piece dinner set with serving dishes, teapot, cream and sugar, Royal Stafford Rebekah Lodge: number of fancy cups and saucers, Royal Albert etc., shaving mugs, many pieces of silIverware, smaril coal oill amp, number of old, tools, blacksmith's vice (an- tique). Terms cash, no re- serve. Earl Gauslin, Norm Faulkner auctioneers. 39-1 Special Charolais Sale The Kawartha Fal Select Charolais Sale. 56 lots of fine Charolais purebred and some percentage cattie. Every lot carefully selected from a large number of entries from ail over Ontario. This Satur- day, Oct. 2nd, at 1 p.m. at the Liptay Lîvestock Auction Centre, Peterborough, at Highway No. 7, just east of the Otonobee River. Catalogues available. Sale managed by Liptay Auctioneers Limited. Phone 416-263-2117. L'atcli 1~ir Bii'i TOP CASH PAID FOR USED PIANOS Player Piano Lots of used pianos in stock, organstfo! OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Simcoe N.* (at King) 728-1675 25tfi tSÈ~D Furniture and Appli. ances. Paddy's Mankel, Hampton 263-2241. 33ff CASH ton gold, silver, coins, guns, docks, jewoiiery, dish- es, furniture, cracks,- paint- ings, seaiers, appliancos. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 38-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles .Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAIO ACKERMAN'AUTO WREC-KERS Yard 623-5756 52-tf Residence 623-7112 45-ff Auction Sale. Seiuing by Public Auction for Ciare Cha pman, second farm west of Kirby Store, off 115 and 35 highway, Clarke Township. Farm machinery and house- hold effects on Thursday, Sept. 30,at 1 p.m. Hanse drawn impiemonts, spreaden, plaw, mower, disc, wagon, old iron, iadder, (30 ft.) cutter, parts of follet sets, butter bowi, jars, desk, washsfand, saddIe, brass bed, green garden gato, fence, nope, dishes, two aid cradies, large quantity ot small articles. Lots of these things are aid antiques. First sale in 6 generations. Barns are goîng down. No reserve. Terms cash. Look at the day and date again. Hope ta see you there. Lawrence Harris, cierk. Ciiff Pethick auc- tioneer. 37-3 Tuesday, October 12, 11 a.m. Itoisteins and Oairy Equipment Complete Rossdaie Holstein Dispensai for Cephas Bolton, R.R. 9, Peterboro. SoIuing af the farm at il a.m. on Con. 9, Dura Twp. Take Hwy 7. 2 miles east of Petorbono ta M-F doaler (Con. 9) thon turn north 5 miles f0 tarm. 100 Head, 1 Excellent 9 V.G. Registered, R.O.P. Tested and CIassified. A masterbreeders herd with 35 years of pedigreed building. A top production herd and, greatfMes. Lloyd Wilson, SaleM=nger and Auctioneer, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 39-2 Auction sale, choice antiques, valuable collection of 55 antique dlocks. Many preciaus Cranberry ware and fine china. Select assortment ot antique furniture. For ex- ample: One Jacobian Setee - 3 ce. - rocker - armchain, Orth ophonic Victrola, rare replica of Antonius, Stradi- varius, curved glass corner china cabinet, Limoges porco- lain, iamps, ianternis, one excellent quality Soiid Oak round table dining om suite (51If.) Buffet and Serving table p lus 6 chairs (beautitul candi- ,ion). Edison cylinder (etc.) Gramaphones, CLOCKS:' Pequegnat Canadian, Seth Thomas, Banjo, Marbie, carniage, Mantel, Ginger- bread, Hall C anadin, un- deli, Grandfather (3 or 4), Regulator, Caiendar school, ornate, wag, inild, -carved, Pendulum; Racking chairs, wicker carriage, beaver Seal- er, Vienna Pitcher, antique smoke stand, antique cradie, wooden washing machine, cracks, nice aide love seat, tables, aide butter dishes and prints, very ornate tea silvor urn, bl ue glass pitcher, Boston Rocker, Brass bed, smail wail walnut cabinet, China, Ambenina pitcher, carnivai glass, Wedgewood china, Olde transfer prunt vase, Cranberry items (many), Aiaddin iamp (marbie base), Gilt Alabaster picture trames, hanging lamp with prisms, wooden catfee milii, etc., etc. Ploase note that this is a mere partial iisf. Alsa somo 2Oth century domestic chattel and oxpodients. Satur- day, Septombor 25, 1:00 p.m. in the Antique Gallery, Liptay Antiqu Auct ion Centre, Peferboraough, Hig hwa No. 7 and Bensfont FRoad3, att ashing light just east of the Ofonabe River. Sale conducted by Lipfay Auctioneons Ltd. Auctionoor Steve Liptay, 1976' Worid Champion Auctioneer. DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ....................Tues,., 12 noon A on Wednesday, October 6th. Gîving up farming. Auction sale o6 Farm Machinery, Hay, Grain, Ducks. The property of Fred Svinklys (Gary O' Neili Manager) Lot 4 and 5 Con. 6 Manvens Twp. 17 miles sauth of Lindsay on Hwy. 35 ta 6th concession and 2 miles west or '/2 mile east of Lotus. 1971 M.F. 135 diesel tractor ,appnox. 470 hrs. like new. M. H. 102 Junior tracton, 1973 GMC 1/2 ton truck 350 motor with hydnaulic tail gate, 1971 M.F. No. 9 Baler PTO, 1971 M.F. side nake, M.F. 7' dyna-balance power mowen, MF. No. 74 4-14's trip beam piough 3 pt. M.F. 39 dise 3 pt., M.F. 10' cultivafor 3 pt. Cockshutt 90, bus tractor manune spreader, M.F. post hale digger 12" auger. John Deere rouler bearing wagon with rack. Century field sprayer, Maple Leaf 32' hay elevator, 1973 Butler 3400 bus. grainaha1 gas matons, 1973 Ymh125 trail bike, 3, bush bikes, full une of machineny. Approx. 2500 bus. mixed grain, Approx. 3500 bales mixed hay. 50 ducks, 5 geese, 15 Banty hens. Tenms cash, No resenve, Sale at 'l p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Rea- bora, Ontario. 705-324-9959. 39-1 Thursday, Sept. 30 -7:30 p.m. Hoisteins, Complete Barbehaven Hol- stei n Dspra for Gerald Barber, R .R. 1, Bloomfield. Sale wilI be heid at the new Malmont Farms Sales Arena, 1/2 mile sauth of Biackstock. From Hwy. 401 take Waverly Rd. (Exit 74:, go 12 miles north ta Blackstock. 50 Head R.O.P. testeci, Ciassified. Deep full Pedigrees. 4 Very Good. Features of this sale include a 2 yr. aid by "Count Crystan" due in October. Her 4 dirett dams are G.P. 18000 lb., then 3 "Very Goad" al with high records. A Very Good 16000 lb. Apex just fresh with a heifer caif by "Man-Q- War". 2nd Dam G.P. by Almferson Sav. Supreme and 3rd Dam V.G. 2 star. Another feature is a Ver y Good Ideai Fury Refiector due in Febro- ary. Her 3 Dams are ail "Very Gaod". This sale aiso includes 25 fresh and close heifers and Cows from full pedigreed herds. An excellent opportun- ity t buy milk with pedigrees. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 38-2 Saturday, October 2, Il a.m. Furniture and Antiques Auctian sale including pine wardrobe, black walnut but- ler's tray pine window-frame mirror, walnut bedside table, pine coat rack, black walnut drap leaf table, 4 Captain's Chairs, pine chest of drawers, paine bucket stand, Sheraton games tables, tier table, mahogany nest tables, Fr. Prov. settee, arm chair, Jacques and Haye chair, set of 8 Robinson chairs, new caning, long pine table, aval Duncan Ph yfe coffee table, calor and b lac k and white T.V.s, 4 waoden kitchen chairs, aid paine box, pine doors, table lamps, china and glass, workshop equipment and tools, garbage compactor, manual typewriter, cedar and alum. patio furniture, suni- beam mixmaster, garage storage cabinet on casters, stepladder, ball-B-cue. 2 haîf- drumn Barbecues an legs, Sinclair sleigh (Lindsay),, Mott mower, 2 crank tele- phones, chain hoist, clothes hamper, pr. white leatherette headboards, Iranrite ironer, John Deere snowmabile sied 2 cush ions, 1 horse harness, 69- Chevelle, 72 Chevelle, assor- ted lumber, 160' plastic drain- age pipe, concrete reinforcing wire, wooden Sunf ish sailbaat, 9 x 12 tent with screenporch. The property of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zering on Brock-Reach town I me,j 4 miles north of Greenbank and 31/2 miles east or 71/2 miles north of Part Perry and a 1/2 mile west. Lunch Available. Lloyd, Wilson, Sale Manager and Auctioneer , Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 39-1 Auction Sale of furnîture and things for Mr. and Mrs. James Bell, 6 Concession St. W., Bowmanville on Monday, Oct. llth, Thanksgiving Day. List of articles in next week's, paper. Sale time 1 p.m. L. Harris Clerk, Cliff Pethîck,' auctioneer. 39-1 Auction Sale Grist Mill Auction Barn Newtonville, Fri.,Oct.lst 7: 00 p. m. 3 pc. single bed maple suite, chests of drawêrs, dressers, beds, day bed, 3 pc. breakfast set, fri dge, stoves, wringer, washers, chesterfîelds, love- seat, pressback and child rockers, wooden doîl - play house, pine bench 12 ft. long and 2 ather benches, kitchen chrome set, platform rocker, buffet, concrete lawn orna- ments, pump organ, bedroomn suite. P lus many ather arti- cles and antiques. Terms: Cash. Auctianeers: Stapleton Bras. 786-2244. 39-1 Tuesday Evening, Oct. 12 7:30 p. m. The Second KAWARTHA KLASSIC Holstein Sale spon- sored by the Peterbpro Cou nty, Holstein Clu b. 50 Hlead. Top, Type and Production. Several young, ver y good, cows. Many f resh anad ready for fali ý roduction. A select group of eifers f rom the top of some g reat herds. Lloyd Wilson, SaIe manager and Auctioneer, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 39-2 Auction Sale, Safurday, Oct 2nd, 1: 15 at Bannister's Auction Hall beside Fine Hall in Bewdiey cansisting ol marbie top washstand, dlocks,îI chairs, tables, ail iamps, dishes, glassware, Frigidaire refrigerator, Kelvinator ne- fnigenator, heavy duty stove, books, and other items still being consigned. Rager Ban- nîster, Auctioneer. 39 Au cti on Sale -Furniture and Antiques The property of Mrs. V. Garrard, Haydon, 8 miles north of Bowmanville, 1 mile east of Enniskilîen, Saturday, October 9, 10:30 a.m. SelIing by auction, ail the contents f nom an aid country home. Upright aid bureau with glass door, shelves, drawers and mirror; oak dining raom buffet with mirror, 4 hard- woad rocking chairs, dining room suite with 3 leaves, 6 chairs inciuding armchair, antique chairs, hall mirror, century aid waoden kitchen table, aid oak kitchen cup- board, aid 'pictures, Aladin amp, aid wooden drap leaf table, wash stands,, set, ot 4 wooden kitchen chairs, Inglis spin dry washer, Findlay gas range, I eatherette arm chair, end tablesms, chester- fields, round tables, i ne kitchen cabinet, 71/2' t ail; large upri ght chest freezer, wooden kitchen side table, Lloyd record player, nearly new, with 2 separate speak- ers; end table, chesterfild suite, Singer sewing machine, steel beds, like new; refniger- ator, eiectric heater, 2 antique baby's high chairs, steel, rolli-away couch, lots of aid, small tables, rugs, clothes hamper, several lawn chairs, very aid pine dresser, antique 4 piece Washing set, rugs, bedding, old oak high back bedroom suite, compiete with dresser and wash stand, unusuai' design dresser with upnight mirnar; Misc. house- hoid kitchen antiq 'ues, e.g. butter print, tea tins; aid pine chest, coal ail iamps, aid waoden chest of drawers, smaii oak table, aid wooden bed, vaccuum cleaner, capper and steel boilers, small an- tique scaies, iran kettle, 2 antique porcelin pots' with covens, cracks, apple barrels, pine box, push mower, aid fin washtubs, extension ladder, garden tools, aid iumbering saws, scythe, garden wheel- barrow, aid wooden folc' lawn chairs, step ladder, , portable electric aven, m1 other misceilaneous items. Terms cash, no reserve. Sale conducted by Liptay Auc- tioneers Ltd., R.R. No. 1, Bowmanviiie. Phone 263-2117. Auctioneer Steve Liptay. 1976 Wanld Champion Auctuoneer., Please note startlng fiý 10: 30 a.m. Auction Sale of, household eftects and farm implements on -Satu rd-ay,_ 0ctf.9 a f 1 p. m. for Mrs. M.G. Builock, first road west of Orono and north on the Leskard Road, f irst farm. Frig, stove, coal and waod stove, deep f reeze, player pilana and 65 rails, 2. chesterfield beds and chair, coffee table, 2 chest of drawers, 6 D.R. chairs, table and sideboard, smaii tables, sewing machine, jars, High chair, 3 pce. bedroom suite, bed couch, tool chest, Int. tractor, grey Ford trac- ton, plaw cultivator, 3 furraw piaw, 7 ft. tractar mower, seed. drill, chains disc, snow tence, m spreader, snow fence, side rake, loader for tractor, wagon and rack, windless 30 ft. b aie carrier, qu. ot smali articles, some antiques, forks and shovels, no reserve, tenms cash. Lawrence Harris cîerk, Cliff Pethick auctioneer. 39-2 Saturday, October '2nd. Farm Soid - Auction Sale of iivestock, impiements and hausohold furniture. The p roperty of George and Loret- taPearson, Lot 18 Con. 4 Ops. Two. 157 Anqeline Sf.- S., Lindsay. 1 mile south of Lindsay Hospital or 1 mile north an County Rd. 4 - Angeline St. 57 head of Charolais and Charalais - Hereford Cattie will be soid af Lindsaylat approx. 3:00 p.m.. 23 Charolais and Charalais Heroford cows with 23 calveq by side. 10 Charolais steers and heifers 1 yr. aid. Hereford Bull, Charolais Bull. John Deere 60 gas tractar - power steering, hydraulic wîfh John Deere manure loader, snow bucket and chains. Nuftield 10-42 diesel tractar 3 pt-gaad. New Holiand 65 Baier P TO. 1973. John Deere 7' sr blower 3 pt. PTO. John De_ 3-12's frail piaugh, John Deere 10' frail cuitivator hydraulic lift, John Deore 7' trail type power mawer. M.H. il side rako, John Deere 4 tan rouler bearing wagon with rack 8'x16'. 20' hay elevator with mator, Int. tractor manure spreader, 16 grain auger W- motor, full i me of mod, machinery. Ap rox. 3000 baitir' 'mixed hay. Ca (dspot retniger- ator, 1int. deep ftreeze, chester- field, dresser, chairs, chrome suite, antique cupboard, trunk, coal oil iamps, Ian- fenns, dishes, ail stove, many ather items. Terms cash. No Reserve. Furniture Sale af 12:30 p.m. Machine Sale at 1:00 p.m. Cattie Sale at Lindsay Cammunity Sa le Barn, R.R. 2, Lindsay at appnoximafeiy 3:00 p.m. -Carl and Greg Hicksan Auctian- neers, Reabara, Ont. 705-324- ,9959. 38-2