16 The Canadian Statesman, September 28, 1976 Judge J. Bark presided with Acting Crown Attorney W.Livingston'and duty counsel D. Ralikowski. Hugh W. Butler, age 21, 12 Regent St., Lindsay, was charged April 28 with driving after consuming over .08. H1e pleaded 'guilty'. He was involved in a single car accident. A blood sample was. 1.5. The fine was $200 and costs or 15 days. License suspension 3 months. Gerrard Gooley, 32, Jane St., Peterborough, pleaded 'guilty' to a charge laid August 12 'did drive after consuming over .08'. He was observed eastbound on 401 and stopped by Const. Whiteley. Tests were .21. The fine was $300 and costs or 20 days. License suspension 3 months. Bench warrants to be issued for Ronald Pogue, Cameron Cline, George Merceria, Paul Skjodt, Peter Kemp and warrant in discretion for Frank Pastor.1 John Roche, 97 Beechwood Ave., Hamilton, pleaded 'guil-, ty' to a charge laid August 6 'did drive after consuming over .08'. H1e was observed eastbound on regional road 4 driving erratically. Tests were .11. The fine was $150 and costs, in default 5 days. Three months license suspension. Wilfred Danial Piggott, Wiarton, was levied a fine $175 and costs or . 1 days for driving August,21 after con- suming over .08. He pleaded 'guilty'. He was asleep behind the wheel of his car with keys in the ignition on 401. Const. Fitzgerald was the investiga- ting officer. Tests were .14. License suspension 3 months. Jon Van Beers, 18, 70 Burk St., Oshawa, was charged September 3 with driving after consuming over .08. He elead- ed 'guilty'. He was revving the car engine and attracted the officer's attention. Tests were .13 and .12. The fine was $150 and costs, in default 5 days. Const. D. Smith was the officer in charge. Richard D. Gibson, 18, Toronot was fined $50-and costs or 5 days for faîling to at- tend court when called. He pleaded 'guilty'. Allan W. Clark, 16, 2z Temperance St., Bowman- ville, and Michael Tompkins,, 16, Belleville, both pleaded 'guilty' to takîng a quantity of merchandise between Sep- tember 3 and 6 from Ganaras- ka Bridge Co. exceeding $200. The goods had been taken fromf a work site. Det. Smith and Const. Shepherd were the investigating officers. A pum-p was been recovered. he were each put on probation for one year. The judge told them 'this is your one opportunity as now you have a criminal record because of the stupid stunt. You will report every tWvo weeks or as often as probation officer thinks neces- sary.' Ronald C. Couvier, New- eastle, pleaded 'guilty' to taking a sum of money flot exceeding $200 on September 9. He and another, over a -period, had been taking money from a pop machine in front of a service station. 11e was put on probation for one year with restitution to be made by him and possibly the juvenile involved. The judge does not want his parents to pay the amount, he is to earn it. He is to report to probation officer every two weeks as required. .Herman Hondebrink, 17, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, was charged June 3 along with two others with taking auto parts The September meeting of St. Saviour's Anglican Church Women was held at the home of Mrs. Peter Chrisomais. Mrs. Douglas Hird of, Whit- by and Miss Judy Haight of Oshawa were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenice Harris. Mïr. and Mrs. Gus Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Har ris have returned ho me from enjoying a two week motor trip to St. John's, Newfound- land and visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams (nee Wilson) ýat Kentville, Nova Scotia. Mrs. K. Gamsby, Ms.H. ,Murray, Mrs. Lance Plain;, ,Mrs. J. Major and Mr-s. G. 'Watson, recenitly visited Es- pando. Manitoulin Iiadand by Ferry to Tobermpory and Owen Sound District. r. and Mrs. Ken Mîlnion of Peterborough spent Sunday %vith her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bob 'Morton. Bowmanville, Septemnber 29, 1976 Fhe Do ueoie [he o o ecipe for goodetig t ALL. PURPOSE GRIND COFFEE MAX WELL HOUSE 160OZ. BAG ASST'D VARIETIES, ROBIN HOOD CAKE MIXES CHOCOLATE, FUDGE OR PEANUT BUT7ER CHIP DARE COOKIES 140OZ. P KG. ONTARIO GROWN CANADA FANCY GRADE MCINTOSH APP LES \> ONTARIO GROWN ROMAIN~ LETTUCE 5 9LB« BAG 4E >29,1' GARDEN FRESH BRUSSELS' 33I . ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE CARROTS 33C 3 LB.' 33BAG COLOURED QUARTERS, BLUE BONNET MARGARINE 31IB PKG1.519 MACARONI & CHEESE K RAmP330Fl DINNER ïp À ff 71/4 OZ. PKG. ASST'D VARIETIES PRINMPASTAS PR!MO PLAN, MEA SPAGHETTI SAUC7,PES S9 ~ i C 28FF[ Z FLEISCHMAN S SPECAL' COLOUREDCUARTERS ai, 'à CORN QIL MARGARINE P2 LB BLACK DIAMONO, SINGLE SPECIAL' THINS, PROCESS CHEDDAR CHEESE SLUCES PK, Z 5 SPECIAL! INGERSOLL PRDCESS à 0 CHEESE SPREAD lEOZ 1.3 SPECIAL' CHRISTIESNOTSALTEDOR 160Z. SALTED PREMIUM PLUS K. 9C CRACKERSPG S PEC lALI ORANGE PEKOE PKG, RIDGWAY'S TEA BAGS 120L.UJ MELITTA GCM6 MODEL COFFEE MAKER BORDEN COFFEE WHITENER CREMELLE. ASST O VARIETIES HUMPTY DUMPTY POTATO CHIPS RICHMELLOW APPLE PIE S PECIAL! EACH 49 DELUXE GOLDEN BIRD, CANADA GRADE'A' EVISCERATED, FROZEN, 5 TO 12 LB. AVG. T URKEYS EMÀ ASST'D VARIETIES, FROZEN SAVARIN DINNERS 1 1DZ FKCG DOMINION REFRIGEEATLDJNSVWEETENED ORANGE JUICE NESTLE INSTANT SIn! HOT CHOCOLATE CONT ASST'D COLOU RS BOUTIQUE BATH ROOM TISSU E SPECIAL' PLANTER S SEIL 3:2 FL.O PEANUT IJIL CONT 17 ASST D VARIETIES, CE REAL SEIL 26 OZ *i CRUNCHY GRANOLA PKG.14 SENU SWEET CHOCOLATE CHrPS CHIPITS PKG 1.7 HOMOGÉNIZED PATIALLY SKIMMED PARTIALLY SKIMMED 220 W Ô 2% MILK 3QT.BAG 1.19 JAR 1 m791I OR JUG 25Ô g 77 C1 SPECIAL!, 200Z. PIE CHICKEN NOODLE .07 PKG SEALTÈSTSPECIAL! COTTAGE C H E E S ECONT 69 SP EC lAL! LIUID DETERGENT 32 L z9v POWVDERED TIDE DETERGENT 5 L8B OX2.021 CANADA GRADE A. FROZEN, EVISCERATED TURKEYS IENDERLOIN END PORK LOIN ROAST 3 - 4LB.AVG. DENTURE CLEANSER TABLETS PKG*OF POLI DENT , - ECONOMY, TODDLER DISPOSABLE DIAPERS PGO SPECIAL' flush-A-BYES 6G,0F 3o FABERGE, WHEAT GERM& SPECIAL! HON EV, CONDITIONER OR ORGANIC SHAMP ONT.~110 J0HNSON'S BABY SHAMPOO ULTRA BRITE' TOOTH PASTE CURAD OUCHLESS BANDAGES REGULAR OR DRY JERGEN'S LOTIC BTL. 0F 25 ALKA SELTZER 350 MI SPECIAL! CONT.1 1.99 2x lOOmi SPECIAL!' TUBES 19 PKG. 0F 60 SPECIAL! 300 MI SPECIAL' )N CONT. 9 S PECIAL! 1,0 70EC SPECIAL! 99C 1019 DOUBLE PROTECTION OR ANTI-PERSPIRANT 60OZ. AERO. RIGHT GUARD CONT. GILLETTE TRAC Il INJECTOR1 K.O RAZOR BLADESPG.F REGULAR, MENTHOL OR LEMON-LIME SHAVE CREAM 150OZ. GILLETTE FOAMY CO NT. SMALL, MEDIUMOR LARGE, SANIFLEX PAIR RUBBER GLOVES DIS INFECTANT : - IlIL AE RO *1 4 LYSOL SPRAY CONT. .14 GRANULATÈD, WHITE SUGAR 2 kg.59C CANADA UTULTY AND'B« GRADE FROZEN EVISCERATED TU RKE YS ÂÇV GLB FRESH GROUND, FORMERLY HAMBURG, REGULAR GROUND FBEEF LB. BITTNER'S FRESH TRAY PACK SEIL SAUAGELB.4 BITTNER'S VACUUM PACKED RINGS SEIL BLOOD PUDDING, -LB.0 BURNS'AND SWIFTS WIENERS SWIFT S AND BUJRNS MAC & CFAEESE, CHICK<EN, MEAT & OLIVE. DUTCH OR BOLOGNA COOKED MEATS BURNS'MILD CURER VACUUM PACKED COTTAGE ROLLS MAPLE LEAF SLCED FROZEN, GRADE'A'EVISCERATED 18O o.SIZE &UP CORNISH HENS BURNS PRIDE 0F CANADA k SWIFT'S LAZY MAPLE COOKED, BONELESS DINNER HAMS SPECIAL' S PECIA ýL! LB. 1 139 1 LB. Or PKG . EACH 1.39 RIB END' PORK LOIN ROAST 3-4 LB. AVG. fO VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TIMIE TUESDAY OCT. Si 1976 You cao depen lon us.