Fashion Highlights Featured in Eastern Star Show F Or Tbough the M inistry of Labor has been the prime scapegoat during the recent uproar about community arena sbutdowns, Dr. Bett( Stephenson gently but firmly reminded her audience at the Bowmanville Rotary Club last week that the, blame belong elsewhere. It is tbe owners and opera- tors of local arenas, not thE government or the ministry of e it y ;t )f labor, wbo must shoulder the respoasibility for complying with safety standards, Dr. Stephenson stated.' Considering the message, the labor minister delivered ber comments in an appro- priate place. Ia the Town of Newcastle alone, there -are three arenas whicb now re- quire extensive repair or replacement, and to date, only the Bowmanville Arena has been given clearance to re- main open for the season wbile, repairs are in progress.. As for the Newcastle and' Orono structures, the owners are stili awaiting word about their fate, and special permis- sion will have to be granted by the ministry of labor if they are to remain open this season. Though Dr. Stephenson did flot single out specific cases, she made it clear that mosit arena difficulties could have been avoided if owners had complied with salfety stan- dards before the receat cruncil came. Annuai Letter Ever since the current regulations governing safety were developed in 1970, Dr. Stephenson explained, the labor, ministry, bas sent an annual letter to the owners of the province's u r 'as requc.iting t t i ctte be inspected aï-,- À-te Of thal o W ,97 oeîatrs subrnitted erts n im- proved their l.ciiws -a reasonabie numbe, ti ,, minis- ter added. However, w'vkh the c llapse of two areras 7-:, c -. Dr. Stephenson omi oithat an 'uiQusual e'f i w ad10be (Tura te PaEaTw, Volume 122 20c Per Copy BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAy, SEPTEMBER 29, 1976 Prout Enterin Regional Race For WardTw Class-of '46,Singing-Medics Renh About 175 women attended the fail fashioip show held at the Bowmanville High School by the Durham Chapter of the Eastern Star on Sept. 22nd. From tweed pant suits to a new line of fali and winter coats, the show sponsored by 'The Mary C. Shoppe' featured highlights of the coming season for fashion. The models for the presentation shown above from lef t to right are Myrtie Morris, Helen Rudeil, Lola Bowen, Judy Crawforand Lori Cowan. Labor MnisterSays Pri e~Il esosbltor Plataety estsithUnins nd Management" by Liz Armstrong Witbout the broad support of both union and management, industrial health and safety legîslation in Ontario wîll be seriously lîmîited, Minister of Labor Bette Stephenson stated in Bowmanville on Thursday. INV'ITATION HUNT N tTed SPenýceley's out îonal hunt is planned for this ;Suniday mornin-1,g by Ibe B,1,ethany Huiit Club. Guests riders are exp)-cIed from several Toroto", clubs as well as from Ihis area. Speaking to 100 members and guests of the Rotary Club, Dr. Stephenson urged that safety was an issue that demaads joint lahor manage- ment and responsibility, plus the close attention and co- operation of politicians of al parties. Even. though fatalities la Ontario work places have declined 144 perc ent!siace 1974, the labor minister is not yet satisfied that enougb is being done to reduce the toîl f urther. Describiag healtb and safe- ty legisiation as a 'contentious issue', Dr.,Stephenson warned that "there is ao room for bollow promises and partisan politics in this matter. If we are guilty of irresponsibility, it won't be management, labor leaders or politicians who are the victims. t will be the workers. " While there is still much to be donre, Dr. -Stephenson said that there have been encour- aging sigas lately. In a recent decision by Stelco in H4amil- ton, action was taken by both compaay and union officials to remove health and, safety Want bue etings On If thie Town of Newcastle's Hydro Liaison Committee gets its way, the public w;ill be hearing a lot about the Darlington N'uclear Generat- ing Station some time in the future. ROTARY CAR WASH Don't forget to patronize the Bowmanville Rotary CIub's annual Car Wash this Saturday at the Bank of Montreal parking lot on King St. West. Local Rotar- ians will be out in full force to give your vehicle a thor- ough groomîng. The pro- ceeds wilI belp them to re- mbrethe fund they tap- ped last week to donate $2,000 for, arena repairs, PropsedStaion The committee decided last order to include "Tbe various week that it wants to hold points of view respecting al public meetings on the Danl- aspects of this large and ington plant, wbicb bas been complex project." proposed for about 1,200 acres Comrnittee member Jasper soutbwest of Bowmanville. Holliday said after the liaison And the seven-memberý meeting last Friday morning committee composed of both that no project of thesize of elected and aon-elected offi- (Turn to Page Two) diais bas made its request known to the Hon. G. A. Kerr, ALI WINS TITLE BOUT Miister of the Environment. Muhammad Alil retained Tribunal bis heavyweight tille last A letter to the minister nigbt over Ken Norton,ý but states that the public hearîngs it wasn't a pôpular decision should he beld bel ore an with the crowd wbo thougbt "independent tribunal" and it Norton had won. The bout asks the energy ministry to went the fullI 15 rounds with provide advice on bow these neither figbter being down- meetings could be held. edAlil received $6 million Accordiag to the letter, the and Norton $1 million. Not a bearings would be needed'la bad night's work. Pre:,sents Kinsmen Païst President 's Plaque As in most service clubs, the job of president changes hands from year to year. But, as a token for his time devoted to the club's leadership, the Kinsmen give a remembrance to those who serve in the position. Above, last year's Kins men president Lorne Tink is shownreceiving the past president's plaque presented by Dave Crawford, the 1976-77 club president. negotiations from the bargain- ing table completely. Ln a co-operative effort, joint meetings between management and union repre- sentatives bave -worked to (Tura to Page Two) Northumberland and New- castle Board of Education member, Maurice Prout has announced his plans to rua as Ward Two representative, on the Durham Regional Council in December. Mr. Prout will leave a two yerpstion with the Board of dctin bebinci to compete for the seat ýon the council against the present Ward Two councillor, Ivani Hobbs. Before becoming a member of the board, Mr. Prout was a councillor on the Bowmaaville Town Council for eigbt years. Wben regional government was formed ia 1973 he ran unsuccessfully for the region- ai council office. U ndue Alarm Over Tyrone Expansion A group of Tyrone residents told the town's committee of the wbole last week that there bas been undue alarm over a brief recently presented to the committee and dealing witb future developmpnt la Tyrone. The brief stated that resi- dents in Tyrone wanted 10 have a hand in planning their village, since it appeared as ITSà&pIECE BUYWEEKEND- Sports car enthusiasts will probably beout in full force this weekend for the Labatt's 50 Grand Prix racing at Mosport Park when James Hunt will be doîng his utmost to catch up to Nicki Lauda, with several others trying to obtain points for the World Driving Championship. However, there's quite a bit more doing in the area that should also attract local folks. 'Newcastle Village's new fire station will hold Open House on Saturday afternoon, in the evening Solina will pay tribute to the three championshîp teams and Roseneath Fair will be going strong all day. Also, the new 1977 cars will be on' display at local dealerships. Let's hope for fair weather. POLI TICAL RUMORS - Several new names have been injected as possibles into the. forth- coming race for region and local council posi- tions. Maurice Prout has announced that he will be running for a regional, seat in Ward Il (Bowmanville). We also hear rumors that former Jaycee President Larry Pooler may have a crack at the local council seat in Ward Ill be ing vacated by Kirk Entwisle. And the lastest prospect is former Darlington council- lor Tom Baker for region council in Ward 1. BAPTISTS BUY LAND - Bowmanville Baptists may soon be preparing plans for anew church, according to information. We understand they have obtained a parcel- of land just çast of Bob Carruthers' farm on the 4th concession, west of Liberty St. Actually, we were -supposed to take a pic ture of some of the ýofficials there around one on Sunday, but nobody showed up. Possibly the ramn was the cause, it wasn't the nicest day for picture taking. STEER COMPETITION- The 4-H Queen's Guineas Steer Competition at the Royal Winter Fair Nov. 19th has attracted 441 entries from 28 counties for an increase of almost 100 over last year's record number. From this area, there are three nominees, Mary and Wendy Cornish, R.R. 5, Bowmanville and Jim Smith, R.R. 1, Enniskillen. Good luck to themn with raising their steers to at least the 850 pound mark by Oct. lSth. FLOWER WEEK - We haven't heard much stirring promotion from location florists,ý but a news release advises that this is Flowers of 'Canada Week, this year featuring that elegant flower, the rose. So,' take one home to your wife today, and she'll wonder what you've been up to. 30TH BIRTHDAY - On Tuesday, October Sth, Oshawa's CKLB radio station will celebrate its 30th anniversary with some special program- ming from radio's Golden Age to mark the event. Congratulations are extended to President Gord Garrison who has been there for most, if not ail, of that tinie. MAY CLOSE RACEWAY - Following a fatal accident at Westgate Raceway in Peterborough on Saturday, the season's closing date, the owneirs are reportedly considering closing the track for good. Branko Devich, 19, of Oshawa was killed, when a race car jumped the track. Three others were injured. tbough "large developers" saw potenÏtial in the area. Part of that brief suggested that the village grow 10 a population between 1,500 and 2,000 witb carefully controlled development.' But tbe resi- dents responsible for the document sas tbey want it understood that the brief contaianed only suggestions, not facts., The re!sid!ents Fsaîd through thel.r lawyer, E. R. Lovekin, last Monday aflernoon that what they want 10 see is "the fullest type of stu dy" on Tyrone. The memorandum fromn Mr. Heming and bis associates also recommends that "no major decision be taken until such study was made witb its (Turn to Page Two) KINSMEN TAG DAYS The Bowmanville Kinsmen have scbeduled tag days to raise funds for cystic fibrosis on Oct. 15 and 16. 1Local residents will find Kinsmen stationed in varions areas downtown including the four corners, in front of grocery stores, beer and liquor outlets and Canadian Tire. Last week's meeting of the Bowmanville Rotary Club po r than an excellent address by a keynote speaker. It was a7&f reunion for Ontario Labour Minister Dr. Bette Stephenson i<iile physician Dr. Keith Slemon. Back in their college days, thesc .it of Toronto medical students used to team up with aohr~ doctors to form the Phi Chi Four. On Thursday, Dr. Sieoné,rd h Labour Minister to 100 Rotarians and their guests at the FltgDPr Inr, addition to talking about industrial safety, Dr. Stephensoi.rt.t hr audience that the province's current arena problems could beIa il n the laps of the local operators who had flot complied with te established in 1970. StartArena Fund N4eerna Stl1e Vill1ag£je BY Peter Parrott "At the present time, we A total of between $70,000 have commitments to raise and $80,000 will have. to be $7,500," said Alf Gray, chair- raised by public donations in man of the Newcastle Village order to rebuîld the Newcastle and District FundingOrgaini- Memorial Arena next year zqtion. and keep the building in use ' The money would corne this year. irom hockey and figure skat- A crowd of about 50 at the ing organizations la the vil-' Newcastle Community Hall lage as well as village service ~ last Friday was told that some clubs. of the money to repair or The $7,500 Mr. Gray spoke of ,rebuild has already been could be matched by wintario donated. (Tura to Page Two) Really Stirs Her Ls Over a Dozen Briefs At NDP MVîn"i-Caucus In Peterborough Over a dozen groups will present witten briefs and appear formally at the two- day "Mini" Caucus meetings la Peterborough, organized by the New Democratic Party in Ontario. The meetings will take place at the Peter- borough Labour Centre (61 Princess Street) un Thursday, September 30, from 7:30 to 10:00 p.m. and Friday, Octo- ber 1, from 9:30 bo 1: 00 p.m. La addition to Giîl Sande- man, M.P.P. for 'Peterbo'- rougb, four or five other members of the N.D.P. Oppo- sition Caucus will be present to receive comments and briefs froni groups and indlvi- LES JACKSON DIES Afamîliar figure bere for many years, Les Jackson lied yesterday in bis 9ist year. lus body was taken 10 Nortbcutt Elliott Funeral Home on Division St.,-with funerai arrangements tb be completed today. duals ia Ibe region. The meetings are open, and mm bers of tbm public are wmlcomm (Tura to Page Two) Arena Meeting- Tonight 1A meeting to discuss fund- ing arrangements for the Bowmanville arena gels un- derway at eight p.m. tonigbt. The meeting will be beld la the court room of the police and fire building in Bowman- ville. It is establisbed that repairs of $45,000 are needed at tIbm Bowmanville arena and Ibm public may be asked 10 contribute one quarter of that amount in donations. The remaining moaey would corne from Wintario or Com- munity Centres grants. !n response to a requestfomeerlpensn this area, Mrs. Sheila Miorrsr,£C tî. secretary of the Toronto-based au cto League,' came to Bowmanville lastWeîeJyt help start a local affiliate of theogai't nA caustic speaker, Mrs. Morrison urgesnarets v are having problems with th cholsytn t , to the'!root of the difficulty b îe' " e '. with teachers, prîncipa, personnel alnd (especially)îl.Si officiais. She doesn't blame înivîourld , eî- ý.or the current problems, but charges mnsr higher-ups with abdicating their responsibilit'e'- O 1wners Were Warned R ýeeaed in ist ry otto renaShu 40 Pages Kt.~rr39