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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1976, Section 2, p. 4

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4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 29, 1976 Section Two Rick Rickard's CNE Grand Champion The John Rickard family, formerly of Newcastle and flow of Spring Grange Farm, R.R. 2, Woodville, is stili very much involved in raising fine cattie. Son Wm. F. "Rick" Riekard entered this two-year-old heifer in the Canadian National Exhibition this year and she won t he Grand Championship Female award against a large number of other entries. supporting the Swiss position on territorial waters." "But, Switzerland is land- locked," protested. "Sure, but he doesn't know that. Remember Bud Cullen? " "Certainly," I replied. "When he was head of Revenue, he brought in the bill that killed Time magazine in Canada and cut Canadian advertisers off from Amer- ican television stations." "Yeah, well, he's stili at it. Now he's minister of Man- power and Immigration and any foreign employer who wants to hire Canadian work- ers has lis ads deleted from the newspaper. Un top of that, ahl the immigrants to thîs country have to prove they're Canadian citizens." "Gee," I said, "he really took his old job seriously." "That's nothing compared to Warren Allmand. You'Il recaîl he brought in the new gun law when he was Solicitor -General. Well, now he's the new minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Devehopment." "So what's the connection? " "He's trying to take the harpoons away from the Eskimos on the grounds that they're dangerous weapons and could be used in an armed robbery of a trading post.." "That's silly," I said. "I know, but he just hasn't become acclimatized to his new position vet. As well. he is also talking about abolishing thehanging of laundry in the Yukon." "Surely," I said, "there must be at least -one new minister who took over his new duties without approach- ing them from the point of view of his former responsibil- "Not really," he replied. "However, I do know that the Canadian Air Line Pilots Association and the Canadian Air Traffic Controllers Assoc- iation were hoping that Trans- port Minister Otto bang would be appointed to External Affairs." "Why?" I asked. "Because, after the contro- versy he started about bilin- gualsinm in the air they'd love to get him on an airpiane. Can you imagine bang wanting to fly to an, international confer- ence in Vienna and winding up in Tokyo with his baggage going on to Australia? Why, they'd give up their pensions for a chance like that. With a bit of organization, bang would be on planes for years and neyer get back to Ottawa. And you know what the meals are like on Air Canada." "It's a fate worse than death," I agreed. "But it's a delightful thought, nevertheless," he said. "Unfortunately, he knows what's in store for hlm and Inow he only files TWA (Intended for Last Week) X'elverton U.C.W. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Gray on Thursday, Septembei- l6th., Busin ess included planning the annual Roast Beef Dinner on Thaniksgiving Monday at the church-hall. Watch future Coming Events for details. Mrs. Donald Frew of Yelver- ton was the guest speaker on the occasion and was introduc- ed by Mrs. Linda Pfoh, program convenor. Janetville W.I. News On Aug. llth Janetville W. I. celebrated their 6th anniver- sary with a get-together of their members and past when he goes out of the country. " "That's not very patriotic," I said. "Right, and Bud Cullen, now that hes minister of Immigra- tion, says that the next time bang tries to get into the country on a foreign airhine he'll have to apply for a visa from Taiwan. " "But, after the Olympic debacle, we're not very pop- ular there." "Yeah, I know," my friend said, "we've got him coming and going. Now if we could get the PM out of his executive jet YELVERTON presidents for a smorgasbord dinner complete with anniver- sary cake at the Rock Haven in Peterborough. Later, they toured points of interest in that localitv. Those presenït were Mrs. Robt. Stephenson, Mrs. Elma Archer, Mrs. Everald Toole, Mrs. Ted Pike, Mrs. Bert McMullen, Mrs. Robt. Vivian, Mrs. Jim Reid, Mrs. H. Winkelaar, Mrs. Harold Moxon, Mrs. Virtil Staples and Mrs. N. Muirhead. Congratulations to the gals on this auspicious occasion. i On Thursday evening Yel- verton Mens Team bombard- ed the Oshawa Towers 20-5 at Woodview Park in Oshawa to win their semi-final two straight. In defense of Osha- wa, we must state that they were without the services of, two of their better players, the Woernki Brothers. In the other semi-finals we under- stand that Utica, John Deeres eliminated Port Perry Centre in 2 out of 3, Nestleton and Pontypool.' In the Oshawa game catcher Terry Malcolm was the star, 6 runs in 6 times at bat with four that's right, four home runs. The Timms brothers, Donnie and Wayne each had a home run. Donnie pitched the game and had 12 strike outs. Another good team effort! Yehverton's' next game should be on Sunday, Oct. 3rd vs the winners of the other two semnifinals, Utica, and Ponty- pooî or Nestleton. Glad to report that one of Yehverton's team members Mr. Terry Shea has undergone knee surgery in Lindsay hospîtal and is recuperating successfully. Mr. Fred Stacey was also scheduled to undergo some repair work in hospital this week. Speedy convalescense to Fred also. Sorry to report that Mr. Joe Draper was taken to Port Perry Hospital on Tuesday past of this week. Joe is currently under observation there and may be transferred to Toronto for further treat- ment. Yelverton lî4th Church Anniversary was observed on Sunday morning Sept. 19 with Rev. Robt. Mumford as guest preacher, a speaker extraor- dinary. Those present were given a real treat combining as he did an inspirational message with a humnorous approach. Mrs. Vanita Jack- son of Bethany contributed two enjoyable solos. The theme of the service was "Honour the past in order to better prepare for the future." Miss Jane Connolley of T oronto. Mrs. Christine Nasato, Louis and Elizabeth of Mississauga were weekend guests at Malconia adding to the festive occasion honouring number one son on the auspicous event of his 2lst birthday. Miss Mitzi Malcolm (not Myrtie) returned frcn a 2 week vacation in Edmonton and Calgary area on Sunday evening and spent Monday at Malconila before returning home to Toronto. 9 ~HAR ORONO 983-5206 ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE T heT1 by John Squirrelly The recent cabinet shuffie by the Prime Minister has thrown some federal depart- ments into the usual chaos that resuits when ministers are changed. The problem, known as "former portfolio syndrome", occurs when a *mînister moves suddenly from one area of responsibility to another, different one and continues to perform as if he were in his old post. I had a chat lately with a friend of mine who has been observing ""MY INSU RANCE H-ANDLED EVERYTHING" Mighty comfortîng on a vaca- tion tnip, when an accidentor personal injury might waste days of vacation timfe. James InsuranceAgency is associ- ated with agents and ad justers throughout the country Io give you emergency insurance ser- vice. Agenu gLimited DOUGLAS S. JAMES 24, KING ST. E., BOX 100 BOWMANVILI.E, ONT. OFFICE 623446(~t rudeau Sl the phenomenum for some years. "What's happened this time?" I asked. "Same old thing," he replied. "Give me a for instance." "Well, as you know, Allan MacEachen was in External Affairs and he's now moved over to be House Leader and President of the Privy Council. 0f course, in Extern- ai he used to jet ail over the world to have meetings with heads of governments and other important people. And I'm afraid he hasn't lost the habit. " "You mean . .. ? I began. "'Yep. When the PM told him that they should get together forsome talks, Mac- Eachen would only agree to see him next week in Darees Salaam." "But, good heavens," I exclaimed, "their offices are just down the hall from each other. " "I know," my friend said, "but every time MacEachen walks out the door, he automatically heads for the aiîrport. Hlis serinor assistant had 'Io go to Paris a, whihe ago just to get his signature." "Cani't somebody straighten hlm out?" My friend sighed. "They would if they could find him. Today he's addressing a group of Halifax lawyers in Singa- pore. After that, he's meeting a delegation of Vancouver Liberals in Cairo" "My gosh," I said, "is this same thing happening with al the others?" "Pretty well the same pattern. Judd Buchanan was in Indian Affairs and Northern Development and now he's in charge of Publie Works. The other day, after they had approved a tender to build a post office in Prince Rupert, he made the contractor sign a treaty giving up all his rights to Hudson Bay.", "Did the contractor have any rights there?" "~Of course not, but they paid him $50,000 anyway.", "I'm beginning to see the ~W~- and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS 1CALI COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial 1-6568-3381 CALL US D ULO TODAY D UL0 FO0R PROMPT, COU RTEOUS SERVIC Do You Need Money? $2,OO - $50OO - st, ?nd or 3rd Mortgages -Cut Your Payments in HaIt -Consolidate Ail Your Loans - Pay Off an Existing Mortgage -Combine 2 Mortgages into One -Purchase or Improve Property Any WorthWvhiIle Purpose Farms -Commercial - Residential Tel-. 705-743-2501 ýGreat Northernt Financial Corp. -SAME DAY APPROVAILS - )h fl situation." 1 said. "This is the resuit of being in one job too. long."' "And not being able to adjust quickly," he pointed out. "Take the case of Don Jamieson. He was minister of Industry, Trade and Com- merce and got shifted to External Affairs. Last week, in his new position, he went to the Law of the Sea conference in New York and came home with three trade deals and a promise from Saudi Arabia to establish a camel breeding operation in Monicton. That was after he stated he was Bus iness Directory SYLVANIA, FROSTED 15. 25 40, 60 OR 100 WATT Light BulPbs Accounta ncy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanvi le Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 Kng St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539- D. V. SNODDON 14 Frank Street Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-4597 Residence 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 67 King St. East, Sui le 2 623-6555 HAAR, CHAPMAN & FLETT Chartered Accountants Suite 202, 54 Centre St. N., Oshawa, 728-7363 133 Church St., Bowmanville 623-6868 JOHN WINTERS Chantened Accountant R.R. 2, Bowmanville Phone 623-5828 Chîropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 270 King St. E ast Bowmanvi le Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofc:Ch iropractor 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment -HEIN? CREAM F Mush9rPm LED D'OR, FROZEN Onion Rings RICH'S -FROZEN Coffee Rich IGA -STARBRITE Liquid Bleach Z FABRIC SOFTENER Cling Free Sheets Dental DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanvil le (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9: 9p. m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Protessional Bldg. Office Hours: Weekdays 9 -5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy.,623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D.D "S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bowmanville Office Hours: 8: 30- 5: 00 Weekdays Closed Friday Afternoons DR. W. M.RUDELL D. D.S. 75 King St. E., Bowmanville Office Hours: Mon., Tues., and Thurs., 19'tii 5 Wednesday -9'til 2 Fniday -9'til 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday' Off ice Phone 623-5790 PATRICK G. D)EEGEN, D.T Denture Therapy Clinic 33 King St. E., Bowmanville Office, Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fni. 8:30'til 5: 00 Wednesday 8:30'til1 12: 00 Saturday - By appointment oniy Phone 623-4473 INSTANT IGA Hershey Chocolate C on Gai Rc DISPENSERS (5s) OR ADJuSTABIE 14s) Gillette Trac Il Blades G PRICES EFFECTIVE WEO.,SEPT. 29,TO SAT., OCT 2. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. ASSORTED FLAVORS Royal Jelly Powders PRODUCE 0F REPUBLIC OF outspan PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. Orng s, SCANADA NO. 1 GRADE ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Can lopes Cabagé $1 WHITE SWAN- ASSORTED COLORS 2 LB. $ Paper Towels PINK OR LEMON ê 3OZ,$90 Cindy Liquid 4PKGS 1 Detergent 2 2-ROL 88 Weston JeIIy Pomis- Poms 14.5oi 411g97'9C ISOUTH AFRICA DOZ. 7se CANADA NO. i GRADE Nagara 3jFOR87 B lueGraý-,,,,ipesi PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. CANADA N&. 1 GRADE 'SWEET- Green Peppers LB. à$e PRODUCE OF U.S.A.44QT. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE E BASKET C cu b r 24-S ~ ' 77 King Street East Bo wmanvîlle Values Effective at BOWMAN%"LLE STORE ON Y e -- c f e e a 0F Z MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM4 IFUILWLI FUEL OIL M DZ TINS 2 oz McCAIN- FANCY FROZEN, STRAIGHT cur 'French Fries 2 LB*A 2%32-FL.s zOZ. CINS P 644L MOZ -PLASTIC BUS. Box s 0F 24 1

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