6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 29, 1976 Section Two Fir revention e s Ct r 3rd- 9th Eary eectonbaves LivesndPoe Alonost two thirds of all many in, the early morning firts occur in the home, hours.A simple lire Warn- The 13brldt w-t*P One, More peopie insure their homes with State Farm than with any other company. Thats because they've found State Farm cff' s the best in service, protection and economy. Give ae a eall. lIl be glad to give you ail the details. Scugog St. - Biowmmanvîlle Telephone 623-3621 STAIFARMM Like a good neegbor, State Farm is there. STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY Canadian Head Office:'Scarborough, Ontario c "C. IIC. 25 12 0CT76 For 26 ©~CW PIC Fire c.r--; anytime! Instali a smoke a!:wýrn system -n your home and make periodic checks% of your wiring. Aiso, check your insurance pol icy to rnake sure that you have adequate coverage shoutd a fire strike! jaciMesI r nce Agecy 24 King Stle 623-4406 ty ing device can save the lives of your family. Only a year ago a fire broke out in a basement closet of a very fine house in Ontario. An expensive fire warning system had been installed to rouse the family and signal the fire department if the tempera- ture at any of 15 points reach ed 135 degrees fabren- heit. It neyer went off. But a $59.95 snoke detector erectcd early in 1974 sound- cd its raucous signalas did 4 others still in their car- tons in the basement. A little smoke triggered the detectors and helped save the lives of the parents and their 5 chîldren. Although it is unwise to specify any single fire de- tection systemn without look- ing very closely at the de- tails of each situation smoke detectors are steadily win- ning favour w'th an increas- ing number of Canadian home owners. Compactly designed, inexpensive and c omparatively easy to in- stall, a number of different models are highly recom- mended by fire departments. Early warning is of vital importance and it should be recognîzed there are four stages to a fire situation. First the incipient stage where no visible smokc, flame or significant heat have developed. Then the smouldering stage when smçoke is seen and tnxic gases are beginning to gen- erate but without flamne or appreciable heat. This is >followed by the third ,or,, flame stage wherein the' volume of smoke may re- cede as the amount of heat ruses. And flnally the heat stage where heat, flame, smoke an~d toxic gases are verv evident. You now have a full scale fire raging with ail its perdls to lives and property. Tlýere are at least four distinctive types of detec- tors. AIl perform a func- tion under certain situa- tions but we are dealing with early warnings for fires in the home. Smoke detectors are widely recom- mended for ibis purpose. Thermal or heat detectors as they are commonly known usually only o perate when heat at the ceiling level bas reached 135 de- grees fahrenheit, while the flame detector "senses" light from the flicker of the Rlames or fire. Both these types are good under cer- tain conditions. The smoke detectors, however, are de- signed to becomeoperation- ai earlier in the fire cycle. The photo electric type trig- gers at stage 2 and sounds its warning when visible smokc is preserit. The '"products of combustion" design, sometimes known as ionization detectors, respond at.the incîpient or fire stage of a fire before even the smoke really becomes ap- parent. Bo th these smoke detec- tor types cani serve the home owner or apartment dweller well. Retailing at under $80.00 and in some places for appreciably less, they are compactly con- structed, gracefully designed and generally mounted on Insurance Agency Ld 108 Liberty St. N. Pract'i,ýice Fie n 'I 623-2527 the ceiling adjacent to the bedrooms. If the bedroomns are on different levels two units are recommended. Many of these srnoke de. tectors can be uine powered, that is wjred into household circuits, others are battery operated. Similar to al riew appliances, instructions should be carefully fol- lowed. Pire can break out fast and one key to safety is -an early warning." A smoke detector is an incx- pensive investment weil worth considering for your added large appliances. ITS FOR 2. Don't allow grease to fl~OME WNER$ uild up on stove tops. 3. Don't let rubbish ac- cumulate. F IR SA ETY4. Dont empty ashtrays FIRE AFETY into waste baskets, as a smold- Keep the possibility of fire ering butt Cap start a blaze. in your home down to a mini- 5. Instail a smoke detec- mum by following thlese es- tor, which could prove indis- sential fire safety tips: pensable, should fire occur. It 1. Make frequent checks senses smoke before it be- of your electric wiring systemn comnes visible and sends out a to make sure it's adequate, es- lou<i, shrill signal that will pecially, if you've recently penetrate even the deepest sleep. Called Smokey, it's home. Make sure it's lîsted made by Norelco and operates and labelled by the Under- on a 9 volt alkaline battý,ry. writers Laboratories of 6. Have a good fi re extîn- guisher handy. Th, ' Flame danada. -Fighter Charger by Norelco is a check Iist htyucould cali * Do flot smoke in bd or while watching TV when you are tired. * Check appliances for proper& safeê wiring. * Keep matches out of reach of small chul- dren. * Clean Up - remove rags, trash, papers, in &around the home. * Pre-plan an 'easy escape exit from your home and know how to caul your fire de- partment. Roy Nichols Motfors Ltd Serving the Motoring Public for Over 50 Years Bowmanville Courtice 623-2556 728-6206 IKen's Men's Wear Do ino S or sElîsS oe Brock's Service Centre Ltd. KnStE.Bowmanville 49 King St. W. 623-5941 20 King St. E. 623-5487 Chartran'sMen's Wear CliffcestCie neS creor 1-D-A Drugs 17 King St. E. 623-5567 38 King St. E. 623-7061 5 King St. W. 623-5792 Colliss Electric Ltd. Mc®or Hardware Carter's Bakery 12 Silver St. 623-5901 95 King St. W. 623-2542 21 King St. E. 623-5855 A.I1. Sturroek & SonsLt I es yJak a Distributors Esso Furnace Oitr y ak u Complete Delivery and H-eating Equipment Service. I Prevent Fires- Keep Your Heating Equmpmnent In Good Repair First for Over 80 Years 67 King St. E. 6324 Sturrock Road 623-5516 162 King St. E.2336j easy to operate and refillable and extinguishes grease, oil, electrical, and paint fires. It's handsomely styled, suitable for any room. 7. Cover paint cans tightly and secure the lids. Make sure brushes are dlean. - If you follow these tips you'l be taking the first step toward protecting your family from the perils of fire. Avrtising.1. helps you jdge Igood from ubad. CAADANADVERTISING ADVISORY BOAROI I M Carelessutkn, haphazard habits can become a way oflifethatcan-e dan-ger us atc odfr-saf e habits ail year. He re's "Preventive Medici-ne" 'Q A Fir StaionNo. i owmanville) Mondagy to Friýda y (8:00a. M. to 5:00 p.. i Staion No.2 (Newcastle Village) MonaytoFriday (1:000 p.n. 4: p.. nd600 p.m. -9:00 p.m.) Fir SatonNo. 3 Th ursday and F ri dayevnng6:0p.m. to9:00 p.m.) Osborne & Shank 623-5580,ýl 3rdm9th FIR" DE mil OU ýýj,