12 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville.St Trinity UCW, Meeting After the political troubles last year - an attempted coup in February ended in the slaughter of 33 on a beach which you could sec in living colour on TV - Mrs. C. has brought her children home for the current school year. But she goes to join her husband this weekend and wants to sec more of Africa, hoping to spend time in S. Africa where she hasn't yet been. It's hard to move fromn country to country because of "border papers" which take so long to get and then be examined. In answer to many interest- ed questions from an audience of over 60, we learned that the language is English for gener- al communication because there are 260 dialects or more. English is therefore spoken and taught in the schools, but at recess a babel of dialects breaks out. There are many Christian churches in Lagos though the people further north are mainly Moslem. These arc the main rulers because they are the soldiers. An ciection has been promis- ed, but who knows? Those in power are young - in their thirties. A "show and tell" exhibit of artifacts and pictures fromn Africa was laid out at the back of the room tIo be examined at the end of the meeting (later.ï causing quite - a jamn by the doors) Mrs. Cartwright was thanked by Mrs. L. Mason and presented with a gift. Mrs. A. Blair resumed the choir for the businiess session. The minutes of a recent executive meeting reported the decision to have chldren's tickets at $150 for the Novem- ber 6 Casserole Supper; adult tickets will be $325. A country store will be placed uptstairs at the, same time and al members are invited to pre- pare contributions for it, and patronizeit at the time! Mrs. R.- Coombes is to be the U.C.W. represcntativc' on the Restructuring Commiîttee, engaged in implementing theî- Unified Board Plan for the church to take effect January 1977. The treasurer's report read by Mrs. D. Austin was encouraging. Miss Catherine Blair gave a report from a weekend conference at Quin- mo-lac. A new year-round buildin~g was dedicated. Two hundrcd sixty UC.W. mcm-. bers were in attendance; each Presbytery presenting a ban- ner to be hung in the dining hall. These each had a different country for a theme. Oshaws Presbytery's bannerà and name tags rpeetda study of India. tmulated byý this exhibit, $504 wascolte for overseas relief. Rev. Gordon Hunter was the inspiring special speaker, lcading the campers back to study the simple teachings of Christ which anyone can understand. Jesus wants us to do the simple things, such as forgiving each other. When we get our relationship straight with Jesus, it will fi our lives full to overflowing with His Spirit. This wili result in enthusiam - meaning literally "God in us". Certainly the Quin-mo-lac experience filled Miss Blair with enthusiasm as she gave us a most excellent report. Other reports followed; Mrs. Brooks on the used stamps sent and Mrs. Tait on the Dominion Store tapes tallied. Two afghan knee throws were on exhibit knitted by unit 7, who are always looking for more used wool to put to this good use. A caîl for volunteers was made to help address and send out the invitations to the thank offering mee,-ting, Otober 19 Bethany, on Highway 7A and resulted in the dcath of Deborah Lynn Gieg, 20 years old of Ottawa. Also during the, past week over 100 investigations of aý general nature were carried out. These included Break and Enters, assaults and thefts, These investigations have re- sulted in 5 charges being laidl for offences against the Crim mnal Code. DRIVING TIP Avoid Dangerous Passing Motorists! If, for any rea.,sn, you decide to pass thc c ar ahead when you're rontqt sure vou cao do it, remer ie ... you're risking hr~ Neyer pass other^ vehicles when climhing hilîs, (in curves, when approachiog bridges. railway crossiogs. home for W,,.P-ir 4.ý' ujoi o o r p r ing Cadmium-plated. Screw in orout to adjust 5. Pneumatic Door-Closer 429 Seif-lubricated type.['its doors t() I1/>8" Powerfui Pneumatic Closer-hvy-du-y torsion bar $->5.99 ML41ru1!1'll.v.muI;41 Eavestrough Seaier- 113 fi. oz. cartridge . .$6 IPhone 623-2518 R.,W. JONON ENTERPRISES LIMITED TR OR Monday, Tuesday, Wednesay rvetet rh>ree Saturday I623-4601 Bow..ma n vi le 83 a m6: 0p.