Local Choir Joimâ Organîst for Two by C. Veenstra forces with a visiting organist Once more the aduit choirs from the Netherlands. After of the Ontario Christian Music several exciting tours with the Assembly, under the direction well known organist, Feike of Mr. Leendert Kooy, joîn Asma, they now face a new The Largest Selection of in the Durham' Region. TOP QUALITY.. LOWER PRICES! and PERSONALIZED SERVICE HOMEgURISHINGS] Our Reputation for lntegrity Speaks for ltself Whitby Mal, Whitby '576-1880 The teacher was trying ta g et over the intricacies of subtraction. "You have ten fingers," she said. "Suppose you had three less, then what wyould you have?" "No music lessons," Johnny promptly replies. CLOTHES CARE HINT: THERE 15 NOTHING CHEAPER than the cost of having your garments cleaned and pressed - - they are renewed to thei original freshness at a fraction of their original cost. Coming Event OFF ICIAL OPENING 0F NEWCASTLE FIRE STATION Saturday, October 2nd - 3:00 p.m. DRY CLEANI NG B>owmanville Cleaners Ltd. 84 King St. W.1 623-5520 "We Specialize in Shirt La underi ng" REDKEN Acid Balanced Orgonic Protein Produ-cts for Heaithier Hair and Skin "ExcIusively at your Beauty Salon" Product of the Week: AIRSET for Heat Styling An acid balanced protective styling lotion to be used with blow dryers, hot combs and curling irons for style control between salon visits. Donna - Brian - and Bey (Bey is back onSaturdays) TH E Styeghoppc 37 King St. West Specializing in the Iatest cuts and blow drying 623-5455 eTouring Concerts tpopulai- Dutchi organist Mr-. Klaas Jan Mulder. Like Mr. Asmna, Mr. Mulder is par-t of a widespread jmiovement in Europe to bîing the church organ back Io the people. To accomplish t is task. Mr. Mulder bas often departed from the beaten path. This 40 year old mus- ician bas re-arranged a lot of piano and orchestral works, such as Saint-Saens "Carn- aval of Animais" and adapted them to the pipe organ. He bas a solid background in both piano and organ music assist hîm in these efforts. That bis work is bearing fruit is obvious from the great de- mand for bis performances, both live and on radio, TV. and record. His improvisa- tions are imaginative with of ten a touch of humor, as in a previous concert tour when he played a fantasy on "Oh Canada". At one point, the audience found tbemselves listening to both the Dutch and Canadian national anthems, beautifully blended together. Now tbat's hands across the sea! Mr. Mulder's solo perfor- mance selections are not known at this time but together witb the choirs will be performed the triumphant chorus by Haydn, "Acbieved is the glorious Work" from the roratorio "Creation" also a rdelightful cantata on an old folk song "The Smallest" by the conductor Mr. Kooy, the rallying gospel bymn "The Banner of theétCross", and the majestic chorus "Hallelujah" from the oratorio "The Mount, of Olives" by Beethoven. As bas become traditional witb O.C.M.A. concerts, there will be audience participation, witb thé audience occasionally carrying the melody against the barmony and descant of the choir.f The cboir's first sing witb Mr. Mulder on Saturday, Oct. 2 in the Trinity Cburch in preparation for the Oct. 13 concert there. The second rebearsal takes place on Oct. 4 in St. James Cathedral, Tor- onto, for the concert there on Oct. 6. The choirs look forward to this undoubtedly exciting ex- perience, and they also look forward to sharing the exper- îence wîtb the public. Team Standings Robinson, 8500 pins, 19 points; Michelson 8059, 19; Van Goor 8548, 15; Ward 8151, 14; Spear 7936, 14; Alldread 8171, 12; Rogers 8092, 9; Smith 7583, 9; Duguay 7405, 7; Luffman 7745, 4; Pollard 7305, 4; Hall 7650, 0. Higli Triple Men's - Jim Robinson - 753. Ladies' - Jeanne Spear - 710. Higb Single Men's - Glen Prout - 270. Ladies' - Jeanne Spear - 320. Top 12 Averages Phil Ward 224, John Luff- man 223, Harold Michelson 221, Arnold Van Goor 218, Nancy Williams 214, Jeanne Spear 212, Glen Prout 210, Gloria Smith 203, Howie Pollard 202, AI Cole 199, Robert Carswell 196, Jimý Robinson 196. ~67 King St. E. 623-2546 A Good Stcrt on Arena Repairs Brow n, Brent, Wayne, Gerr3 and Alan Fallis, Murra) Finney, Ralph Hyland, Dear Joncas, Randy Lethangue Kelly Neals, Ian Page, IDay Rafuse,,Jim Richardson, Dal( Stinson, Gary VanDam an( Ron VanWieringen. Mrs. Rick Masters and laugbters and Frankie Pen- ýder returned home by trair )n the weekend following ai 'xtended holiday spent in tbE vestern provinces. They Irove out but on their waY iome had engine trouble anc Nere compelled to return bý inother means of transport- ition. Reg Masters, wbc iccompanied them west, stay- 'd behind to find employment Several local groups of girl ind boys have commence< heir regular meetings, thi:ý ,veek. Namely, they are thE Beavers, Cubs, Scouts Brownies, Guides, Explorers mid C.GîIT. The 4-H girls helc [heir tîrst meeting last week -Town of Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickard had reason to smile. At last Thursday's meeting of the Rotary Club, President Merrili Brown got the bal rolling on Bowmanville Arena repairs by presenting a cheque for $2,000 on behalf of the sixty member service organization. This Saturday, October 2nd, the Rotarians hope to make up some of the deficit by holding their annual car wash from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Bank of Montreal parking lot. Dirty car owners take note. Lecturer from Uruguay Will Speak ai Christian Science Meeting Oct.]i To get at the root of the need. He leaned on God, the world's economic struggles, inexhaustible source of good says a Christian Science who knows no limitation, but lecturer, it's time for mankind only His own Allness.", to pay more attention to Mrs. Mondino is active in spiritual values. the healing ministry of the Ada P. de Mondino, of Church of Christ, Scientist in Montevideo, Uruguay, who Uruguay and early in 1977 will will be speaking on October begin a Spanish-language lst at Durham College (lec- lecture tour through South ture hall) Simcoe St. N., at Amrerica. Conlin Rd., Oshawa on behaîf Her lecture here is open to of First Cbùrch of Christ the public andbegins at 8:,15 Scientist, Osbawa,dobsta p.mn. She will liei ntrodiuced by vast knowledge of economic Lorne Elpicky. cause and effect is sufficient As a member of The to ease the crisis of inflation 'Christian Science Board of and devaluation. Her lecture Lectureship, Mrs. Mondino empbasizes the Christian, juins a group of some 30 spiritual basis of life as Christian Science lecturers worthy of examination. Its who regularly travel to the 57 title is "Life without Lack." countries where Christian "The world's suffering can Science congregations as- come to an end," she contends semble. Their lectures range in the lecture, "as we take broadly in subject matter but Jesus' message seriously and center on the deeply Christian conform our lives to bis commitment of their denomi- teachings. He proclaimed the nation. Most are active in the kingdom of God as opposed to public healing practice of the world of matter. God's Christian Science. kingdom of God is God's creation. Its solid substance is O T P L Mrs. Mondino calîs for serious attention to scriptural example. "The Bible reports large-scale lack being over- come tbrough prayer and trust in God. Jesus, for example, lifted bis thinking away from lack and towards infinite God, good, who is constantly meeting every Congratulations to Ponty- pool Pee Wees for winning the championship in their softball league. Witb the finals with Bethany tied three games eacb, Pontypool came on strong in the seventh game and defeated the Bethany boys by quite a large score. This seventh and deciding game was played in Yelverton. The captains, Jimmy Stewart and Michael Dwyer, received on behaîf of the team, the James Kloepfer Trophy as well as the league trophy. Members of the team were Peter Bolton, Jim Dwyer, Michael Dwyer, David Fallis, Randy Finney. Ray- mond Gillespie, David Groskopf, Brett Johnston, John King, Jeff Mitchell, Harry Richardson, Jimmy Stewart, Paul Stewart, J. Urbanic, Mark Wilckens, Tony Willis and coaches Robert Bolton and Wilfred Richardson. Following this final game the coaches trans- ported the boys to Mac- Donalds in Peterborough for treats and thlen several ejoy ed a swimi in the Bolton pool Following the game a pre- sentation of a plaque was made - to Seèretary of tbe league, Edwin Challice, by the President, Dean Joncas. Richardson Farms wound up their season on Sunday, Sept. l9th when they lost to Millbrook by a 6-4 score. It was a good series with Millbrook winning 4 games to Pontypool's 2. Players en the local team w'ere Laverne The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. September 29, 1976 3 ýy The Pontypool Chamber of both members of our local y Commerce is holding adance choir and Richard bas çilso nthis Saturday, night in the been an eider as well as a ,, Cmmuity ente. (ee om-stuvard of Pontypool United ýe ing Events) Church. He is also a member e Randy Finney participated of Pontypool Chamber of id in a Judo Tournament in Commerce. Bowrnanville on Sunday and A community shower for d placed first in his category. bride-to-be Sandra Fallis was i- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rusk held in the- churcb basement n and Robin are moving to on Thursday evening. Sandra n Peterborough sbortly. We was the recipient of many ewish them, well in their new beautiful and very useful gifts. home. Richard and Joan are yr y Is * »FWW r Wr %pw W E'MULfJ-L\m M M EQým'ie Grand Opening riday Oct. i st e(UINDER NEW MANAGEMENT)e DAD'S OFFER A TAKEOUT MORNING SERVICE 1 Coffee, Don uts, Toast, Toasted Western Sandwiches, and More * DAD'S SPECIALIZES UN SUBMAR1NE SANDWICHES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY * 6 1 OR 12"-HOT AND COLD THE GODFATHER SUBMARINE * Meatballs and Real Italian Sauce *~~ NWAvery special1"Fa m ily Treat" WT OUSPEIL FRÈE OUSPEING $1095,SOFT DRINK *DAD'S SCHOOL. TREAT FOR THE 'KIDS Served Submarine Sandwich and Mîlk - 95 cents 9b ServedMondays Through Fridays From il a.m. toi1 p.m. HOURS: MON.-TUES.-WED.--THIURS.,8:30a.m.to il p.m. FR1. AND SAT. 8:30a.m.to2a.m. SUNDAY 12p.m.tolp.m. : LET DADI CATER VOUR NEXT PRY 71 A King Street East "Flowers wjth Feeling" For Any Occasion Telephone 623-3377 OPEN MONDAY CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 133 Church Street~ Bowmanvîlle Fresh Flower and Dried Flower Arrangements for FUNERALS -WEDDINGS HOSPITAL and HOME Be sure and take a look at our Bridai Showcase in our window. I You Shoeuld Bea Ini Pictures" Bring your films in to-dlay and let us' "put You in the Picture!"' in your choice of SiIk Borderless Prints or Bonus Prints (COLOUR ONL!1 *ummummm»MMMMme_, mmmm E g 50ç .SAVE 50c .5011 àI when you bring in your next colour film for* * processing and printing atI I FREDERICK'S PHARMACY 1 67 King SI. E.i I Deluxe photo finishing ot a price you con offord' 1 and, the qùolity is guoranteed. TH IS COUPON EXPIRES OCTOBER 1. 1976* 501 O .SÀAV E5!Oc .5Ow TE OPTICAL BOUTIQUE 30 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE MISS G. ZIEGLER PHONE 623-4477 DISPENSING OPTICIANS .................. pa c ... . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . 623-2546,ê4 r '%67 King St. E. 1 1