Housing Offiîcer Seeks Position on Regional Council1 A mem ber of the Durham Region staff has been given a leave of absence in order te run in the Dec. 6 MunicipaL election. Dave Tonkin, the Region's housing officer, wili be con- testing the Ward 1 (Darling- ton) seat along with A-nn <7owman, who is currently inishing a term as local councilior. Both wili be fighting for a seat on Regionàl council this fail. Mr. Tonkin, who is 110w living in Zion, has been a -esident of Darlingtont Town- ip ail his life. He is married, '1-wdth three children. The leave of absence, as l approved by Regional Council will begin, November 15 and Dave Tonkin end December 6. Will run in Fali election NEWTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ton ken Fletcher, the latt er part spent several days, last week, of the week included their son, at Buckhorn. Dave and his friend David 1Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- Johnston, both of Morrice, son were among those attend- Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs. ing the Bell Telephone Pioneer Andy Sul, of Salem. Barbecue, in Port Hope, a Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Far- week ago, Saturday. row entertained at their home, Attending the Fashion Saturday evening, in honor of Show, at the Bowmanville the 35th wedding anniversary High School on Wednesday of hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. evening, sponsored by the Jack Huggins. Local people Eastern Stars were the follow- attending, included Mr. and ing local ladies - Erma Wood, Mrs. L. Clysdale, Mr. and Bernice Henderson, Mary Mrs. Sid Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Acey Farrow,, Olive T. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Hendersen, Bea Jones and Sid Stacey, and Mr. Bert Leone Lane. Tompkins. Mrs. Edna Elliott who was Mr' and Mrs. Bey. Hender- in Port Hope and District son of Bowmanville were Hospital for treatment last Saturday evening visitors with week, is now able to be home Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson. again. Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin with Mr. and Mrs. Harold of Bowmanviile were Friday Best, spent the weekend lback afternoon visitors with.Mrs. north at Katchacoma Lake. Gertie Rowe.1 Mrs. Shirley Marteli is down Mrs. Inez Boughen under- from the north-west area, went surgery in Memorial visiting hier, daugther and Hospital early last week and family Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mrs. Mary Smith has aiso Willsber. A tea is being held been a patient there, the past Tuesday afternoon, from 2-4 at week. Glad te hear both are the home of Mrs. Phyllis Peck, progressing; faxýorabIy, and se that frîends may cail to see expect te return home soon. lier, and renew old acquain- We are informed that Can- tance. vassers for the Blind wiil be A double bridai shower was caliing at our doors very soon. heid at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Helen Schmid, of Gladys Wood, Newcastle on Orono was a visiter with Mrs. Saturday evening, in honor of Agnes Burley last week, also, hler two granddaughters, Miss Catharine Stewart, the Cheryl Pye-Finch, of Scarbor- latter, a supper guest. ough, and Judy Wood, of Oshawa. About 40 friends and Newtonville School News relatives were in attendance. uesday wiil be Profession- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher ~ciiyDay - Teachers go sýpent $aturday evening with tw7the Reources Centre, in Mr. and MVrs. 1-arry Jose in Cobeuirg. Newcastle, and were Sunlday Tuesday, Sept. 28 - Play- visitors with Mr. and M rs. grounid Meeting at the School. Howard Smith, in Oshawa. Wednesday,. Sept. 29 - Safety Jean and Jack Kimnbaîl were Officer fromn the O.P.P. will be the Greeters at our church at thé school te discuss bus door, Sunday morning and the traffic safety. titie of Rev. Tizzard's sermon ct. 4-8, - Fire Prevention was "Get Ging." The regular W-Vek. choir was joinedby four junior Tuesday, Oct. 5 at 7 p.m. -, boys and ail sang, "The Lord Scouters' meet. Thursday, of the Dance." Oct. 7 at 7:30 p.m. - S.E.A. In the afternoon, Rev. meeting at the schooi. Tizzard heid services at Nel- Mr. and Mrs. S. Lancaster Gor and South Haven Nursing returned home Friday, after a Homes, with Mrs. F. Gilmer 15, day camper trip, te assisting at the piano. Newfoundland, 1 travelling Mr. and Mrs, Ray Stapieton through north-eastern U.S.A. and family attended Sunday te Torbay. Returning, they morning service at St. Paul's used the Canadian route, and Presbyterian Chufrch, in partly by 'boat, both going and Bramalea, for the christening cexning back. Glad te see them of LoriAnne Baptist, niece of eut te, chuirch again Sunday Mrs. Stapieten. Later, the morning, aleng with Mr. and Sta pleten's were luncheon Mrs. Jack Chard and girls of guests with Mr. and Mrs. Don Newcastle. Baptist. Callers last week with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McEwen F. Gilmer in Memorial Hospit- of Peterborough, spent the ai inciuded Lloyd and, Lena weekend with Mrs. Agnes Clysdale, Jim Adams, Cecil Burley, and Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton, Steve Spratt, Rev. Dennis Buriey, Rodney and A. Tizzard, Bernice Hender- Wendy, of Ennismore, were son, Leone Lane, Dorothy Sunday visitors. Gilmer, Ida and Art McAdam, Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Dale, Ken !and Queenie Fletcher, __Ad _irs fOhaa -er and Broken Front, ail on Shortt's Plan of the Town of Bowmanville, formerly in the County cf Durham, more particu larly designated as part, 3 according te Plýan IOR-276 depositeai in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on December 3rd, 1973. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council intends te authorize the conveyance thereof to abutting owners.' AN D F URTH ER TAK E NOTI CE that before passlng the said by.iaw the Council, or a Committee cf Council, shall hear in person, or by his counsel, solicitor, or agent, any person who claims that his land wîll be prejudically affected by the by-Iaw and who applies te be heard. DATED at the Town cf Newcastle this twenty-ninth day cf September, 1976. J. M. MCILROY, A.M.C.T. Clerk - Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. and Mrs. Carman Cornish in Orono, where daughter Cheryl was home from Queen's University, for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- son visited their daughter, Carol in Kingston where she is attending St. Lawrence Col- lege. Mrs. F. Gilmer was a, supper guest Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer and family. Last weekend Pat Gardner and family attended a Father and Sonweekend at Pioneer Camp, near Huntsville. Tim spent two weeksthere, this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Hînes have visitors from England - ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill King, who expect te, be here for three weeks. A report of local Scout, Cubs and Beavers. Scouts: Leader - Mr. Gren McOuat, Tim Mayhew, Danny White, Tom Mayhew, John Osborne, Drew McOuat, Tim Gardner, Steven Vanhaver- beke, Peter Willems, Mike Tizzard, Jeff Casweli. Cubs: Leader - Pat Gard- ner,9 Jeffry Vanhaverbeke, t was a grey day on Sunday September the 26th but there was warmth and beauty as usual for many at church services throughout the area including Welcome where yei- iow giadieli, dark mums and a Stephen Willsher, Michael Woolacott, Shawn Calderone, Jeffry Lake, Steven Woola- cott, Don Burgess, Darren Osborne, Ted linnes, Nicky Yarema, Chad Crosbie, Ricky Shaw, Lester Farrow, Billy Shetler, Paul Warner, Michael Yarema, George Chrysier, Willy Sargent, Gary Powell, Jamie Adams, Robbie Cox, Donny Meadows. Beavers: Leader - Carole Gardner, Scott York, Robert Osborne, Randy Frank, Todd Sinclair, Robbie Baker, Jeffry Aldridge, Chris, Wilsher, Jason Morrison, David Cox, Danny Chrysier, Rodney Trimble, Paul Vanaîstyne, Lee Riddle, John Chrysier, Brad Lambert, Davey Ziets- ma. colorful coleus plant brighten- ed the day. Rev. Bartlett's theught for the chiidren was of outward appearance, net al- ways the indication of inner worth. Sometimes a beautiful exterior may be marred by the werds that are spoken or by the actions which show the theughts behind them. The choir's anthem was "Oh Lord, Holy and True". The sermon topic, "Making most of our difficulties", was based on the stery of Joseph, who from a spoiied and pampered boy, grew up to a man of great stature and forgiving nature. Years of developmrent through hardship and fàlse accusation brought this change, as it dees te ail who meet life's hard places with courage. Ushers for the morning were Gerald Byers, Clarence Nichols, John Connelly and Arnold Thorn- dyke. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nichois greeted the congréga- tien at the door., Between 35 and 40 ladies of the Welcome UCW went on a bus trip last Tuesday te ROM, Toronto where they toured and had lunch; in the after- noon they visited the St. Lawrence Startch Ce. at Port Credit. Here, they were given demonstrations of the use of products made there, and a sampling of the same. t was a day enjoyed by ail. t is the time of year when time is hard te spare done at Mrs. P. Hoskin s at Welcome was worked, on, oniy part time and net completed during the week. Mrs. Vera Anderson was taken te Port Hope Hospital last week where tests are being done to determine the cause of sudden weakness. We hope quiet rest will bring back her strength soon. Visitors with Mrs. H. Reeve this past week were Mrs. Laura Wiliamson of Toronto and ber daughter Marcella. Eric Park of England has arrived to take up his duties on the Murray Payne farm, and hîs wife will arrive later after W ESLEY VILLE arrangements are cempieted for affairs in England. 1Frost has nipped the vines in the garden but little else is harmed along the lakeshore. Waste places are once again ablaze with celer of wild aster, golden rod, and sumac. There has been an abundance of wild fruit on mountain ash trees, hawthorne, eider berry and wild grapes. Those flocks of sý arlings are performing their càlisthenics in the sky. How they do it is a mystery, watch them, hundreds in a flock twist and turn as one, with al the precisien of modern planes in formation, only with a more complicated movements. Apple picking has begun in the several local orchards. Some of our young people have been coming home each night f rom Trent university, among them Barry and Wesley Best. The latter is attending Sir Sandford Flem- ing College there. The three Payne students, Garfield, Jen- nif er and Rodney, were home part of the weekend from Toronto and Kingston but Donald Nichols of Guelph and Alain Wilson of Kingston E The feoturing the, "Leon-Burn" Engines avoulable in 360 - 400 - 440 and soon ... 318 CID avilbe nCHRYSLER NEW YORKER - CORDOBA ad NEWPORT 1977 Ddge 1976 Car of the Year!, No7w .. even better! Now Monac e idsz Corne in.. 'Fr. uýý lldSatury0 c UNTIL lOp.m. ALL DAY UNTIL 5:00 Ref reshments- Door Prizes Couity CH RYSLER Oe e LTD. SALES/SERVICE Hy o MpeGoe ________Telephone 6'23-2586 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 29, 1976 5 remained there this weekend. Despite typical Lindsay Jim Sculthorpe returned Fair weather, sometimes re- home from Port Hope Hospital ferred te as equinoxial show- Iast week and we hope his ers, many from our commun- convalesence will be shert and1 ity attended at ieast one day. complete, The dog races, however Members of the family of poorly handled, were a wei- Mrs. C. Dickinson gathered at cerne innovation te the fair hier home on Sunday, Sept. agenda. A more prominent 26th te celebrate the occasion place in the day's agenda of hier 8th birthday. should be considered instead of working it around less ieresting trivia. The mark of YE VE RTON an aggressive fair board is te latch on te new ideas and Glad te report that Mr. Joe impiement some instead of Draper was able te return hanging on te traditionai home from hospital this week- etranetwe thsls end. its aDpeal. A RMINERTOMEMBERS 0F THE VISUAL'ARTS CENTRE 0F NEWCASTLE election of the 1976-77 board wîlI be held at 8.OOp.m. on Wednesday, October 6 in the Cream of Barley Miii on Simpson Ave. ini Bowmanville -ALL WELCOME- membership can be purchased at meeting, r re or-