Â, -, 6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September.29, 1976 Toronto tudent Facing CAoharges In M urder Case A 2-year old Toronto man basi been' charged with first degreýe murder in connection with the slaying of Carman Alîgrove, whose mutilated body was tound just north of Newcastle by provincial police on Sept. 4th. Joseph Patrick Donogbue turned himself over to Toronto police on Sept. 23' for the killing of the 38 year-old former London area musician. The part-tirne university stu- dient-was accompanied by bis lawyer wben he surrendered at metro police beadquarters last Thursday. After tbe victim was stab- bed to death on Aug. 29th, his body was dismembered and put into three garbage bags. The charge ends an exhaus- tive search by Newcastle OPP and the Criminal Investiga- tion Branch from Toronto headquarters following the discovery of the- remains among some bushes north- east of Enterprise Hill near Highway 115. Elect Ruth Mimne Board Chairman Oshawa Symphony The Oshawa Symphony As- sociation elected Ruth Milne as chairman of the board of directors for the 1976-77 sea- son, Tuesday, Sept. 21. Mrs. Milne first became involved witb the Symphony Association in 1970. During the first season sbe served on the publicity committee followed by two seasons as editor of the concert programs. In 1973 she was hired as executive direc- tor of tbe association and served in that position for one year followed by two more years on the board. Her involvement as a past director bas reinforced bier tbougbts about tbe sympbony being a viable force fulfulling a real need in tbe community. 'I've corne to realize the importance of the orchestra in tbe community in providing a recreational outlet for local talent and the pleasurable music experience it brings to the populace," sbe said. Her new tasks involve assistîng in tbe direction of tbe board and various commit- tee's made up of the board. Mrs. Milne would like to see supporters of the sympbony getting involved with the volunteer committee in deal- ing witb sbort term projects. Some of tbe goals she bopes to encourage the board witb are participation of local musicians in the orchestra and greater fund raising campaigns sucb as tbe dream aution scbeduled for October 6, 7 and tb. Mrs. Milne was elected cbairman after- Hugb Coucb had completed bis term in office and stepped down as cbairman of tbe board. "I admire many of tbe things Hugb achieved witb the board. I'd like to continue on with Hug's insight in direct- ing the board,", she said. A former bigh scbool Englisb teacher in Osbawa, Mrs. Milne is now presently working assupervisor of the public relations department of General Motors. $2,400 Raise for School Boa rd's Administrators Administrators for the Nortbumberland Newcastle Board of Education, baVe had their salaries boosted by $2,400. The scbool board voted Tbursday, September 9, to give its eigbt administrators the $2,400 raise after tbe anti- inflation board stated, tbat it was the largest increase possible for the period of September 1976 to September 1 977. -The increase brirgs ffhe Di rector of Education's salary to $42,300. Two Superintend- ants will make '$37,800 per year and three Area Superin- tendents will make $35,300 annually. Tbe annual salary for the Business Administrator will be $33,010 and tbe Assistant Business Administrator will make $25,460. Tbe scbool board also agreed to increase tbe salaries of business supervisory and non teacbîng staff by ten per cent. All salary increases are subject to final approval by tbe anti-inflation board. STCRE HOURS: MON DA'Y, TUESDAY,' WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY, 9a*.to 6 p.m. FRIDAY 9a.mn.to9p.mn. SATURDAY8:.3Oa. ft5 p.m. I n 2%46; KING STREET BOWMANVILLE Free Delivery on Ail Orders Over, $20 CHARGEX a i