Solina Honors its Three Championship Teams On Saturday night, Solina Community Hall was packed for a rare occasion, the honoring of three championship teams from the village who had won distinction in their respective leagues. The event began with adelicious dinner served and prepared by thé Women's Institute, followed by presentation of awards and a dance with Ernie Archer providing the musice. Top photo shows the girls softball team that won the Darlington championship and the Skinner trophy. They are, left to right, front row, Loni McGovern, Barb Kaptyn, Joyce Hancock, Amber Taylor, Valerie Taylor, Donna Hancock, Diane Ploss, Tracy James, Janice Yellowlees; back row, Susan Vice, Faye Langmaid, Francine Taylor, Catherine Baker, Tina Hiemstra, Deb Geisberger, Colette Taylor, Annette Taylor, Laura Kapteyn, Pauline Taylor, Sue Best; absent, Pam Vincent. Members of the Junior Soccer Champions, front row, left to right, Randy Drew, Dave Byers, Quinn James, Grey Bray, Dale Broome, Wayne Yellowlees, Gary Pascoe, Steve Vos, Walter Vice; back row, Harvey Yellowlees (coach), Bruce Snowden, Russ Gordon, Kevin Gibson, Paul Larmer, Darrell Knox, Andy Svetec, Dave Zwicker, Dave Snowden, Dennis Yellowlees, Bob Koczulab; absent John Voss. Members of the Senior Soccer Champs, winners of their league for the past il years, front row, left to right, Coach Doug Flett, Phillip Broome, Dean Knox, Capt. Ewart Werry, Tom Langmaid, Bob Koczulab, Dennis Yellowlees, Bruce Snowden, Manager Fred Watson; back row, Boyd Knox, James Baker, Ted Broome, Kevin Gibson, Ron Baker, Darrel_ Knox, Ken Ashton, Herb Tink; absent, Don Westlake, John Cuddis and Walter Taylor. Trophies in the foreground include ones for the scoring leader Don Westlake, the league championship trophy, Most Valuable Player award won by Boyd Knox and the Carling Cup trophy for a tournament. Solina W.!. Entertains On October 2nd, Solina Women's Institute entertained the Girls' Baseball team and Junior and Senior Soccer teams who were top winners for this season. The entertainment was in the form of a dinner, presenta- tions and dance held in Solina Community Hall. The coaches and wives and girl or boy friends, or wives were guests along with the team members. When the whole group were seated at the table, Mrs. Viola Ashton, convenor for the occasion, asked Mr. Harvey Yellowlees, Junior team c l' to lead in singing As usual, the dinner was a typical sample of meals provided and served by Solina ladies. Each guest did full justice to the delicious food and repeatedly expressed their enjoyment. >llowing the dinner, all the ',<ms were asked to retire to the upstairs, where Mr. Tahn James, also a guest. took pictures of the winning teams. The music for the dance was provided by Mr. E. Archer of Bowmanville. His numbers were of a variety to please all ages and square dancing was included. Parents and friends were also invited to be present during the evening. The presentations took place while the music master took a break. Mrs. Ashton cal'ed on Mlrs. Bernice Watson president of our WI. to make a presentation. This was donated by the W.I. to the most valuable baseball player from the girls' team. Mrs. Watson called on Miss Susan Vice, coach of the girls' soft ball team, to make the presentation. In turn, Susan called each of the team members to the platform. For three years these girls have put their all into a real effort on behalf of the team. This year it paid off, and they were the champion team. The team girls had individually voted on the most valuable player. This was none other than Debbie Geis- berger, catcher for Solina girls. "Congratulations" to Debbie from all. Susan pre- sented this trophy provided by the Solina W.I. to Debbie along with a small one which she may keep. The big trophy will be passed around each year to the most valuable member. Susan also presented a base- ball medallion to each mem- ber of the team. Mrs. Viola Ashton next called on Mr. Harvey Yellow- lees, coach of the Junior Soccer team. He called each of the Junior Soccer Boys to the front. He presented the "Yel- lowlees' Family Trophy" to the most improved player of the year. This proved to be David Snowden. Again we say Congratulations- to David. The Ferguson trophy for the player of the ' year was Champs presented to Dennis Yellow- lees. This decision was made by the team members' vote. The boys would like to buy jackets, but funds at present are not too plentiful. Mrs. Ashton, then called on Kevin Gibson, of the Junior team. Kevin, very capably, on behalf of the team presented a Plaque to Mr. Harvey Yellow- lees, their coach, for all his efforts and patience. This Plaque was inscribed: "In appreciation of your help and dedication over the years 1976 Darlington Champs, So- lina Junior Soccer Club". Mrs. Ashton then called on Ron Baker, of the Senior Soccer Team. Ron asked ail the Senior Team to the front. The Ferguson trophy for the player of the year was presented to Boyd Knox. Ewart Werry, a valuable player on the Senior Team, who also is fluent with words, expressed the appreciation on behalf of ail the teams, to the W.I. for the dinner and evening's entertainment. He commented that they not only had the champion teams, but aiso faithful fans and support- ers. The Music Man, Mr. Archer then took over for more dancing. He also made a generous donation to the Junior Boys Team towards buying jackets. Ail enjoyed dancing for the rest of the evening. The older ones learned new steps with the younger ones being the teachers. They in turn enjoyed the older square dances. Congratulations again to Debbie, Susan, David, Har- vey, Dennis and Boyd and all the teams, a big "Thank You" to Mrs. Ashton, Mrs. Watson and our Women's Institute. YELVERTON The first game of the finals of the Lake Scugog Softball Assoc. held on Sun. went to Nestleton by a score of 8 to 1. Nestleton deserved the win as they were eager and hungry and full of enthusiasm. Not so our Yelverton contingent who had about as much spark and fire as a wet sponge. The Yelverton teams batting prowess was awesome if not awful. Only four bits in the whole game - Terry Malcolm and Trevor Nesbitt each had two. Nestleton were heavy on the bats and had 3 home runs. Dale Stinson for Yelverton had 12 strike outs to Mcleouds 6 for Nestleton. Homerun kings were Bobbie Munro, Grant Mclaughlin (who also had 3 runs to his credit) and Tom Parker. Second game of the 2 out of 3 series is scheduled to be played in Port Perry on Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. Sunday visitors at Malconia present to assist this senior citizen to observe yet another milestone wire - Mrs. Rae Malcolm of Uxbridge, Mrs. Christine Nasati of Port Credit, Mitzi Malcolm and Bob Fick of Toronto, Miss Jane Connolly of Toronto. Sure helped to ease our tr .sition to senility most painlessly. The Newcastle Indeper Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago C lewcastlS Socialanc1 fJîersonal Mrs. Bessie Dean entertain- ed the Ladies Euchre Club on Monday, Sept. 2'th. Mr. and Mrs. William Allin attended the wedding of Nan- cy Lee Tachauer to Mr. Gordon Everett Allin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allin in Toronto, on Saturday, Sept. 25th. Mrs. Olive Howson, Toronto spent a few days with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Irene Byers. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin, Brownsville accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil White, Port Hope, enjoyed the week- end camping at Glammis, Ontario. They attended the Plowing Match at Walkerton and report record crowds. On her return, Mrs. Martin re- ceived word that her mother, Mrs. Isaac Myers had broken her hip and is in Richmond Hill Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sher- man, Lisa and Donald and Mrs. D. Coulter, Downsview were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell, Lake Shore. Birthday greetings to Ron Metrailler, Mrs. Juanita Mar- tin, Mr. Sam Powell, Mr. Calvin Murray, Narda Hoog- kamp and Marilyn Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Rutsch, Toronto spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ferguson and her grandmother, Mrs Florence Ferguson. Mrs. May Scott, Bowman- ville bas been visiting her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. On Sunday they enjoyed the fall scenery and visited in Peterborough with their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade have returned from a two- week stay in Denver, Colorado where Mr. Wade attended Sovereign Grand Lodge for a week. The remainder of their visit was spent with his cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Holdaway and family. Belated birthday greetings to Mr. Brenton Rickard. Mr. and Mrs. George Rickard and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elaschuk, Oshawa, were last Tueday dinner guests celebra- ting their father's birthday. Mr. Kand.Mrs. ton Rick- ard enjoyed Markharn Fair on Sunday. Prize-winning apples were shown by Cobbledick's and Obrist's. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hockin, London, were weekend visit- ors with her mother, Mrs Rose Osborne. Mrs. Alice Quinney was Sunday dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Win- sor, Kingston , were Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Wood- ham, Scarborough, celebrated their 40th wedding anniver- sary on Sunday, October 3rd. Guests in attendance included Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gibbons and famify, and Mrs. Marion Walters, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wood and family, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stapleton, Orono, Mrs. Leone Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Orial Egerton, Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samis, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred, Lake Shore, Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rowe and fam- ily, Mrs. Bessie Dean and Mrs. George Allin, Newcastle. Miss Cathy Scott, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and Cindy. On Saturday evening, Oct. 2nd at the Newcastle Com- munity Hall, the Masons held their Ladies' Night. On Tuesday evening, Sept. 28th at the United Church Sunday School Hall, Mrs. Pauline Storks, aided by Marilyn Martin and Wilda Johnson, entertained a group of adult mentally retarded patients from Whitby. Bingo and lunch were enjoyed. On Wednesday evening, Mrs. Pauline Storks hosted a Sarah Coventry Jewellery demonstration. About 16 lad- ies attended. At St. George's Parish Hall, on Sunday, October 3rd, many guests attended the reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Herbie Gibson's to celebrate their 50th wedding anniver- sary. Many floral and mon- etary gifts were received and a plaque was presented to Gwen and Herbie by MPP Doug Moffatt on behalf of the Ontario Govern- ment. Mrs. Helen Harris was in charge of the guest book. Other members of the com- mittee were Audrey Walton, Carolyn Garrod, Gladys Bel- sey and Dora Kelsey. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood were among the many guests at the Alec Martin home on Saturday evening for Mari- lyn's surprise birthday party. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rowe on their 35th wedding anniversary! To cel- ebrate, Sunday dinner was enjoyed at their home by the family - Mr. and Mrs. Verne Rowe, Lorie and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Rowe and Dayrell and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rowe. Mrs. Verne Rowe and Mrs. Glenn Rowe celebrate birthdays close to this date, also! Newcastle Baptist Church On Sunday, October 3rd, anniversary services were held at Newcastle Baptist Church, Mill St. North. The special speaker was Rev. B.R. Oatley - Willis, of Toronto Baptist Seminary Evangelis- tic Team. Students from the Seminary presented the Gos- pel in Testimony and Mes- sages in Gospel Song. Newcastle United Church On Communion Sunday, October 3rd, Rev. David Spivey titled his sermon "Fruits of the Spirit - Forgive- ness. The Prayer for the week - Lord help me to respond to every fine opportunity this day may bring. Anglican Church News Walkathon For Outreach Once again our fine village people demainstrated their sensitivity and concern for those less fortunate as they participated in the annual Anglican Walkathon. This was held throughout the entire Diocese of Toronto last Satur- day. The theme 'Anglicans Re- spond' was generously sup- ported by those of other The Canadian Statesman, Bo ident Telephone 987-4201 denommations as weII as our Spanish - lst Jean Rickarc own. Youth and adults met at 2nd Rana Sinou, 3rd Mai St. George's Hall at 9 a.n. and Freethy. heard the Rector give a brief Class 3 - Peppers - lst Ran meditation and prayer to Sinou. inspire the walkers on their Clas 4 - Cauliflower - trek. H, spoke of the ancient Barbara Smith, 2nd Mar Hebrevs who fled bondage Brett 3rd Rana Sinou. and their journey through the Class 5 Pumpkins - lst Mai Wilderness and how we today Freethy 2nd Mary Brett. need to flee bondage to self. Class 6-Squash - no entries The Wise Men and the Hubbard. Shepherds travelled a distan- Class 7 - Squash - (Pepper ce to discover the Truth at îst Jean Rickard, 2nd Ran Bethlehem; the Lord not only Sinou. 3rd Marj Freethy. travelled a steep path to Operauon Alert'76 Calvary but carried our cross lst Newcastle Boys Scout as well. left Saturday morning, Sept With this the following 25th, and went north o walked the lakeshore road to Belleville to Colonel Vandet St. John's, Port Hope eagerly water Conservation Area and in good fellowship and Those attending camp wer conversation. Mrs. Lynn Glen Schmid, Clarence Tor Housley, Mr. Richard Love- Michael Demers and Ceci kin, Mrs. Pippa Schmiegelow, Knapp. The Rector, Robert Hayne; The boys arrived aroun Wendy Couch, Irene Brereton, 9:30 a.m., registered, set u Darla Couch, Sharon DeJong, their tents at Camp Saganoska Don Chard, Bradley and and got last minute informa Karine Hayman, Jeff and tion for the day. Colleen Welter, Josie Vogals. The boys had to cook dinne All completed the walk of 17 and dean Up their area b miles exactly and were great- 12:30, to be bussed out t ly assisted by the encourage- Project No. 14, to start on thei ment, refreshments and rounds. Some of the 2 patrol of three drivers - Mr. projects were friendly an Dennis Schmiegelow, Mrs. others were enemy. Fin Barbara Hayne and Mr. and Newcastle Pack had thei Mrs. Phil Hayman. projects ail done by midnighî About $400.00 will be realiz- September 25th. ed when all pledges are in and On Sunday, the boys reste it is a thrill once again to see until 9:30 a.m. at which tim how this Village has reponded they had Scouts Own. The in this among a host of other there were presentation needs to assist others. The made for the troop who got th money will be sent as part of most points on ail the projectE the Bishop's Special Appeal to assist the Church and people of the Canadian North and ELIZABI Overseas. Thanks to all the people who sponsored these Communion services wer walkers go generously; our held at Church Sunday mon neighbours, merchants, bus- ing with a better crowdltha iness men and women, young usual. Rev. R Bartlett spok and old who took the time out to the children on what th and opened their hearts that Lord's supper means. Th others might enjoy a better choir sang. Several steward level of dignity and freedom assisted in the service. from poverty and hunger. This baptismal service will be hel truly is a gift for Thankgiving later in October. time. On Saturday evening a grea Newcastle Horticultural number attended the 25t Society - Fall Show wedding anniversary of Mr The Fall Show was held on and Mrs. Geo. Palmer thE Tuesday, September 21st. The was held at Kendal Hall. Th prize winners of the various Gilmer's Orchestra provide exhibits were: Class 1 - the music. Mrs. Blanch Harvest Time - arrangement Muldrew read the address i on tray - lst Donna Wallis, 2nd the form of verse on the life Rana Sinou, 3rd Gwen Gibson. the couple. They were preseni Class 2 - Autumn's Glory - ed with a chesterfield set an arrangement for dining table - a lamp. A buffet of salads 1st Tina Vanderstoop, 2nd meats, etc. was served i Jean Goode, 3rd Lorna Crock- midnight. ett. Dancing was enjoyed by ai Class 3 - Dried Excitement - Their daughter Mrs. D. Clow arrangement of dried mater- and Miss Marilyn Merce iai - Ist Jean Rickard, 2nd along with others planned th Marj Freethy, 3rd Mary Brett. event. Class 4 - Dish Garden - 1st On Tuesday evening, th Lorna Crockett, 2nd Narda General meeting of the Unite Hoogkamp, 3rd Gwen Gibson. Church Women was held in th Class 5 - Collection of basement. The program wa Pansies - lst Mrs. Jose, 2nd on Christian education an Gwen Gibson, 3rd Herb Gib- stewardship. The Devotiona son, part was put on by Mrs. M. Class 6 - Polka Time McAllister, Mrs. Mary Gardi arrangement of geraniums ner, and Mrs. H. Thicksor and bright flowers - lst Jean Our speaker was Dr. D.A Rickard, 2nd Lorna Crockett, Shanks from the Centre c 3rd Gwen Gibson. Christian Studies in Toronto Class 7 - Memories - He had slides and ai driftwood, shells etc. lst excellent explanation of th Narda Hoogkamp, 2nd Lorna slides and also had a gam Crockett, 3rd Marj Freethy. and question period. Lunch Class 8 - Wearing of the was served and we discovere Green - all green arrangement that he knew many minister ist Donna Wallis, 2nd Jean who had been here at differen Goode, 3rd Lorna Crockett. times, Rev. Banister, Rev Class 9 - Herbs for Health - Porter, Rev. Bryson an collection of named herbs 1st others. Marj Freethy. After the social part, Vegetables business period was held. W Class 1 - Onions (plate of 3 planned a turkey supper i winter onions) - lst Rana Oct., a pot luck dinner in Dec Sinou 2nd Jean Rickard, 3rd at the general meeting. Donat Barbara Smith. ed money to Bursary Fun Class 2 - Onions - plate of 3 Quin-Mo-Lac etc. We hadn owmanville, October 1 3 il After that. ( i tents and gear were packed up and twelve noon was departure time. Qfficial Opening of Fire 1 Station No. 2 On Saturday, October 2nd, Town of Newcastle held the d, fficia opening of Fire Station Xi Number 2 in the Village of Newcastle. ra The parade of fire trucks, equipment, fii emen and floats >tone of which belonged to the rY lst Pack of Newcastle Cubs .and Boy Scouts, led the xjvisitors to the new firehali which was formerly Carveth's - Garage. The renovations have made quite a change in the r)offices and meeting hall and .a everything is sparkling dlean. The program at the Fire Station was conducted by Is Councillor Ann Cowman, t-Chairman of the Community Of and Social "Services Commit- r-tee. Mayor Garnet Rickard a.gave a speech and Councillor re Lyall and Entwisle unveiled a ,n, plaque inscribed with these JI words 'The Opening of this Fîre Station was -made pos- 'd sible by many hours of time 'P and hard work donated by the ça Volunteer Firemen.' a- After the ribbon-cutting cer- emony by the Mayor, Rev. er David Spivey of Newcastle )Y United Church, blessed the ýO building. The many visitors nr signed the guest book, inspect- 20e he building and enjoyed id the coffee and doughnuts. t Flowers and plants by Lawn r Gardens enhanced the Fire- t, hall for this special occasion. As we write this on Monday ed morning, littie school child- e ren, accompanied by teach- en ers, are marching down Bea- ns ver Street. We expect they he visited the Fire Hall, as this is ~.Fire Prevention Week. ETHVI.LLE re good social assistance conven- n- or and a financial report were an given. .e On Sunday afternoon a .e miscellaneous shower was .e held for Miss Debbie Ingram s dsat Mr. and Mrs. W. Cassel- A ton' s home. A good crowd îdgathered. A couple of interest- ing games were played and atthe bride opened the gifts. A th sumptuous lunch was served the close. Miss Ingram atthanked everyone. e ed Mrs. Orley Mercer spent a e day with her daughter, Mrs. in Fajt and visited Steven her of grandson who has been in the t- hospital again in Peterboro. id Mr. and Mrs. John Seven- , huysen, Toronto arrived home at from Holland Satur day and were here for Sun-day. They IL were over 24 hrs. coming )w home due to delayed flights, r, fog and had to land in Dorval e and stay till fog cleared in Toronto. Spent part of night he in hotel without any luggage ed as they wouldn't unload plane. àe Mrs. John Quantrill held a s ds plant party on Thursday idmorning. al I. The weekly bowling teams li bowled on Thurs. evening as n. usual. A. Mrs. Ron Mercer and Brian of spent the weekend with her ).parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patti- in son, Coîborne, while Ron is .e moose huntîng. ie Mr. Jim Muldrew was home ýh for the weekend. rs Don McMurray, Bruce Fow- nt 1er, Toronto, were home on the V.weekend. 1 id Mr. Bob Mercer has spent the week at home with Mr. and aMrs. O. Mercer while he has ie ben assisting at Mosport for in the Goodyear Tire Co. He had c.a couple of friends from t-Montreal also assisting Mrs. id Mercer came up for the, a weekend. Baseball, Soccer OWNED and OPERATED by OSHAWA WOOD AO PRODUCTS LE STARTS CLEA ANCE SAL REDUCTIONS FROM Original o OOFF Prices Hundreds of Outstanding Specials at Warehouse Lumberland and Courtice Stores. e Cash and Carry Only e No Advance Orders e No Lay-Aways e No Telephone or C.O.D. Orders OSHAWA WHITBY COURTICE PORT HOPE 100 Bortd Street West 223 Brock St. N. Between Oshawa and Bowmanville 37 Ontario Street Ent-er vi toc9:00-- ret et 811 Thurs & Fri. to9:00 at.o5:30 Thurs. & Fr.to9:00 -Sat. to 5:00 Mon..- Fri. to 5:30 -Sat. to04:00 Mo. F1 09:0 a? t :0 Pon 28161Phono 668-6821 Phone 728-1611 Phone 885-2423