.0 The Cana an Sta s B,., e B j B S- g 1066 Simicoe St. North, Oshawa Phone 728-7328 LESKARD ROAD - 3 bedroom bungalow on large 100 x 150 ft. lot complete with rec roomn and f ireplace - country living at its best. Asklng $52,900. GROCERY STORE - butcher shop, living quarters in large building in Village, 25 minutes from Oshawa. Excell 'ent financing. 90 ACRE FARM -near Tyrone - large 5 bedroom home, 2 barns, large implement shed. Owner, will hold mortgage. VILLAGE STARTER HOME - 2 bedroom home on one acre lot, large road frontage on main street. Asking only $42,900. 120 ACRES- Excellent beef farm, 2 storey nicely decorated home, 2 large barns, good producing soil. Blackstock area. Asking $170,000. BUY and SELL WITH CONFIDENCE NATIONWIDE REFERRAL SERVICE Realtor, Oshoawa 579-5497 Oro no 983-9133 ANTIQUE LOVERS -100 year old b, ijck home, Newcastle, 36 x 18 inground pool, 1/ ac re, vely private. Try an offer. Vendor very anxious. Will assist in financing. $55,900. Joanne Swadron. ORONO Four bedroom 2 storey, 2 washrooms, walkout to patio. 93/4 per cent f irst mortgage. Paved drive. Asking $48,900. Jim Harbinson. il ACRES - KENDAL Th ree bedroom cedar home, finished rec room, 2 wal kouts, inground pool, bordering on the Ganaraska Forest. Asking $85,000. Jim Harbinson. BOWMANVILLE Four bedroom sidespllt, famlly room wlth fireplace and walkout. Single attached garage. 9/ percent f irst mortgage. $62,000. 9 ACRES - COLIBORNE AREA Pictureszque view üfL; ake Ontario and countryside, weIl tred, A frah1e cottage. Asking $20,900. Joanne Swadron. NEWTONVILLE, $38,500 Attractive 2 bedroom bungalow, large lot, drive through garage, small barn, finished rec. room. Joanne Swadron HOLGATE CRES. - 4 bedroom 2 storey homie wîtn double attached garage, family room with f ireplace, finished rec room, built in dishwasher and a 16 x 32 inground vinyl pool, fenced yard. Asking $66,350. CARLISLE AVE. - Only $39,500 for this 3 bedroom aIder semi detached home, dining room, detached garage, patio with roof and excellent financing at 101/2 per cent. RAtYLAN - Reduced to $44,000, 11/2 storey vin y siding home on large lot with mature maple trees, 3 bedrooms, family room. MORGANDALE CRES. - 2 storey home featuring double attached garage, 3 bedrooms; 4 pc. & 2 pc. bathf, paved drive, family room with fireplace and a large pie shaped lot. Asking only $64,700. NEWCASTLE - extremely dlean 3 bedroom bungalow, finished rec room, 62 x 150 treed lot, attached garage with breezeway. Asking only $47,430., PONTYPOOCL - 3 bedroomn 2 storey home that has been com pletely renovated, featuring large living room and k itchen, new bathroom, garage and a large lot. R."BD"GVrue 118 KîýIng Street East, Bowmanýville 6231-2967 BOWMANVILLE Just Listed, 2 or 3 bedroom 11/2 storey home, washer and dryer incl uded, new f urnace, large lot, creek close by. Askîng only $34,900. Industrial zoned. Cail now. STARTER or RETIREMENT 2 bedroom brick bungalow,, newly decorafed, carpet floors and bafhroom. New well, close to store in village. Asking only $33ý900. Terms. COTTAGE -'LAKE SCUèOG Reduced price, 2bedroom wiih furnishings, lot 50x 100, close to store.Akn 50ý0 Try your offer. ENI Following Saturtiay's mima-, ture winter it was a pleasant surprise to have, Sunday bright and beautiful and it was one of maay reasons which enticed 75 folks ta gather for worship and feilowship at the Sunday a.m . Thanksgiving services. Ray Ashton, presid- ing at the Hammond organ, produced enjoyable music with the support of a partial choir. Rev. Kempling's Child- ren's Story - "Nutty about Nuts" was truly seasonal andi apt as he told of Bushy Squirrels selfish frugality which paralleled the Bible Story of the foolish farmer. The sermon entitled "A Thea- logy of Stewardship" was a lucid explanation of thiakiag out our acceptance of gifts andi talents la a trustee ship and partnership with God. Judy Virtue had the care of the Jr. Congregation la the lower S.S. room. Real eviden- ce of the harvest garnereti from field, archard and gar- den was in abundance of grains, fruits, vegetables and flawers which adorned and enhaaced the beauty of the saactuary andi was tastily arranged by the artistic tauch of Diane Werry and Beth anti Barbara Ashton's Intermeti- iate Girl's Class. The Coming Events - -(A) This week - Youth Group meeting on Thursday, 7 p.m. at Debbie anti Kim Pollard's home. (B) Next week - The congregation will dedicate their thank offering envelopes during the regular service. Please plan ta attend and bring yours with you. At 7:30 p.m. The Hospital Chaplaincy Assoc. Oshawa, invites you ta attend the lst annual St. Luke's Service in St. George's Anglican Church, Oshawa Centres at Ragots St. Next week is the Feast of St. Luke the Healer. Advance notices - On Tues., Oct. 19th 9 a.m. Registration for the U.C.W. Area Rally will begin in Ebenezer U.C. The Rev. Jas. Sunerine of the Div. of Worlti Outreach will be guest speaker also Monday, Oct. 18 in Port Perry U.C. is the other Regional U.C.W. meeting. 6 p.m. - Oshawa Presbytery will meet la St. Stephen's U.C. Oshawa, Ont.' Wed., - Oct. 2th 8 p.m. our U.C.W. will meet at the home of Mrs. Joyce Virtue where a White Elephant Sale will be held. Eurthier donations will be appreciateti. The Enniskillen Stewards are sponsoring a baketi goods anti vegetables sale at Cliff Pethick's Auction, Haydon. The Enaiskîllen Youth group are sponsoring a Hal- lowe'en Party andi Dance (Masquerade) in Enniskillen Community Hall. See group leaders for tickets. The S.S. session was apeneti by Judy Virtue. Plans for aur Foster daughter's gift were matie ta be arranged by each class anti teacher. Mr. anti Mrs. Elwyn Dickey, Miss Velma Dickey, Bowman- ville, Mr. anti Mrs. Clarence StaintQn, anti family, were Thanksgiving supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. M. Stain- ton. Our tieepest sympathy ta Mr. anti Mrs. Bruce Reid and family, Bowmanville an the passing of Mrs. Reit's father, the late Leslie Loucks. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright, and familles, also Mr. and Mrs. W. Axford were Thanksgiving cinner guests on Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Axford, anti family, Hampton. Mr. anti Mrs. C. Avery anti James have returneti home frarn spentiing 10 days with their daughter Mr., and Mrs. Murray Marshall anti girls at Barton R.R. 1, Nova Scatia. The Aver's travelled by Mr. F.W. Werry is recover- ing nicely at Bowmanville Hospital since having surgery. Mrs. D.B. Kay, Toronto, is visiting with Mr. A. Sharp anti familles. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wray and family, Orono are spend- ing thanksgiving with Mr. anti Mrs. L. Lamb and Mr. and Mrs. S. Lamb and famhily an Monday. NISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Ray VanMeer day with H. McGill's. and Rîckey, Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs., E. Wright, and Mr. anti Mrs. Roy McG'ill, families were Sunday evening were Thanksgiving guests cal.lers at the home of Mr. and with Mr. and Mrs. K . McGiII Mr. P.A. Tresise, Oshawa, ta and family. honor Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Congratulations ta Mrs. Bradiford of Baltimore Mary- Marie Tabla on her recent landi on their recent marriage. ,marriage ta Mr. Daug Good- Congratulations to Mrs. rich of Mississauga. They Etiith Staintan on celebrating were visitars with her parents her 9lst.brithday on Thanks- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Draper., giving Manday. Mr. and Mrs. George Lead- Mrs. Emily Collacutt, Bow- beater, Laurie andi Mark, Miss manville, Mrs. L. Griffin were Candy Clark, Oshawa were Sunday guests with Wallace visitars with Mr. and iVrs. A. and Velma Griffia. Leatibeater antiboys on Sun- Mrs. May Wotton, Black- day. stock, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mr. and Mrs. David Cec- Switzer, Lindisay were recent chetto, Sudbury, spent the callers on -Lu and Velma holiday weekead -with her Griffin. prnsMr. and Mrs. T. Miss Wianifred Cale,, R.N. pary ren s. laPrge Willowdale, Mr. anti Mrs. Caesarea, Mr. anti Mrs. Vern a r Hanewich, Oshawa, Mr. Perigoe Wd. Heather, Brook- anti Mrs. Allan Werry and lia, were aîl Thanksgiving Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. Grant guests. Werry, Susan, Weatiy anti Mr. anti Mrs. Garth McGill Carolyn, Mr. anti Mrs. E.A. anti family, Kingston, Mr. anti Werry, Mr. Bert Werry were Mrs. Harvey McGill were Sunday Thanksgiving dinner Sunday Thanksgiving guests guests of Dr. anti Mrs. Clark wihM.anti Mrs. R.Virtue Werry anti family, R.R. 2, anthgr. Mna heGrhBlackstock. antigls. a atiy te a rth . Mr. Donald Trewin, speat Mcil's ant irmly ant thnR. the weekenti with frientis at Virue' ani grlsspet Mn-Kitchener. BOWMANVILLE Four bedroomn custom home, 11/2 baths, main floor laundry room, large Colonial kitchen, with walkout, family roomn with beamed ceiling, two fireplaces, carpet throughout. Asking $73,500 or trade considered. CaIl 623-7598 623-7461 REALTO-R 147 King St. E. Bowmnville 623-2492 BOWMANVI LLE 2 bedroom, solid brick bungalow, beautiful hardwood floors, diningroom could be 3rd bedrobrm, full, high, dry basement. Asking only $39,900. BOWMANV!LLE 3 bedroom bungalow, 12'xl8' kitchen, new bathroom, new broadloom throughout. Extra large fully insulated detached garage. Asking $39,900. Located in the heart of an apple orchard, 4 miles from Bowmanville. Cozy 3 bedroom home with family room. Asking only $48,000.00. OPEN HOUSE Sunday, October 17fh - 2.p.m. fo 5 p.m. Directions: Liberty Street North to Concession St. E., approximately 4 miles. Watch for signs. ouwe PHASE 1il Saturdoy, October 16 Sundoy, October 17 f rom i p. m. t o5p.mn. PONTY POOL, ONTARIO Quality homes by Strahl Construction LM. 7 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM priced f rom $44,970 to $49,970 Exclusive Agents LTD. Port Perry, Ontario 985-3292 The Enniskillen expiry date for the U.C. observer is Dec. '76 we are requestedti t forward the list of subscribers ta themn by Nýov. llth. Mrs. May McGill, anti Mrs. Pat Simpson are representatives for this area. We are hopeful for new subscribers rather then cancellations. Every family plan is $2.50 a year. Mrs. C.E. Harn, Oshawa, Mrs. Bob Dittburner, Ottawa were weekenti guests of Mr. anti Mrs. E. Trewin. Mr niMrs. . Trewin, Mrs. C. E. Horn, anti Mr. Russell Ormiston were Sunday evening visitors with Mrs. Fred Trewin anti family, Blackstock. Miss Heather Griffin, spent a few days with Mr. anti Mrs. Brian Cobb, Kitchener. on Tuestiay, Oct. 5, 1976 at Ennîskillen Church thé Ennis- killen Leisure Ladies met. Our group decitiedtt go on a hîke on Saturtiay, October 16th. Our main discussion was "Whatwe shoulti do la aur Leisure Time." Some sugges- tions were bike ritiing, swim- ming reading, tirawing, or even gartieniag. This unit we are quilting as a craft, some ideas ta quilt are ta make a hanti bag, a imat or a pin-cushion. Our next meeting will be October l12th., Marjarie anti Harry Wor- tien, RR. 2 Bowmanville, accompanieti Margaret anti Orville Ashton ta dine out on Suntiay. Among many, thanksgiving day family parties was one attentiet by Margaret anti Orville Ashton at the home of Karen anti Charles anti Tara Ashton, Oshawa, also 8th wetiting anniversary of Lais anti Keith Worden. The voices of our famous choir are getting a bit rusty due ta lack of leadership. If you can anti wish ta save this happening anti woulti ike ta be choir leader, let us know., Manse visitars were aur Manse lady's sister Beatrice Nicholson anti ber hushanti Ralph Nicholson from Sud- bury, tiaughter Mary Kemp- ling, Toronto student, also son Major James Kempling, Victoria B. C. who flew in anti combineti protessional duties anti pleasure spent the holiday weekend with their parents, who visiteti another son Russell Kempling anti family, Milîforti Bay. Mr. anti Mrs. Bill Murphy, Dr. Peggy Milison, Dr. Mur- ray Legg, Toronto, Mrs. Reta Fraser, Solina, Ken anti Kathy Coverly, Oshawa, were Thanksgiving visitars with Mrs. Jessie Slemon anti Mrs. Helen Milîson., Mr. anti Mrs. Alvin Page anti Glen, Peterborough, Mr. anti Mrs. Ross Page, Sauina were Thanksgiving holiday guests of Miss Clara Page. The gifi for al seasons,.. MARLE UKUVI w1,',1 The Women~s Institute met on Oct. 4th at 8pm in the C.E. Hall with Blacstck W.I. as aur guests. The Roll Caîl was 'How to cultivate a new neighbor.' The Good Neigh- bars report was given by Mrs. Stuart Morton. Mrs. Charles Greenham reported on a District Executive meeting held at Mrs. R. Fraser's, Solina. A Fun Fair for the District will be held at Nestjeton in October. Arrangements were made for articles for the sale, a handicraft display and lunch for the tea room. Mrs. W. Brown, Public Relations Officer was in charge of the fallowing pro- gram. After a, welcome was extended toa ah, Master Ian Soutter played a piano solo. Mrs.- W. Brown reported for the Consumer's on sizing for women 's clothes. Mrs. Brown commented on the Motto "Courtesy is ike the air in a tire - it eases many joits and saves many sorespots." She said "courtesy is politeness or consideration in behaviour or wording. Tact accompflishes more than brusqueness. More sailboats are sunk by thought- lessness than by gales. Our first impressions of a persan are often wrong but so many times these first impressions stay with us. Courtesy opens the door to cooperation and in this old world of ours we need lots of cooperation in ,'our homes, organizatians, cam- munities and the world at large." Mrs. W. Brown introduced aur guest speaker Ruth Milne, supervisor of public relations at General Mators. Mrs. Milne was a former English High School teacher and is the new chairman of the board of directors of the Oshawa Sym- phony Orchestra. Mrs. Milne told of the various aspects of her job, such as speaking to groups like aur W.I., a press conference for T.V., press and radio is held each year for business and social to enable the people to become better acquainted. A business annual report for G.M. is distributed at this time in bath English and French. Many teachers fromn this area are learning about business to present ta their students, Se-veral, questions were asked of Mrs. Mine who kindly answered giving in- formation ta ail. Mrs. Wm. Laird expressed the appreciatian of ail present to Mrs. Milne for speaking to us. A small token of a W.I. coffee spoon was given to Mrs, Milne. Lunch of sandwiches, pick- les, cookies, tea and coffee were served by Maple Grave w.'. Mrs. Percy VanCamp, Blackstock, expressed their, appreciation of a delightful evening. $47,900, Family size 4 bedroomn semi detached home with attached garage. Separate dining area, finished rec room,ý attractive decor. Excellent home at an affordable pricel Caîl 576-6120. IT'S BEAUTIFUL - Just a few minutes from town is this 6 yr. aid, 4 bedroom stone front home. On 10 acres with manicured yard including fast f Iowing creek and stock trout pond. List price: $99,900.00. home with gigantic kitchen, diningroom. L-shapedI barn. 1 mile north of Newcastle. $64,900.00. Make an of fer.I I. OPEN HOUSE 3 bedroom, stone front home, with nec room, double garage, large sun deck in Orono. $45,900. Directions: Hwy. 115 ta west on Station Street, watch for Open House signs. Time 2 - 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. l6th. I Bowmanvllle- 623-3911-I PONTY POOL AREA - 89 acres with 24 surveyed 1 acre lots, the balance in scotch pine and blue spruce Christmas trees. Future development potential, askeng $105.000. -.ý PONTY POOL - 4 bedroom 2 storey home with separate D.R. and small barn on lot 52x262. Excellent family home, asking $38,900. Vendors will hold mortgage wlth good down payment. COURTICE AREA - 4 bedroomn home with hollywood kitchen, garage and deep lot. Ten minutes to downtown Oshawa. Caîl for information. ENN-ISKILLEN - 5 bec[room 2 storey home o-n large 3/ acre lot with circular drive and stone Bar-B-Q. Lovely landscaping. House has 2 full baths and separate D.R. Would make an excellent 2 fa mily delling. Just reduced in onice. Caîl for more information.' BOWMANVILLE ORONO 623-33939847 10/2 PER CENT MORTGAGES - Electric Heat, Angel Brick Construction, 6 Landscaped Models ta choose f rom by Marlanna Developments Ltd, Your Guarantee of Quality' Construction. 500 Units have been sold by this builder in Bowman- ville. Priced from $44,900 Up with $1,400 Down f0 Qualified Buyer. CaliBill Grady or Bill Morrison Sr. BUILDING LOT- 108' x 350' Near Bailieboro, beautiful view close to Highway 28. Asking $12,5600. Caîl Bill Turansky. BOWMANVILLE .$552,500 will buy this distinctive 6 room dwelling, centrally Iocated. lncluded is a 16' x 32' inground heated Pool. Cali Pat Yeo. BOWMANVILLE - Superb Raised Bungalows, 11/2 baths, Family room with Fireplace, attached garage. Some have view of Lake Ontario. Located in one of the town's best areas. Open to offers. Asking 565,995, Cali Bill Turansky or Ken Brown. LOT - SHIRLEY RD., BLACKSTOCK AREA - 85' x 250' nicely wooded for privacy, sltuated on paved road, permits to bulid available. 522900. with good terms. Cali Elfie Jost. $2,500 DOWN- WiII buy this lovely 3 bedroom Townhouse in Port Hope. Broadloom, separate dining room, attached garage. 101/2 per cent First Mortgage. $39,300. Cali Bill Turansky. FARM - ORONO AREA - Estate sale, 120 scenic acres, partially wooded with crystal clear year round stream. About 50 acres workable, good road frontage, brick farmhouse in -need of repairs. A real good buy at only $94,500. Cali Elfie Jost. KEN HOCKIN BFIF'TATF4 LTD. Q EALTORR BOWMANVILLE 623-411I5 GARDEN HILL Starter home- 1 acre lot, older 11/2 storey house, Ideal for handyman. - $29,900. BEWDLEY Close to Rice Lake -'3 bedroom ranch bungalow, air-conditioned, finished rec rodm', large insulated workshop. Good for hobby shop or woodworking - $49,900. GARDEN HILL 13 wooded acres with stream, ideal home site or investment - $27,500. LAKEFRONT COTTAGE LOT 100' lake frontage on Rice Lake, north shore, high wooded lot - $15.900. Our istings are sel li ng fast. We need more!! Paf Marîerrison 623-4115 Dolie4 Davey Newtonville 786-2256 -2