14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 13, 1976 Fairs Fat Caif Show The Fat Calf Show was held on September lth, 1976 and was sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food; The Durham County Cattleman's Association re- placing the Durham County Beef Improvement Associa- tion, and George Carson. The following are the prize winners in this class and also the people who purchased th~ese calves at the auction followmng the show: Winner 1. Sinclair Robert- son, Purchased by Dekoker's Meats; 2. Ceresmore Farms, Gamble and Rogers; 3. Kevin Crago, Darlington Abattoir; 4. Mark Wagler, E.A. Werry and Sons; 5. Malcolm Bailey, I 'ragg Trucking, 6. Frances L. h agg, Gamble and Rogers; 7. T oy Jackson, Gamble and Rogers; 8. Doug Smith, Dar-, ington Abattoir; 9. Michael Ormiston, John Gorman; 10. W.J. Siater, Keith Goble, il. Tom Moffat, Gamble and Rogers. OBITUARY- GORDON JAMES BURLEY Retired for one and haif years, Gordon James Burley, aged 54, died suddenly on Sunday, September 26th, 1976, in Oshawa General Hospital. Born in Clarke Township hie was the son of Mrs. Roy Burley and the late Mr. Burley, and was marrîed to Eileen Vesna in November 1948. Part owner of Courtice Auto Wreckers for 12 years, hie had resided in Oshawa at 133 Labrador Drive for 12 years, previously residing at R.R. 2 Oshawa. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge. Lef t to mourn his passing, are bis wife Eileen, his mother, a daughter Gayle (Mrs. Barry Morris) and one grandson. Funeral services were held onWednesday at the Morris Funeral Chapel. Reverend Long officiated. Palîbearers were Messrs. Lloyd Clysdale, Everett Stapleton, John Martin, Gordon Martin, William Drozwik and Seth Hunt. Interment Orono Cemetery. Take a Break GTroup On Tuesday, Oct. 5t h, the Saint John's Take A Break group spent a useful and informative morning with Mrs. Mann making bandages for Cancer patients. On Oct. l2th we had fun Iearning some macrame knots and making macrame owl necklaces. Next Tuesday, Mrs. Flor- ence Lake from Rickaby's is going to show us how to wrap presents so that the outside of the box looks as nice as the presenIt inside. "Come and join in the fun."l T4wnM0y The town's works commit- tee voted last Thursday to spend, about $4,000 of the town's equipment reserve fund. 'But, Mayor Garnet 1Rickard says this expense will decrease taxes in the long run. The $40,000 would be spent' on a new communications system that could be used by the town's works department and possibly some other town departments such as dog Counillor Lyali said, at first, that "You can't spend yourself into a lower tax base," but after hearing further discussion he voted in favor of buying the new equip- ment. The quotation recommend- ed by works director, Jack Dunham costs $39,482.75. It would include a 100 foot transmittîng tower at a site in the Works Department yard in Orono and 30 mobile units plus 3 base sets. Mr. Dunham said it would take four to six months to get a license for the proposed system from the Department of Communications. Id, i SPECIAL1! LB98 881 MEATY TENDERLOIN END 3 to 4 lb. average Pork Loin Roast MEATY RIB END SPECIAL! 3 - 4 lb. average Pork Loin Roast MARY MILES AND BURNS FULLY COOKEO, 2'/2 TO 3 LB. AVG. DINNER HAMS BURFNS PRIDE 0F CANADA 1 LB. BACON PKG. SCHNEIDERS BACON & LIVER, SPECIAL! BRAUNSCHWEIGER AND z3 Q MEAT SPREAD ><PKG.3' C MARY MILES MAC & CHEESE OR CHICKEN LOAF SHOPSYS FAMOUS CORNED BEEF SHOPSYS OLD VIENNA SALAMI CHUBS BURNS'SLICED BOLOGNA SCHNEIDERS Mini Sizzler Sausage BURNS'CHIOKEN, LUNCHEON, SPECIAL! P & R, DUTCH OR MAC & CHEESE6oz COOKED NMEATS PG 160Z 98e 11 IEfI] N MOLASSES, IN TOMATO SAUCE OR WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE 14 FL. HEINZBEANS OZ. TIN SLICED OR WHOLE MA LING MUSHROOMS1 SPECIAL! 2/79C SPECIAL! oz 63'O% SPECIALI FROZEN'0 -B. 1.88 PIFzA FAMOSA PKG.z2.59 Green Giant Canada Fancy Special SPECIAL! 16:GREEN BEANS OR 14 f[. Z. 7 MONARCH COLOURED SOFT MARGARINE PILLSBURY REFRIGERATED MIX CRESCENT ROLLS GAINSBOROUGH FROZEN PIE SHELLS 4,,2OZ. .1 1BLACK, DIAMOND CHEESE 1K..281 MOZARELLA '80Z. 1.99 FROZEN RASPBERRIES iLB. QÇ .HIGH Liner Frozen PKG 89 Cod Fillets - H UNTS lb.1i.26 Tomato Sauce 46 ASS'D COLOURS Scott Towels DOWNY Fabric Softener SPECIAL! 160OZ.6 tub 67 SPECIAL! SPECIAL! OF 59"; SPECIAL! 16 ozO PKGI, SPECIAL! 15 FLOZ ~c CONT'.6 SPECIAL! kg z.98ç: SPECIAL' 14 f1. oz.39 tin 3 ' 2 roll, ,99ç' SPECIAL! 66 fi. oz. 1079 cont. Delkcious »A pples EMM 33 c.'L F4..ORI DA GROWN Avocados SPEC 1 i 2/89 cý ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NUMBER ONE GRADE Cobboge 25eac PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. CANADA NUMBER ONE GRADE Cucumbers l7eah We Redeem AIl Food Store Coupons VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TUES., OCT. 19, 1976 'NF RESERVE Tc-HTT LIMIT QUANTMTES TO NORMAL F AMILY REQUIREMENTS. DOMINION STORES LIMITED. You candepend on our ries ASST'D FLAVOURS DOMINO SOFT DRINKS MACARONI &CHEESE I 71/4OZ. PKG. I OFFER 0000 ONLY FRI. & SAT. .-( OCT. 15 &16 ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE PTATO0ES 20L3.BAG I OFFER 0000 ONLY FR1. & SAT. OCT. 15 & 16 COLOURED, PARCHMENT WRAPPED ej MMFIELU MoARGeARINE 160OZ. PKG. WINHSOP 3, OFFER 0000 ONLY FR1. & AT. CaOCTA 5 &16 K *ý.Z[WIT THE PURCHASE 0F $10 IN GROCERIES (EXCLUDING CIGARETTES) a 7 el BURNS PRIDE F CANADA SLICED~ 60OZ. PKG. OFFER 0000 ONLY FR1. & SAT. OCTý 15 & 1.6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -a-- - - - - - - - - - - ---- MARY MILES WIENERS LIMIT 0F 4 PK'S. PER CUSTOMER lc 1 LB. PKG. GREEN GIANT CANADA FANCY SWEET PEAS, GREEN BEANS OR WHOLE KERNEL NI1B LETS Co "%R N LIMITOF 6TINS PER CUSTOMER 90ca 12 FL. OZ. TIN, ALL PURPOSE, ENHICHED PRE-SIFEED DOueMINION FLOUR Em c 5 LB. BAG c- 26 FL. OZ. R ETU RNABLE BTL. PLUS DEPOSIT PLUS 20c DEPOS IT LIMIT OF 12 BOTTLES PER CUSTOMER 1