Tbe Canadian Statesman. Tribute to Unarles Ray MCulongh This week, Yelvertonians <. are walking sof t, suffering -.rom sore dry throats, neces- ,_itating frequent swallowing ,.,and "rheum"-atic eyes wbich -ýxust be rubbed frequently. ~,,the obvious reason for this ,sudden contagious vir us - the sudden death of one of our young men in the prime of life -Charlie McCullough. Not for "many years lias the' death of a local resident had such a sad ,impact on our community and surrounding vicinity. Charlie was one of those ýhappy-go-lucky souls who spread sunshine wherever he went, - a frieîîd to young and old and held in affectionate regard by ail. His keen sense of humor and Irish wit provided a humorous dialogue whicb could neyer be found in any English diction- ary or duplicated by any other liigsoul; even the memory ofsome of Charlie's "gerns" 'brings a smile to the lips and a tear to the eye. 1"Colgate" as he was affec- tionately misnomered by bis peers, was like mnany ini this community, a bai] fanatic in ,summer, and a hockey addict in winter. SIn our Yelverton Men's team, he was second base man 'without peer or challenge; bis enthusiasm and genial banter was a contagious stimulant to bis teammates, coupled with bis perennial optmism sel- dom squelched. His appearan- -ýe on the scene soon cbanged even) the most morbid crowd ,,into a happy carefree group. ',No wonder bis presence and unflinching loyalty was such a oorc f gratification to this _,coach. :He was an employee of UIniroyal in Lindsay wbere we -understand bis presence was 1,also a source of enjoyment to .',is fellow employees. A man ~of ceaseless, and- tireless :energy, dispite bis 135 lbs. ,soaking wet witb a brick in .e-acb pocket, he also played :wýitb the Bethany Sr. Men and ",Midtown Furniture team in ,.ida.He also found time to help coach the Yeiverton Sr. ,Girls to victory thîs year (tbey - neyer lost a game during tbe y,ear or in playoffs). 11e also assisted in coacbing the VPontypool Midgets to a victor- 1 ous finale this year.. Rev. Gerald Hofstetter, a fjormer teammate of Charles ',,in Yelverton team, was tbe 4-officiating clergy at tbe funer- ,ai service and provided a c,.omforting message to tbe ,bereavedfamil- and grieving- friends. The dozens and ,dozens of. floral tributes tbat ,banked the funerai pariour ".were a truc indication of the . -popularity in wich lx wasl regarded by ail wvbo knew himi ,,for miles and miles ln every direction. In proferring thîe most --sincere sympatby of bis many friends to bis parents, Eileen ,aïnd Ray,, brother Georgie, :ssesGloria and Mary and ;finace Miss Kim Neais, our ,:only hope is, that in the knowledge that 'so many ,,people like you and me wbo :sýhare their grief, may in some ' small way alleviate the deep sorrow and sadness that ' cirrently enguifs tbem. : I the inspiration that he priddto bis fellow mýan in -the manner that be brihInened the'day for others vitb bis ~selfless cbeery, ligtbe-arted .manner, should be emuiated ,,by ail, bow much happier would this old world be! 'ogaeCharlie" how much :we'll aill miss im! ' Congratulations to the :Nestleton Maimont team wbo 'd efeated our Yeiverton team ?en Tuesday evening by a score of10 tfaqndÎ %on the .Lke :4be fans who so activeiy supported the team t rougb ,out the year. Our thanks too, to Mona for keeping score ,througbout the year - especial- 4y during those long bot Sunday afternoons that couid lave been more pieasantiy 'spent in tbe swimmii g pool. ;Special tbanks from not oniy -the bail team and myseif as coach, but tbe wbole com- 7munity, to my assistant Mr. "Frank Glasbergin wbo spent endless bours keeping our -playing field lu top-notch 'condition witbout any compen- sation and damn littie thanks; :for liming tbe playing lines bfrethe gam es and tbose- ,OOO(ýand 1 otber dutîns that he ~assumed ,voiuntarîly.His entbusiasm, had it rubbed off ~e,'î 'y on ail of the players, ,%, uhave ast uredAus tbe Âp i:,41 as tbe 1-1 position for te - ar wbicb we were able to capture a id bang, onto ,tbougout;bewhole Izbal Pl ACTION PRICEDI 8 VARIETIES INCLUDING CHOCOLATE CHIP DAD'yS 1-LB TIN TIE BAG' PURE STRAWBERRY SAVE 20c ACTION PRICEDI KRAFT 24 IAM FLOZ1 9 maxwell House Coffeé IQUIO WAX-27-OZ + 20% MORE "FREE" Iohnsons Klear 3 AILD OR MEXICAN SAVE 20c mary Miles Chili t ACTION PRICEDI 1-lb bag1 5 SAVE SOc, 2-fl-oz tin 1.99- ACTION PRICIEDI 15-fi-oz tin 39 DEPA forFreshness & Qulty. LARGE SIZE BANANAS ARRIVING DAILY FRESH SPINACH FRESH DAILY COLE SLAW lO-oz FOR cello pkg lO-oz FOR cello pkg L OVEN READY TRAY BUTTERNUT SQUASH . . Shop A &P! lb 19< 79< 49< 1 8-OZ 18-oz tray'49< BEAVER BRAND Poppi'ngtCorn 2Ibceo pkg 9< WEEPING FIG PLANTS Ficus Benjamina 6,thc4,95 p lb39 JANE PARKER' SPANISH &% A 5% â" & mom 19-01 CAKE AT A P! SUPER-RIGHT-SLICED BURNS-VAC PAC BOLOGNA CHUNKS V1AC PAC 1.5 8 lb 49< WhoUe Pork Loins FREEZER CUT CUT INTO LOIN & RIB ROASTS & CHOPS 10 to 14-LBS AVERAGE lb.94 SCHNEIDERS-9 VARIETIlE-S-CHUNKS Luncheon Meats lb 8 9< SSCHINEIDERS OÛktoberf estSausage i-lb pkg 1.5 SCHNEIDERS Poolish' Sausage -lb 9 9< PEARAN'SHOTOR SWEET Sau sage£ Italian Style lb 7f9< BURNS Sau sages Beef & Pork lb 8 9ý SHOPSY-EYE 0F THE ROUND Corned Beef Rolil l139 UNIVERSAL-RECTANGULAR Deluxe Pizza 25-oz pie199 SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY SSiced Beef Liveâr b45< POWDER ACTION PRICEDI ABC 2-LB~f DietergentBOx7 ..., Fancy Cream or Whoîe Kernel Corn, Peas & Carrots, Mixed Vegetables, Fancy Peas, French Style Green or Wax Beans, (Beans with Pork 8-II-oz) Yrork Vegetabies ()-fi-ozti, 4for99 Cottge heese &LVL 16-oz carton 69<'e- HOSTESS-REGULAR..QTACO ACTION PRICEDI Corn Chips150 g pkg 3 for 1 0 HIGHLINER-FROZEN ACTION PRICEDI Ocean Perch Filets 1-lb pkg 1.9 9 VARIETIE-CAT FOOD Puss 'Nl Boots STAFFORD SAVE 20c Apple Pie Filler OREO-CHIPS AHOY-PIRATE Christie Coêki~ç l5.9-oz lin tie baa O 'I i/ ACTION PRICEIDI l5-oz lin 4for9< ACTION PRICEDI 19-f -oz lin 59< ACTION PRICEDI E'E SAS.RLE YDI Pli II O CMFEL Pork L oin Roasts Tenderloin Portion 31/-l cu Rib Haif Loin 9 9b Tenderloin Haif Loin, 1 0A Sliced Tenderloin Portion ' CENTRE CUT LOIN ROAST lb 1.49 SWIFT WIENERS 1-LBP 78 Y COUNTRY STYLE SPARE RIBS Y _ POST CEREAL ACTION PRICEDI Honey Ctomb 12*oz pkg89 READY-TOSERVE-7 VARIETIES ACTION PRICEDI quaker Oats11î.oz pki65< ELECTRASOL 70.4-OZ BOX ACTION PRICEDI Dishwasher Detergent- 2.19 CAKE & PASTRY SAVE 36c FREI!FR MU ONMB. ER? ELVET 7-LB ARS0FRM ifl IWV MEWF LU R BAG,9 9 JANE PARKER SAVE l oc Snowlak Rols pg o 1249< In Tomato Sauce-With Pork-With Pork & moîaSe-Red Kidney SnowlARKER oipkof1 Heinz, Beans 14-f 1-oz tin for10 JAE-AKRSAVE 20e 3fr10 READY-TO SERVE-8 VARIETIES ACTION PRICEDI CocnutCusard ie ULL B INCH 99< Heinz Soups 8-f- iA6fr 9< Coconut Üstard F,;j,'Ïe22-OZ PIE_îP tnO. JANE PARKER SAVE 10c PREPARED) ACTION PRICEDI Jelly Donuts pkg(f 6 69< Heinz Mustard 16-f-oz jar 39e iManVIlle, OCtober 13. 1976 oeïe il ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1976 EXPERTLY CRAFTED IN STAFFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND DO0V E R SION &'E FINE IMPORTED Designed by.John Evans, one of England's Ieading ceramics designers. Every one a masterpiece of contemporary art. THIS WEEK'S STONEWARE FEATURE Cerelal/Deàssert Dish ONLY6,9 each WEEK ONE-CEREAL/DESSERT DISH-EACH 690 WEEI< TIREE--CUP-EACH 690 WEEK TWO-SALAD/CAKE PLATE-!ACH 690 WEEK FOUR-SAUCER-EACH 690 This cycle wiII b. repeated four times. Dinner Pate-990 each-Available at ail times. COLLECT THE SET 0F YOUR CHOICE AND ENJOY BIG SAVINGS. Rglwmnnuillp (lofnhar lq lQ7r, . £kg-w: é SEEPI& C RNATION - INSTANT ( ý'eCA =NAffli ICNS Ni BONUS PACK Ç Cýý m MAJ ;%OIMFEC'" Am a.. A, && Tr ÎE e UAK LAKE r