Large Crowd on Hand for Opening of New Malmorat Sales Areca NeaIckstock On Thursday, Sept. 3th, a new Farm Sales Arena south of Blackstock was opened on the former Trewin Farm, with a large crowd present to participate in the action. The main sales action dealt with the dispersai of a fine Hostein herd owned by Gerald Barber, R.R. 1, Bloomfield with some added consignment anîmals. The new sales arena is owned by Neil Malcolm of Blackstock who welcomed the visitors before Auctioneer Lloyd Wilson swung into action, assisted by Neil Bacon of Uxbridge, Neil McLeod of Sunderland and Dennis Werry, Oshawa, with Mrs. Wilson also helping. These photos-show sorne of the animals that were auctioned and the Young and older sales guests. Owner Neil Malcolm of Blackstock The Canadian Statesman, Bom 27 Girl Guides Enfoy Trip to Pennsylvania Thursday, Sept. 16th after a Girl Scouts and, Girl Guides. year of planning, 27 Guides Later in the day at the closing and 6 Guiders from Bowman- of the weekend before the Girl ville' District boarded a btis Scouts departed for their from Memorial Park for their homes, a non-denominational Îong awaited trip to the Girl church service was held. Scoutsý in Layfayette Hilîs, During this time girls ex- Penn. changed friendship pins. A The Guides and Guiders Guide from 3rd Guide Co. were billetted in homes of the Cathy Nichols was called American Girl Scouts Thurs- forward to accept a plaque in day night when they arrived. memory of their exchange Friday was an optional day trip. Mfter saying good-byes the girls either went to school or toured the city. Friday at 5 o'oclock the girls boarded the bus for Camp Tweedale in Oxford, Pa. where they spent the rest of the weekend camping with approximately 200 Girl Scouts in 9 camp sites. The Bowman- ville Guides and Guiders were impressed by the 'differentr varieties of camping such as: * xercîse * L covered wagon, A-frames, huts and platform tents. L. Camping consisted of com- BehiioO P petition in first aid, compass, log sawing, log throwing, hoisting, knots and lashing sack racing and a tug of war. C readLa Saturday eveming everyone Con ad er gathered around a gigantic o campfire in the form ofofW ih Olympics lighted by torches. The evening proceeded with skits, songs and during camp- Everyone welcome eé fire Shelley Hitchens a Brow- at 7:30 P. nie from 3rd Bowmanville Bowmanville Public Libre pack presented a Canadian Registratie flag to the U.S. Girl Scouts. $2.75 per wee Overlooking the lake on or $27.00 foi Sunday morning a Guides Owns was held to the theme of chains linking friendship with vnanviiie. October 13, 1976 -5 through tears of happiness,ý the Girl Scouts left for their homes and the Bowmanville group had the evening to reminisce their weekend before retiring. Bright and eariy Monday the girls and leaders boarded the bus for Canada. The bus arrived late' Monday evening to an un- expected welcome with signs, lunch and parents to colleet their tired happy girls. This party was arranged by the leaders of the 3rd Brownie Pack. Plans will soon be getting underway for, a return visit of the American Girl Scouts. by D. M. Dinneen, Chief Libranrian, Newcastle Public Library System "I think 1 could turn and live with animais, they are so placid and self-contained." Walt Whitman Vets, Might Fly by James Herriot Walt Whitman's animais might be placid, but Hemiot's definitely are not. This is is another book by the popular veteninarian and is just as hilanious as the previous ones. The Radio Amateur's Handbook by A. Frederick Collins This includes everything the beginning ham operator needs NEWHOUSES, HILTS Chartered Accountants a nd TIMOTHY J. O'NEILL Chartered Accountant are pleased to annourice the merging of their practikes under the name of NEWHUSES, HILTS & 'NEILL' ON OCTOBER i st, 1976 with offices at 214 Dundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO Telephone 668-.3346 187 King Street East OSHAWA, ONTARIO Telephone 728-9448 to know, from. the fundamen- tais of theory to the actual construction of a -station. Al the latest equipment and techniques are described and 200 photographs and drawings supplement the text., Skarra by Henry Richardson It's enough to make you hungry just looking at this book. It not only shows colour photographs of lovely cakes, if also shows you how to use various decorating tools, includes hints on types of frostings, and even tells you how to get your cake to its' destination without crushing it. Magazines can be used in mnany ways. Most of us use them for recreation, but students can often find many useful articles which contain information suitable for school projects. The Bowman- ville Branch receives approxi- mateîy 35 magazines and newspapers and does keep back issues. Story hour for children age 3 to 5 continues every Tuesday at 2 p.m. and Book Reviews are h.eM ;'he second and fourth Tuesctays at 2 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Be a RED CROSS Blood Donor !manvïlle, )iet 0 Nutrition M édification n the 4 aspects, tControl bch Thursday evening ) the "ry, 62 Temperance Street in Fes $7.00 lkthereafter or 10weeks. i BCaV BEAT