The following children were received mnto the fellowship of Christ's Church and Trinity congregation on Sunday, Oct. 10, when Rev. John Peters administered the Sacrament of Baptism: Jason Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Rice, Jillian Miriam, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Skin- ner, Danniel Jason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Wood. Rev. Peters was assisted by Jack Munday, Tom and Kay Rehder. Mr. and Mrs. Ger ald Mar jerrison, Susan and David, of Barrie, were weekend visitors with his parents, Mr. eand Mrs. Arthur Marjerrisohi, Flett Street. Mrs. Mary Thompson, West- lake, Ohio, has been visiting ber aunt, Mrs. Annie Wil- loughby ln Oshawa. The first concert of the tenth ______à anniversary season of the Peterborough Symphony Or- chestra is scheduled for Wed- nesday, October 27 at Thomas A. Stewart Auditorium. It will feature Otto Armin, violînist, and the Peterborough Coven- try, Singers. Four regular concerts are scheduled for the 1976-77 season, plus concerts in Port Hope and Cobourg. Ontario Outdoors Publish- ing Ltd. is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. E.J. (Jack) Davis as Editor of The Angler and Hunter in Ontario. Mr. Davis brings an outstand- ing background to bis new position. He has been writing about Ontario's outdoor scene for over twenty Vears and has edited several newspaper and magazines. Recently h e pub- lisbed a tongue-in-cheek book of some of his own works, appropriately titled "Taîl Tales." Iteins 'of Interest Phone 623-3303 Wil! Speak at UCW Thankoffering Starting next September, grade 9 and 10 students wifl be required to take two credits in English, two in mathemnatics, two in Canadian bistory and- or geograpby, and one credit in science. The new core, coupld wit theexisting requirements for two addition- ai credits in English for senior students, means that the basic core curriculum will consist of nine mandatory courses, one third of tbe minimum credit requirements for tbe second- ary school graduation di- ploma. We think you'll like, the followilng recipe, of baked acorn squash with peanuts. 1 large Ontario acorn squash (about 2 pounds), 1/4 cup maple syrup, 2 tbsp. butter or margarine, 12 tsp. saît, 2 tbsp. chopped salted peanuts. Cut squash lengthwise into quar- ters; discard seeds, then eut crosswîse diagonal slashes, about 1 inch apart, in meaty sides of squash. Place squash, skin side down, in baking disb. In small saucepan gently beat syrup, butter and saît until butter is melted; brush or spoon some of the syrup mixture over squash. Bake at 350 F. for 1 hour, occasionally brushing or basting with remaining syrup mixture until it is all used. Sprinkle squash cavities with peanuts: bake until squash is fork-tender (10 to 20 minutes) . Makes 4 servings. Miss Joy Crombie and friend have just returned from an enjoyable 2 week trip in London, England. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Richards spent Tbanksgiving weekend at Lake Placid. WiiiniZs of the Lions N.H.L. tickets for November 3rd are Ted Dadson and M. Bernacki. For the Oshawa Generals game on November 4th the winners are L. Cryderman and J, Rice., The dramatic range and potential of a: new art foi-m will be revealed at the Art Gallery of Ontario this month when six Ontario artists exhibit color xeregraphic works. There will also be daily' demonstrations by the artists of the unusual techniques involved. The 1976 annual dinner for employees of Goodyear Can- ada Ltd., marking 25 years service with the company will be held November 6th at the Bristol Place Hotel in Toronto, when about 60 employees are expected to attend. Enroliment at Durham Col- lege total daytime enroll'ment is up 8.6 per cent, with ful registration stili to be com- pleted. To date 1136 students have enrolled. Last year. figure was 1046. Dr. Wiiley bas expressed satisfaction witb the steady growth of the college. Dean 1K. Smith bas been, named production and devel- opment manager at the Good- year Canada Ltd., company's power transmission products "Knowngo that mn s ro utfied sby th wors ofth plabt the faith 0f JESUS e i JsUSnCRSate might be Iustied bntoemait of Chitet, a d o teawse te BoxIaw , frb heworks tle.Iwsalnofehb justified.b h orso h Plbt yte awith JES mgtBox 11ifie Bîactheck it ofCrsadnt bythio r BDOWuMANVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH MORNING SERVICE now at Ontario Street School ATTEND OUR Family Sunday School 9:45 a. m. at Church Building on Nelson Street EVENING SERVICE at 7:00 p.m. n Church Building Pastor: R. Fellows - 987-4790 Bowmanville Pentecostal Church 75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH Sunday Services 9:55 a.m ..... Sunday School 11:00 a.m. .. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service Mid Wêeek Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Youth Meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Bible Study. A Welcome for You in a Friendly Church Oshawa Free Methodist Church Trull's Rd. (Darlington 15 South of Hwy. 2) 725-3606 Pastor: DAVID A. DYER 725-3872 Sunday,. October 17, 1976 YOU ARE INVITED SATURDAY,OCTOBER 16 To an "Ail Nite Sing" -Gospel Musicale - Great Gospel Music -7:30-11 p.m. Hear- The Oureach Quartet 1and The Snider Famiîy At intermission, have a cup of coffee - and refreshments, and meet the groups - Free Tickets are available Ph. 725-3872, or 263-8436 Sunday, October 17 - The Snider Family will minister, in the Sunday Schooî andl Morning services Sunday will also be Sunday School Rally Day Corne and be part of this great day. Wl!! SPeak at St. Pau!'s Anniversczry plant at Owen Sound. Smith started witb Goodyear at the Bowmanville plant in 1969 as a design engineer. Wben the company moved its power transmission products manu- facturing facilities to Owen Soànd in 1975, Smith was transferred tbtere as chief engineer, a position lie held until bis recent appoiatment. Take Time - to Think ... it is the source of power. - to play . it is the secret of perpetual youtb. - to read . . . it is the fountain of wisdom. - to pray . is the greatest power on eartb. - to love and be loved ... it is a God given privilege. - to be friendly .. . it is the road to bappiness. - to laugh . .. it is the music of the soul. - to give . is too short a day to be selfish. - to work . .. it is the price of success. Grants totalling $48,999 bave been made fnom pnoceeds of tbe Ontario Lottery to various projects in the region of Durham. Included are grants of $5000 to the Robert Mc- Laugblin Gallery in Oshawa towards tbe costs of publisb- ing a catalogue of works by contemporary artist Robin MacKenzie. The Orono Area Cbamber of Commerce wil receive a grant up to $4,500 for the, installation of ligbting to basebali, tennis and soccer facilities, and $3,718 to the Lake Scugog Regatta Assoc- iation for renovations to basebaîll, volleyibail, and borsesboe facilities including tbe installation of a backstop and ligbtng. O BI TULdmARY RONALD STANLEY ALDER Ronald Stanley Aider of 42 Centre Street Bowmanviile passed away at the Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday September 19, 1976. Son of, the, late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aider hie was bora in Gloucestersbire England, July,3, 1912. Ron, a familiar figure around town bad been in failing bealth for the past year. He retired from Goodyear Augi1, 1973, alter many years of service. He was very active in sports, having been a member of the Oshawa Tennis Club, wben it was located on McMillan Drive, after Tennis hie joined the Osbawa Golf Club and was a member at the time of bis death. He leaves to mourn bis wife tbe former Evelyn Taylor, daughter, Patti, (Mns. Wayne %os, .zut SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1976 10Oa.m. -Treasure Hunt Club and Junior and Intermediate Sunday School lla.m.-WORSHIP SERVICE Rev. Arthur Amacher will preach Sermon-"THE VISION SPLENDID", Nursery Care Provided A Warm Welcome for Everyone Oct, 3l - 11 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. - Anniversary Services is '- 7, 7e ie ig ýd n e t, SHAW'S' Doug and Ethel Wight were bonored on Saturday evening at the Regency Hyatt Hotel in Toronto when tbey enjoyed a dînner party to celebrate tbeir 3tb wedding_ anniversary. Those attending,. besides the bride and groom of 30 years, were John and Darlene Wight, Caroland Gregory and David Watson. Many more happy years Doug and Ethel! Belated anniversary wishes are also extended to Annabelle and Garnet Rickard who recentiy ceiebrated their 35tb anniversary at a pleasant family party. Mrs. Nortbcutt, Alne and Lloyd Ayre were dinner guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brockman, Oshawa. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mrs. J.F. Hyland on the sudden passing of ber busband Mr. Forbes Hyland who died suddenly in Oshawa on the Thanksgiving weekend. Mar garet Bragg accompan- ied by ber son Ken, last week niotored to Duatroon whene tbey visited ber sister, Mrs. Norma Wilson, then on to Southampton to spend some time witb ber daughter Jean and ber busband Robt. Stew- art. Kenneth along witb Jean and Robt. attended the Inter- national Plowing Match at Waikerton. Jean who teaches an Opportunity Class found a great deal of worthwbile material for ber classroom work at this agiculturai event. '1o Kip B2- ~St. W. Annabelle Rickard accom- panied ber husband Garnet to Quebec City on October 3 and 4 where they attended the Canadian Conference on Plan- ning and Deveiopment. They found this City bisw~rically delightful. Its early Canadian character is unique and colon- fui, its restaurants especially in the old Lower Town excellent where the food and its service is a fine art. They were sbown the program of nenovation now taking place in the older districts of the city where the oid old buildings are being restored brick by brick and stone by stone to re-create these structures exactiy as they were la the French arch- itectural l7th century. No language problems for these delegates - the personnel in the botels and restaurants is perfectly bilinguai and s0 very courteous that many of the visitors went away very anitious to learn more of the French language. 'The stu- dents in Quebçc schools are required to learn Engiish from Grade 3 on, at wbich level tbey spead two hours weekly, until they reach the level of Grade 12 after whicb this study becomes optional. Modemn day problems do exist however as was shown by the large groups of professons parading and earrying placards about the grounds of Lavai University on strike in order to gain more voice in its administration. Jim and Romana Rickard last weekend attended the loth reunion of Class '66, O.A.C. at the University of Guelph. They report a very enjoyable time renewing friendships with a great many of their former classmates. Their sons Bradley and Craig stayed with their uncie and aunt, Donald and. Gail Rickard. Miss Wendy Ayne bas re- turned from a pleasant ten day holiday in Prince George British Columbia as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Black. Shaw's friends are remind- ed to reserve Friday evening, Oct. 29th for the Annuai Masquerade Party at the Scbooi. LONG SAULT Mrs. Sophie Kovacs was a Thanksgiving Day supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs and girls. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Cook and Miss Grace Smith were Thurs- day evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mns. W.F. Weaver, Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mns. Keith Goble and boys, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Baker and Pam, DIRK BRINKMAN 623-3621 ,, AI,'J copogheg G.GO to ý7.GO The Canadian Statesman, Bowr Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and boys were Thaniks- giving Sùnday dinner guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Leavens and Linda were Sunday evPn- ing callers and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dennis, Toronto were Monday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stephen- son and boys, Newcastle were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hall and Lisa, Janetville were Satur- day evening guests of the G. Baker's. Mrs. George Armour and Miss Bertha Armour, Hamp- ton, Miss Mary Cornish,, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Cornîsh, Shannon and Kenneth were Thanksgiving supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cornish and Wendy. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Cook and Miss Grace Smith motored as far north as Bracebridge and Parry Sound to view the beautiful color of the trees and were Sunday Tbanksgivîng supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cook and family, Georgetown and also visited Mrs. E. McBride, George- town. FUJLL CIRCLE To square bimseif with life a man sornetimes bas te cut a few corners te complete the job. LEASEA BUICK LESABI V-8, automnatic, pov brakes, power wi rear window def control mirror, tini tires, radio rear Sp, group, Iighting grg accent SI 36 MONTH ~1 780 Serial No. 16 King St., E. _62 3-3 P ~odg ~cîg~oetee ~6.OÛ inanville, October 13. 1976 7 'the. Bible. If you thought the movie was good, you should read the book! It's exciting. Stimulating. Have you ever studied the Bible? Let us help you. With an interesting, systematic study plan you can do at your leisure, in your' home. Today, send for FREE Bible Correspondence Course. The Upper Room P.O. Box 283 -Oshawa, Ont. LiN 7L3 Gentlemen: Yes, l'm interested in studying the Bible. Please send me youri FREE Bible Correspondence Course. 1 understand no one will caîl on me Name................- Address --------- C ity - - - - - - - - - - - Prov.- ----- PostalI Code -- -- -- -- 1977 RE CUSTI wer steering rindows, ele 4 roster, rei ited glass, ri eaker, moul -oup, vinyl tri1pes. LEASE per month * 426065 RM g and ectric 'mote 'adial ldm g rof a e 0 c~cith CPowde,~i ~6.OO Bowmanville Rev. and Mrs. (Anne) Morley Hawley Rev. Morley Hawley, B.A. will be the guest speaker at Trinity Church U.C.W. Thankoffering meeting on Oct. l9th, at 2 pan. The Board of World Mission, in 1957, appointed Rev. Hawley to Korea, where he was engaged in evangelistie work, providing leadership in interdenominational as well as denominational and mission committee work, especially in audio-visuals, among them, the puppetry. He returned toCanada on furlough in 1975, and at present he is serving the Tweed Pastoral Charge. St. Paul's United Churcb i. celebrating its 142nd anniversý ary on Sunday, October 17 witb special services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Tbey are priviieged to bavE as their guest speaker, tbE Rev. Bruce W. Besley wbc was raised in Sbelburne, Ontario, soni of a farming famiiy. After being accepted as a candidate for tbe United Cburcb ministry by Duffernr Peel Presbytery, be was posted to a Home Mission Charge near Belleville. Wbile serving tbere for five years, he, attended Abert Coilege, Queen's University and Queen's Theological Coilege. Since ordination in 1957, Rev. Besley bas served at Engiehart, Grand Valley, Brampton, and is now back at bis home town church in Sheiburne. He and bis wife, Isley, bave six cbildren and have been active in cburcb- camp work, churcb executive positions, as well as partici- pating in Mason and Rotary activities. It ail adds up to an exciting day at St. Paul's; special occasion, special speaker, special music by botb choirs, and a warmn invitation to ail their cburcb family and friends to comne and celebrate together! Devitt), Niagara Falls, son, Warren Bowmanville, grand- childi-en Melissa and Michael Devitt. He is also survived b: seven sisters, and tbree brotb- ens. Funeral and committee ser- vices were beld at Northcutt Elliott Funeral home on Tuesday September 21, 1976. .teverend Tom Gracie officia- ting. Followed by cremation. '1 4 4 st. John's Anglican Church Rev. Tom Gracie, Rector Tempera nce at Queen Street SUN DAY, OCT. 17th 8:00 a.m. - Holy Communion 11:Oa.m. - Holy Communion Lay Members and Outreach Service NU RSE RY AND SUNDAY SCHOOL during 11:00a.m. service.' MIDWEEK COMMUNION WEDNESDAY 9:30 a. m. haftce thcît goeg OR goteyalnd R eveh gp-w to. end... THE SPRAY - THE COLOGNE - THE POWDERING THE BODY FRAGRANCE lex McGregor D rugs Your I.D.A. Drug Store 623-5792 y 96 Bowmonv ý8.GO