iRowmanville. October 20, 1976 -il DEADLINE FO'àR C01A SSI1FI1ED0 Tues., 12. noonf 623-3303] A * e - -........ ... BORU)TSKIE- Mark and Barbara are pleased ta an- nounce the safe arrivai of a son an James, 7 lbs. 13 ozs. on October 14, 1976 at Oshawa General Hospital, a brother for Erin. Proud grandiparents are Mr. & Mrs. James Borutskie, Toronto and Mr. James Stewart, Toronto. Special thanks ta Dr. Lai and maternity staff at Oshawa General Hospital. 42-ix '--HRISOMALIS - Peter and Bey. (nee Frank) are proud ta announce the arrivai on October 16, 1976 of Michael Arthur with a mass of 3.15 kilograms, a brother for Stephen. Many thanks fa Drs. R. K. Lai and S. W. Moreland and nursing staff of Oshawe General Hospital. 42-1 GRAY - Brian, Carol and Deanna are delighted ta announce the arrivai of Matthew Brian, Sept. 29th, 8l Ibs. 2 oz., WomenIs College Hospital, Toronto. Special thanks ta Dr. Goodwin and Dr. Tanna. 42-ix =-:W Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Farlane are happy ta an- nonethe engagement a; their only dau ghter Irene ta Paul, son of M r. and Mrs. Hazen Gould. Wedding ta take place in June. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Osborne are pîeased ta an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Dale ta Ken Ferris son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ferris. The wedding wîll take place in the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Haynos are pieased ta an- naunce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Donna Lee Margarefta Paul Jack- man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jackman. The wedding wil take place, Safurday, October 30, 1976 in St. Joseph's Roman Cafholic Church at 3:30 p.m. 42-1 Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Mac- Innis, Newtonvilie, are pleas- ed ta announce the forthcom- ing marriago of their daugh- ter, Heather fa David Crabb of Mr. and Mrs. G. Crabb, '--ànthorpe, En gland. The ,dding wiiI take place Novem er 6, 1976 in St. George's Anglican Church, Newcastle at 4 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tonnant, Orono a re pîeased ta annaunce the forfh com ing marriage of their daughfer Donna Marie to neftA an Benfard, son of and Mrs. Ken Benford, 'Poë-typool. The wodding wili fake place in Orono United Church an November 27, 1976 muNULK- AtMI emorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Wed- nesday, Octaber 13, 1976, Lillian Garrard (formerly of Enniskilîen) wife of the lafe Russel Aunger. Service was held 'in fhe Morris Funeral Cha pel, Bowmanvilie on Fn day' affernoon. Inerment Bethesday Cemetery. 42-1 VAN BELLE DAILY D.livery to ..." Oshawa - Bamanvile Area Phone 623-4441 Friends and neighbours 0f Leslie and Norma Cochrane are cordially invited to share in the celebration of their 4Oth weddin g anniversary to be held in the home of Ralph and Pat Cochrane on the evening of October 30, 1976. 42-2x MILNE -GRAY On Saturda y eveningOctober 9, 1976, Dr. David A. ine and Miss Frances Muir Gray were united in marriag e by Justice of the Supreme Court, Arthur A. Peake in Charlottetown, P. E.I1. 42-1 DELINE - In memory of Leapha Ma y Delîne - Butterill, who passed away October 19, 1973. Although ifs been but three short years To those you left behind Your absence from those who loved you Seems like a lifetime. Always remembered, dearJy loved and sadly missed by Pauline, Bill, Candy and Kim. 42-1 BEAUDRY, Clarence - Sud- deniy at Mattawa on Octaber 12, 1976 (formeriy of Bowmani- ville) aged 39. Beloved hus- band of Dorothy, dear father of Judy, Bily, Caroline and Laura. Resfed at Edward Funeral Chapel. High mass Saturday, October 16 at 10:30 a.m. at Sf. Anne's Cathoiic Church. Infrment Mattawa Cemetery. Regrets ta Mrs. Beaudry, Box 496, Mattawa, Ontario. 42-1 HELLYAR, Frederick S. "Fred" - After a brief ilness at the Sunnybrook Medical Centre on Friday, October 15, 1976. Survived by wife Louila Workman, daughter Lyn (Mrs. E. Von Schilling) of Courtney, British Columbia and son Bill of Toronto. Survived by three grandchii- dren and two sisters, Amy (Mrs. A. Blight) of Espanola, Grace (Mrs. C. Greene) of Alexandria, Virginia. Also survived 'by one brother, Brenton of St. Thomas, Ointario. A private family service was held Sýundayý eveninq . Crernation. If desired donations may be made ta the Untaria Heart Foundation, 310 Davenport, Road, Toronto. 42-1 PIDGEON, Agnes Caroline - At Humber Memorial Hospital on Sunday, October 17f h. 1976, Agnes Caroiing McDanald. Beloved wife of Frank 8. Pidgeon, dear mother of James H., Donald F., and Caroline (Mrs. B. Grant) and the late G. Wallace (R.C. AF.). Dearly loved by her granchildren. Dear sister of Margaret McDonald of Toron-, ta and Judge John, H. Mc- Donald of S au If Ste. Marie. Rested at the Ward Funeral Home, 2035 Weston Rd., Wes- ton. Services were held in the chapel Wednesday at 2 p.m. Interment Riverside Ceme- tery. Remembrances may be made ta the Canadian Cancer Society. 42-1 CARNATION For Ail Your Flowier Needs STOP IN AND SEE OURWEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 Durham County's Old est Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or N-Ight. Serving this district for 96 years. DOR:)thGutt eUlLot' -11 Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN ~ ern for the demands upon yo 1Ï?rf consideratîon. To ensure helpfulness you need. 53 DIVISION STRE ET, BOWMANVIL 623-5668 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario _ Li A MW3WORKMANS111P .QUALITY High Q uality at Reasonabie Prices Phono 885-5216 Home 885-5222U% The ch ildren and staff of Country Roads Nursery Schooî wish fa say "Than k you" ta fhe Bawmanviiîe Kinsmen Club for making aur apenhng a success. 4- Howard and Florence Cry- derman wish ta thank ail! who sent cards and gifts for their 4Oth weddi1ng anniversary and ta ail who calied ta make the day a mast -happy and memarable occasion. A spec- il "thank you" ta the Base Lino "Good Neighbors Club." 42-1 x We would like ta thank relatives, friends and neigh- bars for the beautiful floral tributes, cards, donations and, messages of sympathy in the ioss of a laving son, brother gandson and fiance, Charles R.McCulîough. Speciai fhanks to Rev. G.W. Hofstet- fer for his friendly visit and comforting message, also the Mackey Funeral Home, Lind- say and the Yelverton U.C.W. ladies who served lunch, it was groatly appreciated. Thanks again. Ray, Eileen, George, Gloria, Mary, Kim Neals and Herman McGill. 42 lx We wauhd likeoaexpress aur sincere thank you ta the neighbors and friends for giving us the beautiful wod- ding gifts. If was greatly appreciated. Your kindness and thoughffulness wili nover be forgatten. Many thanks ta ail! Cheryl and Clarence Simonsen Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kuipers wish ta thank fheir friends and relatives for gifts, cards, and f lowers receivod an the occasion of their 4Ofh wedding anniversary. Special thanks ta the family for making the anniversary a momorable one. 42-1 i wish ta thank the members and officers Odd Fellow Lodge No. 66; members and afficers Beehive Rebekah Lodgo No. 125; Dr. Hubbard. nurses and staff Memoriai Hospital; Mrs. Ethel Gable; friends, for cards, gifts and acts of kindness during my rocent ilhness. Special thanks ta Mr. and Mrs. Cranstan Scott and Mrs. E. Wilatts. Herb Powell 42-1 x I wish ta thank ahi my friends, noighbors and rela- tives for their assisfance, dards, gifts and visîts during my stay at Toronto Generai Hospital. Also thanks ta Dr, Mosienko, staff and ambul- ance crew of Bowmanvile Hospital Emergency. Ail very much appreciated. Ken Kilmor 42 ix SERVICE MY sincore fhanks and appreciation ta Dr. Cunning- )u our ham, and the nurses on First Y'ou the Florinenoial Hospital, ay and the nurses on Sth Floor, n Oshawa General Hospital; LE assa f the many friends who remembered me with dcards and visits, and provided MY 42-1 Nife wifh daiîy transportation iuring my six weeks' iliness. T n ý . A*I I - - dil d, ,u. Frank Gilmer 42-1lx I would like ta thank Mrs. Boa Vansfone and staff of the Ernorgency Ward for their quîck attention, also spocial thanks ta Drs. Sylvester and Long and the nurses on the 1sf floor for their kindnoss. Special fhanks ta my family, relatives and friends for their dards, giffs and espocialiy their visits during my stay at the haspital. Sincerely Lillian Lewis 24-tf 42-1x -iends, es for ýs and h and ehive Wel lington Ândrew Adams express their sincere fhanks and apprediafion ta relatives, friends and neighbaurs for their many, acts of kindness shawn in the loss of a dearîy loved father and grandfather.' So.ecial thanks fa Memorial Hospital intensive care unit and Drs. Cunningham and Single, Morris Funeral Chapel, Rev. Spivey and Orano U.C.W. group Ili, Audrey, Ross and Keith 42-lx ALLIN- In loving memary of a dear mother and grand- mother, Cora, who passed away, October 22, 1964. Sadly missed along life's way, Quiefly remembered every- day, No longer in aur lives fa share But in aur hearfs she's a lways there. - Ever remembered by MarLorie, Kenneth, Gregory and G ail1. 42-1 BROWN - In loving memory of a dear husband, father, and grandfather,' Maxwell C. Brown who passed away October 25th, 1975. Tenderly we treasure the past wifh memories that wilI always- ast. - Ever remembered by wife Dorothy and family. 42-1 HODGSON- In Ioving me- mary of Alice, who passed away October 26', 1970. A littie tribute smail and tender, Just fa say we stili remember. - Aîways remembered by the family. 42-1ix PROUT- In memory of a life well and, truly lived. Jessie Julia Prout who passed away October 24, 1974. SofU , the leaves of memory Genfly we gather and treasure them ail. Unseen unheard she is ever near, Stili loved, still missed and ever dear. -Her family and friends. 42-1ix ADLiLT COUNSELLING WI LL BE AVAI LABLE EVERY THURSDAY AT BOWMAN VILLE HIGH SCHOOL for people who have discontinued their formai education and are th inking of retraining or resuming their formai education. No appointment necessary. No charge. For further information Contact Miss Hughes or Mr. Schwal m at the High School. 37-8 Arts 'n Crafts 76 St. PauI's United Church SAT.,OCT.23rd 1-8 P.m. ADMISSION 50 CENTS 39-4 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P. M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21-tf SUPER garage sale at Anfos- si's R.R. 3, Nash Road, Bowmanville, October 3th. 42-1 Open Forum, Christian Educatian Centre, Maple Grave, Wednesday, October 27 at 8 p.m. Citizens of Ward 1, formerly Darlington, you are invited to meet, raise ques- tions, give opinions ta your local candidates for counicil, Ann Cowman, D. Tonken, and other prospective candidates are welcome. 42-1 Representatives from al areas'0f the Town of New- castle are needed to help your Social Planning Council plan a "Meet the Candidates" even- ing ta promote interest in the up-coming municipal election. Please came to the Municipal Offices at Hampton Oct. 21 at 8 p.m. 42-1 GIANT RUMMAGE SALE Salvation Army 35 Division Street FRIDAY, OCTOBER29 lOa.m. - 9p.m. SATURDAY, OCTOBER30 lOa.m.-5p.m. 42-2 TRINITY CHURCH CASSEROLE SU PPE R Saturday, Nov. 6 Settings 5and 6:30 p.m. Aduits $3.25 Chiîdren (12 and under) $1.50 COU NTRY STORE TOO Tickets- any U.C.W. member 42-3 Enniskillen Youth Group Masquerade Dance Friday, October 22, 8 p. m. in the Community Hall. Prizes. Lunch. Admission $1.50 each. 42-1ix Hadassah Upholstery Fabric Sa le Tuesday and Wednesday October 26th and 27th 9 a.m. ta 9 p.m. 144 King St. East Oshawa NEWSUPPLYOF LOVELY FA BR ICS. GOOD NEWAND USED ME RCHAN DIS E. 42-1 )nville Southern Ridges C. B.'ers peciai are holding their firsf meeting e and in the Lion's Room of New- fMe- castle Town Hall on Safurday, ks ta October 23. We are offering rd for memberships for those wlia are inferested from 10 a.m. 12 noon. Coffee and daughnuts 42-lx will be served. Phone affer 6 - o'clock for information. ý late 987-5065 and 987-4741. oroes42-1 HA LLO WE' EN DANCE Newcastle Cammunity Hall Sat., Oct. 30 Music by "THE ADELS"i DANCING 9 -1 ain. Refreshments and Pnizes Sponsored by Newcastle Lions Club Phone 987-5293 or any Lion for tickets 42-2 Maple'Grave United Church Pancake Lunch, Sunday, October 31, 1976, 12:30 p.m. Admission voîuntary affering. Came and john in the fun and fe!lowship. 42-2 MOVIE FOR CHILDREN Walt Disney's "IN SEARCH 0F THE CASTAWAY'S BOWMANVILLE LIBRARY Saturday, Oct. 23rd 2 P. M. ADMISSION $1.00 PRESCHOOLERS 75c 42-lx J UN IOR â"C" YARD SALE October 22 a nd 23 rd 9 ëa.m. to 5 p.m. at 52 &54 Liberty St.. S. 42-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NE WCASTL E WHITE WATER COUNTRY Friday - Saturday October 22 - 23 Dancing 9 -1 42-1 -8 St. John's Anglican Church, -Blackstock, Fali suppor, Saturday, October 23 begin- ning 5:30 p.m. Adults $3.00, children under 12 $1.25, pro- school free. 42 lx 4 NORTHMINSTER U.C.W. Golden Harvest Bazaar Sat., Oct. 23 1:30p.m. -4p.mi. 42-i Special Auctian Sale fAt the St. Joseph's Church Hall, Liberty St., South, Bow- manvhîhe. This Saturday October 23 ..8:0O)p. m. Many, many articles usoful for evory room of your house, your 1garage, your gardon, your -Iawn, etc. Furnituroanfiaues, tools, equipment; ail s0ri of th ings -. . . yau imagine the item; f wilI probabiy bothere. For examplo: ane (and pro- bably more) an)tique parlour fable, an antique Iantern, etc. Don't miss this apportunity ta pick up a bargain fromn the wide assorfmenf of items that will bo auctionod. They are fo many ta list here. The auctioneer will be Steve Liptay, the 1976 World Cham- pion Auctioneer, of the Town of Newcast le. Sale managed by Lîptay Auctioneers, R.R. 1, Bowmanviîe, Ont. For fur- ther information, phono 263-2117. 42-i Firsf Dance of the Season SOLI1NA COMMU NITY HAL L SATURDAY OCTOB ER 23rd RAY AVERY'S ORCHESTRA EVERYONE WELCOME 41-2 E BEN EZE R TURKEY SUPPER Sat., Oct. 23rd Settings: 4:30 p. m. -6:15 p. m. Tickets: Adults $4.50 ChilIdren (11 and under) $2.00 FOR TICKETS CALL: 728-2172 atter 5 p.m. 40-3 Advertising... makes things clear. The familv nf thp IMP Ie1e Lc O Inrc n ic no eprs our sincere thanks and ap- preciation ta f riends, relatives and neighbours for floral tributes, cards and prayers in the Ioss of our dear father and f randfather. A special thanks lo Captain Perry of the Salvation Army and friends that served lunch on aur day of sorrow. 42-lx We would like to'thank the community of Hampton and the Bowrnanville Baptist Church for their very pleasant housewarming surprise party an October 9ft. We are very much indebted ta ail those involved and it is ,with much appreciation that we say a sincere thank yau. Graham, Lois and family 42-1 Tyrone L.0. B. A. 1244 Euchre and Penny Sale, Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1976 at 8 p.m'. in the Tyrone Loyal Oange Hall. Admission' 50c Penny Sale tickets available from members and at Hall that night. 40-3 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY- 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softbail JUEILEE PAVILlON OS HAWA 50 tf ONE 200 gai. tank $50. Two snow tires H-78 white waII with rims for G.M.C. $60. Phone 623-7514. 42-ix LADY'S ail wooi car coat, satin ined, worn once, size 14. Lady's beige trench coat, like new, size 16-18. Cali 623-2675 after no on hour. 42-ix 1 18-tf Pure Pine Shavings Baled, Dust-free Phone 723-6660 29-tf Pineridge Tir e Sales TIRES AND WHEELS To fit yaur car or truck. Phone 623-4866 BOWMANVILLE 23-ff Water Delîvery For fiîîing swimming pools and welîs. PHONE FRED WILLIS 623-2469 19-tf YEAR aid dut apple woad. Roasanabie. Cail 987-4304 or 623-4519. 40-3 ELMER'S New and Used Furnîture and Appliances. We buy contents of homes. Phono Hampton 263-2294. 19 tf SPECIAL 1-20 kg. bag uiaDgMa $ 9.30 10-20kg. bags $90.00 WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY 0F WILD BIRD SEED AND SUNFLOWER SEEDS ON HAND. VANSTONE FLOUR &FEED MILL BOWMANVILLE 623-5777 42-2 O-SHAWA ýSAND GRAVEL SUPPLY SCREENEO SAND GRAvUL& STONE UIMESTONE PROoucTS ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & tARKING LOTI TOPSOIL & DIRT ILL ~ Q DELîVERED OR REMOVFO TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOVAI. Phone Oshawa 725-0232 àU(LINA RD. N. New Machinery Specia Is FILM P ROC E55I NG I~d~4!U CHILDREN'S PHOTOS Cameras and Photogra phic Supplies, 78 King St. W., Bawmanvilîo 623-2404 35-10 WH ITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, V HF Aeriaîs, Rotars& Repairs S Apartment &Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone - 576-5606 VANDA Beauty Counselior, Mrs. Bannie Faber, represent- ative. Caîl today, I wiIl be glad ta show you aur exditing new products for Christmas. Hampton 263-2981. 39-5 LARGE complete genuine Santa Claus outtit, ail acces- sories, reasonable. Phone 623-4809. 42-1 HORS E hay. No rain. Timothy and Alfalfa. Cali 1-885-8521. 42-1lx APPLE firewood. Phone 263-8430 af ter 5. 42-1 SPANISH onions. John Rozema, Bowmanville 263- 8841. 42-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANDOTHERS Creditors and athers having dlaims a gainst the Estate of Thomas G aye, late of the City 0f Oshawa, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, (formerîy of the Town of Bowmanviîe), are required ta send full particulars of such dlaims to th,, undersigned, solicitors for the Executors on or before October 3Oth, 1976, after which date the estate's assests wiII be distributed having regard, only ta dlaims that have been then-received. FLETCHER, MCKAY Barristers &Solicitors 192 King Street W. Oshawa, Ontario 555 Forage Harvostor wiif Pick-up and 2 corn head ..1 Krone Rotary Tiller (War widfh 50") ............ 510-5F-16" Bottom s mounfed plow.........1 Used Machiner, 574D (TA) I.H. Tractar (1400 hrs.) ............ 454D I.H. Tractor (1200 hrs) ............. 434 D 1 H. Tra ctor ... 434D I.H. Tractor ... Model 575 Cockshuft 6F bottam (Autamafic re pîow..................$ 1l-H.l150sproa der ... New Hall and 131 spreader .......... 633 Cockshutt spreader..s Customers in Bowmanv Blackstock, Hampton, h castie and Orono caîl ZEN~ 34400. ROBINSON &KITCHEN FAF EQUIPMENT Li (Your International Harvester Farm Machine Dealer) 1/2 mile east of Junction: and 35 highways, southo Lindsay. RIFLE, Browning, automé 30.06, $285. wifh scopes Phone 623-7059. NEW 4 bay color U. H.F. antennae and 3 now 8", fra tires, transmission ail cao baby clothes (like new) si:i monfhs ta 2 years, infai tays, rsome Fisher-Pri bumpe pads and play pad, other baby arfic Phone 623-7387.1 FOUR channel sterea, rec( er and amp. Made by Tosi Mode I 5A304. 60 watt, R.I Best offer. Phone 623-2913. TWO chesfs of drawers,c oak library table, step ladc and other articles. Phc 623-3052. -i4 340 RUPP, F-A, 62 h.p., with caver and double bed trailer appraxhmateiy 200-300. miles $1400 or best offer. Phone 987-4944. 42-2 30-06 REMINGTON automatic rifle, 2 magazines, sling and 32 cartridges, like new. Phone 623-5401. 42-1 ONE com plete set Worid Book Encyclopedia, used. $50. Phone 623-2473. 42-1 TRA1L ER, new, f lit5 x 9 bed, 15" wheels with spare tire. $135. Phone 623-2268. 42-ix D RA P ES, goldc, 1lined, 168 x96, beautiful condition $55. Phone 623-2793. 42-1 H'ANDMADE quiit, 'wool blankets, comforter, wooi rug, silverware, gîassware, table- cloths, curtains, drapes, book- shelves, oil painting, canister set, juicer, floor polisher, fluorescent desk lamp, dres- sers, beds, washstand, chrome set, wringer washer, piston pump, ceiiing file, cedar lumber, adding ma- chine. 623-7490 42-ix GARAGE sale, including antique articles, October 23 at Haydon Community Centre, one mile east of Enniskilien, 1-4 p.m. Coffee and lunch served by Club 21. Terms cash only. Sold by Jim Tabb. 42-1 ONE round aak table, two captain's chairs, one humid- ifier. Cali 263-2187. . 42-1 GOOD used furniture. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temper- ance St., Bowmanville. 42-1 USED railroad ties. $3 each. Phone 623-3076. 42-1 12 STRING, eiectric guitar and amplifier. Phone 623-7344.' 42-1 TÉAKWOOO, Scandinayian, Danish, bedroom, compiete; dininq room, 9 piece; living room; wall unit, cottee tables, new furniture, very reason- able. Phone 1-247-4377. 10-tf COMPR ESSORS AIl kinds of machinery. SelI. Buy. Trade. Ront. MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9-6 Ace Machinery 859A Nelson Street Oshawa, Ontario 1975 GRAND PRIX, L.J. model, Içoaded, sun roof, cruise control. 0rano 983-5261. 41-2 1970 Talna Brougham, 429 2 door hardtop, needs minar repairs. $400 as is. Phono 623-7387.- 42-1 '68 GMC 1/2 ton, heavy duty, camperiequipped, body and mechanical A-i. Will Cerf ify or seli as is. Phone Biackstock 986-5558. 42-1 1968 DODGE Dart $300.00. Phono 623-5331. 42-1 .VITALING! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofing on new or used vehicles. Written war- ranfy. Durham Vitalizing, phono 723-1155. 25-tf 1976 FORD) LTD Landau, white wifh red trim, many oxtras and dlean. Phono 576-8900 or 1-786-2428. . 42-tf '71 TOYOTA Coupe 1600, newly painted and certif ied $1300. Phono 623-4745. 42-1 1974 CHEV, 4 door sedan, automaic, air conditioner, power brakes and steering $3400. Phono Ponfypool 277-2509. 42-1 1972 TRIUMPH Spiffire. Low nileage. New ftires. Goàd xhaust system, and top. Radio. Undercoafed. Phone 623-4872. 42-1 '70 DODGE Darf, 318 aufoma- c, 64,000 miles. Phone 623-3722. - 42-ix 1976 CHEVROLET CAPRICE, 4 door hardfop, many extras. Phonel1-983-5937. 42-if '74 bronze VEGA Hatchback, automaic, good condition. ihone 623-4314. 42-i 71 CHEVELLE MALIBU 350, lw mileaie, radiais, radio, good candition, $1700 certif ied. 523-6769 after 5. 42-1 1970 GRAND PRIX,,$1050 as i.Cail]987-4343.- 42-1 1973 MA ZDA, good condifir i. Pi leweflhiicildrn and gaad tempered Tennesse Walker horse. Phone 263-2665. 42-ix EQLIESTR!AN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOARDING instruction in Equitation Jumping Dreýssge I N Schooling of Huitets & Jampers Hunters & Jumpers Bought & Sold RR 3 BOWMANvILtE 623-1336 tt f e Il <s 1p 33-tf CORPORATION0F THE TOWN0F NEWCASTLE Tenders: Sealed tenders cloarly mark- ed as fa contents wilI be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m., local fîme, Wednesday, Novem ber 3rd, 1976. For: Winter maintenance of public walkways. AIl tenders musf be submitted on forms supplied by the Town, which may be obtained from the undersign- ed. Late tenders not accepted. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. Dunhamn Director of Public Works Muncpl Office HampoOntario 42-1 MIs kidîng fessons given by qualifîed instructor - equita- tion, jumping, basic dressage. Use your own horse or we have good horses available. Also horses broken and train- ed. Caîl 623-4558. 25-tf BOARD for 4 or 5 horses. Excellent care and riding facilities. Very reasonable. Base Line, Road, Bowman- ville. Phone 623-4751. 42-1 HORS ES boa rded and trained, box stals, arena, riding les- sons, and trahI riding. Hoskin Stables. Phono Blackstock 986-5558. 42-1 FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CA LL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 30 tf - 5 year ferm - Open Mortgages - No, paymonfs for three months - No bon uses - No Credif Checks - Na inquiry from neighbors - Canfidential arrangements made in your homo - Borrow as low as $1,600 - Fast service Calil Mr. Wilks Martgages bought and soîd (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 683-2611 699-1211 (Toronto) I would likeftofhank frh neighbours and relativeý cards, flowers and gifts visifs whiie in hospital home. Thanks ta Be( Rebekah Lodge, Newtor U.C.W. and W.. thanks ta Dr. McKenzie nurses on 3rd floor ai mariai Hospital. Thani Rev. and Mrs. A. Tizzai their visits. Inez Baughen The familles of the APPLES, seconds $2.50 bushel -Pears $3 bushel. Feddema Orchards. Phono 263-2074. Open Monday, Wednesday, Saturday. 42-6x GARAGE Sale, Saturday, October 23, 10- 5 p.m. Oak chest of drawers, Polaraid camera, swag lamp, baby carniage, childron's clothing, toys, many miscellaneous items. 1 mile oast of Haydon, thon north on Road 5. _42-lx, SIDES of corn ted Hereford stoors 85c cut and wrapped. Phono i-983-5780. 42-1 CLOS ING OUT SA LE 1 small display freezer, 1, 15 du. ft. tridge, office equip- mont, Marine supplies, hoavy dufy sewing machine, button maker. WHARFSIDE MARINE SUPPLIES LAKE ROAD BOWMANVILLE 623-6551 GRAIN, corn, whole or ground. $5 per 100 in your bags. Minimum order 500 lb. Tom Pleasance 263-2719. 42-3 BABY Grand piano, best offer. Must soul. Hammond Organ Studios, 16 Simcoe Street North at King. Teho- phono 728-1675 for more in- formation. 42-1 8,000 BALES of hay, Tyson Farms, Nowtonville, 786-2927. 33-tf CARPETSot aII kinds,custom made drapes and sheers, hard- surface tiooring, protossional-' y installed. Free estimates. Your one stop shopping. F.A. Kramp, 37-41- King St. E., Bawmanville. Furniture, Car- pet and Drapes. 13-tf TOP sou, Leland Payne, ï- 786- 2512. l7-tf TABLE potatoes, excellent quaiity. Joe Bouma 623-2847. 35-tf SAV E on EVE RGR E ENS &SHRU BS PHONE 987-4589 "NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT AND SAVE." 41 3x 1 ýville, extra long ta il, a round Hwy. New- No. 2, and Bennett Rd. NITH Reward given. 623-4054. 42-ix Taken f rom Bowmanvilie ZM Hospital, boy's Moto Bicycle, yellow andblc.Pes M eurn, no questions asked. Phone 623-6494. 42-1 iery PIGEON - NL No. 1794786. Phone 623-2679, 37 Jane Street. 17 42-1 of, 42-1 latic,.C m $325. WESTERN CANADA 42-1 SCHOOL OF - AUCTIONEERING LTD. T.V. Canada's first, and the ony 'aller competely Canadian course ýoer, ffered anywhere. Licensed ze 12 under the Trade Schools ant's Licensing Ac, R.S.A. 1970, ice, Fa66 eon For paicuars of the next 42-1 Box 687, Lacmbe, Alberta or Phone 782-6215 cov- 36-9 iba. I.S 42_-1 2nd and3rd der MORTGAGE ioneMONEY .