8 '['lie ('axadian SI ai esulaîl.Boýmiîari\ 1 1(,O {U1 1 S'C 1[1 Provincial r Court (lntended for last week> Judge R.B. Baxter presided with Acting Crown Attorneys J. Humphrey and A. Sosna, duty counsel D. Barber. Ivan Stewart, 63, 54 William St., Oshawa, pleaded 'guilty' to having care and control after consuming over 08 on ,May 14.- Const. Moon on regional road 4 found a car in the ditch in the Zion area. Tests were .22 and .23. The fine was $200 and costs in default 10 days. Three months license suspension. Given 30 days to pay. Robert-Dingwall, Cobourg, was charged July 18, with driving after consuming over .08. Const. Sehumacher was on patrol on King Street E., Bowmanville. Dingwall was driving east and the car was weaving back and forth. Tests were .21. Two previous convic- tions were read out. Duty counsel stated hie is having treatment for his alcoholie problemi. The fine was $200 and costs in default 10 dayli. There will be six months license suspension. He was also put on probation for two years to obtain and continue treatment at an alcoholic clinic for such period of time as the director of the institu- tion deemns necessary. A bench warrant in discre- tion to be îssued for Wilfred Landry. Johin S. Mather, 54 Roser Cres. Bowmanville, was charged September 19 wîth speeding in a 45 mile an hour zone. Const. McCoy observèd himeastbound at a high rate of speed. The fine was $105 and costs. License suspension for 30 days . Chas. Buter 19, and Patrick' Saunders 19, both of Bowman- ville, were charged Septem- ber 18 with causing a disturb- ance, on Liberty St.S. Both pleaded 'guilty'. While Const. Ricard was on patrol an OPP officer was attempting to put them in a cruiser. Saunders became unruly. They were each fined $50 and costs in default 5 davs. The judge told them 'there was no necessity for this type of conduct.' H{oward P. Davis, 62, Kitch- ener, pleaded 'gui1ty' to hav- ing care and control after consuming over .08 on August 14. He was on highway 401 east of Courtice. A stopped vehicle was checked and Davis was behind the wheel with the kwys in ignition. Tests were .24 and .23. The fine was $200 and costs, in default 10 days. Lcense suspension 3 months. Patrick ORielly 32, 'R.R.2, Cumberland, wvas charged August 2lst with driving while disqualified. He pleaded 'guilty'. Const. Markle stop- ped him westbound on high- way 401 for speeding. He had a number of drîving convic- tions. The fine was $500 and costs, in default 25 days. Given 2 months to pay. Ray Tebo, Napanee, was charged September 21 for driving while disqualified. He had been rhited for unpaid fines. He p=ae 'guilty'. The fine was $100 and costs, in default 10 days., Randy L. Yde, 29 Meredith Cres. Cobourg, was charged September 8 'did drive while disqualified'. Const. Cowey observed hlm driving east on 401. His license had, been suspended in May 1975 for unpaid fines. The fine to-day was $300 and costs, in default 15 days. Hie was given 4 weeks to pay. Samuel J. Griffin, 19, 69 Banting Ave., Oshawa, plead- ed 'not guilty' to driving while disqualified on May 30. P.C. Wood was on King St. W. with radar. Griffin was suspended May 15 for loss of demerit points for speeding offenses. He maintained hie did not sign for a registered letter telling Tests were .19 and .18. He was found 'guilty' as charged. He pleaded 'guilty' to failing to appear May 1975. He was also charged July 16 with driving while disqualified. Other con- victions were read out. The first charge brought a fine $150 and costs in default 7 days. The second charge $50 and costs, in default 3 days additional. Driving while dis- Sualified $150 and costs, in efault 7 days consecutive. License suspension 6 months. Adverising... saves youI timie! CANADIAN ADVEPTISING AOVSORY BOARO A8 ..o th me o eive you greater savi'ngs, SOUTH AFRICAN-VALENCIA SZ 1 DOZEN BRUSEL SROU SONTAIFIRM lO-oz cello pkg4%9 AVOCADO PEARS EXTRA LARGE SIZE ech4W~ ONTARIO 6o eopk RADISHES FRESH OAILY 1-zclopg3Wy NO. 1 GRADE fr f LARGE CABBAGE 'OTARIO 3fo0 1s