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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Oct 1976, p. 5

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N ESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. Gcrald What- tam, Scarborough were Tues- day luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Doncral. On Wedncsday evcning Mr. and Mrs. Donneral were guests for a steak and lobster dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenncth Wclk, Willow- dale. This was ta honor Kenneth on his birthday. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Tcrry McEhwain and family were Mr. and Mrs. K. Welk. Mr. and MVrs. Jim Aber- aethy, Bowmanville wcre Tuesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers. Mr. and, Mrs. Bowers visited for Wednesday evening dianer with Mr. and Mrs. Zack Adams, Bowmanville. Thurs- day visitors with the Bawc-s wcrc Mr. and Mrs. Malcc.m, -Elford, Part Perry. On Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davison had eveaing dianer with Mr. and Mrs. (ROBERT W. ELLIOTT) James W. Doswell1, Manager, is Ileased ta announce the addJition of Mr. Robert W. Elliatt to the staff of the Oshawa Office of Dominion Securities Corporation Harris and Partners Limited at 521/2 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Onta rio.a Bob Elliott has had many years of experience in Inter- national finance and in addi- tion ta servicing the Oshawa area wili be devoting special attention ta the Bowmanville - Newcastle - Orono region. Mr. Elliott wilI maintain the quality service representatian for which Dominion Securifies Corporation Harris and Partners Limited is noted. Walter Magill, R.R. Janet- ville. Sunday afternoon vîsitars with the Davison's werc Mrs. Davison's aunt Mrs. Jennie Baxter, ber daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Trew of Part Hope. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Davisan, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eliot and Kim, Leaskdale had evening dinner at Hagcn's Restaurant, Port Perry la honor of the Elliot's 2th wedding annivcrsary. Several members of Nestlc- ton United Church Women attended the Faîl Presbyterial at the United Church, Part Perry on Monday. On Thursday cvening Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm were guests at the open installation service for Warthy Matran, Mrs. Mabel Cawker and Worthy Patron, Mr. Sam Cawkcr of the Eastern Star at the Masonic Temple, Port Perry. Recent visitars with the Sam Cawker's were Mr. and Mrs. Irving Bayd of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cawker, Mark and Christie, and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cawker, Chris, Curtia and Kathy all of Oshawa. Mr. Arthur Cawker and Bryan of Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. aad Mrs. Sain Cawker attendcd Installation Cere- manies at Durham Chapter, Bowmanvillc, ast weck. Mayor and Mrs. L. Malcolm were gucsts of the Scugog's Firemaa's Dianer and Dance on Saturday evening at the Legian Hall, Part Ferry. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. L. Malcolm,, Gail and Laurie attcaded the Langmaid - Brooks pot-luck dinner and re-unian held in the C.E. room of Ebenezer Church. Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Brown, Oshawa, visitcd on Saturday cvening with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. Mr. Jim Johnstan, Peterboro, was a Monday caller. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore visited his cousin Mr. Newton Peel la Cannington. Thcy all enjayed dianer in a local restaurant. 1Mrs. Rahph Sadler spent Wedaesday ta Sunday with her daughter and saa-in-haw, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Scott, Charles and Jeanifer at Corbyville. . On Saturday Mr. Sadler attended a horse sale la Kingston and spent the week- end with his family the Scott's. Mr. Ralph Sadler, Mr. Bruce, Lawson and Mrs. Scott have recently sold horses that have gone ta Costa Rica. Four wcre owned by Ralph, anc by Bruce and anc by Mrs. Scott To celebra te ,'with pride, the da ys~ closest to your heart.. vl leI PRICES STARTING AT $1 50.00 omance DAMOND AND WEDDING RINGS to capture forever V o your dreams of tomnorrow Hooper's Jewellers 29 King St. E. . 623-5747 Bowmanvillie1 with Mr. Sadler negotiating the sales. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes attended the anniversary service ini the United Church at Prince Albert. The Reverend Sidney E. Bates, who was the guest speaker, has been a teacher of 1the deaf. With him was a 15 year old boy who demonstrat- ed the sermon in sign ian- guage - very interesting and 1unique. A luncheon followed 1the service and in the evenîng ;a roast beef dinner was iserved, In the afternoon Mr. 1and Mrs. Dayes visitedwith their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. Andrews and family. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mal- colm, Mr. Elmer Wright, and Mrs. Rae Malcolm of Ux- bridge, were mid-day dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wrightin Toronto. Springwater Trailer Park From time to tic activites have been reported re Sping- water Trailer Park. Pcrhaps a summary for the season might prove interesting reading. During the seasan 200 trailer campers signed the register (not including visitors). Four trailer clubs spent a weekend at thc park - Bendex from Oshawa, Gad-about, from Ncwmarket, Travel and Van clubs, also from Oshawa. There were six family picnics. 36 seasonal campers are registered from May ta Oct- aber and eight new ones are rcgîstered for 1977. It is amazing the mn bers of people who are travelling and who have located this fascina- ting and charming campsite. Over night campers were from Besangon, France, Zurich, Switzerhand, Ger- many, Nova Scatia, Saskat- chewan, Ohio, Alabama, Mis- souri, Kentucky, Texas, Mich- igan, and from ahi p arts of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore the friendly proprietors are congratulated on the success of their undertaking. Thcy have added anather book in good public relations with the travelling public. This also speaks well for Ontario and Canadian hospitality. Nestleton Ladies' Aid Nestîcton Presbyterian Lad- ies Aid met Thursday aftcr- noon in the church hall with the President, Mrs. George Heaship on the chair. The theme of the meeting was Thanksgiving. Mrs. Heaslip read an appropriate poem and the hymn Came Ye Thankful People Came was sunig. The Devotional centred around Psahm 100, the psalm of praise, was eniarged on by Mrs. Grant Thompson. Mrs. Heaship thaaked the ladies for making the 13lst anniversary service of Nestle- tanPresbytcrian Church such a memrorable occasion; A bountîful lunc'h and time ta renew old acquaintances and ta meet the members of the Presbyterian Men's Choir of Toronto who provided much appreciated service in sang. Miss Ruth Proutt Secretary Treasurer read the minutes, bills were paid and a purchase for the vacuum cleaner was approved, also church calen- dars wilh be ordered for sale. Final plans for the hot beef supper the first Saturday in November took up the busi- ness period. (See Caming Events). The RoIl Caîl dealing with Scrîpture texts and thaughts on Thanksgiving was well answered and another hyma of thanks closed this part of the meeting. Mrs. Fred Dayes Convener for the day and her assistant Mrs. Thompsan had prepared a tîmely program. Readings were given by Mrs. Harry McLaughlin, Mrs. Dick Day- ison, Mrs. Dayes and Mrs. Thompson on the day's theme. Lunch and a social hour was enjoyed. Mrs. McLaugiihhin ANONOU NCEMENT, Oî LUhtb tpeQagcd to ENZO CHIARELLO (formaerly of the Hairport) has îoined our staff. Enzo would welcome all his f riends and customers to corne in and say hello! TONY'S HAIRS4nTYLING»W% BLAIR PARK PLAZA 106 Lupini Drive 668-5441 Whitby and we are realhy cheating God if we fail ta do aur part in the work of His Kingdom. Man owes his hife, his time and his money ta the Lard aur Creator. Jesus does flot con- demn succcss or wealth. The rich ruler had some good qualities but Jesus does con- demn wealth and success if thcy become gods of men. United Church In the Uaited Church Rever- end Victor Parsons spake an the theme "The Perfect Church" reading 1 Peter 5:1-11, Mathew 16:13-20. Sun- day was Laity Sunday whea thc laymea are in charge of the service aad the miaister sits with the, cangregatian. This custom has not been practiscd here. Mr. Parsons listed a number of qualifica- tions for the iperfect minister, and the perfect haymen which should rcsult la the perfect church. No anc seems ta have that "Perfect" qualification hence there arc no perfect churches. The choir sang "Alîcluia". Instail Officers of Blue Ray Chapter at Opea Installation A large number of members and gucsts of Blue Ray Chapter, No. 238 Order of the Easter Star met in the Masanic Temple, Qucen Street Part- Pcrry, Thurs. eveaing, Oct. l4th for an "Open Installation" ta instaîl the officers for the 1976-1977 term. Many chapters werc repre- sented and warthy Matron Sister Mabel Cawker had the pîcasure of welcoming Dis- trict Deputy Grand Matran Sister Sybil Fleet of Toronto, and Past District Deputy, Grand Matrons Sister Thelma Beerthuizen, Oshawa, Sister Laleca Sîlvera, Toronto, and Sister Winnifred Newton, Whitby. Matrons and Patrons of variaus Chapters werc warm- ly welcomcd in the East. Past Matrons and Past Patrons and other visitors were given a cordial welcome, Blue Ray Officers and mem- bers wcre greetcd by worthy Patron Brother, Wm. Pear- son. Guests were present from Sunbcam, Durham, Whitby, Ontario, Aldsworth, Laurel, Aloha and Sunland. After a brief business period was conchuded, the worthy matron exprcssed apprecia- tion ta her loyal officers for support during "Antchor" year. As a fitting climax ta close a meaningful voyage duriag Anchor year, Sîster Eleanor Joncs sang "Jesus Saviaur Pilot Me.". ilnstallation, The wvorthy Matron Sist 'er Mabel Cawker cammenced "Open Installation" and cx- tended a graciaus wehcome ta invited guests. Installation Ceremonies were conductcd by: Sister Adehia Burnett PM, Brother Norman Mairs, P.P., Sister Margaret Jeffrey P.M., Sister Jessie Espie P.M., Sister Bessie Cosway P.M., Sister Bernice Mairs, P.M., Sister Ethel Nottingham P.M. and Sister Minlue Rumbaîl P.M. Saloist for the evcnîng was Sister Eleanor Joncs P.M. of Durham Chapter, who render- cd two favourite numbers bcautifully - "The 23rd Psalm" and "Bhess ThisI House." The organist for the evening was Sister Nellie Pring P. M. a E most talented musîcian alsor from Durham Chapter, who s accampanicd the soloist. After exprcssing a sincere thank you ta the officers ande members of Blue Ray Chaptere for the great honor conferrcd upon her for another year, and r The Jewels were prescnted a to Past Matron Sister MabelM Cawker by her husband TI Brather Sam, and, ta Past th Patron Brother Wmn. Pearson of by his wife Sister Mary. Many gifts were received la rm the Chapter, as well as fa rm relatives and friends ta th ommemrorate the occasion. da th After Chapter closed a ý,, Jeiclous buffet supper was br njoyed arranged and canven- b A by Sister Adelia Buraett ne ind Sîster, Emma Cook, as- isted by the Deborah Unit of fîE' ;e Port Ferry United Church. B siacere thanks ta these girls. g This cancluded a most Gr nemorable cvening in the tao itory af Blue Ray Chapter. tui Honored at Surprise Party The family of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burgess, Hampton held a surprise 25th Weclding Anniver- sary Party on September 4th at the Lions Centre. Jamborees af Orono Set for Another Year 1The Orono Country Jambor- see several new faces this ee are ready to start, again for year. another winter season at the The house band of Fay Orono Youth Centre Town Adams and the Country Hits Hall. As before, they will be will be back again this year held on a Sunday afternoon at along with Sterling Mather as 2 p.m. that has proved most M.C., a well known citizen of successful for the past two Orono. years. This time of the day has enaledman ofourSenor Ail the Jamborees are Ciens to cayorneou andenor sponsored by the Newcastle te mn talcoet four ldeoalParks and Recreation Depart- th e m a n t a e n s o o u l o al m e n t a n d ah l p ro c e e d s a re eTertie si sow used for Recreation works and again this season if they prove nes to be as successful as the past So let's help support our two seasons. The shows are community Recreation De- scheduled to take place on pa.rtment and for the saine Nov. 7th, Dec. 5th, Jan. 9th, price enjoy a good two hour Feb. 6th, Mar. 6th. and April Country Show for the whole 3rd. Along with the many family. regulars you have seen on the See you at the Orono shows in the past, you will stili Country Jamboree. STIA RKVI LLE Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Monday and Tuesday, also in .lim Stark the past week were Port Hope in the latter part of Mr. and Mrs. Borden Kramp, the week for the late Mrs. Kitchener, Mr. George Moore, Beatrice Barrowclough. Sym- Castleton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy pathy is expressed to the Little, Kendal, Mr. and Mrs. families. H-arold Raynor and children, Castleton, Mrs. Vera Man- Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hal- cuso, Castleton, Mrs. Ken lowell, Mrs. Brian Caswell, Somerville, Castleton, Mrs. .e n. efryhd hns Gwen Hallowell, Michele and giving dinner with'Miss Beu- Scott, Canton, Mrs. Margaret lah and Norma Hallovýell. Anne Stark, Knoxville. The Anniversary Service at With Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shiloh was well attended the Todd for Sunday supper were church couldn't hold anymore Rev. and Mrs. Tizzard and people, Rev. Tizzard's sermon Mr. and Mrs. Glen Farrow was on "Anniversary." The and Jan of Newtonville.' men's choir sang two num- bers, "Unto the hilîs around" Miss Norma Hallowell, Miss and "Father, take my hand Beulah Hallowell, and Mrs. and lead me." Mrs. Mary Annette Savery had afternoon Caswell was organist. The tea after the church service Sunday School teachers, Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Farrow and Mrs. Westheuser HRallowell. along with the Kendal teach- Guests with Mrs. Edna ers took the children down to Dobson after the church class. The people enjoyed service were Mrs. Kate Ste- listening to the men's choir so wart and Mrs. Katie Lowery.rnaybe they will be back on A number of the area anoteocain residents called at the funeral home for the late Wellington Adams in Bowmanville on YELVERTO On Saturdav evening our Yelverton community feted MIr. and Mrs. Clare Robinson (nee Laurie Hofstetter) to a )resentation in honor of their lune wedding. Music for dancing was supplied by D.J. F'erdinand of Lindsay. Near nidnight Terry Malcolm as v1.C. witl, a few humorous comments, invited the honor- ed guests ta seats on the platform. They were then FULL. SIZE subjected to a long poetic address written and read by Harvey Malcolm and present- . ed by the committee with an electric clothes dryer on behaif of the community, relatives and friends. Laurie and Clare each expressed their appreciation of the gift tc. and Clare incorporated a . bit of wry (not rye) humour *... directed at his previous tor- . .' mentor. Mr. John Hofstetter (father of the bride) and Mr. Ray Robinson each' spoke àriefly. Lunch concluded the 3ciai evening. Committee in ýharge were Mr. and, Mrs. Ferry Malcolm, Art Rowan, [oward Malcolm, Frank ..... Glasbergen's, Harvey Mal- ýolm's and Mr. Wayne rimms. Congratulations to Grandpa ind Grandma Norman Wilson )n their first grandsan Stacy faes Beggs, courtesy of heir daughter Norma Beggs vith a slight assist by hier ~ibby Jim. (See this week's irth Notices for detailed atistics.) W Mr. and Mrs. John Hofstet- w jh( iafan S aiesrnan, Bowmanville, October 20, 1976 On October 13, at Darlington started the scaring in the first a set up from Simpson and Arena, Cumming's Major period with assists going ta Chambers then scared with Bantams defeated Ajax by thc Welsh and Riggers. assists ta Braun and Clemens. score of 7 - 5. Ajax scored first The Taras încreascd their Halfway through the second but with 3:12 lef t in the period, lead ta 5 - 0 whth four goals in the Taras increased their lead Terry Riggers tied- the score the second period. Steve ta three on a goal by Hockin with assists, going ta Brent Braun scored when hie tipped with an assist gaint ta Keà Clemens and NeilJoe. i Greenham's point shot. Hoy. Whitby with an assist In the second pcriod, Rick Brown scored again when he Hoy. Whitby scared ta narrodw Simpson scored a powerphay was set up by Greenham and the gap ta 3 - 1. By persistciit goal which was assisted by Simpson. Rab DeBoo then effort by Pcte Keene with ati Clemens and Kevin Noble. scored with assists ta Noble assist ta Grecaham restored Simpson then put the Taras and Greenham. Welsh round- the Taras' threc goal lead. ahead by two when hie scored ed out the second periad In the 3rd period, Whitby an unassisted goal. Halfway scoring with the assist gaing ta came raaring out and scored through the 2nd period, A jax DeBoo. two quick powcrplay goals ta scored two more goals ta tie With seven minutes ta go in narrow the lead ta 4 - 3. Withh the game at 3 - 3, but with the game Cobourg scored ta minutes ta go in the ganie three minutes ta go in the ruin John Storgaard's bld for a Whitby scarcd ta tic the score second Clemens scared an a shutout. With twa seconds ta at 4 -4. Thea with tao minutec-s powerplay. The goal, was set go in the game Simpson and lcft in the game, Grcenhami up by Simpson and Noble. Carl Chamburn combined to and Simpson countcred ta s'ét In the third period, Chuck set up Braun for his third goal up Braun for the winning goal. Wclsh set up Clemens for a of the game. Find score Taras Final score 5 - 4 for Taras. goal which gave the Taras a 5 6 Cobourg 1. Brook Cale and John St6r- - 3 le 'ad. But, again Ajax On Monday, October 18, the gaard shared the goatcndiag fought back, thcy scored twa Taras travelled ta Iroquois duties for the Taras. goals ta tie the score at 5 - 5. Park ta record a narrow 5 - 4 This Thursday the Taras With 3:06 left in the game victory over Whitby. The travel ta Toronto and will hast Welsh and Stan'Greenham Taras started quickly with two Bay Ridges an Saturday la an combined ta set Clemens up unanswered goals. Brad important game commencing for the game winniag goal and Hockin started the scaring on at 8 p.m. with 23 seconds ta go in __________________________ the game Simpson set up Clements for the insurance goal. Clemens with four goals and two assisîs and Simpsons with two goals and twa assists played extremely well. On Sunday, October 17 the Taras travelled ta Cobourg ta record a 6 - 1 victary. Cemens BURKETONX Stanley Taylor spent an enjoyable day at bath Rose- neath and Norwoad fairs rccently. Usualhy lhe had flot attended these faîrs.

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