A long time familias land- mark, the Central Hotel, in Oshawa, is being demolished this week, ta make way for a new million dollar Bank of Commerce. The hotel has been in opesatian since 1912. Congratulations and best wishes ta Mss. Ethel Preston, Cburch Street, who will cele- brate ber 88th birthday on Wednesday, October 27th. Oshawa Ski Club had a successful Open Hanse on Sunday, Octobes l7th. Films were sbown and sefsesbments served. The facilities and equipment are ail in readiness for the new season. Ail that's needed is snow. The National Ballet af Canada will celebrate its 25th annivessasy season at the O'Keefe Centre Novembes 12-20. "Romea and Juliet" will sun 12-13-l4th and "LA Fille Mal Gardee" the 17-18-19-2th. The gaod guys and the bad guys of the Old West shoot it ont in classic fashion at the Ast Gallery of Ontario in a new cinema pragram whîch begins October 23 and features fous major films made in the ten yeass fallowing World War I1, 1949 ta 1959. Films ta be shown include She Wore a BOWMANVILLE BAPTISI CHURCH MORNING SERVICE now et Ontario Street School ATTEND OUR Family Sunday School 9:45 a. m. at 'Church Building on Nelson Street EVENING SERVICE at 7:00 p.m. in Church Building Pastor: R. Fellows - 987-4790 St. John's Anglican Church Rev. Tom Gracie, Rector Temperance a? Queen Street Sunday, October 24th 8: 00 a.m. - Holy Communion 11: 00a.m. - Morning Prayer Overseas Missionary Fellowship Film NU RS ERYAN DSUNDAY SCHOOL during 11:00 a.m. service. MIDOWE EK COMMU NION WE DN ESDAY 9:30 a.m. St. Paul's United- Church IRev. N. E. Scha merhorn, B.A.; M. Div. Organist: Gerald K. Burgess Sunday 11:é00 a.mn. Sacrome nt of HoIy Baptism 9:45 a.m. Senior Sunday S chool (9 yrs. and up) 11:00 a m. Junior Sunday School (ChilIdren wiI11 attend f irst pa rt of Church Service with their parents) U.C.W. Arf'n Crafts Show Sot. oct. 23rd 1-8 p.m. Golden Years CIub-Wed. Oct.27 -2 p.m. Happy Daze Review Variety Show Nov. 5th-6th Nursery care for pre-school children every Sunday Bowmanville Pentecostal Church 75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH 1 _ Sunday Services1 9: 55 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 7: 00 p. m. .....Sunday School .....Worship Service -... Evangelistic Service Mid Week Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Youth Meeting Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. I Bible Study A Welcome for You in a Friendly Church ,ev Jong, e .ABD Mste -'y Items ofl ,nterest Phone 623-3303 !rner of games especially irranged for children. Sympathy is extended to Irs. Dorothy Beaudry and amily of Mattawa, whose lsband Clarence passed a- vay suddenly on Tuesday, )ctober l2th. Formerly. of Dwmanville, regrets ta the mily from friends here may esent ta Box 496, Mattawa. On Monday morning, local irdening enthusiast Art Bak- rbrought a giant patato into le office -- 10 inches long, five iches wide and tipping the caes at four and a haîf ounds. It was grown by Iid Gray in his vegetable lt in Nýewcastle . » . Nowv iat's alot of french fries.. Mtr. Bill James, of Montreal as in tawn Iast week visiting Yellow Ribbon starring Jo Wayne on October 23. John Guitar starring Joan Cra ford and Mercedes MeCai bridge, October 3Oth. Ranc Notoriaus with Marlene Dii rich, Saturday, Novemiber E and Rio Bravo with Jo] Wayne, Dean Martin ai Angie Dickinson. Contact 41 361-0414 for information. The Royal Canadian Legi, Hall on Queen Street was busy place on the weekend. ( Saturday night, it was t] annual Ladies Night with good csowd present and enjayable program and danc Sunday afternoon, 69 Divada veterans asrived by bus, 21 them wheel chair cases. R< Luxton and his group ai members of the Legionnair, Glee Club entertaîned, folloi ed by a chicken supperserv( by the Ladies Auxiliary wl also presented each vetercé with a gift -before, thý returned home. Thé Bawmanville Drair Warkshop is now in rehearsý for 3 one-act plays for produc ion in November. The pla, are - Inside Out, directed i Bannie Morrison. Cast,- Jol Amesbury and Janet Pollit Black and Silver, directed t Peter Sobil. Cast - Pet( Lunney and Iris Hellam; ar Foatsteps afDoves, direct( by 'Jean Sheridan. Cast, Elizabeth Benner, Pat Ma jerrison, Randy Alldread ar AI Nichais. Congratulations ta Sonj Feddema, daughter of M: and Mrs. Peter Feddema, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, who wc the Dutch Immigrant Societ Schalarship at Trinity Chris ian College, Palos Heigt Illinois, for the academic yea 1976-77. Sonja is studyin English and History. The Toronto Hadassah Ba: aar will be held Wednesda3 October 27th, in the Autom( tive Building, Exhibitio Place, Toronto. There will b fashion shows, handicral buys, eat and go specialitie.ý sparts centre, antiques, fix-il non-stop auction, raffles, an bargains galore. Bazaa: chairwomen are Mrs. Leslii Greenbaun (nee Pearl Bres lin) and Mrs. Harvey Albert Mrs. Maaike Hogeterp Lemmer, Holland is visitinj with her sister-in-law Mr. ani Mrs. Maurice Kuipers, Car lisle Avenue. Joyce Gunther Grand Cayman Island is alsi visiting hier parents Mr. ani Mss. Kuipers. Durham House, the hom< for emotionally disturbe< children located at 1521 Sim coe St. N., Oshawa, w&~ officially opened on Saturday October l6th. Awarded scholarships a Trinity Christia n College Palos Heights, Illinois for th( academic year 1976-77 wert Hendrik P. Bruinsma, a junioi awar'ded the Trinity Honor, scholarshipî and son of Mr. anc Mrs. Jan Bruinsma, R.R.- 1 Bowmanville; Christophei Jacob VanBelle, junior anc Sylvia VanBelle, freshinan. whose parents are Mr. anc Mrs. Albert VanBelle, Kenda] who were awarded the Dutel. Immigrant Society and thE Trinity Honors scholarships, respectively. Dennis and Marie Mackie, Orona, Ronny and Marlene Kuzenko, Hampton, attended the 5Oth wedding anniversary of their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yuskow, of Osha- wa, at a party held October lst at the home of their daughter Frances and son-in-law Mike Kuzenko. In the East-West division of the Oshawa Golf Club Dupli- cate Bridge Club, Dr. and Mvrs. Keith Siemon placed fîrst with a score of 104. Once again the Peterbor- ough Diocesan Haly Hour, held on September 26 at the Peterborough, Memorial Cen- tre, has been an immense success. Appsoximately 5000 fiower girl, Miss Michelle Gi, a niece of the bride. The best man was Ms. Ronald Hall.* For the reception held in Trinity United Churcb Hall, the bride's mother wose a formai aqua polyester knit gown, matching jacket, and a purpie orchid corsage.. Leaving on a honeymoon trip ta the Western Provinces, the bride chose as ber going away outfit, beige siacks, blue, beige and brown belted top and brown accessories. Ms. and Mss. Simonsen are now sesiding in Toronto. SAqUmLT Ms. and Mss. John His, Milibrook, were Sunday after- noon callers of Mss. Sophie Kovacs and Ms. and Mss. Gabriel Kovacs. Ms. and Mss. Allan Ma- thews and Mark, Salem, Ms. and Mss. George Tozer and Chris, Oshiawa, were Sun-day supper guests of Ms. and Mss. Johin Baker and boys. Ms. and Mss. Ted Hall and Lisa, Janetviile, Mss. Wayne King and 'aiiy, Cardiff were SunIday g9ues,,ts of Ms. and Mss. Gordon Baker. Ms. and Mss. Ceeul Langlais Bowmanviile, were Sonday sopper- guests of the G. Kovacs. Mss. Nick Dennis was hostoss to ten Clubi 50 ladies iast Tuesday evening. Pres. Mss. G. Kayacs opened aur meeting and conducted the business which deait mostiy with the final details for the Penny Sale in Novembes in Tyrone Community Centre (note Coming Events). Oct. 6 1951 Rev. Donald Lute united in massiage Miss Mary Vaneyk, daughtes of Ms. and Ms. Walter Vaneyk and Ms. Charles Penwarden in the aid Long Sault United Chusch. 25 years later about 80 of the relatives, neighboss and friends were invited by theirI daughter Katherine and son Wade ta heip celebsate this happy occasion Saturday evening Oct. 16 'in Tysane L.O.A. Hall to a dance and social evening. The happy couple wese presented with .many beautiful gifts and money and many enjoyed dancing to the records and tapes of Douglas Hudson and Steve' Graves, Nestieton. A lovely lunch was served by the bride's sister and the gsoam's sistes-in-law. Ms. and Mss. Penwasden have resided in aur community neariy ail of theis massied ye.ars, iewicz on their marriage on Saturday afternoon, October 9th, 1976 in the Newcastle United Church. Rev. David A. Spivey, B.D. afficiated. The reception was at the Legion Hall, Bowmanviile. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Kramp of Kitchener visited Ms. and Mss. Gardon Power and ather relatives. On Sunday, Octaber loth, 14ev. Basil E. Long baptized twa childsen; Andrea Dawne Cawling, daughter of Kenneth Hariey Cowling and Cheryl Anne Hoaley, gadparents are Ms. and Mss. Leanard Fastes; and Babbie Teresa Taylor, daughtes of Douglas Charles Taylor and Susan Marie Walton, godparents are Ms. and Mss. T.M. Walton. On Sunday, Octobes loth Mr.and Mss. Ken Bail and Ms. and Mss. Les Hrebicek were noon 'lunchean guests of Ms. and Mss. Andrew Fasky of Toronto and evening dinner guests of Mss. Catherine Novak also of Toronto. The Orono United Church Women held their general meeting on Thursday evening Oct. l4th. A traveliogue with pictures were given by Ms. and Mss. Cheesman recently returned fram a trip ta Australia and New Zealand. Ms. and Mss. Les Hrebicek of Toronto, Ms. and Mss. Laverne Pattesn, Ms. and Mss. Ken Bail were Thanks- giving dinner guests of Ms. and Mss. Bruce W. Mercer and sans Kenny, Trevor and Jamie of Hampton. Mss. George Morton and family attended the funeral of bier sister Mss. Beatrice (Peggy) Barrowclaugh, age 71 wife of Harold Barsowclough of Wesleyviile, on Fsiday, Octabes 15th at the Ross Fuiperal Chapel, Port Hope. PONTYPOOLý The first euchre party af the season was hield an Friday, Oct. 8th, in Ballyduff Com- mnufity Hall. Eigbt tables were played. The next card party will be held this Friday nigbt. SWith Ms. and Mss. Fred Youngman an the, weekend were-Ms. and Mss. Morris Jackson, -Mississauga, Ms., and Mss. Brian Fraser and Melissa of Cobourg and Ms. and Mss. Gary Hetberington, of Gamebridge. Wayne Fallis. commenced Minshall - Turner Wedding Revesend Victor Passons, assisted by Dr. Stanley Os- borne, united in 'marsiage, Lorraine, daughter of Ms. and Mss. Roy Turner, Blackstock, and Ronald, son of Ms. and work with the Goodyear Ca. in Owen Sound on Monday. Pesry Bradley underwent knee surgery in hospital in Toronto on Monday aftesnoon. There is a lot of constuctian going on at the property of Joe Ostner, local florist. Ms. Ostnes bas built twa new greenhouses and hopes ta graw many of his own flowers for sale next yeas. Alvin Olan accompanied Ms. and Mss. Dick Olan of Milibrook ta Huntsville on Sunday ta visit with'relatives. Ms. and Mss. Neil Curtis attended the wedding dance for Ms. and Mss. Carnes (nee Asiene Brown) in Orillia an Satusday, Oct. 9th. Sevesal members of the Fisk family enjoyed Thanks- giving Dinner in Cardiff with Mss. Kenneth Minshall, R.R.1 Nestieton, on Saturday, Octo- ber 2nd, 1976 in Blackstock United Church, The arganist was Mss. Bob Kyte, and the soloist Robest relatives. A very crowd attended the Pontypool Chamber of Com- merce dance on Saturday night. A Masquerade Dance wiil be held on Saturday, Oct. 30. (See Coming Events). Mss. Joseph Ordones of f you thought the mavie Fulton, California was a house was good, you shauld read guest for severai days of Ms. hé boak! and Mlss Ken Bail and visited othes fsiends. t's exciting. Stimulating, Mss. Bert Mears of Graven- -ave yau ever studied the horst was..a secent weekend Bibl? Lt u hep yu. ith guest of Mss. John Morris. 3ibI? Lt u hep YU. ith Mss. Gea. Morton, Ms. and n interesting, systemati Mrss, Lawrence Harsis and tudy plan you can do at Ms. and Mss. Robert Morton attended the Open House at jaur leisure, in your home. the Simcoe United Church oday, send for FREE Bible Hall on Sunday afternoon for :orrespondenice Course. Ms. Alian Martin. Congratulations ta Ms. and' ý » flfl fl Mss. Eric Bukowicki the The Upper Room former Miss Stacie Stutt an P.O. Box 283 Oshawa, Ont.,1- 7L3 theis massiage at 5 p.m. on entimen:Saturday -Octobes l6th in the (es, 'm interested in stud Oon niedCus ne nible. Pease send me n your sr. and Mss. Hariey John- 'REE Bible Correspondence ston of Toronto, Mss. John 'ourse. 1 understand no one Marris and Mss. Bert Mears ill cali on me. spent Thanksgiving day with Name---------- Mss. Gea. Morton. Address------- - Ms. Casman Cosnisb bas City, been a patient in the Oshawa Genesal Hospital. Prov. Congratulations ta Ms. and Postal Code ---- Mss. Alan James Pears - the formes Susan Caroline Maik- y, T1 c Y, t' Fi cg ,wmanville, October 20, 1976 7 ana uarol Thompson of Car- dinal. Given in marriage by ber father, the bride wase a traditional Empress style gown of ivory satin, with the bodice and sleeves of French lace. Wearing ber mother's floor length veil of ivory Belgian lace, she casried a cascade bouquet of white roses and hall mums and wase pearl earrings and pendant, the gif t of the groom. < The maid of honor was Miss Janet Turnes, sister of the groom, and the bsidesmaids Mrs. Rob Mairs (Carol), Miss Jane Miller, and Miss Laura Jo Gunter, a cousin of the bride. The flower girl was Miss Cathy Lee. Best man was Mr. Rob Munroe, and thé ushers Ms. Wayne Minshall, groom's brother, Mr. Keith Walsh, and Mr. Jack Gunter, bride's cousin. Ring Bearer was Master Craig Paisley.. A reception and dance was held in the Blackstock Recrea- tion Centre. The bride' s mo- ther received theguest in a formai gown of mint green polyester knit with matching jacket, assîsted by the groom's mother in a fosmal gown of mauve with matching floral print coat. Bath wase yellow orchid corsages. A mid-January honeymoan trip to Florîda is planned. For a, going away outfit the bride chose green and gray wool siacks and vest, an orange print blouse and wore a purpie orchid witb white mums cor- sage. The happy couple a re now residing in Woodstock at 800 Rathbourne Avenue, Unit Calgary, Edmonton, Winni- peg, Toronto, Aylmer Court- land, Guelph, Cardinal, Ira- quais, Ottawa, Bancroft, Baw- manville, Coe Hill and New- market. TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax a nd Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 Bowma nvi 1le,. Onta rio, Li1C 1 N4 kg Reverend John Peters solemnized the marriage of z- Cheryl Ann Gi to Clarence y, Anders Simonsen on Satur- o- day, September l8th, 1976 in n Trinity United Church, Bow- )e manville. The organist was t Mr. John Crookshank and the , soloist Mr. Rudi Hartman. id The bride's parents are Mr. r and Mrs. Harold Gi, Bow- e manville, and the groom's -parents Mr. and Mrs. Andy Simonsen, Acme, Alberta. Given in marriage by bier 9 father the bride wore a formai d gown of white nylon organza, -featuring a high Empire waist, and Venice lace bodice. ,0 A V neckline was trimmed in d similar lace and the steeves were in long, kimona style and e held with a tiered finger tip d silk illusion veil. The-'bride L- carried a cascade bouquet of s Woburn Abbey roses, yellow and white daises, baby's breath and English Ivy. t Thp maid of honor was Miss Laurie Kuznicki, and the e his mother Mrs. George W. r James and the , Statesman s Office". CI Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ham- ,mond and family, Church St., rhave had an enjoyable 3 week ivisit with their nephew Ken- neth Wght, Edmonton, Alber- Ita, who had just returned from Ithe Libyan Desert in Africa. 'Know that the condi- Graioseobeitouand e ae ira Gd oDthe cAtEo n Whodgavdo eisef orau sis -ta h aiht deIlivehu frvise seeilwrd acrdingto thewiIIaf GOD an ro FADtheR:TER n T Wo gwham elrfor ever and ever. A-men. GALATIANS 1:3-5 Please write Box 111, Blackstack Ontario the Simonsen - Gi Wedding Sunday, October 24, 1976 lOa.m. -SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES FOR ALL AGES-9and Up andTREASURE HUNT CLUB 11 am. - Nursery Infant Care, Toddlers 11: 15 a.m. - Primary, Kindergarten Depts., ages 4 ta 8 lia.mn.-WORSHIP SERVICE SERMON TOPIC: "ABRAHAM: FATHER 0F FAITH" 2:00 p.m. - Confirmation Classes, Church Parlor AWARMWELCOME FOR EVERYONE Rev. Dr. W. Frank Banister of Kingston wiII be guest speaker for 14lst Anniversary. Services a? il a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Oct. 31 Jack and JilI Club Annual Dance, Nov. 13,9 - 1 Newcastle Community Hall, Tickets fromn members or Church Office. Nov. 6 - Casserole Dinner and Country Store ý -1 lm dk de de 1