10J The Canadian ýStaqtpman. Bowmanville. October 27, 1976 NESL ETO N Mr. and Mrs. Hermanus Vanderbeul, returned recently from a delightful tbree weeks vacation to Germany Den- mark and Holland. On Saturday Mrs. Lawrence Colledge returned home witb ber daugbter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morris and family of Seeley's Bay. In the evening she and they had dinner' with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cooledge and family at Caesarea. Mr, and Mrs. Berwin Adams, Oshawa, were Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers. On Sturday Mr. and Mrs. oerMrs. Wilfred Vine and Darlene called on Mr. (Doc) Adams in Bowmianville Hospital. They also, visited Mrs. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Abernetby. On Sunday of last week, Mr. and, Mrs. Dave Vivian and infant son Adam Christopher visited ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Grove at Roseneatb. Mr. .Alvin Bruce and miss Marjorie Bruce, R.R. Port Perry, were Sunday afternoon and evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. A number of Nestkton'folk attended the delicious supper sponsored by the A.C.W. in the Parish Hall, Blackstock on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abbott and boys of Willowdale visited witb Mr. and Mrs. George Donneral and accompanied tbem to'the supper. Miss Marilyn Jackson is enjoying a bus trip to Californ- ia. Sorry the news bas been curtailed this week but we have had no telephone service since Saturday. Brian R. Newton, a resident of Nestieton, recently partic- ipated in the Society of Actuaries annual meeting in Toronto, Ontario as part of a workshop dealing witb Canad- ian federal income taxes. Newton is Associate Actuary witb Manufacturers Life In- ,surance Company, Toronto, SIL Mr. and Mrs. Cranston Scott of Scott's 'Antiques, would like to sincerely thank ail their customers for their patronage over the years, and to wish the new owners of Ted's New and Used Goods ail possible success. We trust thaàt you will give Ted and Caroline Lieffers the same support you have given us. Ontario. The Society of Act- uaries is a professional organ- ization of over 5,000 members whose purpose is to advance the scîentific anâlysis of risk as applied to life and health insurance and to maintain bigh standards of competence witbin the actuarial prof es- s'on. United Church Women On Tuesday evening, Mrs. Grahame Fish was bostesss- for the October meeting of Nestieton United Church Wo- men. Following the theme bymn and the Lord's Prayer repeated in Unison, the Presi- dent Mrs. Victor Malcolm extended a cordial welcome to ail, thanked the hostess and read an appropriate poemn "Thank God for Warmth'" Mrs. R.W. Jackson capably conducted the devotional. Reading Mathew 15:21-28 she chose "Faith" as the theme for bier message. When the unknown woman from Canaan asked Jesus for belp she said "Have mercy on me, O Lord, my daughter is grievously, ah vexed with a devil"~. But He answered bier not a word. When the disciples would have sent hier away she refused to be intimidated. Jesus' silence could mean eloquence and understanding that He is suffering also.' Then Jesus said "O woman great is thy faith" and hier daughter was made wbole. A prayer of Faith and the Hymn "How Firm a Foundation" concluded the part of the meeting. Minutes and correspon- dence were read by the secretary and finances were reported. Cards were signed for the ill. Sixteen answered the roll eall telling for wbat tbey'are thankful. Mrs. Lawrence, Malcolm, secretary gave a brief resume of the Presbytery which met in the United Cburch, Port Perry on Monday. Six ladies from Nestleton attended. The theme of the meeting was One Heart - One Mind witb Reverend James Suenarine the guest speaker. Lt was decided to have a bake sale and also craft sale in November or December. The Nestleton United Church faîl anniversary will be Sunday, Oct. 31 at 2:30 p.m. with Reverend Jerry Hoffstet- ter the guest speaker (See advertisement) wbo is no stranger to this community as hie was minister on the Janetville,' Yelverton, Mt. Horeb Charge for several years. Refreshments wîll be served following the service. Miss Gai] Malcolm wbo was Nestleton's representative to Camp Quin-Mýo-Lac,, gave an entbusiastic r'eport. Reverend Gordon Hunter of Tbornbill was the guest speaker. On Friday evening Simple Faith was the theme of bis message reading Colossians 2:6-10. Jesus is Lord. Our faith grows like a little acorn. On Saturday morning following breakfast at 6:30 a.m. the group enjoyed a sing-song. Reverend Hunt- er's morning message deait witb Conversion. There- may be strength in weakness. The Prodigal son was willing to admit bis mistake and bie also admitted bis need for someone wben lie came home. He gained bis lesson but lbe learned it the bard way. On Saturday afternoon the group participated in an Outreach program when 504 for Sahel project on a frecce was donated and in the afternoon Reverend Hunter spoke on Commitment reading Corîn- thians 1: 1-18. We must have a confident attitude. Enthus- iasm i s often killed by A GREAT SPACKAGE! Rgerzuda A Week of Golf February 18-25, 1977 INCLUDED IN YOUR GOLF WEEK: - Return Airfare on Air Canada ta Bermuda - 7 nights at The Belmont Hotel - Full course breakfasts, British style afternoon teas, f ive coursedinners -Green fees at the 18 hale Belmont Course -Exchange dining with the Bermudiana Motel and Harmony Hall Hotelý -Transfers ta the Belmont and return -Get-acquainted Rum Swizzle Party - Steamn baths at Bermudiana - Personalized souvenir golf tag - Transportation ta South Shore Beach Club PRICE SUBJECT TO CHANGE RÉSERVE NOWII .Limited Space Availableill -Al taxes and gratuities 623-3182 BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL CENTRE 47 KING ST. W. - BOWMANVILLE 623-5933 doomspreaders. There is one rule - Love ail or nothîng. On Saturday nigbt the camp fire service was a hi-light. On Sunday morning ail the delegates were up at 5:30 a.m. Tbey quietly entered the dining bail for a solema, impressive soul-searching Communion Service. Each was asked to'cast into the garbage pail that whicb was a binderance to the christian w4y of life. Each was also as ked to reach out to the bowl of fruit on the table and receive the fruits of God's spirit - love, forgiveness, peace. Reach out and thank God. Mrs. McKendry presided for a sing-along. Reading Romans VIII Reverend Hunt- er spoke on Personal Relation- sbip. This is not a what relationsbip but a who person- al relationsbip with the living God. Be tbankful that you are His Child. Gail concluded ber excelle nt report with a poem A Day Worthwbile. A poemn Seasons of Our Love by Mrs., Don Trew was a fitting conclusion for a very special meeting. Following 'the Mizpatb Benediction, Mrs. Norman Mairs and Mrs., Don Frew assisted the hostess witb lunch. Appreciation was ex- tended by Mrs. Wilfred Vine. NestietonSunday Service United Church In the United Church Mr. Ralpb Bradley, Communitv Public Funds Spent By County Cou ncil1lors To Entertaiïn Wives Peterborough County coun- cillors took tbeir wives out to Relations Manager of Alcohol and Drug Concerns was the guest speaker. Reading Scrip- ture passages Corinthians Chapter 8 and Philippians 4:8-13 he cbose as the tbeme for bis message "The Influ- ence of the Individual in the Chemical Age." He deplored that fact that many young people are ruining tbeir poten- tial by the use of drugs. "Pushers" of the drugs are conning unsuspectîng children into trying them. This is tbe sad part of the problem. Those wbo also cannot cope witb the realities of life and its every day problems become "book- ed". This 'deadens" tbeir sense of responsibility and they think that " Ail is well". t is annoying, too, how many aauits come to, depend on certain drugs prescribed by doctors. Wben, these are cut off they may go to several doctors to obtain the prescrip- tions. The choir sang "Hallelu- jab. 1 dinner in Toronto last May for an evening's entertainment wbich cost the county $882. Lt was not the first time tbat council members and their wives bave bad an evening out on public funds. Lakefield Deputy-Reeve Harold Hamblin said the event is held to "consider the wives wbo are often left at home or who help their husbands with county business."' "It's a littie trip to give the ladies a day out witb tbe mnen,"the Deputy-Reeve ex- plained. The affair beld on May 26tb this year included chartering a bus for 44 people to make a trip to Toronto's Fire Hall Second City restaurant. The bill covering dining and enter- taiament expenses which totalled $882 was paid by Peterborough County. Liquor was taken along on the bus ride to Toronto, County Warden George Gra- ham said, but he added that it was supplied by the councill- ors themselves. " I brought a bottie too," he said. "I'm not asbamed of any- thing I've done." In 1975 the council members took their wives to the science centre in Toronto and the year before down the Trent canal on a cruise, a number of councillors have said. The councillors have spent approximately $13,900 to at- tend various conventions and for other events so far this year, Peterborough's daily newspaper, th 'e Examiner reported last week. The 21 councillors wbo went to a four day convention of the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada held in Quebec Cîty's Hilton Hotel during September received, about $6000 for expenses from the county. With the addîtional $7000 whicb 46 officiais received for going to three otber conven- tions, the total comes to nearly $41.000. The 15 councillors who were represented at each of the tbree gatherings received $3850 a niepp Der Thx, nl,, registration fees and mileage if tbey drove. The next convention some of the councillors will attend within the montb is the Association of Counties and Regions of Canada (ACRO). The amount that it will cost county taxpayers will be estimated after the receipts from the conference are IF YOU APPRECIATE 1. Good fuel economy 2. No nonsense cold or damp morning starts 3. Smhooth reliable performance 4 .'Sensible prices then you will enjoy buying your next used motor vehicle f rom Art's Car market 194 Church St. BOWmanville Telephone 623-5064 Over 32 years in the Motor Vehicle Sales and Repair Business. Long Sault Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Cook wýre Sunday supper guests of Miss Grace Smitb. Mr. Walter Vaneyk and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk attend- ed the 25tb wedding annmver- sary of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Masen, Simcoe, Saturday Con test ruiles and entry forms avoulable inuide your p i 1