Prince Charming Cornes Home by John Squirrelly I strolled into my favourite bar the other day an came upon a young man sitting disconsolately in the corner. He was dressed in a suit of armoured mail covered by a white tunic and was holdiag a sword rather listlessly in his hand. A shield bearing a knightly insignia stood against the wall. "May I join you?" I asked. He indicated the chair dpposite his with a gesture of his hand. "You must be new here," I said. "Where are you from?" "Originally, not far," he replied, "but I've been in Camelot for the past few years." "Ah," I said, "you must be a member of the Round Table. I don't recall ever having seen a medieval knight in here before" "And at these prices, you're not likely to see many more," he retorted. "A dollar for a goblet of mead wine in outrageous." I agreed with a nod of my head but, since he seemed so unhappy, I was anxious to ask him the cause of his mel- ancholy. "It's a long story," he said, "Shall I tell you ?" "Please do," I urged. He laid his sword across the table and signalled the waiter for another mead. "I used to live in a swamp just outside of Stratford with a number of other frogs." "Frogs?" I exclaimed. "Yes, I was a frog. There were my parents and two brothers and sisters. As well, I had a number of friends and we all lived happily on the banks of a small pond. At night, we would croak to our hearts' content and the day would be passed ingcatching flies and other bugs, swim- ming or just sitting on a lily pad enjoying the sunshine. But all that changed abruptly one day." "Whatever happened?" "As you know, the Shakes- pearean Festival at Stratford attracts many theatre-goers from around the world and one day I was caught by a foreign princess. t seems she was on a state vist ta Canada and an appearance at the Festival was on her itinerary. It was when some officials were showing her around the area that she spotted me. That's when it happened." "What happened?" "She kissed me, of course." "And ...?" I said. "I turned into a handsome prince. I know that sounds far-fetched, but it hapoens in a DIRK BRINKMAN Bowmanville 623-3621 NSRA few cases. It would undoubted- ly occur more frequently but the number of princec es around has dwindled cor- der- ably in the last few 'mundred years. Anyway, there I was and, under the rules, when you become a prince in this fashion, you are under a very heavy obligation to marry the girl and attempt to live happily ever after." "Didn't work, eh?" I said. He shook his head and then knocked off the last of the mead wine. "We moved to her father's castle and set up housekeeping in the east wing. Well, let's fact it, anybody that goes around kissing frogs has got to be a little daf t, anyway. And she had this bunch of dwarfs, seven of them, run- ning around the place. If I wasn't tripping over one of those damned midgets, I was running into her mother, who spent most of her time talking to a mirror. After about two years of this, I filed for divorce and headed out across the drawbridge." "And that's when you came to Camelot?" I suggested. "Right," he said, "although that didn't turn out any better. Oh, at first it seemed pretty good because at least the Round Table was located in a decent pub and the ale was flowing like water. But after a while, when my apprentice- ship was over, and I had to be a knight errant, it got to be a real drag." "Gee," I said, "it sounds to me like really exciting stuff." "Yeah, I know, "he conced- ed "it did to me, too. However, you just don't know the killing pace they set for you. Mon- days are dragon-killing days. Tuesday and Wednesday you have to rescue a damsel in distress. Thursdays are the tilts where you try to unseat an opponent fcom his horse with your lance. Then Friday we'd gather around the Round Table and total up the points everybody earned during the week. Well, I came in for a lot of criticism. They claimed my dragons weren't fire-breath- ing and that several of the damsels were rescued against their will and that slaying their captors actually depriv- ed them of a chance for a thrilling love affair." "It hardly seems fair," I said. "Was that when you decided to come here?" "Yes," he replied. "I heard that a Viking ship had stopped nearby to do a bit of pillaging before continuing to the New World soI1spoke tothe captain and got a job as a slave. Unfortunately, the port of Halifax was closed by a strike Do You Remember this Ebenezer Drama Group Back in 1929? We are indebted by former Ebenezer resident Jim Hancock, now of Elmvale, who brought in this photo from yesteryear of a drama group from Ebenezer back in 1929. They entered a competition with their performance of "Arnold Goes into Business" that was presented in the Town Hall, Bowmanville, and won over several other entries. Mrs. Marie Clark Bell of Bowmanville gave them valuable so I had to fly here from New York.," "What now?" I inquired. He leaned forward across the table. "I want to go back to my little pond," he said earnestly. "I haven't seen my parents for almost five years. Ail 1 do is return to my swamp and croak, so Ive arranged for a wicked witch to meet me here and change me back into a frog." Just then, the public address system broadcast a request for Prince Charming to corne to the front desk He left immediately. It was shortly after that a shriek of waitresses alerted me to the fact that a frog was gaily jumping across the floor toward me. I gathered him up, along with the sword and shield and set out for Strat- ford. The reunion was heart- warming. Hospital Bowling (Intended for last week) Ladies high single - L. Varley 296, high triple - L. Varley 639, ligh Average - B. Hanc - 200; Men's high single R. Richard - 263, high triple L. Zulkowski 672, high average B. Humber 213 - by 13 pins. Team Standings - Team 2 - high pins - 3415. Team 2, 32 pts.,6-29,3-20,4-18,5-14, 1 - 13. A lot of people like the Royal Bank for Term Plan Loans. For when it makes good sense, to borrow. Should I Borrow is a question we all ask ourselves at one time or another. But now it's a lot easier to come up with the right answers. Because the Royal Bank has put most of the answers into a new booklet called "Should 1 Borrow?" It explains how interest and time payments work, how to examine your budget to see what you can afford, and almost everything else you should take into consideration. Why not drop in today and pick up your free copy. If you have any questions, please core see me or one of the staff. ROYAL BAN K serv/ng Ontanio Ross Duncan Manager Bowmanville 623-4471 BLACKSTOCK W.I.* The meeting of the Black- stock Women's Institute was held on Oct. 6th in the Community Hall. Mrs. Short- ridge presided. The first order of business was to enjoy a timely dessert, pumpkin or apple pie topped with whipped cream and of course tea and coffee. Many of the ladies had seconds. The meeting proper opened with the Ode, followed by the Collect in unison and the minutes. Roll Call "If I were the Prime Minister what I would do" brought criticisms but no certain answers.tThe Fun Fair to be beld in Oct. at Nestleton Hall was announced and planned. Mrs. Thompson reported that the cook book was in progress and asked for more recipes. Mrs. H. Mc- Laughlin agreed ta purchase the gifts for those 4H girls who will have attained Provincial and County Honors. No one will be a delegate ta the Area Convention in Toronto in Nov. but some members may attend for one day. Mrs. P. VanCamp was convenor of the meeting with the theme - Citizenship. Motta was "Bet- ter ta try something and fail than ta try nothing and succeed." A very good com- ment on the motta was prepared by Mrs. F. Hoskin who was unable ta be present. Mrs. Thompson read it and I would like to include the quote with which it ended. I have a precious little minute Only sixty seconds in it Forced upon me, can't refuse -it Didn't seek it, didn't choose it But it is up to me to use it I must suffer if I lose it Give account if I abuse it Just a tiny little minute But Eternity is in it. Everyone was pleased to have Mrs. Fraser, district President with us. Mrs. Short- ridge had formally welcomed her earlier. She have some highlights of the National Convention and showed slides taken during the trip. Mrs. P. VanCamp read an article on Thanksgiving fram "Ideals" and conducted a suitable contest on the Thanksgiving Theme. Meeting closed with the Queen. The afternoon unit of the U.C.W. met at the Church on Tuesday, Oct. l2th with 15 members and 1 visitor pre- sent. We had a deliciaus dessert luncheon before Doua Martyn opened the meeting with a poem "Two Women at work." The Roll Call was an- swered with many interesting ideas for an annoying beef or helpful household hint. Audrey Wright chose Thanksgiving 'for hem devotional theme. There are so many everyday things we take for granted and forget to thank God. Let's give thanks for everything - whatever happens. During the business period our share in the 4H Awards banquet was finaliz- The friesidly neighhoir- hood ext'rcis<'. -.I I ed. Gladys Thompson chose Stewardship as the theme of her program. She lead a worthwhile discussion on the various areas of which we are, Stewards as Christains - in our Church and community and also those less fortunate in other countries. Audrey Wright closed the meeting with a prayer. Winrers at the wueek y Senior Citizen card party were: 1st - Lorna Richards - 101, 2nd - Della Argue - 86, 3rd - Rhoda Larmer - 83, 4th - Ida Samells - 80, 5th - Goldwyn Faint-79, 6th - Isabel Wright - 79, Low - Agnes Prescott. The Senior Citizens enjoyed a turkey dinner on Monday evening. Since it was the election of officers and the first meeting of the yeam for the Senior Citizens they enjoy- ed a social time and some games with 29 members present. The October meeting of the O.N.0 Club was held at the assistance. The photo shows, front row, left to right, Rev. Harold Stainton, Frances Hancock, Ian Robertson, Hazel Rundle and Hattie Osborne; middle row, Clark Williamson, Alice Arnold,;Sadie Muir, Frank Walter, Georgie Pearce and Vera Werry; back row, Bill Marshall, Charlie Osborne, Harold Hartley, Cedric Parsons, Jim Hancock and Harold Muir. home of Evelyn Stevenson with 23 members presenit. Following the Sept. minutes letters were read and discus- sed fromn the Durham Regian Family and Children's Ser- vices and the Scugog Social Planning Committee concern ing gifts at Christmas to those in need. The treasurer report- ed on the profit from the Turner wedding and current bank balance. A motion to replenish dishes, bowls and grav ugs at the Rec. Centre Was carried. The O.NÔ.O. have agreed ta serve refreshments at the school opening Oct 21. A letter was then read from Mr. Hogg on behalf of students and staff, thanking the 0.NO. for their donation of art work. It was agreed that O.N.O. pay for magazine subscriptions for the school library. Husband's night out is being held at Kawartha Downs Raceway on Oct. 30th. The Social Commit- tee reported a most enjoyable trip to Toronto to watch "Stars on Ice" being taped and current plans ta see "Fiddler on the Roof" at the Academy Theatre in Lindsay. Sldes were presented of various creative playgraunds in the area and the equipment that would be feasible and safe for our area was discussed. Meet- ing concluded with roll call - weam as many colors as possible. Evelyn and her group served a delcious lunch. Section Two The Canadian Statesman Bov ctber 27, A76 Letter to Tne Editor Oct. 22, 1976 Bowmanville, Ont. Dear Editor, Dennis and Readers: Hi. Our concerned citizen (E.J.V.) in whatever he may have 'overlooked' seems very knowledgeable and yes 'con- cerned' even as you are. Also, since Queenie Fletcher writes a fine letter and seems happy to write, she and 'Morgan', along with whomever of the readers care enough to join in, should I believe give a good cross section of opinions for "The Dennis Readers' Let- ters. You see Dennis, I have not been on vacation but a trifle laid-up. For a while I'm to give myself some T.L.C. (tender, loving care). There- fore, I must lay my pen aside to dry for awhile. Thank you for missing my letter. So glad you found the answers to the housing questions in The Statesman, a most informa- tive paper. As to the landsite fill. At the council meeting when the matter came up, I understood all landfill deposits were to be under the supervision of the Dept. of Health, so no fear of vermin or anything of that sort. I think an open space, held for a park in that area in the future is a good "people investment". You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs Dennis. So far a few years it won't be scenic but an investment for a place of beauty and leisure seems more important that $'s., when one considers that in future housing growth maybe a Sr. citizen apt. house, may be out there, a considerable distance from other open space parks in the Town. Since Ont. Hydro has just received permission for a 30.2 per cent hikeinrates, from the Ontario Energy Board, after being turned down a few months ago on a request for a 22 per cent hike as beyond A.I.B. guidelines, it is little wonder they are able ta pay higher wages, making it difficuit for adjacent compan- ies to match. What is most irksome to us out here (besides the approx. $3.00 hike Per bill) is that Ont. Hydro's reasoning in requesting this particular raise in rates was: "we need to raise rates to keep our service at par," (and get this "for projected future development." If such pro- jected development is for the jected development is for the RENT-A- CAR Ontario has for paren our -sCI This is h to The 5 pamphlets are interesting, easy to read, and filled with important information for parents: 1. "Reading and Writing: Helping Your Child Improve" offers practical and imaginative suggestions for parents to use at home. 2. "Parents and Teachers Working Together" tells how and why you should establish contact with the principal and teacher. 3. "The New Core Curriculum in Secondary Schools" explains the new expanded core of mandatory subjects to guide parents of students entering secondary school. 4. "Ho w Your Child Learns" describes the factors that influence the learning process. Ministry of Education Thomas Wells, Minister William Davis, Premier Province of Ontario 5. "The Community and how to make your neiç centre of community a Fill out and mail this c you want: "Reading and Writing: Helping YourChild Improve" "Parents and Teachers Working Together' [ ]The New Core Curriculumin Secondary Schools" jHowYourChild Learns" "The Community and Its School" Name Address City or Town Postal Code [] Check here if French language pamphlets are preferred. Send this coupon to: Factsheets. Ontario Ministry of Education, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1L2 Proposed Darlington Genera- ting Station, in Darlington, then millions of dollars could be saved by not building this unwanted Nuclear Expansion site in our area. The repre- sentatives of the Atomic Energy Control, Ont. Hydro and Eldorado must be aware by now, after many meetings, public and private, that this area and its citizens do not want Ont. Hydro's projected development in the article oP< D.G.S. here. Evidently thoughtful Canad- ians, the voters, do not want further Nuclear Expansion anywhere! Ont. Hydro, Den- nis, does not try harder for the weal of you and me, you can be sure. It tries harder and succeeds better in keeping its revenue - profits in the hundreds of percent, climbing each year. If not quite so many hundreds of percentage gain as a previous year, it feels hard done by. Keep writing your thought provoking letters eh? Will be watching with interest you and those who reply. For now adieu, Mary. IS YOUR CAR READY FOR WINTER DRIVING? SAFE DRIVING IS A FAMILY AFFAIR PHILIPS Sales e rnd (9 Service TE L EVISION SERVICE CO. Mel Samelis, Prop. 185 Church St. Bowmanville Telephone 623-3883 BY THE DAY - WE EK OR MONTH AS LOW AS Per day 219 KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE Hwy. No. 2 East of Liberty Phone 623-4481 "The Friendly People" prepared mpblets .ts ab-out hools. get yours. /ts School" explains ghbourhood school a activities. oupon for the pamphlets lowing free pamphlets. Dominion Securities Corp., Harris &Partners Ltd. is pleased to announce that as in previous years MISS MARGARET W. ALLIN istheir AGENT for the Sale of CANADA SAVINGS BONDS 1976 Series Miss Allin may becontacted at 55 Centre St., Bowmanville -623-5607 Please send me the fol