8 Th e Canadian Stalesman, Bowmanville, October 27, 1976 Section Two Sir: James Rchardson, Winni- peg businiessman, resigned from the "Trudeau Cabinet" last week. News reports reveal that Mr. Richardson is concerned about language concessions, particularly the prospect of "additional langu- age rights being locked into the constitution". Sunday evening, during a panel on a Canadian television station, Mr. Rchardson nd- cated that flexîbility was preferable to force by govern- ment in the language question. If Canadians, in a so-termed free society, are permitted the right to seif-determination the ý, -hole issue may be solved by evolution, without confronta- tion, Mr. Trudeau is not without bias, nor is Mr. Richardson, in the approach to 'a united country. t is interesting to reflect that the subject is flot a new one. In 1971, Municipal World (St. Thomas, Ontario) editor W. Scott McKay asked Cana- dians to submit essays. not over 100 words, on the tapic: "A Statement of a United National, Purpose For Canada." My precis on the subject was published in the Municip- ai World: A polyglot people with origins in many countries, Canadians are concerned about inflation, unemploy- ment, provincialism, national- ism, race, separatism and language. Inherited abilities from North American ancestry to the latest Philippino-Canad- ian, such as customs, economn- ics. science, industrial and liberal arts, should be fuliy cultivated to enrich Canad- ians. -Each culture, however, especially Anglo-Canadian and French-Canadian, should not be si ngularly stressed but mixed in an ali-Canadian crucible of 'Canadiana'. " The whole is more import- ant tht the part. " This' is not oniy our national purpose, but a cher- ished international dream .. . - Canaciana', a viable vista for one world. Foster M. Russell, Creighton Heights, Hamilton Township, Northumberland County. Dear Editor: This year, the people of Ontario wili spend an estimat- ed $7.5 billion on ail forms of energy. In short, we've been spe7nding about $900 annually for every man, woman and child in the Province on energy. Up to 20 per cent of that could be saved through properly maintained vehicles, better driving habits, more careful consumption practices and properly insulated homes. Through conservation we could reduce the rate of, growtb of overaîl energy costs dramatically. The Ontario Government has proclaimed the first week of November Energy Conser- vation Week in order to increase public awareness of the need to conserve energy. An increased public aware- ness should stimulate people to take steps to reduce their energy bis this winter. We hope that the savings that can be made will ulti- mately add up to a billion dollar reduction in the Pro- vince's overali energybill by 1980. I would like to invite your readers to write to you and share their own reasons on how energy conservation can be achieved in everyday situations. support nutrition, education and health projects in 109 developing countries. Last year, almost $500,000 in coins were collected by our Ontario school chiidren. Thank you for your continu- ed intereît in helping the Ontario UNICEF Committee express their needs and goals to the public. We are very grateful for ail your assist- ance. Yours sincerely, Adele Robertson Public Information Chairman Ontario UNICEF Committee Ad,e rti1ÏÏsi'ng ... j CNAD)1AN AOV hi ING ;ýz j DOVERSIONE FINE IMPORTED STONEWARE BuiId your set the piece-each wee k way. THIS WEEK'S STONEWARE FEATURE (p ONLY 69 MAPLE LEAF CHICKEN NOODLE ACTION PRICEDI PKG 0F 2 !NVS MOIST & EASY-BANANA NIJT, SPICY APPLE RAISIN, CHOCOLATE CHIP ACTION PRICEDI DUNCAN1HINESx 13.15-OZ PKG DISPOSABLE (EXTRA ABSORBENT PIKG 0F 24) (SAVE 30c) ACTION PRICED! 1PAMPERS DIA ERS 2. I. NO. 1 GRADE, EXCELLENT QUALITY, BUY NOW FOR WINTER SEDLSS Potatoes Ahi'te Grapefr-uitý, SOUTH AFRICAN, VALENCIA OrongesSize 112. NO. GRADE, CALIFORNIA, LARGE SIZE Green Peppers dozen 79 4for 99<- ONTARIO, FRESH DAILY Mush rooms 50-LB BAG SIE48 6 FOR 69K 12-oz pkg 99%é FREEZER CUTS BURNS llePork Lonls a 99e asge ef& okI89ý (CUT INTO LOIN & RIS ROASTS & CHOPS) NEW YORI< hoePrSoldr <CUT INTO BUTT & SHOULDER ROASTS & CHOPS) A&P QUALITY, PREVIOULSLY FROZEN 1- Jane Parker, Sliced, Enriched White or 60% Whole Wheat (Buy 3 banves -Save 53c) SANDWIH~ BREAD JFO0 I 2.99 OUTSTANDING SELECTION - LARGE SIZE, ARECA PALM - WEEPING FIG - SCHEFFLERA - DRACENA MARGINATA Assorted Tropîcal Plants priced from 5.95 to 8.95 CHOC. CHIP, OClATMEAL, ASSORTEU, CHOC. FUOGE SAI!E 20c) ACTION PRICEDÊ TIE BAG lb 38/ KRAFT - SMOOTH OR CRUNCH (SAVE 20c ACTION PRICEP# Pm"EA N UT BUTTE HEINZ, FANCY ACTON PRICEDI, DAYTIME PKG 0F 30