KENDAL We extend oýur sincere sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Minnie Wybenga ani family in the death by a car accident of his mother and sister in Holland. Minnie attended'the funetral. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Elliott spent a few days with their son Neil and family at Maple Leaf. The W.L. met at the home of Mrs. A. Low on Wednesday last with a good attendance. Our District Vice President Mrs. M. Fraser of Solina made her officiai visit to our Branch and gave us a report of her visit to the Triennial Confer- ence of the W., held in Charlottetown P.E.I. 7n June 30 KING ST. WIESTMIS.ZIGR BOWMAN VIL LE- IýG IGE PHONE 623-4477 DISPENSING OPTICIANS % of onb, *trett JItbe OSHAWA Bnd Towers Shopping Mail 44 Bond St. W. Downtown Oshawa 576-71 52 SQUARE 6Dkg cQeatcm U'hUCt A midwestern university held enfrance exams for ag e>-G's. One of the qiuestions was, "Name two ancient! An ex-sergeant racked his brain, finally came upi answer thaf passed hlm. He wrote, "Antony and Cleopî CLOTHES CARE HINT: DON'T PUT AWAY DI RTY CLOTH ES. The longer soil r in a garment, the harder it is f0 get ouf. Have your cleaned regularly. PLEASE DRIVE CAREFULLY SON HALLOWE'EN Watch ouf for fhe littie peope ... fheyliI be 1 excifed fo wafch out for you! DRY CLEANING Bnowmanville Cleaners'Ltd. 84 King Sf. W. 623-ý "'We Specialize in Shirf Laundering" bock ta nature with REDKEN n otural products Product of the month: CLIMATRESS, MOISTURIZING CREME PROTEIN CONDITIONIER helps restore moisture and manageabilify fo hair and if helps hairsfyles fo Iasf longer rhe New Vedge Cut -and our ofher nafural lookin g hairsfyles enable you f0 look affer your hair wifhouf fhe necessify of weekly appoint menfs BE V, BR IAN AND DON NA TODAY'S LOOK ... THE NATURAL LOOI af 9'he t~e hoppe I 623-5455 37 King Sf. v of this y car. She and :3 other ladies of the D)istrict travelled by car'and she told of their experiences in travelling through Quebec, New Bruns- wick and Nova Scotia. They found the people very hospit- able and found no difficulty with the language. People attended this conference from every province in Canada and ail brought ideas and souven- irs from their province. The motto for our meeting was "Save the beautiful Farms"' and the roll caîl was "Wfhat do you know about Prince Ed- ward Island? " Some of the members will attend the Fun Fair at Nestieton and perhaps the Area Convention in Toron- to. Our anniversary was weii attended on Sunday. The church was filled with mem- bers from the neighbouring congregations of Shiloh and Newtonville with some from other localities. The guest minister was Rev. David Spîvey of Newcastle who spoke on the "Kindled Flame" meaning the comîng of the Holy Sprit to the Apostles long ago. The com- bined maie choir of the three churches sang, "Blessed As- surance", "How great Thou Art" and "Onward Christian soldiers". We look forward to hearing our maie choir at Newtonville next Sunday. See you there! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hawk- ins of Port Hope visited with Catherine Stewart on Sunday and attended the anniversary service. We were glad to welcome back Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Montgomery of Peterborough. Mr. Montgomery pronounced the Benediction on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Byers of Welcome vîsited her mother Mrs. W.H. Foster on Sunday. Mrs. Brag of Cobourg spent the weekend with her daughter Mrs. Erie Atkins. Feeling listiesi,? Ouf of sorts? Fight it! Take a walk. Night Hawks High Single - Gloria Vanson 301. High Triple- Gloria Vanson 693.' Team Standings - Barb Wilbur 2419 pins, 1812 pts., Isobel Wright 2561, 16; Mabel Trimble 2624, 15; Gloria Vanson 26 67, 1312; Peggy Whalen 2511, 121/2; Alice Lorusso 2398, 1112. Liberty Belles Team Standings - Pearce 12778 pins, 16 pts., Forsey 12803, 15; Robinson 12961, 13; Gibson 12837, il,; Spear 12815, 10; Nickerson 12393, 10; Ail- dread 12497, 9; Roberts 12234, 9; Combes 12413, 81/2; Dadson 12356, 81/2; Bragg 12683, 8; Bons 12312, 8. High Single - 333 M. Pearce. High Double 571 (333, 238) M. Pearce. _Top_ Averages - M. . Pearce The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 27, 1976 3 211, C. Roberts 205, J. Spear 197, L. Nickerson 191, J. Chant 200, P. Forsey 199, S. Robinson 191, B. Lyle Sr. 188, H. Dunn 199, R. Fiee 198, M.- Thompson 187, H. Piper 187. group ofM su rts" M emainsM clothesM ....... M UCRAT 111W E EUIVM ý520 M*m HocikeyHemetis Model C'ars-Trucks N undM anu msns -rianes M bv CCM and Cooper nIDai Mf 1 M 201V Coiveriue uutycues Mund MsNcm M Dauo*mea S e t S Msag M for the younger setN M as aidvertised on television Price 6 9.00 and M We've got a terrific selection of Hallowe'en Masks and Costumes m M~ik ,61 M Mg tre ut 2- K M Authorized Bowmanvîlle Dealer for Skate Sha rpeni ng - 50c N MKIM CROWCH GOALIES' COLLARS N > HOURS: OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Thursday and Friday unil 9:00 p.m. until Christmhas- ma auxa ig EZZ11 gazXxxm MB u 5EEEEAUMZÎ1NK1niEEUeNKEZ'& On & - day, September il, 1976, Blackstock United Church was the setting for the marriage of Alice Ann Carn- aghan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Carnaghan of Blackstock to Stephen George Lee, son of Mrs. S.W. Miller of Epsom. Rev. Victor Parsons officiated. The organist was Mrs. David Lee, Greenbank. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore ber mothers floor length weddîng gown of ivory embossed satin. Styled on simple uines, the sweetheart neckline enhanced the gathered bodice and the leg of mutton sleeves tapered to lily pointed cuffs. The three tier veil of ivory tulle was heid in place by a band of orange blossoms. She carried a cas- cade bouquet of orange sx. ee- heart roses and baby's breath with ribbon loops of wedding grass., The maid of honour Barbara Roberts, Scarborough, and bridesmaids Lynda Brown Lee - Carnaghan Wedding Ig et a kick out of tenniree er hough 1 just picked it up ai fewyer ogo, t's o spoerthot derrandsolertio cd ts tfun. teel a rin's clothes srrould be the sanne thing tfun fc weor, fu o reoseers in.r rke (o good pairtirg o goo suit hos tohave the attentior ta detait that cc stond up under cose ispectionr th r k oa! te a othes trori ny new FailCotiection have thajt degree tffine oîworkm rsip, Thefsithing, the srouaers the pockets ..acilwork together to makee cach suit look ara teel great If y o. îke clthes like thisyod! lfindohew nin y new Foli Colection," Aiso co-ordinating Johnny Carson Shi and Ties Ken's Men's Wear 35 Temperance St. N. Next Door to T-D Bank - Bowmanville See our iumpers in polyester, wool and beautiful ultra- suede. Our fall collection of street dresses is great tool "A Speciali Shop tor Special Womnen" mmmmmmmai and Janis Dorreil, Blackstock, wore identical gowns of Nile green with an overlay of white flocked organza. They wore matching picture bats* and carried baskets of dried roses and baby's breath., The bestman was Rick Campbell, Nestleton and the ushers were Jim Lee, Hamil- ton and Russ Carnaghan, Blackstock. They were attired in camel tuxedos with white rose boutonnieres. The bride's mother wore a midnight blue silk jersey gown, styied with long steeves, empire bodice, en- hanced with a shirred U- shapes neckline and soft fiowing skirt. She carried a corsage of yeliow roses on her purse. The groom's mother wore a printed polyester sheer gown of burnt orange and white, fashioned with a cowl neck- uine, long full sleeves gathered mnto deep cuffs. She wore a corsage of white rose buds. Guests were present from Montreal, Peterborough, Keene, Little Britain, Whîtby, Ajax, Hamilton, Sarnia, Wind- sor, Toronto, Greenbank and surrounding area. For their honeymoon to the East Coast, the bride wore a dusty rose Quaini jerseyý shirt-waist dress, compli- mented by black accessories. She carried red Crimson Giory roses tied with- a matching ribbon. Prior to the weddinig, showers were given by nurs- ing classmates at the home of Bar b Roberts, Scarborough, a family shower at the home of Kathy West in Little Britain, a kitchen shower by high school friends at the home of Lynda Brown, 'Biackstock,- and a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Dalton Dorreli, Blackstock. The happy couple are now residing at Epsom, R.R. 4, Uxbridge.