12The Canadian tatesmnan Bowmanville. November 3, 1976 18 King Street East, Bowmanvillie 623-2967 $33,900. Asking price for 2 bedroom brick bungalow in village p Newtonville, has new bathroom, carpet floors, Idrilled well, wiring service and decorating. Excellent starter or retirement and low down payment could make you a home owner. See it today. LAKE SCUGOG COTTAGE -2 bedroomn furnished on 50' x, 100' lot. Price is only $20,900. Try your offer. î MARMORAAREA 26 acres fenced with hydro and telephone service. 3 wells on property, small horse stable, chicken and work shed, only $17,500 with $8,000 down. Terms at 10 per cent. Buy now and build your own country home. BOWMANVILLE 188' x 116' lot, zoned liaht industrv. has 2 or 3 bedroom 11/12 storey aluminum home with new furnace, washer and dryer included. Asking only $34,900. Like living in the country but in town limits. GEORGKuà%E BLYLEVEN Realtor Phone 623Î-5300 Do not wait tili next ye ar. This is the right time to buy this 5 ro)om 6 year aI d cottage w ith 60 ft. water frontage on Rice Lake oni y 40 minutes drive from Oshawa. Priced at 523,900. Terms. Bowmanville centrally located aider 2 storey brick home w;th garage, apartment and large secluded lot. Home is spotless and in excellent condition. Asking $59,900. Hampton centrally located 8 room 11/2 storey family home, electrically heated, garage and workshop combined. Large secluded lot Priced at $43,900. Only 3 miles north-east of Oshawa 2 acre building lot with 330 tt. frontaqe on paved road. Priced at $30,000. We have one and two acre building lots averlooking Rice Lake and~ Pidgeon River. The right lots for retîrement homes. $12,000 and~ up._ PhoneDick Woudstra 983-5915 George Blyleven 623-5300 Real1to r,e ÀMACLEGO Oshawa 579-5497 Orono 983-9133 A PIECE 0F HISTORY Newcastle - 100 year aid brick home, very seciuded 36 x 18 inground pol, double garage, 2 baths, tatally renovated. Spectacular view of Lake Ontario. Price reduced to $54,500. $7,000 down. Joanne Swadron. ORONO Fourbedroom 2 storey, 2 washrooms, walkout to patio. 93/ per cent f irst mortgage. Paved drive. Asking $48,900. Jim Harbinson. il ACRES - KENDAL Three bedroom cedar home, finished rec room, 2 waikouts, înground pool, bordering on the Ganaraska Forest. Asking 585,000. Jim Harbinson. MOBI îLE HOME $14,000 12' x 70', 3 bedrooms, impeccably decarated, lots of closets, built-in dressers and china cabinet, breakfast bar, bay window. Vendor anxious. Try an offer. 9 ACRES -COLBORNE A-frame chalet. High on, a hili with panoramic view of Lake Ontario. 55,000 down $20,900. Joanne Swadron. QUIET COURT - NEWCASTLE 3 bedroomn brick bungalow, double garage, super large lot. 12 x 20 frame play house. Vend er anxious $50,900. Joanne Swadron. Nestieton Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs. Howard Lee anc Clifford were Mr. and Mrs Ken Dunsmoor, of Durham, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Westor and Allan, of Hampton, On Sunday, Mrs. Doroth3 Lee and Mrs. Emma Sauter ai William's Point attended thE Legiun Executive meeting ir the Legion Hall in Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mairs. Oshawa were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Normar, Mairs and attended Anniver- sary Service in the United Church. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vivian and infant son Adam Christopher visited with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grove, Roseneath ini honor of her mother's birth- day. This was a delightful occasion, when the honored lady received three, birthday cakes. Friends are pleased that Mr. Grant Campbell returned home last week fromn hospital. He lias made a good recovery, following surgery. Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Ux- bridge spent Sunday with ber son and bis wife, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and attended anniversary service. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm were overnight guests on Friday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. James Bilton and boys, at Stanley- ville. Mrs. Clara Scbmid of New- castle was a guest on Sunday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. L. Malcolm. Wednesday mid-day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish were Mr. and Mrs. Wellie Mark, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Teal, Woodville. On Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Fisb attended the Bazaar and' Tea in the Presbyterian church at Sonya. @ 123 King St. E. Bowmanviiie Phone 623-6622 BOWMANVILLE - 3 becl- room bungalow, large kitchen loads of cupboards and counter space, fireplace, in living roomn, finished rec. roomn, 2 car garage, 50' x-155' lot very private, close fa schois. Asking 549,500.00-with $55,000.00 clown. Caîl Ed Jeans j623-7152 or 623-6622. ORONO - 'Very attractive tudor style side split, 4 bedrooms, den, famiiv room. games room, ail compietely roadi oomed, fireplace in famiiy roomn also patio doors ta sundeck, 20' x 33' work shop in basement, 2 car garage with electric door. A customn built home of finest quaiity for anly $79,900.00. Cail Ed Jeans 623-7152 or 623-6622. BOWMANVILLE - 4 bed- room, 2 storey home, 11/2 baths, -spacious L shaped livina and dininq ronm. finish- ed rec room, patio, fenced yard. Attached garage, 9 per cent mortgage. 560,900.00. C al Ed Jeans 623-7152 or 623-6622. PRICE REDUCED:- A very well cared for 4 bedroomn home, attractively decorated, broadloom, 11/2 baths, patio doors ta balcony, attached garage, fenced yard, only $45,900.00. Cal Jean Orton 623-9159 or 623-6622. ORONO - 4 bedroom home, 2-4pce. baths, separate dinîng room, finished basement, avddrive. Asking only $54,900.00. Cal Shirley Hogg 623-3500 or 623-6622. MAPLE GROVE AREA - 3 acres with 2 bedroomn home, private hedged lot with ma- ture trees. Asking $54,900.00. Caîl Shirley Hogg 623-3500 or 623-6622. BOWMANVILLE ORONO 623-3393 983-9547 LAST C HANCE - ONLY 5 LE FT - Bowmanville's f inest homes in prestige area. Builder is clearing these beauties an extra large lats at only $65,995. Easy terms. Cal Ken Brown, or Bill Turansky. SMALL, BRICK BUNGALOW - Breezeway, attached garage, 2 bedroam on 70 x 125 ft. lat in rural setting near Newcastle Village. Excellent starter or retirement praperty. Only $35,000. Financing avail- able., Caîl Bill Grady for full particulars. BOWMANVILLE AREA - 15.5 ACRES - Fast flawing creek, plus 6 year aid, attractive 3 bedraom bungalow, 2 full baths. Family room with wall ta wall granite fieldstone firep lace. 3 sets of patio doars that lead ta 12 x 40ft. sundeck. Secluded property Value at $120,000.00, with terms. Cal Phyllis McRobbie. BOWMANVILLE - ACT FAST! - Only $58,500 with 9 3/ Ser cent interest for balance af 22 years. Attractive 4 edroom, sidesplit, with upgraded broadloam. Family room an main floor with wall ta wall tireplace, and p2atio doors. 1ncludes custam n-tade drapes. Easy terms. Cali Phyllis McRobbie. NEWCASTLE 'REDUCED - Bargain at $49,500.00 is this 4 year aid, spatless, 3 bedroom backsiilit home. Newl y finished recreatian raom with built-in bar and broa dl oomed* U pgraded broadlaom in living and dining raam. Spacious and private yard in quiet court. Terms. Cal Phyllis McRobbie. WRECKING YARD, FULLY LICENSED - In Newcastle Area - A-C + D Licenses cover yard repairs and used car sales. Fully equipped with aIder home and excellent stock. Priced at $200,000.00 with terms. For full partîculars - Caîl Bill Grady. OSHAWA - JUST LISTED! - 3 bedroam bungalow with rec room 27 x Il. Family room 18 xl11 with log burning firepiace. Asking $56,000. Caîl Kay Brown. BOWMANVILLE - Super 1 year aId., 2 storey home. Master bedroom 23 x 101/2 nuis %11/9 bath. Paivd drive- Fenced yard. Near Lard Elgin School. Asking only 552,900. Caîl Ken Brown. POWER 0F SALE - Bowmanville Commercial - Excellent 4 corner location. Main street traffic. 2 stores plus 7 a partments. Fully rented. Asking $94,500. Caîl Jan Oudshoorn. Bowmanville: 623-3393. SCENIC BUILDING LOT - Only $12,500. Close ta l-wy. 28 at Bailieboro. Lot is 108 x 350 on g ood road with beautiful view. New homes in area. Cal I Bill Turansky. BÔWMANVILLE - For the discriminating buyer! Just listed. 2 storey, brick home within walking distance ta ail facilities in town. Beautifully decarated ta suit the most discerning buyer. Top quaiity fiaoring. Must be seen! Asking only $51,900. Cail Jan Oudshoorn. ORONO BUNGALOW - On large lot with mature trees. Large bright kitchen, 3 bedrooms, rec room, large garage. A perfect home for $49,900. Cali Bill Turansky. 101/2 PER CENT MORTGAGES - Eiectric heat, Angel Brick Construction, 6 iandscaped madels ta choose from by Marianna Developments Ltd. Your guarantee ofq uality construction. 500 units have been sold by this bui ider in Bowmanvilie. Priced from $44,900 up with $1,400 down to qualified buyer. Cail Bill Grady or Bill Morrison' Sr. OSHAWA - BRICK HOME - 7/8 ACRE - Situated on Simcoe Street North this beautiful 2 storey brick home is a pleasure to show. 3 bedrooms, separate dinîng room and living room, den, marbie f ireplace. new heating-system. Presently zoned R-lA. Askmng $119,000 with easy terms. Cali Charlie Reid. 10 ACRES - [ligh and scenic in Kendai His. Close ta Ganaraska Forest. Asking $34,900 for this beautiful building site. Try an offer, Caîl Bill Turansky. 2 - 25 ACRE LOTS - GARDEN HILL - Only 35 minutes from Oshawa. These lots can be built on immediately. Good road, close to schools. Excellent terms. Asking $35,000 each. Caîl Charlie Reid. FOR RENT A THREE BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE -Ideal for famiiy living. Located on a quiet court in Bowmanvilie. Close taschools. $300 month ly. Availabie immed iately. Caîl Sam Venn. Bowmanvi île: 623-3393, or Toronto: 923-9174. W. Frank Real Estate Ltd., Realtor. C*C Coast to Coast Coast toCoasi Real Estate Service Real Estate Service Approves Studies Regional' couhicil decided Wednesday ta go ahead with studies on two existing waste disposal sites, one of whicb is located in. the former Darling- ton township and the other in Brock Township. The council also voted ta begin a study of site L35. That's the proposed location of a new Durham region dump on the Newcastle-Scugog boundary to the northeast of the Town of Newcastle. 11 According to, estimates of the firmn being hired to do the investigationf, the three stud- ies will cost a total of $133,700. The firm of M. M. Dillion bas been hired to do the work, which will consist of looking into how the environment would be affected by expand- ing the dumps at the three locations. REALTOR 52 King st. West Bowmanviflo 623-243 SPLIT-LEVEL, 3 bedroom brick nearly new home in Pontypool. 2 car garage, paved drive, walkout from basement to patio. PRCED TO SELL or owner will consider trading for home in Bowmanville. Phone office for more particulars. INVESTMENT OPPORTVNITY - 7 unit apartment building with ail apartments self-contained and in good condition. Lot has 225 ft. frontage on Hwy. 2. Asking $87,500. and terms available. KEEWATIN STRE ET. OSHAWA - Lovely 3 bedroom bungalow with built-in garage and rec. room in an excellent residential area. Ing round swimming pool. Priced reasonably at $64,900.Terms. After Hours P. Kowa1 J r. 623-5868 S. Annis 623-7664 J. A. Barton 623-3098 BLACKSTOCK .Venning Court 7 Homes 3 and 4 Bedrooms Designs from $ 54,900.00 COME & SEE FOR'YOURSELF Visit us this weekend Sat. &Sun. Nov. 6th, & 7th -4 p.m. For an appointment calil RIALTY Lili. RLOR 28 Water Street Port Perry, Ontario 985-3292 985-8121 KEN HOCKIN ~HFILESTATI LTO R RLTOA BOWMANVILLE 623-4115 HETHERINGTON DRIVE Distinctive ail electric home with 3 major appliances, curtains, drapes, 11/2 baths, aftached garage, 4 bedrooms, rec. roam. Ideal family home or first time purchase. Large lst mortgage at 93/ per cent. Asking only 558,900. WE HAVE SEVERAL FARM & COUNTRY PRO- PERTIES LISTED IN THE COBOURG AREA. CALL FOR DETA ILS. Pat Marjerrison - 623-4115 Dolly Davey - 786-2256 (Newtonville) 62 JACKMAN ROAD BOWMANVILLE, ONT. LiC 2C9 (416) 623-6023 W. H. Clipperton &Associates Ltd., REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS W.,IH. Clipperton, F.R.L, C.R.A., S.R.A. Ontario Land Eooit Rea Itor BU S,623-6121I 'NEW LISTING 3 bedroom 3 year old brick and aluminumn semi-detached, with large 8 3/ per cent f irst mortgage until the year 2009. Why pay rent? 20 ACRES Pianted in a productive apple orchard, barn with cald storage equipment, and a 3 bedroomn 11/2 storey home, country living, close to Town., Try an offer!l COTTAGES Rice Lake area, 3 cottages on the property with 60, lake frontage, may be rented out, includes boat house, garage, completely furnished. Only $32,900.00 for everything. EX ECUT IVE S Look at this brick and aluminumn side-split in Bowmanvilie, broadloom and hardwood floors, firepiace, family room, bay windows and a large 9 per cent f irst-mortgage. 34 ACRES Level land ideal for the horse lover or for cash crops, large barn and original farmn house. Owner will take back a first mortgage with a reasonable down payment. Commuting distance to Toronto. PHONE NOW For more information on Commercial property on Bownan- villes' main street and a hair dressing business in a new plaza., MAPLE GROVE - TWO ACRES surround this 5ý bedroom home, with new addition. Kitchen with dining area, + f ive appliances. Rec room and den. Two 4-pce. baths. $55,000. NORTH 0F BOWMANVILLE- Executive Spanish style villa. 12.5 acres beautiful land, fireplace in sunken family, room, billiard room, extra large kitchen, separate dining room. Recently installed inground pool, double garage, circular drive. $229,000. PONTYPOOL 8 1.75 acres, good barn, brick and cedar sidesplit features Hollywood kitchen, sunken living room with floor to ceiling fieldstone firepiace, master, bedroom - bath ensuite, walkout to baicony, 3 baths, luxurious broadioom throughout. $89,000. VACANT LAND severai parcels small and large, buldnglos rcratonl frmng cl Je onoeo 147 Kin St. E. Bowmanville 623-7461 623-2492 $2000 DOWN PAYMENT Bowmanville 3 bedroomn brick, century home, extra large lot, family room, 2 bathrooms, immaculate throughout, full price $49,900. COMM ERC IAL King Steet East, Bowmanville, 2 bedroom bungaloiw, excellent location, for office or boutique. Asking price $44,900. SUNSET RD. BOWMANVILLE Lovely 4 l5èdroom brick bungalow, family room, fenced lot, paved drive, asking $51,900. à IN POi4TYPOÔL I COUNTRY LIVING-. SUMMER AND WINTER RECRÊK-TLON FUN! SEVJE.N RFFODPbLE HOME. DESl(QN i PRoM 444,970-00 ~ I~uaAcAWD UP CO)ME. G EE FOR YOURSEL-F... ~t25 na 5CUrloc- REAL-TY LTP. rmNT#a. port -Perrgj 985-329,2, iorovnto 293-b7(4,