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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1976, p. 13

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a -*=- LEWIS - John1 and Sharon are happyta announce the birthaffpheir ýson Benjamin Joseph on October 23rd, 197< at Oswhawa General Hospital. Pru randther are Mrs. <ElnLewis and Mrs. Mac Stak. anythanks ta Dr. G. <1 Fnch nd he haspital staff. 44-1 ý,HOMAS - Ken and Donna proudly announce the birth of their fîrst born chiId, a son, DarrylBlth, 8 lbs. 61/2 0zs. on Octaber 29, 1976 at North York Generai Hospital. First grand- child for Don and Barbara Cochrane and secand grand- child for Hugh and Ruth Thomas. 44-1 WILLIAMS -Jim and Laurie (nee Abernethy) are pieased to annaunce th e arrivai of their first chiid, a girl, Marci Anne, born October 29th, 1976 at Oshawa Generai Haspital. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Oz. Wiliams and Mr. and Mrs. Rae Abernethy, Bawmanviile. 44 1x Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Beatty, 7 Jefferson Blvd. Lindsay (formerîy of Bow- manvilie) are happy ta, an- nounce the engagement 0f their eIdest daug hter Patricia Leigh to Ton yReg iinaid But- zer, sop of, Mr. and Ms. Edgar Butzer, 16 Kawartha Dr., Lindsay. 44-1 x Friends and relatives are invited ta an open house for John and Dorothy Rundie and John and Florence Oke an the occasion of their 3th Wedding Anniversaries tram 7 p.m. tii 9:30 p.m. on Navember 7, 1976 at Centenniai Hall, Bowman- ville. Best wishes only. 43-2 GIBBS, Cara - a, the Golden PIough, Cobourg an Wednes- Y, October 27, 1976. Clara owrt 0fTyî-one in her 7,-hyear. Beîoved wife of îhe late Thomnas Gibbs, dear mother of Mrs T. jancz, n (May'), Richard, Jack and 4~e late Mrs. B.H. Mortlock (Kathleen). Rested at the Nrthcutt Eliiatt Funerai Home for service on Friday afternoon. Interment Hamp- ~ 'Cemetery. SCARNATION For AIl Your ~ Fîower Needs 1STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shap 33 Division St. 623-7141 VAN BELLE DAILY D.Iivery to... Oshawa - Bmmanville Area Phone 623-4441, BROMELL, Emma- In Iaving memary of a dear mother who passed away Navember 2, 1968. Things1 feel most deepIy Are the hardest things ta say Dearest Mam, i ioved you ln a very s peciai way if 1icouid ha ve one lite-fi me One dream that cauid came true 'd gay ta God with ail my For yesterday and you. - Sadiy missed by daughter Joanne, san-in-iaw Fred and grandchi.idren Christopher and Kathy. 44-1 BROMELL - In ioving me- mary of a dear daughter Emma Winona Luxton who passed away Navem ber 2, 1968. Ta her graveside we otten f wander iHer voice we would lave ta 5 hear. Far awhiie we stand and picture Her smiling face so dear The f iowers we place upon her C grave May wifher and decay. But the love for her who sieeps beneath Wiii neyer fade away. - Lovingiy remembered by mother and father. 44-ix HUMPHREY - In ioving memary of aur dear mother and grandmather Hilda Humphrey who passed away Navember 2nd, 1975. Gad. saw the raad was getting roug h, And the huIs were hard ta cli mb. Sa he ciased your weary eyeiids Mom. And whispered "Peace be Thine" - Audrey, Mary and familles. 44-1 LANE C.H. (Kelly) - In Ioving memary of my dear husband who passed away suddenly November, 1974. Though absent you are very near Still loved, still missed and very dear. - Lýovinqwife Leone. OSBORNE - Suddenly at his residence, 12 Scu gag St., BowmanviiIe, Monda , No- vemnber lst, 1976,E verett (MeUk ýOsborne, aged 71 years, beioved husband of Violet White, dear father of Bill, Guelph, brother ot Mrs. Hazel Gray, Orangeville, Harry (Dutch), Violet (Mrs. Ralph Poole), Margaret (Mrs. Douglas Barr), all of Bow- manville, David, Halifax, and the late Clarence (Parky). Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bawmanville, for ser- vice on Thursday at 1.30 p.m. i nterment Bowmanvillie Cemetery. VANHAVERBEKE- At Bow- manville Hos pital, Thursday, October 28f h, 1976, Remi Vanhaverbeke, Newcastle, aged 62 years, beioved hus- band of Laura Vandepoeie, son of Mrs. Marie D'haene, dear tather of James, Edmond and Linda (Mrs. John Pleas- ance), brother ot Rager D' haene, Madeleine (Mrs. Ar- mand Van iandschoot), bath of Delhi, and eight grandchild- ren. Rested at t he Morris Funerai Chapel, Bawman- ville. Fûneral mass in St. Jaseph's Church on Monday mornin. nterment Bowman- ville Ceetery. hUneral Home THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE ThoughtfUl selection of cemeteny sites, for vanloUs reasons a concern to many people. .often fan in advance of need. We have available information on ail local ceme- teries, simply on reqUest. This is part of our service to the comm Ufi ty. 53 DIVISION STRE ET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 44-1 Eh am County's Oldest Funeral Servece MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION -STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or'Night Servi ng this district for 96 years. RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Estabîished 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontaria Street Port Hope, Ontario ~ ' LIA 3ýW3 WORKMANSHIP QUALITY High Qua lity at Reasanable Prices Phone 885-5216 Home 88-5-5222 n lc MOORE l- n memory of a ioving father and grandtather, Wm. H. Moore who passed away November 4th, 1961 and a Iaving mother and grand- mother, Margaret Christina, who passed away February 2Oth, 1966. The years we spent together, Are the memories we haic4 dear, The love and happiness you gave us Wiil always keep you near. - lovingiy remembered by theirtamiîy, Muriel and Reg, Elsie and Floyd and grand- children. 44-ix NICHOLSÔN -Fondes't memory af aur dear Dianne, who passed away November 2nd, 1969. Caim and peaceful she is sleeping, Sweetest rest that foilows pain,, We who iaved her sadiy miss her, But trust in God ta meet again. Gad, put yaur arms araund her, Keep her in yaur care. Make up for ail she suffered, And ail that was unfair. - AIways remembered by Grandma and Grandpa. 44-1 x POWELL, Aima - ln laving memory of my dear wife, who passed away November 7, 1974. It's a ioneiy road ta travel dear Without yau by my side For we spent so much time together Until yau crassed that great divide, God knew that you were suffering Sa He did what He thought best, He came and stood beside yau And whispered "Camne and ,Rest".* You bade me nat A last farewel i Nor even said goadbye God took yau Home so sud- denly And only He knows why The shack was so great i couidn't believe That you rea1ly had gone away Thank God for the beautiful memories yau Ieft me Will comfort me the rest of _my days., - adly missed by your loneiy husband, Herb. 44-1 RUNDLE, George Sr. - In memary af dear Dad, who passed away Navember 2, We cannot, Lard, Thy purpase But ail is well that's done by Thee. - Your daug hter Mel and san-in-law Jack RUNDLE, George Sr. - In memlory of a dear Dad, wha passed away November 2, His memnory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away. - Remembered by daughter Lala . Florida - and gran- dauqhter Heather- Chicaao. SEVERN, Robert Gardon - In loving memory af a dear father and-grandfa er. Every day in some smaii way Memories of you came aur way; Though absent, you are ever near, Stili missed, laved, aiways dear. - Ever remembered by the family. 44-1ix TODD- In loving memory of Lottie L. Todd who, passed away Novermber 6, 1974 and Lamne C. Todd who passed- away Jariuary 28, 1961. Sadi y missed aiang ite's way, Quietly remembered every day. No langer ln aur lives ta share But in oaur hearts there always there:. - AIlways remnembered, by Cari, Margaret and familles. 24-tf 44-1 Emm1 The famlly of the late Ciara Gibbs wish ta thank relatives, friends. neiahbars and, the many organizations for the many beautitul floral tributes, cards, donations and mes- sages of sympathy. Special thanks to Tyrone radies who pravided lunch. 44-1 Many thanks ta friends and neighbours who attended the Sresentation for us at the orme of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hoog kam p. We appreciate the lovel y wedding gifts and kind wishes given us. Sincerel y Nancy and Gordon Alin 44-1 The family of the late Marian Flintoff wish ta ex- press their appreciation ta triends, relatives and neigh- bours for f loral1 tri butes,. cards and donatians ta the Canadian Cancer Society. Special thanks to Morris Funerai Chapel. Percy Flintaff and famiIy 44-1 x Mr, and Mrs. Henry Pearce wish ta thank their friends and relatives for the loveIy fiowers, gifts and cards an the occasion of their 4th wedding anniversary. Special thanks ta aur nieces and nephews for their part in making our day very special. Henry and Dorothy Pearce 44-1 x LAN E, C.H.- In lovin9 mem- ory of a dear father and grandfather who passed away Novem ber 7, 1974. .Sadly missed by Gloria, Charles, Shelly and Julie. 44-1 x LARMER l n loving me- mary of a dear husband, Harold, who passed away November 6th, 1975, Loving and kind- ln ail his Upriyghtand just to the end of -hîs days, Sincere and kind in heart and mind. What beautiful memory he left behind. - Sadly missed by wifé Florence, family and grand- children. 44-1ix LARMER - In laving mem- mary of a dear brother, Harold James, who passed away, Nov. 6, 1975. There is a link"death cannat: sever Love and remembrances last forever. - Lovingly remembered by sister Edna, brothers, Russell and Rhoda, Walton and Marion. 44-1 MAYNAR D- In laving mem- ary of my dear husband, Ra who passed away Navember 7 1969. It is sad ta walk the raad alane, lnstead of side by side But toalal there cames a' moment When the ways of life dîvide. Yau gave me years of hap- piness, Then came sarrow and tears But yau left me beautiful memaries 1 will treasure through the yýears. -v Lvngly remembered and sadly missed by his wife Mabel. 44-1ix Club Annrene Scugog Island FALL DANCE BAND SCHEDULE Nov.6-"Sun" Nov. 13-" Positive Ouf Iook"l Nov.20-"Par Four" Nov.27-"Little Caesar and the Consuls" Dec.4-" Positive Outlook" Dec.1 -"Lockerbie" Dec.18-" Par Four" New Year's Eve "Something Blue" INFORMATION: Don Armstrong 725-4344 or 576-6599 44-1 Darlington Progressive Conservative Association FALL DANCE November 13, 1976 9p. -am OSHA A«S.HRINE Ê.CLUB 1626 Simcoe St. N. Admission $6 per couple Tickets - Phone J. Locke 623-4101, Cartwright High Schooi An- nuai Commencement Exer- cises wili be eid at the Recreat ion Centre, B iack- stock, on Saturday, Navembeî 13 at 8:30 p.m. Presentatian oa Graduation Dipiomas, Pro- ticiency Prizes, Field Da~ Trophies, VaIedictory Add ress; Giee Club Selections anc a one Acf Play. Everyone Welcome. 44-2 Get your tickets for the Durham County Junior Farm- er's Annual Banquet and Dance. Saturday, November 20, at the, Blackstock Recrea- tian Centre, at 7:00 p.m. $5.00 f' er person. Dance at9:O00p.m. lo the music of lrwin Smith. Dance only: $1.50 per persan. Tickets availabie tram John Larmer, 986-5109; Ariene Mai- colm 986-4409; Doug Smith 797-2218; Brenda Metcaite 623-5001 or the A9ricuiturai Office in Bowmanvile. Ticket Deadline: November 14. 44-2 The Bowmanviile Drama Workshop presents 3 one act play s Black and Silver, Ftstýeps of Doves and Insîde Ouf on November 11, 12, 13 at the BowmanviiIe High School Theatre at 8:15 p.m. Aduit Entertainment. Admrission $2.50. ýIl id w- le s in ýy The SPLASH Committee needs yau heIp ta organize fu nd -raising activities ta build an ndloar poal and squash courts at B.H.S. Came ta the Cauncil Chambers in the Police Building, Bowmanviî le, Monday, Navember 8 at 8 p.m. and get involved. 1 44-1 House af Amber Antique and Gift Shop celebrate their f irst birthdlay. during the month,0f November. Faber's residence and shap lacated narth end Ham pton village - Shop eariy for Christm as. Let us g ift wra p your parceis free fclageEveryone weicome. Phone 163-2981. 44-2 Garage sale and antiques. Saturday, November Sth, 10 a 'm. - 5 p.m. Sauth side of No. 2 highwa , opposite Newton- ville Aut Sales, evenîngs 1-786 2388. 4- Kendai U.C.W. annuai Bazaar, tea and bake sale wiii be held , Saturday, November l3th, at 2 p.m.,in the Sunday School Room. Everyane WerI- corne. 44-2 ANNUAL U.C.W. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Newtonviîle Sunday Schooî Hall Sat., November 20 2p.m. -4p.m. - Lunch, Aduits..- .......... 50 cents Chiidren ............ 25 cents 44-1ix Nervous? Tense? Tired? RELAXATION CLASSES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8th 263-2638 DURHAM CHAPTER 181 ORDER 0F THE EASTERN STAR Christmnas Bazaar a nd Afternoon Tea Frn., November 26 1: 30 -4:30 p. m. Nig htingale Centenniai Hall Queen St., Bowmanville 44-1 THE TOWN 0F NE WCASTL E RATE PAYE RS ASSOCIATION wilI have a public m1eeting Thurs., Novemnber4 in the cauncil chamber, Bow- manvitte at 7:30 p.m. Off iciais of the finance and works departments wiI11 be present ta discuss the transition ta the new Regional Water and Sewer biiling system The pu b lis i nvied. 44-1 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MAONSTER BINGO N.EXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf DANCE music BY ""The Sapphires" Sat., Nov. 6, 1976 ST.,JOSEPH'S HALL $4.00 per couple 9P.m. - 1la.m. th SALVATION ARMY, BOY SCOUTS MOTH ERS' ASSOC. BAKE SALE at C1îf f crest C lea ners November,5th 10Oa.m. - 12 noon (Proceeds for P. E.l1. Jamboree) 43-2 Dance in Kendai Orange Hall, Saturday, November 6. Spansoredl by Orange Lodge. Music by Audrey Glimour's Orchestra. Everyone wei- came. 43-2 HADASSAH U PHOLSTERY 1 Fabric Sale- - Tuesday ýand Wednesday - NOVEMBER9th and lOth ie 9a. m. to,9p.m. 144 KI NG ST. E. OSHAWA ?NEW SUPPLY 0F LOVELY )f FABRICS. GOOD NEW AND - USEDMERCHANDISE. ýy ý 44-1 Charter buses to the Ice Ca pades, Novem ber 6th, 7th, 13th and 14th. Royal Winter Fair and Downtown'shopping November 13th.' Mystery Tour, Sunday, Novem ber 7th, Weekend in Buffa la, November 2th - 21st. Wheeling, West Virginia (starring Donna Fargo) no overnig ht, Nov. 26th - 28th. Blackcreek Village Christmas 1and Downtown ights Sunday, December 19th. January, February, March Florida and Texas Tours. For information on above tours phone: Sunshine Party Tours 36 King St.' Cobou rg 372-9961 or Port Hope 885-2200. CPantypool Scout Group Committee is sponsoring a benefit dance on Saturday, Novem ber 6th at Pontypool Community Centre, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. disc jockey Gary Warner $5 per couple. Refreshments available. 43-2 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY - 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Mino.r Softball JUEILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 50-tf Hot Roast Beef Dinner in Nestieton Cammunity Hall, Saturday, Novemrber 6, spon- sored by Presbyterian Church . 5 p. M. 'ti lail are served, Adults $3.75. Children 12 years and under 1.50. Pre-schoolers f ree. 43-2 SALVATION ARMY HOME LEAGUE TEA and SALE FR IDAY, NOV. 12th 2:30 -4:30 p.m. Home Baking, Novelties, Knitted Goods.. 44-2x TRINITY CHU RCH CASSEROLE SUPPER Saturday, NOV. 6 Settings 5 and 6:30 Aduits $3.25 Children (12 and under) $1.50 COU NTRY STORE TOO Tickets - any U.C.W. memrber 42-3 New Machinery Specia Is 555 Forage Harvester with 72"' pick- up and 2 corn head..$5350 Krne Rotary Tiller (Warking width 50") ........... $1775 510-5F-16". Bottom semi- mounted piow... ... $2950 Used Machinery 57'4D (TA) I.H. Tractor (1400 hrs.) ........ ...$7950 454D l.H. Tractor (l200 hrs) ............ $5000 434D I.H. Tractor..$3500 434D [.H. Tractor..$3650 Model 575 Cockshutt 6F-,16!' bottomn (Autamatfic reset) piow. Cexcetent (condition) ..... .... J.D. F45-4F-16" Fully Mount- ed Trip Beam PIow ...$ 850 i.H. lsospreader ....$ 950 New Hoiland 131 spreader ............. $ 775 633 Cackshutt spreader ..$ 825 Gehi - FH-84 - 1 row forage harvester .............. $1675 Customers in Bowmanvilîe,' Blackstock, Hampton, New- castle and Orono caîl ZENITH 34400. ROBIN SON &KITCHEN FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. (Your International Harvester Farm Machinery Dealer) 1/2 Mile east af Junction 7 and 35 highways, south of Lindsay. 44-1 TEAKWOOD, Scandinavian, Spanish, bedraomr, campiete; dining roam, 9 piece; living room; waiI unit, cottee tables, new furniture, very reason- able. Phone 1-247-4377. 10O-tf ONE buiît-in aven and cournter top cooking surface, avacada green, aiso campiete set of kitchen cupboards. Best offer. Phone 623-7765 affer 5 p.m. 1 44-1 TABLE potafaes, excellent quality- Jae Bouma 623-2847. 44-tf WHITE'S T.V. TOWERS Tower, U HF, VH F Aerials, Rotors & Repairs Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone .576-5606 k?-" E. WHITE COU RTIC E ONE babies aqua orlon pile bunting bag-$7, 1 babies aqua orlon pile snawsuit- 24 manths size-$10, 1 green gendron baby buggy-$45, 1 electrahonne humiîdifier-$40 or best offers. 623-7480 44-1 SCREENED SAND GRAVEL & STONE LIMESTONE PRaOucTS AIL SIZES FOR DRI VEWA YS TOPSOIL & DIRT FILL DELIlVERED OR REMOVEO TfiucKS & LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOvAL p ho0ne shc 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH 0F HtWAY 2. FILM ** PROCESSING CH iLOR EN'S PHOTOS t Cameras and Phatographic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanvj île 623-2404 35-10 TULIP BULBS $12.95 per 10 -o or $7.00 per 50. ALSO HYACINTHS, DAFFODILS, CROCUS ETC. SPECIAL TO NOV. 6, $1,00 PER BAG OFF REGULAR PRICE 0F 100 LBS. MIXED BIRD SEED OR 50 LBS. SUN FLOWE R. -Carnation Fîower Shop 33 Division St. 623-5577. 44-1 Re-conditioned sewing machines, Clea rance Sale. Singers, Eînas, Kenmores, Pfaff, Husqvarnas, Whites. PRI1CE D FROM $19.95. SINGERSat Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-6555. 44-2 Creative Supplies For Chrîstmnas Easeîs, newsprint, iiquid a powdered tempera, brushes, fingerpa int, ail pastels, water- crayons, cha 1k, crayons, construction paper, glue, etc... DoIlhouses, woaden toys, bobks, records, puppets. Creative Fun for Little Ones 88 Queen St., Bowmanvi lie 623-2570' 44-1 -MODEL CARS- A select range of antique, modern, and racmng a màdels, and mniatuesfor bath aduits and children. Solida, Rio, Tamiya, Brookiin, John Day etc .. A complete selection of automotive books aIs. for Mivers 88 Queen St,., Bowmanvi lie 623-2570 Our sincere gratitude toala who were s0 t hou ghtfuî and kind ta make aur 25th anniver- sary a very memorabie oc- casion. Cha rles and AI ma Lang ma id 44-1x My sincere thanks toala those, who remembered me with their fîowers, cards, gifts and visits, whiîe a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. My thanks ta Drs. Frost, Mosier- ko and nurses on 6th floor. Ulva Lathangue MOVIE FOR CHILDREN WaIt Disney's "APPLE DUMPLING GANG" BOWMANVILLE LI BRARY Saturday, Nov. 6th 2 pm. ADMISS ION $1.00 PRESCHOOLERS 75c 44-1 APPEARING AT TheQueený's Hotel NEWCASTLE COU NTRY GOLD Friday - Saturday Novemnber 5 - 6 Dancing 9 -1 44-1 SOLINA ADULT REUN ION SOLINA HALL Saturday, Nov. 6 8 LADIES BRING LUNCH 44-1 x SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY CONTINENTAL bed 39", like new $60; Kenmare micrawave aven $350; Ladies 3 speed bike, like new $55,; Mens 10 s peed bike, like new, $70; Regul ation ping pan g table, cal lapsible, used ance $50; Partable Zig Zag sewing machine $50; Binoculars 7 x 35 W.A. with case $25; 8mm Huntin rifle with case ad amo $55; Antique fiintiock gun replicas $29 a pair; Authentic butcher's block 30 x 30 in saiid maple $75; Toledo weigh scale for smali business,$75; Double iaundry or utility sink with stand and legs and accessar- les, new $55. 623-7684. 44-2 MUST seli, Ladies mink stole, like new, $150;, Beautiful one-third car. diamond ring $160; Antique radio, floor model in good condition, $48. 623-7684. 44-2 YEAR aid cut appie waod. Reasanable. Cail 987-4304 or 623-4519. GRAIN, corn, whoîe or g round. $5 per 100 in your bags. Minimum order 500 lb. Tom Pleasance 263-2719. 42-3 GIRLS winter coat, shades af brown with fur coilar and iining, size 10. Phone 997-4935 between 2 and 7 p.m. 44-1 x STE REO Quadrophonic soun< systemi by Panasonic warth $499. Wiii seil for $349. Sel includes AM,FM,FM-MT< radio, recard changer and 8 track player in quadrophonic and sterea and 4 booksheIl speakers. Aill equipment is stili packed and sealed in original cartons and has manufacturers full warranty an ail parts and labor. Carl 623-7906. 44-1 CAR PETS of ail kinds, custom made drapes and sheers, hard- surface flaaring, professionai.' ly installed. Free estimates. Your one stop shopping. F.A. Kramp. 37-41 King St.E., Bowmanviiie. Furniture, Car- pet and Drapes. 13-tf '73 MOTO--SKI, Capri, and '74 double swiveî Wiscatt tralier. Excellent condition. $850 far bath., Cail 623-4233. 44-1 8,000 BALES of hay, Tyson Farms, Newtonville, 786-2927. 33-tf ELMER-b New and Used Furn iture and Applilances. We buy contents of homes. Phone Hampton 263-2294. 19-f PADDY'S Market now hai new furnifure, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and aisc used furniture and appliances WilH accept trade-ins. Paddy'ý Market, Hamptan, phane 263. 2241. 33-t ,USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-f.ý APPLES, seconds $2.50 bushel - Pears $3 bushel. Feddema Orchards. Phone 263-2074. Open Monday, Wednesday, Safurday. 42-6x Pinerîdge Tire Sales TIRES AND WHEELS To fit your car or truck. Pho'ne 623-4866 BOWMANVILLE 23-tf SPANISH anions. John Razema, Bowmanville 263- 8841. 42-3 SIX 4 x 32' bush cord, wiilow Nood for stove or fireplace. $60 each. Phone 263-2786. 44-1 TWE LVE Nursery grawn Nor- way White Spruce 10-12 high. Very reasonable. Phone 263- 2129. COMPR ESSORS- AIl kinds of machinery. SeIl. Buy. Trade. Rent. MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9-6 Ace Machinery 859A Nelson Street Os.hawa, Ontario 723-0933 Pure Pine Shavings Ba led, Dust-free Phone 723-6660 W9tf FI"EUL TY MONUME I-4TAND M A RK ERS 4BROS. T, Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whiitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 1976 FORD LTD Landau, white with red trim, many extras and dlean. Phone 576-8900 or 1-786-2428. 42-tf 1969 IMPALA Custom, 2 dapr hardtap, 327 automatic, ., p.b., vinyl roof, radio, defog- ger, certif ied,- needs paint $725. Phone 623-5224. 44-1 '72 VEGA, 4 speedL radio, 2 extra rims. Newcastle 987-5030 after 5p.m. 44-1 1964 CHEVY Il, 6 autamatic, certified. Also 1974 G.M.C. Van 350, 3 speed autamatic, oower stp-prinn Anri hr»kacý 24,000 miles, aIl shag carpet inside. Best offer.- Phone 623-3247. 44-1 1968 OLDS- 88, Power brakes and steering, 10w mileage ver1gaodcanItian.$63, cer if led. Phane Q~3-3078 after 2:30 p. m. 44-1 x '71 CHEVELLE Malibu, 350 law mleage, radiais, good condition $1700 certif ied., Phone 62à-6769 after 5. 4441 1965 SUNBEAM, completely rebuilt engine. Also, rebul f 1600 C.C. engine ta 4 speed transmission. Phone 623-741 4. 4.4-1 lx 1973,GRAND PRIX, aIlipower, - air candltianing, buckets, best id affer, Mike 623-3416. 1971 MUSTANG 302, 4 speed, 8 mags, AM-FM radia, nýiany c ather extras. Best offer. if Phone 1-983-5121. 4- s44- n 1968 METEOR, 2 door hard- stop, V-8, automatic, Ils. snawtires, new exharust, ribrakes, gaad condition, $325. Phane 1-983-5428. 1 44,1 -'69 CHEV. Impala, vinyl 2-door hardap new radialI tire and exhaust, excellent condi- tion. Phone 987-4467. 44-1 '75 CAPRI Classic, completeîy equipped, low mileage, certi- f ied, Phone 623-7765 after >5 p.m. ý4 44-1. 1967 COUGAR, 8 cy.l., auto- matic, rustproofed, best offer. Phone 987-4219. 44-1 1975S GRAND Prix, L.j, model, iaaded, suni roaf, cruise con- trai, Orona 983*5261. 43-2, '71 TOYOTA Coralia, new motar with Craig-Quad. For further information Cai 623-5048. 44-1 72 MARQUIS Brauaha. doar, vinyl roof, power steer- ing, brke and windows. Air con. 8 track. Certif led $1900. Phone 623-5427. 44-lx '68 CHEV Bl.30z7Autorma- tic, certif led $495. After 5 p.m 623-5111. 44-1 '72 LUXURY LeMans, only 44,000 original miles, bucket seats and console, excellent condition. Phone 623-2770. 44-ix VITALIZNG Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofing on new or used vehicies. Wri tten war- raniy.Durham Vîtaiizing, phone 723-1155. 25-tf WANTED, vacation lots and acreages. 416-267-9301. Harris- Land, 2625 Eginton Ave.E. Scarboraugh, t. 43-tf FARMLAND, Bowmanviîie area. State acreage and price. Write advertiser 654, C-a Canadian Statesman P.O. Box 190 Bowmanviiîe. 43-4x 2nd and 3rd MORTGAG E MONEY AVAILABLE -5 year ter m -Open Martgages -No payments for three manths -Na bon uses No NCredit Checks -No inquiry from neighbors -Confidentiai arrangements made in your home -Borrow as iow as $1,600 -Fast service Cail Mr. Wilks Mortgages'bought and sold (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 683-2611 699-1211 (Toronto) 33:-tf ROOMS for rent, dalty, week- lv or monthiv, reasonabie rates, Castie Hotel, 54 King St. East, Bawmanviiie. 43-T? Water Delivery For filling swimming pools and wells. PHONE FRED WILLIS 623-2469 19-ff '71 SKI DOO OIym pic 20 H.P. with caver $300. Phone 623- 5179. 44-1 x INGLIS automatic washer and dryer. Excellent condition $500 or best off er. 1-983-5549. 44-1 x DINING ROOM suite - aid style - 9 pieces. Alsa 2 pairs drapes 136" x 96" and 120"1 x 96" blue - bath items in beautiful condition.. Cai 623-2793 atter 6 p.m. 44-1 WOOD burninq stove. Phone 1-983-9485 evenings. 44-1 1975 KAWASA KI 900 c.c., 2,000 mi les. Phone 623-3078. 44-1 x HAY for sale. Phone 723-6258. 44-2 LINýED drapes, 100" x 86" and 64" x 86". Phone 623-7725. 44-1 FI REPLACE woad. $5 a trunk laad. Phone 263-2368. 44-1 EXERCISE bicycle, like new, speedometer, adjustabie ten- sian, mileage _gauge,, must seli, best offer, Phone 987-4719 after 5. 44-1 GIBSON, Les Paul electric guitar with case. 31/ x 21/2 Traynor amp with Tra ynor base master head, $250. Phone 623-7612. 44-1 BASEMENT sale, Christmas decorations, exercise bed, Iamps, tays, ornaments, dish- es, gîassware. Somethirg far everyone. Shop early for your Christmas gifts. Friday, Nq- vember 5th 10 a.m.-7 p.m. and Saturday Novemnber 6th 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 715, Stevenson's Road N. Oshawa. 44-1 f- id ie -2

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