Waverley Community Assn. Elects New Executive Three Newcompers Enter Race for Edu cation Board Three residents in, the Town of Newcastle this week an- nounced their plans to run as candidates in the election race, for the Northumberland, and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion. The three new candidates are Bob Burke for Ward Two and Bill Montgomery and1 Harry Wade in Ward Three. Mr. Burke, a communica- tions consultant, bas been active in the Waverley Com- munitv Association's drive for The Waverley Community Association brought in a new executive for the coming year at their election meeting on Oct. 24th. In addition to electing a new executive, the members present approved a $300 donation to the three local arenas for making repairs. Members of the 1976-77 executive shown above include (lef t to right) Treasurer Rob Maclvor, Membership Co-ordinator Yvonne Monroe, Education Director Susan Brimble, Vice-President Dennis Sadier, President Rick Allen, Secretary Valerie Smith and Youth and Teen Director Wayne Hasted. Publicity Director Olive Simpson and Social Director Connie Edmunds were also elected to the new executive but were absent for t he picture. KENDAL There were six ladies of Kential Wl. who attenieti the Women's Institute Fun Fair Wetinestiay afternoon, Oct. 26th at Nestieton. Donations were taken for the Country Store anti the special tiraw. Mrs. J. Stapleton disphayeti afghans, table cloth, place mats, etc. for the crafts. An enjoyable afternoon was hati by all members. Mrs. Mabel Smith of Cali- fornia wbo bas been visiting ber sister Mr. anti Mrs. Catbcart anti Arthur Thomp- son for the past couple of weeks left by plane for Regina wbere sbe wihl visit relatives before returning home. 1Mr. Minnie Wybenga returneti home from Hollanti a week ago where be attentieti the funeral of bis mother anti sister. Sympanty is extended to the family. Several men from this area are away deer hunting this week. Miss Margaret Seens of DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES Bell Canada Building OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Partners: Josef Adam, B.Sc. (Econ.), C.A. Gordon F. Sedgewick, C.A. Burt R. Waters, F.C.A. Phone 728-7527 - 839-7764 Juom. Tax Returns. Prepared Personalzed Service Jammes Bell The above business has been taken over by GEORGE WEEKES 5 Lorraine Court, Bowmanville PHONE 623-7345 1 appreciate the patronage of you mny customers over the years, and recommend Mr. Weekes to you, feeling confident he wiII look after your interests in a proficient manner. Peterborough is visiting ber to capacity. Rev. A. Tizzard sister 1'Mrs. R. Elliott this past preacheti the anniversary few tiays. message entitheti 'A Vital Many from this area attend- Change' anti our popular male ed Sbilh Bazaar hast Satur- choir sang three anthems day-wbich was a real success. 'Mansion over the Hilltop'. Last Saturtiay the Kinette Got i Wll Take Care of You Club of Orono belti their third also by special request 'How annual House Tour. Severil Great Thou Art'. Tbey were from Kendal area went on the accompanieti by Mrs. K. Wood tour anti enjoyeti it very much. at the organ. Kendal Church Service was Hallowe'en being helti Sat-, witbdrawn Suntiay morning urtiay evening there were lotsý because of anniversary ser- crf strange looking folk calling vice in Newtonville. Once from door to door, greeting the again the cburcb was packeti folk with 'Trick or Treat.' Hockey Hall of Fime Curator Comîing to %st. Paul'is Sund%Êy% Leoj *TRUCK and j AUTOi LESN àI 0li I o tlyo *'eul I a "h foefOD-asiIyHop*tlty" 16 Kn St.E 62-36B rnrvl Ie 16 Imm mm mm mm mmE2- La Fleur This Suntiay, November 7, 1976, St. Paul's Unitedi Cbi.rcb is honoureti to have Mr. Leo LaFleur, Curator of The International Hockey Hall of Fame, as their guest speaker at the regular il a. m. service of worship. Mr. LaFleur bas had a distinguisheti record of public service in ail segments of community life. 11e serveti on Victory Loan Committees in Toronto anti Kingston during the war years, anti bas been active in service clubs, bousing concerns, prison re- form, bospital directories anti sports, with hockey consum- ing much of bis time for the past twenty-five years. A- mong bis achievemnents he was named 'Man of the Year' in Kingston 1950, 'Boss of the Year' by the National Secre- taries Association 1963, anti in 1967 be was awarded 'The Canada Centennial Metial.' H1e bas serveti on the Boarti of Governors of Ongwanatia Hos- pital, Kingston, since 1949, as President of the Board anti currently as a Governor. This bospital bas evolveti as a resitiential care unit for men- tally anti physicalhy handicap- peti chiltiren, as well as geriatric care. Mr. LaFleur, -through bis great love of bockey, was instrumental in the estahhisb- ing of The International Hock- ey Hall of Fame in Kingston, anti bis work as Curator bas put bim on a first name basis with many of the hockey stars of totiay. His life bas been exceptional and inspirational as one of service to bis fellowman anti be is loveti anti respecteti by ail wbo know bjm. Mr. LaFleur is an active member of the Roman Catho- lic Cburcb anti when be was asked to corne anti speak to the people of St. Paul's be saiti 'it is the greatest complimnent you cao pay a man, to ask bim t(> corne anti worsbip witb you."- This Sunday will provitie a unique opportunity for ai to bear this man anti bis witness for his ongoing concern for people of ail creetis anti neetis in life. a new scbool in the-area. The present Warti Two board representative, Andy Thomp- son is also running against bim for the local seat. Mr. Montgomery, a resident in the Village of Newcastle is presently personnel officer at Durham College anti a mem- bero the Newcastle Lions Club. Mr. Wade, also in the Warti Three contest bas been a school bus driver for 18 years Dykstra's Delicatessen "The World of Foodsrf VISIT OUR MAPLE LEAF BREADED SAUSAGE DEMONSTRATION Try a piece of sausage served piping hot. Cooked to perfection. DEMO SPECIAL Breaded Sausage STORE SLICED Cooked Hom $e29 FRESH LEAN$13 PORK CUTLETS 39lb._ LEAN TENDER COMBINATION Leg O' Pork GROUND ROAST ý Beef-Pork-VeaI $1009 Ideal for $1 '.19 l ilb. Meatloaf l "FROM OUR PRODUCE DEPARTMENT" FRESH LOCAL GROWN $1 019 APPLES a. 5 lb. bagI Mac 1lntosh - Spy-s Courtieand or Del iclous COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND HAVE A FREE!! CUP 0F COFFEE WHILE YOU SHOP You will see the largest selection of fancy tins of biscuits, boxes of chocolates,' liqueur chocolates, novelties, Ideal gifts for Christmas. CHAPMAN'S TOASTMASTER Ice Cream WHITE SLICED $1 1 19Asst. BREAD $ Flavours 4 oz. 7à"&C a 2 litre pack 2 baves À Indonesian and West Indies' foods. Germa n Style Rye Bread Butter creamn cakes including the famous Black Forest cake. Finest Dutch style baked goods. FOR YOUR Meat Platters PARTY Snack Trays Cheese Platters etc. Ready to Serve 7 Made to your specification. FORYOUR GIFT Fancy_ Fruit or Food Basket Ranging from / $7.00 to $35.00 We will make it to suit the occasion. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE 0F HEALTH FOODS, MAXIMUM NUTRITION PRODUCTS SWISS HERBAL REMEDIES HAIN PURE FOOD PRODUCTS GRANOLA CEREALS etc. Dykstraî's Doàl catesýsen Food Market ""The Home of Qulity" .09 DEMPSTER 1CRUSTY OLD WORLD ROLLS save C 73-77 King St. W Free Parking- Enter f rom Queen St. ence on various scbool boards .He is also a Past Gran( Master of the Grand Lodge o Ontario, Independent Order o Odd Fellows. With board incumbents Bil Carman and George Cameror seeking positions again, therE are now four candidates in th( Ward Three contest. BURKETON Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bakei andt' Pam were dinner guest o Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker, boni Sault. Mr. Lewis Patterson baw returned home from Bowman ville Hospital recovering froir surgery. We wish bim speedy recovery. Mr. Ralph Grace is muet, better anti able to be out oi bospital. All very best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. G. Allisoni openeti their home to rela- tive's friends anti neighbour for a presentation and tea for Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Stephenson ,who are now living in Bow- manville anti surrounding country attended. Mr. and Mrs. B. Lee, Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs. H. Grace on the weekend. Mr. Russell Cochrane is a patient in Bowmanvilhe Hospi- tal. We wishbhima a rapiti recovery. Mrs. D. Patterson opened ber home for a shower for Mrs. Donna Buma, Bowman- ville (the former Donna Archi- ,bald of Burketon). Many useful, gifts were receiveti followeti by a lovely buffet lunch. Many frientis. anti neigbbours attentied fromn Mississauga, Oshawa, Bow- maInville and surrountiing country. Our- sympathy goes out to the family of Mrs. Tom Gibbs (Cobourg) who passed away recently. She' will'be greatly mnisseti by her family, friends and neigbbours at Tyrone. Our tboughts are with our sick friends of our village and community, some who are under the tioctors care, others wbo are taking therapy daily ail our best to them. Mrs. H. Allison is spentiing a few days visiting relations anti friends in Oshawa. Mr. anti Mrs. Ted Holroyti anti family, Bowmanville called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holroyti on the weekenti. Belateti congratulations to Mrs. E. Bayan (formerly of Burketon) on cehebrating ber 9Otb birthtiay. Long Sault Mr. anti Mrs. Peter Mc- Cormick, Courtice were Sun- day supper guests of Mr,. anti Mrs. G. Baker. Mr. anti Mrs. G. Baker, Ruth anti Garry were Suniay afternoon callers of Mr-. anti Mrs. T. Hall anti Lisa, JaneVihi1e. Mr. Chris James, Lintisay was a Sunday supper guest of Mr. anti Mrs. G. Kovacs anti girls. Mrs. G. Kovacs, Judy and Louise visiteti Mr. Fred Part- ner, Orono Sunday afternoon. Mr, anti Mrs. Joe Leavens, H-aytion; Mr. anti Mrs. Peter Ercegovac anti Anna were Saturtiay evening guests of MIr. anti Mrs. G. Kovacs anti girls. Reati "Coming Events" i-e- gartiing Club 50 Penny anti Bake Sale, anti afternoon tea, Netinelstay at 2 p.m. Sympathy of the community goes out to the family of the late Mrs. Clara Gibbs who )assed away hast week. H"AY DON0 Club 21, November m eeting wiul be belti at the Community Centre on 1Monday evening, November 8tb. Group 3 in bharge, Eileen Blackburn, Kay- Buttery, Jean Garrari, Jean Ashton- in charge. n e o l e o n t c r e n e w a v o r the other.- - - - - He noted that the people were objecting to strip de- velopment and yet they had brought their own homes on the site of strip development. In reply to questions from council, Mr. Halminen, who is the builder of 18 houses on the street, said he had no "pecun- iary interest" in the property next door. He said, however, that he couldn't predict what the situation would be in five years' time. At present, council is on record as recommending that the Pedwell development plan be recognized in the Durham Region Offical Plan. Councillor Lyall aid Mon- and family, Blackstock, visit- ed Miss Cora Degeer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Potts, Charlene and Christophelr were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Camn- eron, Pontypool. Hallowe'en was on Saturday nîght. Not much da-mage being done, in t1his village. The chi1dren alea 4ehomes, for treats. The' ekiltiren gath- ered at the Community Centre with their Unicef boxes and were treated to cookies and chocolate milk.L The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville,' Novem ber 3, 1976 15 Reffsidents Obec To Strip D evelopmnent The' case for and against day nigbt tbat council should development on the Pedwell favor the development on property, about a mile south Bellwood Drive because it's a of tbe Lockharts School; was matter of fair play. He said presented to town council tbe former township of Clarke Monday night. bad approved a development A spokesman who saiti he with bouses on both sides of a represented 85 to 90 per cent of street. the residents on Bellwooti 'He said council couldn't Drive, told council that the expect a man to builti on a developmnent of more bouses road and then give him alon.,g the.street is not wel- approval to build bouses only corne on one side of the roati. He said there are 18 new --- ahomes now located on the East LETTE R TO EDITOR side of the drive and that there Dear Editor: are 32 homes proposeti for I am writing to various land across the roati from the newspapers across Canada in existing houses. the hopes, of making contact Mervyn S. Everali saiti in a witb members of the Ship's brief to council that this strip Company wbo sailed in the tievelopment "is the type of Canadian Navy frigate residential devehopment that H.M.C.S. "CAP-DE-LA- is not 'compatiblewitb farm MADELEINE" during the a nd orcharti pursuits." years 1944-45. He saiti his group is also It bas been over 30 years concernied with tbe effect of 32 since we saiti our- "so longs" extra welhs in the area. and went our separate ways "Another 32 wells may 4e- and just maybe there are prive us of our water. Hàs some wbo have taken up council considered wbo would resitience in this area.> be responsible if this bap- I hope to re-establish olti pens?" tbe brief asks. friendsbips by means of a But even though Mr. Ever- newsletter and if possible, all's group opposeti the extra organize a reunion in 1977. bouses, at least one resident Those wbo serveti in ber on the street said be was in tiuring ber first Commission favor of development. (1944-45) or those wbo bave H. Halminen saiti he tiidn't knowletige of anyone wbo did believe 90 per cent of the so, may contact me at the residents on the street were following adtiress -- against the project. H1e added Les Williams that too often people wbo 327 Asbland Avenue object the most vocally are Winnipeg, Manitoba beard while tbe majority of R3L 1L6 mr.antimryDgr Announcing FLOWERS *FRESH " TROPICAL GREEN PLANTS 3 STORES: SHighway No. 22 King St. E., Oshawa Vd Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Wach for the ROWAN TREE -I TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE NO'TICE Due f0 a holding of a SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING in the Council Chambers, Church Street, Bowman- ville t0 consider secondary plans produced by the Town's -Consultants for the areas of Courtice, Bowman- ville, and' Newcastle Village, the regular meeting of the Town's PLANNING ADVISORY COMMIT- TEE scheduîed for 7:30 p.m., November 8, 1976, has been postpon- ed f0 7:30 p.m., November 22, 1976. Copies of the consul tants plans will be on isplay in the Town Hall, 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville Connelly's Scottish Bakersy featuring AUTHENTIC SCOTTISH BAKING " PLAIN SLICED LOAF WITH BLACK CRUST " MORNING ROLLS CAKES e PUFFEDPASTRY *MEAT PIES " BRIDIES *SAUSAGE ROLLS e SLICED SAUSAGE* LINK SAUSAGE e BELFAST HAM OAYRSHIRE BACON- * BLACK PUDDING 'HAGGIS BOND TOWERS MALL OSHIAWA Telephone 579-4872 q. ~ 44auffl , 92K«fflý 0 0 0 Bowmanville