6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 3, 1976 Section Two CWL Holds Profitable Annual Bazaar the past 5 years. In Septem- ber, the Lord Elgin Public School in Bowmanville bene- fited by our loss. The present- ation was made with best wishes and sincere thanks for ail Mrs. Brownell meant to us and our children. Mrs. Marcie Sully is our new school secretary.: Mrs. Lang, the school's health nurse, honoured us with ber presence and mingled with the parents ail evening. She also spoke during the general meeting. Mrs. Lang outlined the health program as carried out by the Public Health Service. Parents were encouraged to call when they have questions and concerns. The phone number is 623-2511 and the Office is at Il Lambert St.S., Bowmanville. Liana Lloyd modeled a sample school T-Shirt. The colour, lettering, and style were voted on and approved. Mitchell's Corners Public School will soon be the proud owners of 30 T-Shirts crested with the schools name on the front and on the back. Nancy Clark, Membership Chairman, was on hand to seil Home and'School Member- ships. To date, 74 families of 108 families in our school have purchasedthese memberships for $2, also 12 teachers and neighbours. This $2 Member- ship is sent to Toronto to the Ontario Federation of Home and School. Ail Home and une otne many enertaining reatures of tne UWL Bazaar on October 23rd was this game that can be played on any television set, if you have the right attachment. These youngsters played the game for a considerable length of time at so much per game, until their funds ran out. School Associations across Ontario send in their member- ship money to be used for research and work which benefits ALL CHILDREN, including our own. Ruth Mclntyre, Ways and Means Chairman was giving receipts for $1. These dona- tions are used by Mitchell's Corners Home and School Association for purchasing T-Shirts, gifts, trophies, badges, ribbons, prizes, etc., as is deemed necessary as the year progresses. All donors of $1 will receive an itemized explanation of the spending of this money to be sent out during the last couple of weeks, June 1977. Many parents brought their small- children as we had several girls who volunteered to babysit. Four girls came to the school while five other girls were available to babysit in the homes. Thank you girls! Nine families provided a lunch of breads and cheeses. Fern Lawson, Social Convener Thanked each family. Our next meeting will be held at M.J. Hobbs, Senior Public School, located on Taunton Road, just west of Hampton. This is a "Meet the Candidate" meeting. All Can- didates seeking a position in Ward 1 in the Municipal Election to be held in early December, will be given an opportunity to outline their qualifications for the post they Horticulture Convention Directors are Re-Elected District 4 Annual Horticul- ture Convention was held at Kinmount on Saturday with Kinmount Horticultural Society as host. The meeting was called to order by District 4 Director Clarence Tink who introduced the assistant Directors Mrs. Harry Jose, Newcastle and Mrs. Aileen Chiddicks of Bobcaygeon. The meeting was well attended with over one hundred and forty members. Delegates from each of the eighteen Societies answered the roll call. Mr. Russell Gomme, Secre- tary of the Ontario Horticul- tural Association discussed finances for the District and also grants and finances for each Society. Mr. Gomme conducted the election when the same Directors were re-elected to office. Several business items were discussed for future meetings in the District. A delicious luncheon was served. Mrs. Fountain, Presi- are seeking The general public will be-given the opportunity to get to know the people who act on their behalf. Plan to attend this meeting- Communication Works--Talk- ing About It Does Not. dent of Kinmount Horticultur- al Society welcomed the guests. Mrs. Mansfield of Kinmount Village Council brought greetings from the village. Mr. Alastair Crawford Past President of the Ontario Horticulture Association brought greetings from the Association. Head table guests were introduced by Mrs. Jose. Mr. Jim Thompson enter- tained through the dinner hour with bagpipe music. The speakers for the after- Dominion Securities Corp., tarris & Partners Ltd. is pleased to announce that as in previous years MISS MARGARET W. ALLIN is their AGE NT for the Sale of CANADA SAVINGS BONDS 1976 berges Miss Allin may be contacted at 55 Centre St., Bowmanville --623-5607 noon were Mr. Lynn Dennis from the Royal Botannical Gardens in Hamilton who spoke on the "Youth Pro- gram" and Mr. LeRoy Brown retired agricultural represent- ative of Victoria county who spoke on "Putting your gar- den to sleep for winter." The District presented Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stephens with a service award plaque recog- nizing their work as Director and assistant Director for District 4. A door prize was drawn. The meeting was adjourned with everyone agreeing that it was a day well spent. Mtchell's Corners HSA Mitchell's Corners Home and School Association held their second meeting of this schoo'lyear, Wednesday, Octo- ber 20, 1976. The evening was devoted to the explanation of the curriculum program. Each teacher outlined the program they would be follow- ing and the .methods they would be using. Parents had many questions answered and the general feeling during the evening was one of under- ATTENTION FARMERS! WHY PAT MORE? SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY GAS - DI ES E LTFUE L MOTOROIL Prompt Delivery Please Cal Collect Dx O WHITBY 668-3381 .1k. I standing and encouragement. At 7 p.m. Mrs. Varga, the Kindergarten teacher and Mrs. Yellowlees the level 1 and 2 teacher, spoke to the parents of their students. At 7:20, Mrs. Klompmaker, the teacher for levels 2 and 3 and Mrs. Nelson, the teacher for levels 3 and 4, spoke to the parents of their students and encouraged parents to view their children's books. Both teachers explained the read- ing program. At 7:40 Mr. McGhee, the teacher for level 5 and Mr. Pitt, the teacher for level 6, spoke to the parents of their students. Mr. Pitt spoke very openly and warmly to all parents gathered at the school. Mr. Pitt stressed "Not Freedom", but instead "Re- sponsible Freedom." General headings in order of import- ance were, (1) Academic, (2) Physical, (3) Social, (4) Emo- tional, (5) Moral. Keeping in mind that a balance of all five is needed if we are to have a good feeling about ourselves and consequently fit into society favourably. At8p.m., a general meeting was held for all uarents. A total of 65 parents and teachers attended. This part of the evening opened with the reading of a few lines credited to William Jeffries: "My father knew all my faults, but to hear him talk (and in my presence, at that) you would think I had few equals. He showed in a hundred ways that he approved of me. When I disappointed him, he never showed anger, but instead assured me that he knew I would do better next time. That I could do great things. Everyone should have one Ferson somewhere in his life ke my father.' Grace Kinghorn then read an account of our first meeting. A family night in the form of a corn roast, also, the minutes of our last executive meeting held on October 5, 1976. Mandy Huxter, one of the grade 6 students, was on hand to present a charm set to Mrs. Joyce Brownell. The set. consisted of a circle with the school's name engraved on it and a typewriter charm. Mrs. Brownell had been the secre- tary at Mitchell's Corners for Pn tn You PDsement DeaveP Heu EvePything You Need. Bondex Muriatic Polyfilla Patch Maskung 7/2Paint Paint Acid Powder BondexConcrete Tape Rouer Se Wre Cretaex Use for ail Interlor Use for removing Patch wtth strong uality general pur- Heavy metal tray with Bauth m snry wals.For- stains from brick, Repairs plaster, wood bonding properties. pose tape for mask- Iadder hooks. Drilled Long handle wire to walls, ceilinga, etc. tfled th Siicone. Stone and matai and walboard. Take, For repair on ai types ing sealing, repairing handie ta take handy bru with wood han- Use for crafts, motifs. 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