THOMAS UNLIMITED SOUND FOR UNLIMITED FUN Feel like listening 10 an orchestra? Or do you prefer a quiet guilar solo? li's entirely up to you because Thomas puts a host of features at yoair command so you can repro- duce any one or combination of, instruntnal voice-s. And With, Thomast,' automjatic rhhý lm section you c(anilay t\ini any syeyuchoose tfrom walt]z 10 rock. Simnply push a but ton and you a1re a'ccom- panied hby an ubleal realsti pecussion seLtion Ils all part oif an opportunity that1 Thomias offers you ... an Oppor tunýity 10o play and create beautitul sounds ... an oppor- tunity you won't want 10 pass Up. Evenît ou've nexer played a musical instrument before, yo)u a sit down at any Thomiïas: organ and imr) mdaeyptaýy your choice of a ()ret f songs. It's al possible becwause of Thomas' excluive C lo teaching aid. AIl you hiave 10 do is louch a bhut t on and (the keys lighl Up. Then s )i ath thelighted keys 1ithe olors on our spcial Color Gio music and youre layngyour favorite lunes,. Plus clrcddradial arc pdasdesigned 10 match the ,naturald swing of your foot mnake youir music even more emiigad challenging. Youll even astound yourself ýith your new, instantly acquired mnusical talents. Again, îils lust sonmething you Il have 10t see and hepar Io believeC. And when you buy a Trhomas organ , \ou can rest assured that youi're buying a musical instrument of the highest qualt, v possible. From y' our viewpoint il all begins on the outside with the quatit -crafted cabinet. But it goes a1 lot deeper than thlat... deeper wiýthin thie organ and dIeepeýr within the comn- pany Jîî fact it actuallY begins with a basic attitude at Thomas ... an attitude thiat penetrates our enlire com-i pany, touching everyone and everything from the original design on the drawing board t0 the finished prodî'eî- Why? Because our people care,...not only about their Jobs butabu the products they prodluce. They wanl you to be satýi isfIed i n every way because îheyý're, not happy until you arc. Thdt's why wu try tu put ourselves mb toyour shoes 10 offer you the quatity you want and thwetatures vou xvant. How xvxe select tePeaýkers xvc use- is a goodeape Xe'rc n ot impresýsed hy pec fications atone. But wce impressed hy gond. c, crisp sound., So we listen.Bu the important thing is hx x isten. W~e use an anechoic.. chamber. . .a rcomthat is, no! onty absotuteix oudprot but also acî1s hke aggni sponge so Iheres-,no cho or rex erberation. But speakers arent the only thin2 we check in the anechoic chamber. Wealso make sure thai every v oice is reproduced fo perfection. lFor example, we thinik a snaîre, drum should sound ike a sniare drum, so we hire a protessional drummer to lisf(tn 1 our snare drum. And when he's satisfied, we're salisfiied. And trlials' onty« I he begin- ning. IMintainiing quality con- trot is ai ncnless process of tsigand inspecting aI' Thomas. It slarts with check- ing every element that goes into our organs and ends by randomflyN puling organs from stock forifurther checking. Aýnd it att adds up 10 one thing.. .dedfication Io quality, assurinig ithat everyv Thomnas organ wVill provide years of deedbeservice and enjoy- mient. Think about, quality and versatiiy in one easy-to- play instrumentL. Sound good? Then see the complete lime of Thomas organs at your near- est Thomas dealer. A, New Direction In Fun Theres a special satisfac- tioni that active people get trom doinîg things- That's why they tilt their lives witýh artivily and sectvr wse minute as tost lime whiîh can nevx ctbe regained. The> are aiwaysbusbecýi-ause lhey like it tawy. They possess a dyjnaic sp!itiiitat provides hinwîth the energy neces- sar, toejyltand bto lve iteo is ttesAnd even xxhnthey rlathey don't just sil. They'ýd rather be engaged in some relaxing actix ilv. That's xhy their l tvs are titled with contînuous enjoyment. And that's why theyire happy. In tact, more and more ot these active people are dis- covering a tun new-way 10 relax that is consistent wilh their brisk pace. They've discovered Thomas organis. Thomas has created a total specîrum of lislening and playing pleasure which is calching on fast with today's active people. And they've made it s0 easy that you can enjoy your own beautiful music trie first lime you ever sit down aI an organ. Yel it's still enough of a challenge 10 be exciting and entertaining. Fun bas taken an entirely new direction and Thomas is leading the way. So why not follow a good thing. Play on, wilh a Thomas organ and keep that satisfied feeling every minute of your life. Sigbts en Sound Supplement of The Canadian Statesman. Novembe 3. 1976 3 atu MULE 23 King Street Eaist lER \FURITURE Your Eleetrophonie Dealer 623-5515S Bowmani E hoic AM-FM RADIO, TAPE DECK, GARRARD TURNTABLE, 2 SPEAKERS and STANDV EARPHONES Y COMPLIMENTAflY TAPEý and LP Ail For OnIy Deposit will Hold It 'til1 Christmas TH E G ENOA H2552 P Timeless elegance and graceful uines dlistinguish thisIalnCasc styled full base console with caste-rs. Design highlight,ýs incl-ude shaped, framed overhanging top, routed pilasters flanking front, decorative brass-finished meta Iwork over richly-pleatedi fabric in ,speaker area. Genuine Pecan veneers and select hardwood solids on, top, ends and base. Front of simulated wood. Entire cabinet lis beauÏtifully finished in Pecan color with the look of fine distressing. Cabinet size: 315/" H, 407/a" W, 185/"D. The quality goes in before the name goes oni ÎLd-lu 0Radio & TV H-Iarvey SmithSae & Service "We Service What We SeIl . .. Ourselves") 356 Duke Street A6232013f 'IB wmarnville -w- VIlîle Ji r 1 ý,w;9wifflj Il %WÀKBIW-âbff a 4mr V.0%PVW lu sffl UV m lequ