Hockey Cliînic Offe rs Lessons For Referees If -ail hockey fans were content ,ta remain armchair referees, the game might comé ta a sudden close. Except for a brave group willing ta face frantic fans at each garne, hockey would probably decay into a state of pure anarchy. 1 A group with this patential comprised the f irýft class of the National Referees Certifica- tion Program in Bowmanville. The i 29 who showed up for a__e opening lecture and prac- tice session of the course ranged ,in age frm 12 ta 45. But 'each man had the common goal of becamîng one of the courageous few who dare'ta referee the sport. Athough that may sound exaggerated, it probably bas become a fact of life for a large pèeentage of those who go on ta train as professional refereesý. Mr. Ivan Locke, one of the two men who taught the class in Bowmanville last Wednes- day, is in bis twentieth year of teaching the referees course. One of the most'important characteristics for a referee ta have is a sense of humor. Mr. Locke said. After that, quali- ties sûch as desire and hustle help ta make a referee an even betterjudge of the game. "There's no such thing as a bad referee,' he maintains. "Some are just better than others. " One of the first instructors hired ta teach the course, over the past 20 years he has gained an extensive knowledge of the ruies of the game. The course was made national about three years ago and now allows anyone who passes thraugh the six levels ta referee a game in any province of Canada. Offered under the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association, one of the main aims of the pragram is ta pravide stand- ard methods and techniques for referees ta use. Before the National Refer- ees Certification Program (NRCP) was formed the rules of the game were often varied even within the same pro- vince, Mr. Locke pointed out. Since gaing national, how- ever, the NRCP lias trîed ta regulate the rules uniformly across the country. In addition, the program offers an apportunity far training ta those interested as well as supplying the variaus leagues with a number af qualified officiais. 1After a session running framn three ta five hours, ail 29 wha registered in the course pas- sed the first level quaiifying them ta referee in bouse league hockey. For those who ga on, level two is an eight hour session which includes a national evaluatian test with a 70 per cent minimum as the passing mark. It opens the doar to competitive hockey for an official. The course becomes tougher at each level. The.,passing mark for the test given in the third stage of the programa is 80 per cent. Each stage after that is twa days long and carnies a pre-requisite of successfui comoletion of the preceding level.' With the right training and expenience, Mr. Locke is hopeful that sometime in the near future officiais will even receive same respect from the fans in the stands. a Don Martin point shot, witb Clarke Teams Win COSSA Voile ybcll Championships an assist ta Vanseggelen. Muskies' third and last goal ~'was a bard shot by Steve .~>'<Doyle. Ted Pýik fired the isblance goal with a low batbeating goalie Dave 4V Jamean. Rory Gibbs scored Ythe final goal assisted by Gary ~'Nemisz with some excellent ~.pit work by Nemisz. ~ Marinas were without -the servcesof eguans, Boyd Knox, AI Emard, Don Spicher and goalie Len Chappell. Danny Wilcox filling in as backup goalie alang with defenceman Mark Stanley up fromf the Juveniles for the game played wP11 _Z NighttHawks Bowling November 3, 1976 High single - Peggy Whalen 270, high triple- Mary Erwin .Team Standings ble 2476-20, Peggy Whaien S2758-171/2, lice Lorusso 2479- Both the junior and senior boys' volleyball teams from Clarke High School captured the "A" championships of the Central Ontario Secondary School Association on November 3rd. T he seniors swept their series, wînning the final in two straight games over Cloyne, while the juniors lost only one match to Bancroft on their way to the top spot. In the senior photo, the players are (back row) left to right, Bill MacKay, Calvin Allun, Rick Annaert, Carl Lowery, Milan Popadich, Steve Allin and Coach Lyn Lowry. At the front are Co-captains Graydon Moore and John Cornish. McGregor IDA Bantams St111 Waiting tor a Win The McGregor IDA Bantam Taras are stili winiess after drapping two games in the nast week. Argo/Chaparral SUPER SHARK available with 340c.c. and 440c.c. liquid cooled engine. Argo SHARK, with 400c.c. and 440ecc fan cooled engine. TEST DRIVE A SHARK TODAY AT: OSHA'ÏWAà" SNOWMOBILE CLINIC King St. E. 1/4 mile east of Town Line Telephone Oshawa 723-8861 ~ Shar-k The Clarke'junior team was coached by- Grade 13 student Janet Lovekin, one of the top female high school volleyball players in the province. In the front row, from left to right, are Ross Stutt, Jim Lycett, Captain Kevin Russell and Jeff Payne. At the back are Manager Mike Charland, Marcel Charland, Dave Hutton, Brian Allun, Don Rowley and Coach Lovekin. On Saturday, November l3th at Bowmanville High Sehool, Clarke is hosting the Ail-Ontario Volleyball Championships, which will feature some of the top high school teams in the province. The ail day tourney starts at 9:30 a.m. and tickets will be available at the door. On Nov. 3 in Port Penny, they lost a 6-2 decision ta' the Pont club. The Taras were riglit in this game for two periods but with constant hanassment fnom one official and a string of penalties, the roof fell in and Part PerTy scored thnee unanswe îfed goals in the thind. Andy Paton got bath Mc- Gregon IDA goals with assists ta Dale Broome on the first one and Dennis Simnpson and Sweet Victbry for Marinas Over By Don Wi Bowmanville iM, upwith what is( sweet victary on beating Lindsay oc ice, which is alwz task. Most B( teams have learn way that you mu notoiiaus neferee the tougli Lindsa) Broome on the se On Saturday, Danlington Arena Reviera Pizza Bi loped the Taros Sallows had twog drugstore boys int first was assist Vandergaast and and the second Cannfieid andi gaast. Lennie Ei third goal from man and Tony CI Randy Lake w defence but the team was "out tc mast of the game The Taras appeý sornething agair dowîî the oppusitic their own net as t] ers were lef t at tI the Osbawa sba time and time agi tbe lads on this te grit and desire th tial for a winning improvement ir must aiso be foit make this teams Next homne gamq day, Nov. 10 Darlington arenaý 1)011vr Lindsay Friday ilcox Marinas tunned in a blend of laninas came good plays ta came up with a 7 classed as a ta 4 win. They had gaod Friday night, goaltending from Bob Koczu- n their home lab wbo played in place of ays a tough Lennie Chappell wbo was burt owmanville- in practice by a Ted Puk blast. ied the liard Excellent penalty kiliing by iust beat the variaus combinatians with s as weîî as Marinas being assessed 44 ty team. penalty minutes. Several of the calîs were questianable ;econd. including three delay of game Nov. 6 at calîs also a bencli penalty with the Oshawa c'oach Cosburn singled out in an'"anls _waî referee AI White's desire ta )s 7-3. Jet, exercise bis autbority aven the goals for the team and its entbusiastic tans. this one. The The bitting department, ted by Ab wicb-is a must, was beaded d AI Turne y b y Captain Joe Humenick witb d by Bian a bone rattling open ice body Ab Vanden- check ta Lindsay's Bob Craig. ick gat the Rory Gibbs gave a good Iow Steve Huis- blue line bit, backed by beavy lief. board cbecking by Gary ,vas solid on Nemisz, and lion Strike- rest of the Anothen key factor in the wîn Lo lunch" for was Coach Bill Cosburns full e. use of a;] players which ýrp1 tc have resulted iii goal productioni ist knacking ion in front of the goaltend- the mercy af' ïarpsbooters lain. Some of eam lack the ,hat is essen- team. A big in cbecking thcomning ta successful. ie is Wednes- (tonight) at iat 7:30 p.rn. Night from all tbnee lines. Bowmanville got on the score board first at the 18.02 mark by Jerry Johnson fnom Ted Puk and Gary Cox. Lindsay vetenan Steve Doyle was assessed a costly penalty for taking a cheap late shot at Steve Dunn witb Ted Puk turning it into a goal which was set up by Rony Gibbs. Lindsay narrowed the gap scaning on a penalty ta Joe Humenick. Ron Stnike was allawed ta walk around the net, passing ta Nick Vansegge- len wlho picked the top of the net for goal number tbree. Lindsay scored their second goal witb a great skating effoart by Bob Craig. Nick Vanseggelen gave Ma- ri as a twa goal margin late in the second witb assists ta 'l'l-ly Sarginson and Brian Simupson. Speedster John lngram scored lor Lindsay 21 seconds ino the third periad. Jerry Sarginson again gave Marinas a two goal cushion, deflecting Great service. You oan t be an Aro; c Cat dealer for long unless you offer Arctie-qualhty service. Vfe want to be Cat dealers a long, long time. So treat your Cat to us .. ad we'll see that you spend more timne on the snow and leas time in the, shop. We wmnt you to have a feeling about he way you~r at us KENDAL HILLS Sales and Service R. R. 1, Kendal1, Ont. 4 miles east of Kirby off Hwy. 115 983-5671 ARG0440 Only 400 OnIy $1095 $1045 I Authorized Dealer for I ARCTIC BOOT Ideal for Ice Fishing and Snowmobiling I The Canadian Statesmin. Bowmanville Novemib'pr 10 1976) CLummings Bntm ite with Mark ham On October zi, uummings Major Bantams tied Mark- ham at 1-1. The game, played at Dar- lington Arena, displayed close checking and end ta end play. Brent Clemens started the Taras off an the right foot when he scored with 4:14 ta go in the first period. The goal was assisted by Terry--Rig- gers. i3ut 12 seconds later MacDonald came back ta knot the score at 1-1. John Storgoard who played a spectacular game, made 15'2ý, Gloria Vanson 2428-1412. Games Over 200 P. Whaien 270-224, M. Erwin 226-265, M. Summers 239-209, 1. Wright 237-224, A. Larusso 23-209, D. Verleysen 221-209, D. Banner 215, J. Rowe 2127204, G. Vansoný 203, B. Smith 203-202. many kçey saves ta keep the Taras in the game. The Taras played a -fine game against this bard skating, well balane- ed team from Markham. Final score 1-1. On Saturday, October M0 the Oshawa Kinsmen Triple A team visited the' Taras at Bowmanville Arena and re- corded a 4-0 victary. Alter a close i irst anu second perind the fast skating, hustling Kinsmen team scored three goals in the third periad ta ensure the win. The Taras bad trailed only be the score af 1-0 at the end of the second, îperiod. Luoai scarers ior Oshawa were McClelland, Richard, Michaud and Cooper. Next action for the Taras is Saturday, November 5 at 8:00 at Bowmanviile Arena. "SPOTLIGHT on GIFTS"l for Christmas- 67 King St. E. Phone 623-2546 Bowmanville O WASCO VOLIKSWAGEN LTD.- Porsche + Audi ,, Presents "'àThe Player of the Weeki" BOB KOCZULAB Bob is one of the Bowmanville Eagles' goaltenders and he played an outstanding game on F rida y.nighf in Lindsay as the Eagles won by the score of. 7 - 4. On Sunday night in Bowmanville, the Eagles defeated Frankford to the convincing score of 8 - 1 and once again Bob played an excepfionally fine game, coming up with several key saves. IOUR BODY SHOP 15 MODERN, BUT WE- ITAKE OLD FASHIONED PRIDE IN OUR jWORKMANSH IP.1 1425 D"indas6 68- 9% n oÀ St. E. V 7O' The. "77's"are Horst Whitby 1 SUPERSHARK440....... Only $1695 340.. OnIy $1545 NOW OPEN Ted S New and Used Goods, 73 King St. E. (formerly Scott's Antiques) Bowrnanville j LIGNI FIXTURES-TAB LE LAMPS-SHOES and BOOTS I YARD GOODS Many, Many More Items at Substantial Savings ""Corne In and Browse . . You're Always Welcome!",, Hockey Sicks Gy koho - Titan - Canadien Cooper - CCM Equipment by Cooper Complote Une of Head Gear by CCM Local Headquarters for Weider Body Building9 Equipinent D&R Sports and Ski Shop 8 5 King St. W. 623-3421 W r o BowmavilleOpen TiI19: 00 Tickets Availaâble Here for IThurs. andl Fri. and The Provincil We wish to express our sincere thanks to anyone connected wvith the B.M.FI.A. Toros f or their thoughtf u 1 ness and best wishes, WiIIlie, Sharon, Troy and Trevor Zoschke.