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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1976, p. 10

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10 'lhi, Canadian Statesmari RAwmanviliI November 10, 1976 Agricul turalU News Far-iig Tday- Mnagng aware oî flow environnmentai 1976, witti the: With Facts and Figures restrictions, iivestock hus- 9: 00 a. m.,, Today's farmer is becoming bandry, budget, and building starting at 1: increasingly aware, of the systems have affected the so soe imprtace f ccuaterecrd individual farming unit. 20 years of agE keeping for his farming opera- On Thursday, November show one-anin tion. Production records, llth, ail delegates wiil take from any b business agreements, finan- part in the Inter-County Live- beef-dairy ec cial records,, marketing re- stock Evaluation Competition the case in turns,,and credit are some of which is held at several farm animais will1 the topics that 91 young locations in York County. ring in the ni farmers from across Ontario Friday will include visits to will be sold, will be considering on the livestock marketing facilities during the a Junior, Farmer. Livestock in Toronto, inciuding the selliniz chare Management Tour taking Ontario Stock Yards, and ed. AIl entries place this week, November 7th Canada Packers, a visit to the and free ir( to 12th. Dale Van Camp, R.R.1 Royal Agriculturai Winter diseases, ar Biackstock, Paul Whitney, R. Fair, and an Awards Banquet.* exhibited mu R. 3, Port Hope, and John The tour winds up on Friday owned by the Heeringa, R. R. 1, Fraserville evening when the participants 120 days pric are the delega tes representing wiii be guests of the Royal Prize money Durham County on the Tour. 'Agricuitural Winter Fair at the Ontario SI Approximately 15 farms in the Horse Show. trophy to the1 the Simcoe County area will wl lob be visited during the Tour. Ontario Stockyards Junior wntiiasomuste Operators of Swine, Dairy, Show and Sale tentari ms Beef, and Sheep enterprises Once again this year,' the theeOntreet wili discuss with the young Ontario Public Stockyards, KeceeSreeL men and ladies their manage- and the Ontario Stockyards frDemcm be mentphiosohie an idas. Board are holding their An-fom cab metWhil si isitin the ash nual Junior Show and Sale on the Ontario participants will become more Saturday, December 11th, yars show starting at and the sale .2:00 noon. The to young people le or lcss who can nal per exhibitor beef breed, or -ss, or whatever might be. The be shown in the norning 'and then with no shrink auction, and no ees beinsz assess- ýmust be healthy rom contagious id ail animais sst be fed and eexhibitor from, ir to the show. 7is awarded by :ockyards, and a Champion Steer e awarded. Al be forwarded to Stockyards, 590 4, Toronto, by .st, and entry ýobtained from Public Stock- OntaIvrio G!uiuelniI for Sludge Applications The sncrcasing problem of disposing of sludge from towns and cities i Ontario, there has been a txiend in the pa st number of years towards putting some of this material on agricultural land. Because of the variability and the metal content, and other material in sludges, the On-, tario Ministry of Environment has drawn up Guidelines for Sludge Application on agricul- tural land. We have had a number of rcquests from farmers in the area regarding the use of sludge on their land, s0 we would like to pass on these Guidelines to you at this time. Only digested sludges, that is those that have been process- ed through a digester at a plant can be put on agricultur- ai land. Sludge shouid oniy be put on souls with iess than a 60 parts per million phosphate rcading in the soul, and they also should not be applied to organic soils. Ammonium ni- trate application is not to exceed 120 pounds per acre every 5 years, and at the same time, theammonium nitrogen content must be known within 25 per cent in the sludge. Only sludges of acceptable metal content may be applied. We will not go into the criteria or amounts of metais, however, this information can be obtain- ed from the Ministry of Environment Regional of-' fices, or through the Agricul- turai office. As well, metal additions are not to exceed specified levels in the siudge. Sludge shouid only be put on souls of a pH value of 6 or above, and one of the most important ones is that no grazing or vegetable produc- tion should take place on lands where siudge has been applied for at least 6 months. These We're the new owners of JAMIESON TIRES downtown at 46 King St.W. in DO WMAN VILLE. Vern McGill Roger Cochrane Although we are new faces at Jamieson Tire, we are flot new to the area. Roger has 1ived j ust outside of Bowmanvil1le f or the past 14 years and Vern is f rom Oshawa. With Rogers past automotive experience, Vern's eager desire to serve - we know we can build a reputation to serve your tire needs. Like our old friend Frank Jamieson, we believe we have to back our solid UNIROYAL products with sol id customer service. We've got the products (right now is a good time to see our complete line of UNIROYAL Snow Tires). And we stili have Frank at the store to help us greet his old customers. And we hope to greet our old friends too! Join us Nov. 18 for our GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION UKIROAL (watch for details in our ad, on Nov. 17) JAMIESO&ý'N TIRE 46 King Street West, Bowmanville. Ont. Your Complete Tire Service Shop are some of the general guidelines regarding sludge application for Ontario,, and farmers who are thinking about using sludges should get further information fromn the Ministry of the Environment or through the Agricultural office, and our- Agricultural Engineer. ý1 Estimating Winter Feed Requirements With most of the corn silàge now off in the County, and a good deai of the grain corn now being taken off, many farmers are checking their feed supply to sec if they have enough to carry them through until next year's feed starts to come off.FoloQwing are offer-' cd as _guides only, howevcr, they will give you some idea of the requirements that you will need for a dairy operation in this case. As far as grains are concerned, larger cows re- qu re approximately 2.2 tons of grain to produce 13,000 pounds of milk per year. Smalier Breeds such as: Jersey and Guernsey wili require somewhat less rang- ing from 1.8 to 2 tons of grain per year. In roughages, we express roughage require- ments in terms of hay equivalent. One pound of hay is equai to approximateiy 2 pounds of haylage or 3 pounds of corn silage. Cows will consume approximately 2 pounds of good quality of hay equivalent for each 100 pounds Thursciay, November il - The Durham County Beef Producers, Directors' Meet- ing, Agricuiturai Office, Bow- manville, at 8:00 p.m. November il - 14 - The of bdy eigt pr da. Fr ton eetig, oroto.Conference, Skyline Hotel, retis and frie example: 1,200 pound cow November' 12 - 20* - The Toronto. death of the lai wouid consume approximate- Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. November 29 - December 1 - Moore. He was a ly 24 -pounds of goo d quality Monday, November 15 - 9:30ý The Ontario Federation of our former store] hay per day. During the a.m., Public hearing on Chick- Agriculture Annual Meeting, W. Yarema and M~ winter period of approximate- en Marketing Agency, Inn of at the Holiday Inn, Hamilton. Mr. Don Morton ly 220 days, this would amount The Provinces, Ottawa. Tuesday, November 30 - ing. to 5,300 pounds of hay which is, Monday November 15 and Dairy Farmers' Forum, Ot- Mrs. B. Whecler, equivaient to 812 tons of corn Tuesday, November 16 - The tawa. Beatty, Mrs. H.Qu silage or 51/2 tons of good Agricuitural staff wili be at a December 1 & 2 - The Mrs. H. Thicksona quality hayiage. Charts are Farm Records Workshop in Ontario Beekeepers' Associa- Central Area Won available which will give Barrie. tion Annual Meeting, Royal tute Corventionh approximate capacities of November 17 - 19 - Sympos- York Hotel, Toronto. Royal York, Tc various types of silos, and hay ium on Ontario's Electrical Thursday and Fr1( can be estimated in tcrms of Future, Chelsea Inn, Toronto. 'ELIZABETH VILLE, Mrs. J. Deko bales. However, it is bcst to Wednesday, November 17 - __Wcstheuser and A~ weigh a few bales to get an Pine Ridge Branch of the Church services were heid with Mr. and Mrs.1 estimatc of their wcight, so Ontario Institute of Agrolo- as usual. We had our speciai Sunday. that you are reasonably cer- gists'Meeting, Manchester. youth service. Mr. R. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. tain of the amount that you Friday, November 19 - Port Horpe and Mrs.1 N. spent the weekenc have. We have cmphasized the Greenhouse Operators' Day, Gardiner conducted the ser- callcd on Mr. ai quality being good in the University of Guelph. vice. Misses Lana Beatty. Deremo, Orono on roughage that you have, and Friday,, November 19 - Arîcen Wilson and C. Beatty here. we would stress again, that Queen's Guineas Class, Royal and Mr.- Scott Gray providcd Mr. and Mrs. W. the oniy way that you will Winter Fair, Toronto. the, music. Misses Davis and Michael were wit know the quality> of your Saturday, November 20- Scott read along, with Mrs. Mrs. K. Trcw onÇ roughages is to have thcm 7:00 p.m., The Junior Farmer Gardiner, "The Ten Com- The local young anaiyzed at the Feed Test Lab Annual Banquet and Dance, mandments Today." Rev. time on the ice atBi or through your Fee~d Dealer Blackstock Recreation Cen- Bartiett and Mrs. Bartlctt are play hockey ever3 who in many cases offers this, tre. attending the Festival of evening about 10 p service. If you require further Tuesday, November 23 - Faith. Mr. and Mrs. H information on the Feed 10:00 a.m., The area' Bcd Don't forget our first faîl spent the wcekenc Analysis Service or want the Industry Conference at the fellowship for the whole and Mrs. Ray 1Quai material, please get in touch Ontario Government Building, family on Nov. 12 at 8 p.m., a' Catharines. with the Agricuitural office in Lindsay. night of games and social Mrs.. Shawn Pc. Bowmanville, and we will November 24 & 25 - Central time. the wcckend with provide itfor you. Ontario Cheesemaker Asr On Tucsday afternoon the parents, Mr. and sociation Meeting, Sunvalley Motel, Belleville. Thursday, November 25- Station Tested Boar Sale, New Hamburg. / Thursday, November 25 - Home for the holidays. It makes you think of blazing f ires, hot turkey dinners and friends, lots of friends, dropping in ta wish you "Merry Christmas". It also means a home that is inviting and festive. Buildall can help you make your home a real joy ta be in this Christmas. Its fot too late ta start your renovation CONGOLEUM FLOORING Suight substandards that should not affect wearing qualities. 12', wide choice of coorwhite, black, brown or green. LOW, LOW, PRICE ~2sqare yard ladies served lui basement of our el relatives and fr attended the funeri Lawrence Muldre Hope. i 5'$1.10 $1.95 CLEARANCE!I Ieach eachi each ARMSTRONG SUNDIAL, 35C 44' cross1'WIE$O 3each -"IT" 4ceach 1" I E 5.94SQ. YARD. N ElA 1/4" 1/2 ' q, LOW, PLYWOOD PIR FIR sis 9.145 11.75 14.15 15.79 ,18.25 FIR STD 6.95 7.79 10.10 12.69 1519 FIR SEL. 8.49 12.25 14.59 16.69 r i RICES SEL. T &G' 12.75 15.10 19.95 CONVENIENT INDOOREZ À^ ik SELF-SERVE SHOPPING r1E~~I BUILDLL AT ALL 4 LOCATIONS ASSOCIATE STORIE OSHAWA I WHITBY COURTICE PORT HOPE 100 Bond Street West J 223 Brock St. N. Between Oshawa und Bowmanville 37 Ontario Street- Entr iaRihmndStee WstMon, .Wed. to6: 00 Mon. - Wed. to6: 00 Et er in Rîc9:00- Sat r 00Pet 28.West Th urs. & F ri. to 9:00- Sa t. t5:30 Thurs. & Fri. to 9:00- Sat. to5:00 Mon. - Fri. to 5:30 -Sat. to 4.00 Ao.-Fr.t : 0-St.t :00Poe72-67Pione 668-6821 Pho.ne7U-161Poe8 10 Agricultural Calendar unch at the church to the friends; who wal of the late rew at Port eextended to -ends in the ate Howard abrother of 'keeper Mr. Mfr. Yarema. )n is improv- r, Mrs. Ross ýuantrill, and Sattended the )men's Insti- held at, the Poronto, on Ïday. :ker, Mrs. Alyson were Thickson on G. Fowler 1 here. They id Mrs. W. )n their way ï.Boyko and iti Mr. and Saturday. ig lads have Bewdley and ry Saturday p.m.. HI. Quantrîli .d with Mr. intrili at St. mcock spent h hs grand- ,d Mrs. V. plans. Transform your basement into a festive recrea- tion room; insulate your attic to conserve heat,; add decorative beams for a rugged outdoorsy look. There"s 50 much you can do ta give your home a real1 lift for the holîdays. Buildaîl makes it easy ... and fun ta do-it-yourself! Ready-Mixed PAIL .PoIy Stipple Add texture to your walls and ceiling. Pre-mixed, easy te apply, goes on any surface, even new wood. Not messy at al. Goes on sm-oothly and evenly with a trowel. Easy as finger1 painting. Add your personail individual touch by t extur- ing' with a comb, spoon or sponge. Easy plain water wash up. Dries white. Does flot need painting. 1 Gallon SPECIAL *e9,95 Peacock. lie attends Trent University, Peterborough. Miss Nancy Walker, King- ston, spent the weckend with Mr. and Mrs. M. Walker, her parents, They also had 'littie Jason Greer with them to church, son of Mr. and Mrs. Greer. Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer kept littie Erin and Angie Provost, Lindsay over the weedcnd and their parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Provost pickcd themn up Sunday even- ing. Our Unitedi Church Wo- mén's meeting will he hcid the 9th at Mr. and Mrs. R. Whites home in Port Hope. ELDAD UCW Met reccntly at the home of Mrs. Mary Millson. President 'Mrs. Lois Yeliowlces opened with a verse and then caiied on Secretary-Treasurer Mrs Donna Johnston for the mix, utes. ý11 Three ladies who attended OshawaPresbyterial a t Eben- ezer church-gave a summary of the day. Mrs., Dorothy Pascoe gave the worship, the theme, Remembrance Day. Mrs. Jean Knox was cailed on for the topic which was Medical Work in Canada. This wasfollowed by slides shown by Mrs. Donna Johinston, these were enjoyed very much. Lunch was servcd by Mrs. Helen Milîson and Mrs. Faye Vice. made the greatest cooking dîscovery since fire even greater~ Q m oo in ho normal t;m& lUs here! The furst microwave oven with a computer "brai n"~ ~ Une Toushmatic~ Myles TV Cornor King and Silver St. 623-3482 A'bautifû'l Aýý thehoc star s aS hil.l Z-Brick The popular walI -covering for today's do-it-yourselfers now enjoying niew popularity as a mix or match decorator waII covering. Country Nustic red or Country Rustic Buff. Carton covers about 5 to 6 square feet. SPEC UAL $Ae 1 Carton Limited Quantifies ARMSTRONG FLONATIE Choose from an as- sortment of designs in 12" x 12" size. 9 square foot pac- kage. 2 pkg. 3 Cubic Foot Bug Just Pour and Level, SAVE FUEL each a MicaFil Insulation

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