e TnL~ifrrtm Sanfta iwith jas A Wide Range of Men's and Women's Fashions 42 King Street East,, 623-32.11i Bowmanvillie GOD RESTYOU MERRY GENTLEMEN, God rest you merry, gentlemen, Let nothing you dismay, Remember Christ our Savîour Was born on- Christmas Day, To save us ail f rom Satan's pow'r, When we were gone astray. (Refrain) Otidings of comfort and loy, comfort and loy, 0 tidings of comfort and joy. ln Bethlehem, in Jewry, This blessed Babe was born, And laid within a manger, Upon this blessed morn; To which His Mother Mary Did nothîng take in scorn. From God our Heav'nly Father, A blessed Angel came; And unto certain shepherds, Brought tidings of the sarne, How that in Bethlehem was born The Son of God by Name. 0 COME LITTIE CHILDREN 0 corne littie children, 0 corne one one and ail. The cradie is here as in Bethlehem'"s sta Il. And see what the Father f rom high Heav'n above, Has sent us tonight as a proof of His love. 0Osee in the cradie this night in the sta Il. See here wondrous light that is dazzling to alk In clean Iovely white lies, the heavenly Child, Not even the angels are more sweet and mild. '0 there He lies children, asleep in the hay, WhileMary and Joseph watch Him -happily. The shepherds are praying before H is rude bed, Their sweet songs are singing, by .angels they're led. HERE WE CM A-WASSAILING Here we corne a-wassailing Among the leaves s0 green; Here we corne a wand'ring, So fair to be seen. (Ref rain) Love and loy corne ta you, And to your was-sail too. And God bless you and send you a happy New Vear, And God send you a happy New Year. We are not daily beggars That beg f rom door to door; But we are neighbors children, Whomn you have, seen before. Good master and mistress, As you sit by the fire; Pray think of us.poor children, Who wander in the mire. God bless the master of this house, Like wise the mistress too, And ail the little children, That round the table go.