Marines Romp Over Frankford But 2 Big Gaimes This Week Against Port Hope Pont hers By Don Wilcox Bowmanville Marinas 12 - Frankford Huskies 4. Homne game of the week saw Frankford in town Sunday night with Marinas hitting a new high for goals scored. They scored 12 to Frankford's Rory Gibbs struck lîke lightning. scoring unassisted at the five second mark. Terry Sarginson picked the puck off the boards,, passed to AI Emnard who scored. Huskies scored with 5 sec- onds left in the first, Creelman from Brown. Marinas scored, three quick goals at the mid point of the second. First, a power play goal by Gary Cox, aïsssts to Joe Humenièh and Gibbs. Then Cox from Humenich and next Don Spicher with good corner digging by Ron Strike, Brian Simpson also assisting. Huskies caught Marinas nap- ping with a three on one break, Pat Bernard scoring. Boyd Knox scored, buzzing near the Frankford net as- sists to Gibbs and Humenich. Terry Sarginson scored on a long shot by a play started by Joe Humenich. Sarginson scored the next goal a quick snap shot with assist to AI Emard. Gibbs counted next on a hackhander with bard work- er Boyd Knox assisting. Jerry Johnson scored next assisted by Ted Puk on a play started by Don Spicher. AI Emard scorea on a snarp angle backhand shot, with assist to Nick Vanseggelen. Huskies counted the next two. Jean Doucette, back af ter an early game injury, scored assisted by Fernard. Then Ujravelle scored assisted by McComb. AI Emard finished, the scoring on a slot drive assisted by Strike and Ward Reddik, Lennie Chappell in net for Marinas was very steady, his first start after a two game layoff. Stars of the game were first Brian Simpson, second Husk- ies' Jeffl'Brown and thi rd Boyd Knox. Captain Joe Humenich play- cd a strong game setting Up three goals and also gave a devastating open ice body check causing alI Huskies to play heads up near Marinas' blue hune. AI Emard returned to his old form, skating both ways and scoring a hat trick. Marinas played on Thurs- day night in Port Hope against George Cawkers Panthers with an expected capacity crowd.' Port Hope returns to Bowmanville Sunday at, 7:30 p.m. for tlîeir first visit of the season and with four points on the line, both teams will be in high gear batthing for first place. Vo,.%ile yball Stalemate High'Over the Net michipecoten Wins Voile yball Tournament Hereon Saturday Clarke Team Finishes Third. By Lyn Lowry In the O.F.S.A.A. Boys A volleyball tournament held at Bowmanville .High School on Saturday, Nov. l3th, two pools of five teams each played two game matches. . Harrow Dis- trict' High School (near Wind- sor) and Ecole Secondaire Ste. Marie fromi, New Liskeard were winners of one pool and Michipocoten High School (Wawa Ont.) and West Elgin Sec. School ( from West Lorne) won the other pool. In the semi-finals, Michipoc- oten defeated E.S.S.M., two games to one, and West Elgin defeated Harrow, two games toone. The final was very exciting but Michipocoten was victori- ous over W est Elgin, the 1975 champions, 15-11, 16-14. Awards were presented to the winners fromn West Elgin by Sandy Silver who is the executive director of the Ontario Volleyball Associa- tion, The championship plaque was presented to Michipoco- ten, coached by Peter For- gravesý, by Mrs.ý John Hay- man, the president of the Ontario Federation of Schools Athletic Association. The local represtatîves, Clarke High School, tied for third in their pool and missed the playoffs. Clarke started strongly in their first two matches but lost their effect- iveness as the day wore on. Cummings Major Bantams K nock Off Stouffvîlle 5 By Brian Harris assists on the second goal bers with Cummings Major Bantams went to Neil Jones and Steve Bra travelled to Stouffville and Simpson. Final score recorded a 5-1 victory. In the third period, Chuck 1. t was a close checking Welsh scored with an assist to Next hor game until Bowmanville Brent Clemens. Then Clemens day, Nove broke the game open with 3 set Welsh up for a beautiful against a st goals in the third period., John goal. 'The final enal of the squad. Hop Storgaard phayed well. He game was scored by Cham- game. kept the Toros ln. the game lhen they were elinging to a Rick Simpson got the Toros started with a lst period goal. This was assisted by Carl Chambers. Stouffville tied it up only to have Terry Riggers give the Toros a 2-1 lead. The I M Foun Meet Durha m- Nortl Liberal FedE Dini and Di Fridi Noveml NEWCASTLE C HAL Speaker:, TheHR Hugh Fau Social Hour: Dinner:ý Stoi- hassists going to aun and Simpson, re Toros 5 Stouffville me game is Satur- ;ember 20 at 8:00 strong Peterborough )pe to see you at the Groham's IGA Atoms WiÎn Two and, Lose One "0 n November 12, the Gra- Arena where they soundly ham's travelled to Uxbridge defeated the Uxbridge team 8-0. Todd Wilbur opened the scoring at the 6:43 mark of the first period assisted by Darren - Knight. Two minutes later Aaron Da Silva scored unas- sisted. Wîth only 8 seconds remaining lu the first period .d in g assis ted by Jeff Jaques. There was only one goal scored in the second period that by Jeff Jaques assisted by t'len g Mike Bal and Mike Kozar. Ln the third period, the IGA boys added four more; at 3:59 humnberland Mike Bahl from Mike Kozar LraI -Riding .and Jeff Jaques, at 6:11 af 8: 18 Todd Wilbur from Bob ___ Canfield, rounding out the n e r scoring Jeff Jaques from Mike Kozar. Chris Clifton who played a strong game in goal recorded once= the shut ouf. PB!;r be,26 OMMUN ITY L Ion. lkner , 6-7 p.m. 7 p.m. 3er person There were many close and exciting volleyball gameàs at B3HS gym on Saturday when Clarke High Sehool hosted the O.F.S.A.A. Boys tournamnent. The above pjhoto s1howvs two ofth'Ie Clarke team in action. at Ieft, aeainst a team from Ecole. Secondaire Ste. Marie of New Liskeard. John, Cornish and Graydon Moore succeeded in blocking a move by one. of the visiting players, -Photo by Ritck James Kra'mps Outmuscled by couny Lo ckes Turn Over Newi Leaf By John Vance This year's scoring opened up at the 7 minute mark by Kramps firsf defensemen's draft choice Murray OBrien, assisted by Randy Donoghue and (Rookie) Steve Summers- ford. With Jim Brooks and Rick Shackleton assisting, Ron Hooper was able f0 slip over the blue hune f0 tuck one in the mesh giving Kramp's a 2-0 lead, endiug the first period. At the 1:48 mark of the 2nd period, Randy Douoghue was able f0 mark Kramps Up for another tally with Jim Brooks assisting. Coach, "EGGS"' Wray Wreudell, knowing he was under pressure, enforced muscle, profiting in two unas- sisted goals by Bruce Osborne O WASCO VOLKSWAGEN LTD . Porsche + Audi Presents &"The Player of the Week"l AL EMARD On Sunday everîîrîg, the Red Eagles came up with a very impressive victory over Frankford, defeating them by the score of 12-4. The scoring leader in the game was AI Emard, who picked up t hree goals and one a ssist. We Rent Buses- Campers- Vans Beeties -Rabbits,-Audis starting as low as V.00 a day, 7c a mileI 1425 Dundas 6898 stE. The "77"are Here! Whitby and Sandy Brown ending the second period with a 3-2 lead for Kramps. The third peniod proved to be an audience game as County came back n ful steam. They tied the game on a goal by Bruce Osborne with Sandy Brown, Doug Smart assisting. Couuty, continuing f0 play a physical game, put another between the pipes by Tim Prout assisted by John Taylor and Sandy Brown, giving County a 4-3 head. Murray OBrien phaying an outstanding game for Kramps tied if Up at the 13 minute mark with Rick Shackleton assisting. With ouly 41 seconds heft in the game, Doug Smart was able tô lift the fans off their seats as he snuck through the Kramps defence- men giving the County-team a well deserved vicfory goal, ending if with a 5-4 victory for Count y Chrysher. The second game proved to be just as exciting, as Lockes T.V., (no wiris in hast year's regular season) lut roduced their new players, and proved f0 be some competition as they upset Hooper's, lu a 6-4 victory. "Clean' Phil Johnson show- ed underated cunninig *lu front of the nef as he started bis hat-trick off with a goal in the first period, assisted by Barry Oliver and Roy PiekIe. Second period sfartèd fast Spencers and, Cowans- By 1-L Bils ln the firsi gaine Spencer Recal Estate took f'irst place whien they def'eated W. Fraîik Re il Estate 5-0t Spencers pîcked up their flir-SI goal ini thle f'i -t p"rîod Iroîii Boh I lowN ( w'i ti) J ohlîTay lor alîid i.1c (tim eassîs(l ing 'Fiey Scor ed(I l (i liore iin tllie Seconîd t i-mil i îk liadelliaclier v.itti llîek Shîacklet on anîd Jlim Br~ ooks gel tig tIlle a ss ist s anîd tiili Sc oreil t lîrce ini the letliird t îoîîî B"d P or t w ilh Bob I lowes aissis t i g. Bruce Osbornte uîiass ist cd anîd Ilick Sliackle- ton I'rom in Tery Baker. Bot ht ea ms had t heîr Sha re of, penalties w il h Enik's ge t inL Hooper's with 3 goals by Rick Woolner Iwith 2 and defence- m'an Andy Murphy with on. Hooper's ended' the second period as Phil Johnson salted another one away, sf111 leaving Lockes with a 3-2 lead going luto the 3rd period. As the puck was dropped, Joe Caruana had nothing in mind but f0 put the rubber lu the net as, he started hîs hat-trick with three minutes of the period. Phil Johnson for~ Hooper's tucked his third one in, assisted by B. McLaughlin, and Barry Oliver înakiug the score 4-3 for Lockes. Persistent Caruana came back again, with Hughes and Woolner assisting, fo make their lead secure by plunging the puck in the net at the 10 minute mark., Hooper's came back witb their final goal by Lanny Burns with Brian Bradley assistiug. Joe Caruana tucked bis 3rd goal away, again with Bryau Hughes and Rick Wool- uer assisting, giving Lockes a 6-4 victory. Obviousiy the Caruana, Hughes and Woolner hine is goiug to be a threat this year as tbey fallied 13 points 'between them. Next week Lockes faces Cçiuîty at 7:OOp.m.' and Kran-ps host Hoopers at 8:30 p»in. 1)ONT àISS IT! 10 aîîd Spencer 9. The second game saw Cow- au Pontiac, Buick squeak by D&h1 Sports 5-4. I)&R started the scoring off lu tlic first with a tahly froin Barry.tOliver witlî Larry Pennis and J ames Baker assîstiîîg. Spenîcers took the lcad hefoî-e tlîe.period ended witli tw< goals by Mike Cornell witi Jo .teCaruatia assist iîg and Bruce Welslî froiiiBaiîdy I oiiogliue Thv scond (isaw Dl& B tic.'up tlle gamine '.itli a goal froii Bniani Iow~e wîtlî Uncg .daiiis ass5isi inîg.Spenerîs t iint mmk thle lcm I va il h a iîîi.issistt'd t alI ly froîîî IL111aii .D~ oliog i ne lnI ) l tliedil fi c Ihe îatch wilil I aI l- Peri is scorvd ni ia ss ist- ed Sei.n men'it a tit'ad agaîin t nîi XI ike 'onmet , tus seondil. troni IBa1î<dyI)moo glilne ani d .1ovCa îlmiaiii DIX),i t ic( tflie îîit-cl aga iii eft thle perîod Viidced froîiil a rry Baker assisl iîg. Basketbal I I eam Standings- 1.(orona- ion Cafc yellow- 8 points, 2. Hooper's Jewellers- blue - 4 points, 3. Kens Mens Wear - green - 4 points, 4. Tom Simpson -red -(0 points. Scoring Race- I. Keith Elliott 42 points, 2. Bob Merchant 35, Rick Landry 31, Jeff Weaver 29,'5. Guy Parks 29, 6. Larry Norton 29. Tuesday, Novem ber znd. Garne one sa w Ken's green teamn jump to an 11-4 lead by the end of the first quarter. Hoopers blue teamn fought back and by the end of the third quarter, they were leading 20-17. Then Keith Elliott and Larry Norton found the range, leaving the green teamn victorious - 35-28. In the second game, Simp- son's red teamn got off to, a slow start against the Coronation Cafe's yellow team. When the buzzer ended the third quar- ter, the score was 20-9 in favour of the yellow team. Then, in the fourth quarter, the red, team, led by Bob Welsh scored thirteen points, however, it was too little, too late and the yellow ýteamn grabbed their fourth straight ,victory 36-22. High Scorers for the night: 1 . Guy Parks 16 points, yellow, 2. Bob Welsh 10 points, red, 3. Keith Elliott 16 ipoints. izreen. 4. Dean Deare 10 points, blue. Getsca Shutout On Wednesday, November 10, the Delta Faucet Midget Teamn visited Pickering. A few minutes prior to game time they found themselves with no goaltender. One was lost to illness and the other injured in a football game that had just been completed. Defenceman Steve Mayberry volunteered to put on the pads. The Toro defencemen play- ed a strong game in front of him only allowing a handful of shots to reach their goalie throughout the match. Toro forwards also contributed a fine defensive effort. They repeatedly broke Up the Pick- ering attack and maintained pressure in Pickeriut's end constantly. Right wingers Paul Fice and Paul Sero notched two goals each. Other scores in the 8-0 shutout went to Mike Foster, Brian Dennis, Mark Luxton and Marc Bis- sonette. The entire teamn demon- strated the spirit of champi -u ons. They have the ability to overcome any obstacle in their path. This is exemplîfied in the attitude of Steve Mayberry.L Tlhe ('anadian Statesmnan. ltn anvill<., Nove,(rriib.r 17,97G; 9 ,Mary Brown's Jay Kelly Has Five Point Weekend 249, Laies- Los.Richads.224 the ntir gam. Ths wa On Saturday, Nov. (;, Mary lirownWs oros ost a rai squeaker t<> the Stouf'fvile team hby a score of' 4-3. The Toros have. signed a new- corner Jay Kelly who is going to be a real asset for Mary Rrown' he made his first two games really productive with 2 goals and 3 assists. The Toros were completely dominated by Stouffville the first two periods as they bujit up a 4-1 score. Kelly Balson scored the only goal for the Toros in the second period with Mark Hickey assisting., It wasn't until the 3rd period the Toros woke up and started to press the visitors. Mark fIlickey scored with Jay Kelly doing the digging in the corners to create the goal. Kelly got his first goal as a Toro 4 minutes later on a dlean hreakaway unassisted. The time was running out fast and the Toros were-unable to pull their goaltender in favor of a 6th attacher and were defeat- ed 4-3. The following day, Mary Brown's travelled to Ajax and took revenge out against their host. The Toros only allowed Ajax 5 shots on net throughout -Argo/Chaparral SUPER SHARK available with 340ç.c. and 440c.c. liquid cgoled engine, Argo SHARK with 400c.c. and,440c.c. fan cooled engine. TEST DRIVE A SHARK TODAY AT: OSHAWTA SNOWTmMOBILE CLINIC 'King St. E. 1/4 mile east of Town Line Telephone Oshawa 723-8861 Masaîrdby, umario Drive and Oear Ltd.N, Hmb n SUPER SHARK440..... OnIy $169,5 340--.-. OnIy $1545 400 Ony >$1095 Bogie Rail Suspens ion , O Iy $i 0 4 Tickets ava ila ble f romn Marlene Jarvis 623-2904 or Kingsley Van Nesi 623-2757 or Lyn Housley - 987-4735 or 987-4413 (certainly t1toîr best perform- ance of the season and if this is any indicatiomn the Toros could certainly rank 1 <r 2 in their 10 teamn division. Scoring for the 'loros was Shawn Rekker, Chris PBeck, Jay Kelly and tan Wheelock with 2 goals and one asist, other assist wcnt, to Kelly Balson, Chrîs Beck, Trevor Zoschke'with 2 assists going to Jay Kelly. .Don't forget Skate-A-Thon Saturday, Nov. 13, 1-2.3(j for the Novice and Minor Atoris. 1O fi' Team Standings- Donna Harness 29930, 20; Vince Prout 29699, 17; Elton Brock 259 16; Mary -Ann Richards 29253, 16;, Moe Richards 28794, 16; George Piper 290.51, 1.5; Ron.- Selleck 27800, 15;, Lu Welsh 29446, 14; Hilda Brock 29050, 14; Bert Engley 28.5.54, 14; tan Welton 27994, 12; Les Smale 27341, il, High single- Men-. Dennis Smale 298, Ladies- Sue Smale 295; High triple- Men- Dennis Smnale 721, Ladies- Helen Reynolds, Sue Rutty 700; High average- Men- Elton Brock ARG0440----r----. Only Men's $1095