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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1976, p. 11

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Bowmanville, November J", 1976 i EAD1)LIN E FOuR CLASSIFIED) Tues., 12, noon, 623-3303 MARETT- Patricia (Austin) and William announce the binth of thein first bonn, a son, David Pearce Marett, 91/2 lbs. at Bellevil le Genenal Hospital, November 11, 1976. Sth grand,. child for Mns. Charles J. Austin. PRICE - t's a brother for Nichole! Donna - MAarie and ichard Pice of Bowmanville ,e ~happyto announce the bith of aniel Robent 7 lbs, 15 ozs on Manday, November 8th, 1976 at 8:23 p.m. at Oshawa Gieneral Hospital. Proud g randpanents are Mn. and nrs. Robent Bird of Scarbar-. ough and Mns. E. Pnice of Scarborough. A special thanks to Dr. Spear and mnaternity staff. Mn. and Mrs. Mark Shenk are pleased toa announce-the forthconjing marriage of their daug hter EËlizabeth Ann, ta Glenn Douglas Grant, son of Mn. and Mrs. Cair Grant, Leskard, Ont. on Satunday, Decem ber 4, 1976 at Beams- ville, Ontario. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns invite friends, relatives and neiahbot to an open house at Trinity Church Hall, Bowmanvilie, Saturday December 4th. The occasion being the ôth wedding anni- versary, hours 2- 4 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m'. No gifts please. 46-2x z=5 BARN ES- In loving memony of dean son and brother Danny who passed away Novem ber 19, 1964. Memory is the golden bridge That keeps our heants in touch With ail the long past yester- And Dlanny who we loved s0 m uch. - Sadiy missed and always remembered by Mom, Dad, Donna, Doug, Dale and Dean- na. 46-1 DAVEY - In loving memony of William Raymond Davey who passed away Nov. 17, 1957. - Lovingly remembered by wife, family ,and grand chiidren. 46-1 x BEDWIN At Memonial MONTGOMERY, Elsie - Hospital, Bowmanville on Sat- Suddenly at Memonial Hospi- urday, November l3th, 1976, tai1, Bowmanvile, on Tuesday, Mabel Parker, R.R.3, New- Nov. 16, 1976, Elsie Holder- castle, aged 89 years, wife of shaw of 8 Centre St. in her 75th the late C harles Bedwin, dean year, wife of the late Gordon mother of Arthur and the late A. Montgomery, dean mothen Mildred (Mns. Earl Gilbank). of Mrs. A. Clements (Helen) Serv ice wa s hel1d; n the Morris and Ronald. Resting at North- Funenal Chapel, Bowman- cutt Elliott \Funeral Home. ville, on Mondlay afternoon. Funeral service 11:00 o'clock Interment Newtonville Ceme- Thursday monning. Interment tery. Bowmanviiie Cqmetery. 46-1 46-1 BOYLE - Reg inalId. Suddenly at Newcastle, Saturday, No- vember 13, 1976. Reg inald Boyle in his 42nd year. S on of Mr. and Mrs. Keir Boyle of Conway, P. E. L. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Funeral services and interment were held in Alber- ton, P. E.l1. 46:1 ~P E W -At PMem or ial1 H spital, Bowmianvilfe, Sun- day November l4th, 1976, Faynnie Depew, in her 9th year, wife of the-late Charles Depew, mother of the late Harry and the late Tom. Dear g andmother of John, Bill and ud Depew. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, * manville on Tuesday ý-. ,rnoon. Interment Bow- manlville Cemetery. 46-1 PHILLIPS - Annie. At Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital, Whitby, on Wednesday, Nov. 10, 1976. Annie Taylor widow of Arthur Leslie PhIllps mother of Mrs.. Arthur Palmeër (Lîllian) Tor- onto, Mrs. Albert BurrowS (Muriel) Blackstock, Mrs. Keith Branton (Francesý, Kingston, Albert and Eric, Oshawa in her 87th year. Rested at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa. Ser- vice was held Friday. Inter-. ment Oshawa Union Ceme.- tery. For AIl Your Flo w e r Ne e ds STOP MN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Flwer Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 MORRISON, E lla G. -,At Extendicare Nursing Home, Oshawa on Wednesday, No- vember 10, 1976. Ella Rogers (formerly of 47 Church Street) wife of the late W.G. Morrison. Sister of Mrs. Gilbert Van Nest (Winnifred) of San Fran- cisco. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Funer- ai service was held Friday morning. Cremation. ROBINSON, Edith - PE fuli ~M~WF1aiHosr Bowmanville on Novemi 1976, aged 98 years. Lc aunt of Marion Munchisc Etobicoke and Margaret holland of Scanborough the late Donald and Dori For time of Graveside Ser on Novemben 19, please tact Morris Funenal Ch Bowmanville. ln lieu of wens, please donate ta favorite childnen's charil her memory. SIMPSON, Raiph S.- deniy at Memorial Hosl Bowmanville on Monday 15, 1976. Raiph Simpsc R.R.1, Bowmanvilie in hi year., Beioved son of, Howaird Gaud (Evaline5 son) and the late De Sim son. Resting at Nonfhcutt Elliot Fur Home fram 2 p.m. Wei day. Fijneral Service 30o' Thunsda y aftennoon, St. drew's Presbyterian Ch Crematipn. "Flowei ISayil SBest"' VAN BELLE DAILY Delivery to... Othawa - Bm~manville Ar Phone 623-4441 Durham County's Oldest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREETr, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or, Night Serving this district for 96 years. Funeral Home )UGHTFULNESS -CONCERN -SERVICE Service to your needs .. . our f irst concern. Sa that you wîiIl be relieved f rom worry and detail. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 46-1 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario LIA 3W High Qualîty at Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5216 Home 885-5222 WORKMANSHIP - OUALITY eace- piai, ber 9, -oving son of fMul- iand rothy. rvi ce D con- ha pel, )f f la- you r, ity in 46-1 -'Sud- ýpital, s..â M CASWELL, Ruby - At Me- marial Ho$pital, Bowman- ville, on e nesdlay, Nov. lth, 1976, dear mother of Rita, Tillcock of Bowmanville and Jean Macrae of Rosedale, Ontario, and the late Sgt. Donald Caswell of the 48th Highlaniders, beioved grand- mother of David Tillcock and great grandmother of Char- lynne. Funeral at the Ralph Day Funenai Home, Toron to, Friday mornigat Il o'ciock. Interment MýouInt Pleasant Cemetery. 46-1 LIGHTFOOT - In loving meroyof my dear, husband oewopassed away Novem- ber 21, 1971. Treasured thoughts of one s0 dear. Often brin9g a sulent tear. Thoughts return to scenes long past, Years roll on but memnories last. -Loved always, Jess. 46-1 x PLEASANCE l n loving memory of a dear dad and grampa, Bert, who passed away Nov. 20, 1974. The rolling stream 0of life roils on., But still the vacant chair Recails the love, The voice, the smile, 0f the one who once sat there. - Sadly missed by son John, daughter-in-law Linda and grandchildren Remi and Re- nee. 46-1 PATTERSON, Garry - ln lovîng memory of our dear son who passed away Nov. 16, 1965. God knew that he was suffering. Thp hilîs were hard to climb. Sa he clos.ed hîs weary eye lids And whispered Peace be thine Awa in the beautiful hilis of By t he valley of rest so fair Some day we know not when We wîll mieet our loved one there. -Sadly missed by Mom and Dad. ZEALAND - In loving mem- ory of a dear husband and father, Roy Herbert Zealand who passed away November 18,ý 1973. 10~ been three yea3rs since you've been gone But Da, the memories of you wiil live on and on Beautiful memories are trea- sured forever Of happy days when we were altogether. - AIl our love, wife Ricky, children Laura, Steve, Cindy, Stanley, Stacey, Scott and Brenda- Lee. 46-1 yNov. i he tamily ofthme lame Kem; ;on of Vanhaverbeke wish to express s 54th their sincere thanks to ail Mrs.. friends, relatives and acquain- Simp- tances for their presence, elbert floral tributes, cancer and the- charitable donations,, Masses jneral. and. many sympathy >cards ednes- receîved after the loss of, a ,'dock dear husband, father and tAn- grandfather. A special thank urch. you to Dr. Cunningham and aIl nurses on the lst floor of 46- 1 Bowmanville Memorial Hos- ___pital for the gentle and wondenful care given to. my husband during his illness and for their consideration to my family and myself. Thanks, 't-s also, to the Morris Funeral ýt Chapel, honorary bearers, paîl bearers, or ganist and singers and the C.W.L. who prepared a lovely lunch for aIl after the service. Our thanks to Father Jim Wilson and Father Frank Mihelic for their Vea visits and support. The kind- nesses shown were very much appeciaed 3tf Laura Vanhaverbeke and family AI1 My sincene thcinks to friends, relatives and neigh- bors f or f 1lowens a nd ca rds a nd visits while a patient. in Oshawa Generai Hospital. Since retunning home, a special thanks ta those who made sure my wife had transportation ta and from the hospital and the nurses and staffon the 7th floon G. 'Nard for thein cane and kindness to me, my special thanks tai Dr. A. Clark and Dr. Monckesky. Sincerely Bob Evans 46-1 I wish ta express my most sincere appreciation to friends andneighbons for cards, fruit and'fiowers and visits while i was a patient in Memoriai Hospital. A very special thanks to Mn. and Mrs. Jack Bainstow and Sharon, Bruce and Bonnie Mencer, Mn. alhd Mns. Brooks Cowan, Mn. and Mrs. Mac Bemnose, Dr. Mc- Kenzie, Rev. Long, nurses and staff 0f the surgical floor and to ail who drove my wife to and f rom Hospital. Laverne Patterson 46-1 x 'Ne would like to express aur sincere thanks ta the Solina Communityfor our presenta tion of a card table-and chairs. 'Ne also appreciated the gift of money which we used towvards campi eting aur set of dishes. Since there are many miles, separating us, your gIfts, kindness ýand thoughtfu iness wiII aiways be cherished in oun home. 24-tf Linda and Glenn MAIlqnn E M Mn. and Mrs. John Rundie would like to thank ail who helped to make their 3th wedding anniversary s0 happy. We thank ail who sent cards, took us out to dinner and helped with the supper at Centennial. Hall and the friends who came to wish us weL i 46-1 We wish to thank oun many friends and relatives for contnibuting in any way in, ceiebrating wiýth us aur 4th wedding anniversary. Harny and Leona Farrow 46-1 x With sincere appreciation t( Dr. Anfossi, nurses and stafi of Memorial Haspital, friends family, especially Jim, for inquiries and attention duninc my stay in hospital. Specia thanks to the Chunch family a the Bowmranville Pentecosta Chunch for their prayers anc support which accounted foi my speedy recoveny. Betty Power 46- My sincere thanks to rela tives, friends, neighbours anc ail1 who rememnbered me whi k I was a patient in Memoria Hospital with cards, flowers gifts, visits and inquinies. ý special thanks to Dr. Harolc Ferguson, Dr. Singal and Dr Long, Dr. Cunningham anc also the 'nurses f nom thi Intensive. Cane Unit and th< Third Floor. Mrs. Mary Kooy 46-1b I wish to express my thanki and appreciation to ail m) relatives and friends wh( were 50 good in rememberin( me with visits, gifts and card! during my stays in Oshawi 'Hospital. Also thanks to Dr Rowsell and Dr.ý Grant Kenneth Courtice The family of the late Gladys Irene Clendenen wish to express their sincere thanks to ai l our relatives frier.,ds anc neighbors for their presence and many acts of kindness, messages of symipathy, floral tnibutes and memonial dona tions during the sudden loss ol a dean loving mother, grand mother and greaf grand mother. Special thanks to Dr W.G-.Y..rant, Rev. F. Pau Erb and the pali beanens, thc Morris Funeral directors for thein acts of kindiness anc conforting words during oui time of sornow. The Ciendenen Family Garage sale and antiques in heated building on Saturday, November 20, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. South side of, No. 2: highway, opposite Newtonville Auto Sales . 46-1 The Town of Newcaslie Social Planning Council will hold its Novemben meeting in the Orono Town Hall (Base- ment Meeting Room) on Thursdray, November l8th at 8 p.m. Community Care for the elderly will be a top priority. Guest speaker is Heather Anderson ýof the Rape Crisis Center. FROG PR INT THEATRE 1presents a " Puppet Show"- Satu rda.y, Novem ber 27,1 1976 13 p.m., BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY ADMISSION: FREE ALLWELCOME. r 46-2 Annuat Lions Club' Turkey Railland Car Draw -* Friday evening Decem Der 3rd FREE ADMISSION, FREE BUFFET Car Draw Tickets t ram any Lions Club Member 46-3 NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB New Year's Dance NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Decemnber 31st, 1976 9 p.m. - 1a.m. Music by "THE TE RRY JACKSON BAN D" $30.00 per Couple Everything included Reservations Ph. 987-5293 46-4 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NEWCASTLE COUNTRY EXPRESSIONS Friday - Saturday November 19 -20 Dancing 9 -1 46-1 FALL DANCE Newcastle Community Hall Saturday, Nov. 20th 9 p.m. -laë.m. $5.00 per couple Prizes, Refreshmrent Pniviie es and Lunch. Sponsoredý by Maple Grave West Teachen Parent Association. RUMMAGE SALE Mothers of the ist and Sth Brownies and 3rd Guides. BOWMANVILLE LIBRARY BASEMENT Friday, Nov. l9th 10Oa.m. -,2:30p.m. COURTICE SECONDARY SCHOOL DRAMA CLUB 1presents THE WIZARD OF-OZ December 2, 3 and 4 7 p.m. at B. H.S. Auditorium Childrenuptol12-------..$1.00 Students ..............$1 .50 Aduits--------------. $2.100 For tickets write: C.S.S. Ticket Dept. R.R. 3, Bowmanville, LlC 3K4 or Phone 728-5146 ALL SEAIS RESERVED 46-1 x One Parent Families Asso- ciation of Canada, Oshawa Chapter, Open Dance at Auto Workers C redit Union, 322 King Street West, Oshawa on Saturday, November 20, 1976. Special nostalg ia hour 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Original hits 1920 - 1960. Music by "Master of Sound". Come early. Limited tickets. No resenvations. Admission $3.00. Time 8 p.m. -- 1 a.m. 46-1 Newcastle Village Minor Bowling League, The Bowling League wiil start on Saturday, November 13 at, the Village Hall Bowling Ailey from il a.m. to 5 p.m. At present there are 85 registen- ed, compared ta 96 last 'year. 46-1 Bowmanville Minar Bowling League This Bowling League stanted early in Septemben and has a registration 0f (306) companed to 276 last year. Unit 7 of St. Paul 's U. C. W. fare holding thein annual bazaar and afternoon tea at Salem Church Wednesday, November 24 at 2.30 p.m. - 46-ix r Hadassah Mini Bazaan, i November 23, 1976, Tuesday - r 1 p.m. Coffee bar, home baking, handicrafts, plant booth, tabrics, toys. 144 King St. East, Oshawa. 46-1 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER'BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY- 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softbal JUEILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 50-tf Senior Indoor Soccer League The Mens Senior 1indoor Soccen League started on Tuesday, November 9th in the Rowmanvilie Senior Public School. There are four teams, with registration of (35) players. 46-1 Ladies VoIleybaII At thepresent timne there are (73) Ladies negistered in the Voleyball League. Gamnes wiii be held on Thunsday evenings in the Senior Public School, in Bowmanvilie. Gamnes start Thursday, December 2nd. 46-1 MOVIES BOWMANVILLE LIBRARY Saturday, Nov. 29th 2 p.m. "Tom Thumb", Admission.: $1.00 Preschoolers 75c 3:45 "lYoung Frankenstein"ý Admission: $1,50 Ail Ages 46-1ix Charter buses ta the Weekend in Buffalo, November 2th - 2lst. Wheeling, West Virginia (starring Donna Fargo) no overnight, Nov. 26th - 28th. Blackcreek Village Christmas and Downtown lights Sunday, December 19t0r. January, February, March Florida and Texas Tours. For information on above tours phone: Sunshine Party Tours 36 King St. Cobou rg 372-9961 or Port Hope 885-2200. CHOICE young beef by the, hait 75 cents. Also hay strawý and grain. Phone 986-4896 Liàtte Taylor, Blackstock. 1 46-1 x N EAR LY new Queen size box spring. $100. 623-6668 after 5 p. M. 46-1 x APP LES, Mac lntosh, Delic. ous, Spy, first road east of Zoo, turn nonth, third house, east side. No Sunday sales. Phone 623-2106, SOLID State stereo record player with chrome stand. Perfect condition. Lady's, ail wool car coat, satin iined, worn once,. size 14. Phone 623-2675 after noon hour. 46-lx SKI-DOO, 1970, 18 h.p., Oiym- pic, A-1 condition. Asking $350. 1971 292 TNT new track and clutch. $200. Phone 623-2962. 46-1 120 BASS Student Accordian $100, New Good Year radiai tire LR78x15 $15.'623-4654. WH ITE'S T.V. TOWE RS TwrUHF,VHF Aeil, Rotons& epairs Apartm Pr Ask Gu c APPLES, seconds $2.50 bushel - Pears $3 bushel. Feddema Orchards. Phone 263-2074. Open Monday, Wednesday, Saturday. 42-6x Pineridge Tire Sales TIR ES-AND WHE EL! To fit yaur car or truck Phone 623-4866 IIOWMANVILLE TWO Shelby m ? nims,i 71/2", height ' Phone 5126. 1974 6 ft. TRACKER'op( Snow Blower. Like $795.00 when new. Sellir $495.00. Cail County Chi DQdge 623-2586 MECHANICS Special. Allen Scope, apprm years oI eo nditi, When new $2,500. Seilir $650.00. Caîl County Chi Dodge 623-2586. Club Annrene Scugog Island, FALL DANCE BAND, Nov.20-" Par Four" Nov.27-"Little Caesar and the Consuls" Dec.4-"Positive'Outlook" Dec.1 i-"Lockerbie" Dec.18-",Par Four" New Year's Eve "Something Blue" INFORMATION:, Don Alûmstrong 725-4344 or 576-6599 Aduit Counselling wilI1be Ava ilable at BowmanvîilleHîgh School Thur., Nov. l8th and Thujr., Nov. 25 1th for people who have discon- tinued their formai education ,and are thinking of retraining or resuming their formai education. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY. NO CHARGE. This will be the final two weeks this term but will resume early in the new year. For further information contact Miss Huqhes or Mr. Schwalm at the Hig h School. 46-1 Durham Chapter 181 Order of the Easiern Star Christmas Bazaar a nd Afternoon Tea, Friday, Nov. 26 1: 30 -4:30 p.m. Trinity United Church Hall 46-2 Thankoffering Service in Pontypool United Church on Sunday, November 2list, at 11:00 a.m. Speaker: Chaplain Donovan Brown of Peterbor- ough Hospitals. Soloist: Leslie Fairhurst.' ment &Homes 2 PIECE chesterfield, record- Ire-Wired radio combination. $50 for About Our both. Turquoise blue cannister ýuarantee set. Phone 263-2248. -46-1 Phone 1973 SKI 000, TNT 440, 576-5606 Speedometer, and tack. Phone 623-2740. E. WHITE COU RTIC E Pure Pine Shavings, Ba led, DÛst-free- Phone 723-6660 - 29-tf 1970 Olympic Skidoo, 18 h.p. in good shape, new track ast year.. Phone 263-2719. 46-1 GRAIN corn, whole or grouna $5 per hundred in your bag. Minimum order 500 poundýs. Tom Pleasance 263-2719. 46-2 O'SHAWA SAND& GRAVEL SUPPLY SCREENED SAND GRAVEL & STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCIS ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAs y &PARKING LOTS I r71 TOPSOIL & OIRT ",LL -, DELIVERFO OR REMOV[LI TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RENT Sr-OW REMOVALY Phone Oshawa 725-0232 cc SOLINA RD. N. kHI- 6WAY2 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. - - 1 r CAR PETS of alI kinds, custom made drapes and sheers, hard-surface flooring, prafes- sionaliy installed. Free est!- mates . Your one stop shop- ping. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowmanville. Furni- ture, Carpet and Drapes. 13-tf k. 1970 OLYMPI1C Ski doo, 18 h.p. in good shape, new track last year. $325. Phone 263-2719. 46-1 2- PADDY'S Market now hal: width new furnitune, appliances 1-983- T.V.'s and stereos and, aise jsed furniture and appliances 46- x NUll accept trade-ins. Paddy's - Market, Hampton, phone 263 2241. 33t' erated new. USED Furnitune and Appli- ng for a nces. Paddy's Market, rysler Hampton 263-2241. 26-t 46-1 FOUR Grow-Iux florescent - tubes $1 each. Phone 623-4669. 46-1 One tely 5 TABLE potataes, excellent ioned. quality- Joe Bouma 623-2847. og for 44-tf rysler CAR 8 track tape deck, 4 46-1 speakers, $50 firm. Phone - 623-7044. GRAIN corn. Caîl Walter Pingle 725-6089. 46-2 SNOWTIRES used, 2-LR78- 15" steel belted. 2-C78-15". $5 each. 1 pair Loys Bauer Skates, size 4, usedA one month $15. One smoked %lass topped coffee table, chrome legs approx. 36" square. $30. Phone 623-2473. 46-1 WRINGER washer and dryer, good condition. $150. Phone 623-7703. 46-1 MAHOGANY dresser, oak dresser, pine dresser, pine washstand, dressing table and bench, çinfing room tables, buffets, occasional chairs, bed chesterfield, corner tables, telephone tables, valet seat, sewing machines, baby car- niage, crib,- high chair, car bed, pocket novels, also other good used articles in Towne ance St., Bowmanville. 46-1 1/2 ARAB Gelding 2 yns., $ Double trailer $400. After 623-3614. E 2nd and 3rd MORTGAG E MONEY AVAILABLE - 5 year term - Open Mortgages -No payments for monthsI -No bonuses -No Credit Checks -No inquijry from neighbors - Confidential arrangements made in youn home - Borrow as iow as $1,600 - Fast service Calti Mr. Wilks Mortgages bought and sold (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 6813-2611, 699-1211 (Toronto) i Modern, jazz danceClasses. Girls ages six ta 15. Caîl Mrs. Barbara Oke, 623-4795. 45-2 Um riim ',~ FREE'REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CA LL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 30-tt EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jewellers Ltd.' Regular Price $12.*00 NOW $10.00\«ith studs Special110 per cint reduction on first purchase of earrings with the release form. Phone 623-5747 For Appointment 1 45-tf ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 136 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 37-tf Roberta McCann, C.E. Per- manent hair removal. Free consultations. Phone 623-6214. 19 Burk Court Bowmanvil1le. 45-tf Bi Iullilgfa i eaecat wi ai .i Bad 1 imp ieft hind le~ Needs a vets Rewand. Phone 623-772 46-1 Female German Shepherd, 10 months old, reddish brown face. Answers to "Red" lost in Nash and Martin Road area Saturday Nov. 13. Reward. Phone 623-5061. 46-1 One key with'a man and ,gluw-in the dark key chain. Lost on Fnl day. Rewa rd. Phone 623-7134. 46-1 ONE private room and 'board for maIe banker in Bowman- ville.area. Caîl 623-3375 ask for Paul Miner. 46-1 WOMAN preferred, noom and board. Phone 623-5925. 46-2x ROOMS for rent, daily, week- lv or monthlv, neasonable rates, Castie Hotel, 54 King St. $600. 46-2 r 5. 6 fWANTED. A gaod home for 4-f Afghan female puppy. rea- sonabie. Phone 623-4961. m 46-1 ONE Afghan puppy , beige, $50. Phone 1-79-221 BOWLERS Night Hawk Bowl- ing League for Wednesday night. Starts 9:00. Phone 263-2151 or 623-2238. WANTED, vacation lots and acreages. 416-267-9301. Harris- Land, 2625 Eg linton Ave.E. Scarborough, Ont. 3t Apple Growers Again buying luice apples in large volume bulk at farm, also peelers. Cash payment and prompt pick-up units. Raymond Inch 416-753,-2246 46-zx TEAKWOOD, Burma, Scand- inavian, Danish, bedbroom - 8 piece, dining room, 9 pieces, living room, wall unit, coffee 2 end tables, new furniture, very reasonable. 1-247-4377. 46-tf ELMER'S New- and Used Furniture and Appliances. We buy contents of homes. Phone Hampton 263-2294. 19-tf New Machinery Specia is1 510-51F-16- Bottom semi- mounted plaw......... $2950 Used Machinery 57À40 (TA) l.H. Tractor (1400 hrs.)............ $7950 454D l.H. Tractor (1200 hrs.> ....... .....$5000 434D l.H. Tractor...$3500 434D 1.H. Tractor...$3650 Model 575 Cockshutt 6F-16" bottom (Automatic reset) plow. (excellent condition) .~$2500 j.. 45-«4F -'16"' Fuüll yMount- ed r BamPlow....$ 850 .H ?-3F Ace bottom trip beam plow............ $ 525 IH. 103 Spreader ....$ 600 lH.l50 Spreadr-4r.-.. $950 GehI - FH-84 -"'I row foraqe harvester.............$1i675 Customers in Bowmanville, Blackstock, Hampton, New- castle and Orono cali ZEN ITH 34400. ROBI NSON &KITCHgN FARM EQUI1PM E NT LTD. (Vour International Harvester Farmn Machinery Dealer) 1/2 Mile east of Junction 7 and 35 highways, south of Lindsa y. 46-1 YEAR old cut apple wood. Reasonable. Cali 987-4304 or 6ý3 4519. 44-3x J and M TIRE ýService for Michelin tires, your one-stop, radial centre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1.220., > 6t SET of 4 slotted Chrome Wheels with hardward to fit GMC Van, 72 and up $100. Also 4 snow tires 2-F78x15 and 2-F78x14 plus 2-F78xl4 sum- mer tires. Almost new. $15 each. Phone 623-3247. 46-1 x JOHN Deere "710", power steering. 4-14" furrow plough. 10' John Deere cultivator. Phone 987-4889 after 5 p.m. 46-1 x GOOD used piano for Church. 987-4790. 46-1 FARMLAND, Bowmanviile area. State acreage and price. Write advertiser 654, c-o Canadian Statesman P.O. Box 190 Bowmanville. 43-4x The Courtice Secondary Schooî Band Parents Associa- tion draw on Saturday Novem- ber l3th, for crocheted afghan was won by Mrs. Merkac, R. R .1, Hampton. 46-1 Harry Voermùan I nsura nce 181 Church St,., Bowmanviîle, Ont, Phone 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSU RANC E 28-tf Councillor Kenneth Lyail has openied a municipal office at 57 King Street East, Bow- manville. Anyone needinc help with a municipal problern is invited to caîl 623-67414 ort no' answer 987-5020.. ONE pair. of girls figure skates. Like new. Size 1. $10.00. One Viking humidifier, best offer. Phone 623-2661. 46-1 COM PR ESSORS Ail kinds of machinery. SelI. Buy. Trade. Rent. MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9-6 Ace Machinery 859A Nelson Street Oshawa, Ontario 723-0933 ONE Tinkerbeil suit, m-eni's I ize 44 long, wings included. Phone 623-9314. Q UEBEC heaten or woad 13-t burning space heater. Phone 987-5205. <46-1

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