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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1976, p. 12

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s * a, e * -e e O * A DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFUED Annual Commencement HeId at Cartwright Hg School CUSTOMiMEAT CUTTING WM. HENDERSON 263-8072 34-tf Durham .Masonry Contractors Lt. Bricks - Logs Field Stonework Spocializing in Firoplaces Phone 839-2431 44-tf Trees cut and removed. Trucking jobs. Phono 728-2410. 45-2x Jimi's, Body Shop located at Pete's Esso on Scugog. Paint and repair, cars and trucks. 623-3122 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Ptastering and cernent work, ceramnic tiling and general repairs. Phone 623- 9574. 46-4 BilI's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Shoot and F loat G la ss Soaled units - Storm Windows Storo Fronts - Float Mirrors Pattorned and Colorod Glass andl Glazing. 1 7tf C &C JANITOR SERVICE Ca rpet - U pholIstery Profossiona lly Cloanod FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMAN VILLE 45-f Ron's Floor Ca re Commercial and household. cloaning. Dry foamn rug and carpot shampooing. Wax ro- moval, wall washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Siding - Soffit - Facor Eavostrough - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For Froo Estimato 22-tf J. A. HAYES (SMOKEY) MEATS Custom Cutting FREEZ E ROR DE RS 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa Phono 579-8011 or 623-7056 36-tf OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemasons (Our firoplacos do not smoko) 1-983-5606 25-f arnes INSTALL ýan Essa furnn )inq bailen, humidifier, heater enovating air cleaner. Cambinal Ropairs woad and ail. Financing av .E RATES able. Furnaces cleaned. Fi and service paiicy.( ~88 Harvey Partner, your E i 27-tf mates. Orono 983-5206 Zenith 14620. 24 haurservi T fl3 Lloyd Ba PIumbi Carpontry, Rei ,AI I Gonora1 REASONABLE 263-221 Painting& Roofing FMats, tar and gravel, mtal, cold procoss, loaks, ropairs, shing les, intorior and oxtorior painting. Froo stimatos. P HON E 623-5038 19-tf CUSTOM corn -shelling and dry ing. Pho ne 263-2225 or 263-2352. 46-1 WIL'L shovel sidewalks, cut trees or othor odd lobs. Phono 623-5954. 46-ix WILLbabysit in my home, hot lunches, fenced in yard, Waverîey area. Monday ta Friday $25. Phono 623-2141. 46-1 BABYSITTER, experienced, wishes work day or evening. Availablo for two, months. Phono, 623-7762. 46-1 x Prof essiona 1 Stea m Cleaning Services Commercial - Industrial Residentia I WalI-to-WalI Broadoom Carpets, Rugs & Upholstery CAl,.L BOB AT' 623-2383 29-tf Ref rigeration and AppIiance- Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeratiori - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days............... 623-5774 Mights............. 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf <Tun-ups - Brakes - Etc.> AIl workdone by Licensed Ciass "A" Mechanic At your home or place of business. Ail parts and labar guaranteed. Terms cash. PHONE 623-5045 Bowma nvi lie WH-ITE French Provincial CASH for gaid, silver Dresser, double or triple. guns, dlocks, jeweiler Please phono 623-7314. es, furniture, crocks, 46-1 ings, sealers, api TOP CASH PAID FOR USED PIANOS Player Piano Lots of used pianos in stock, organs too I OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Simcoe N. (at King) -728-1675 25-tf INSTALLING or renavating a bathroom, kitchen, laundry raom, etc. Pipes, valves and fittings from Harvey Partner. We service ail makes. Cali Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 36-tf WATE-R Wells bored, 30' ti le. Ward's Weil Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representat- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-tf NEED a pressure system? Water Softeners? Repairs ta ail makes. Harvey Partner, Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 36-tf DRIVERS, fulli time or part' time. Chauffeurs license re- quired. Must be 18 or over. Apply ta 35 King St.E. or phono 623-4422. 46-1 HOW TO EARN MORE MONEY MEN &WOMEN 1 need a full or part-timo porson to heîp meet the demand for a much neoded service for motorists. Pleasant, dignified, good paying work. No expermenco necossary buta caris. For full information contact HARRY WADE, 688 SUNSET BLVD., N EWCASTLE. PHONE 987-4531. 44-3 DO yauenjoy meeting people? Part time. hours are flexible, extra heip needed ta show fail and Christmas speciais of Fuller Brush. If intereýsted cali Patrick Wiebe, 1-372-9969 or write 416 Waiton St,, Cobourg, Ontario. 45-4x FULL or part' time beauty consultant required by an expanding, campany. Must be pleasant and mature. No experience necessary. Train- ing pravided. For appoint- ment cali Barbara Wood 623-70l26 between 10 and 4 o'ciock. 45-2 rnP('r-ýn;r anrxi matel y 450 square te et. Phone 623-7731.46-1k nr or SITUATED on lake shore at tion Newcastle, quiet country ivail- home, close ta marina and arts winten sports. One minute ta Cail Highway 401. Reasonable. Essa Available December lst, est!- Phono 987-5135 aftor 9 p.m. or -or 263-2204 at noon. TWO large 3 bedroom apart- monts available. Phone 728- 4411. 45-tf a 5 PUREBRED performance tested Duroc boars. Lloyd Skinner. Phone 263-816V. 46-2x PUREBRED Yorkshire boars and gilts. R.O.P. tested. Tom Pleasance R.R.5, Bawman- ville, 263-2719. 46-2 COMPLETE dispersai sale of 19 Arabian horsos,_purebreds and part bred s, Champion Show and Broeding stock. Prices start at $250. Terms availabie. Na reasonabie affor refused. Cal after 6 p.mi. 579-5935 or 986-4925. 45-2 S tEL 80 1 l EQU ESTR 'AN TRAlNN CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOAR DING instruction in_ Equitation Jumping Dressage Schooling of Huntes & Jujmpers Hunters & JdMlpurS Bought & Sold RR 3 RSOWMANVI.LE6237336 -f GOATS, 40 head, purebred and grades, equipment, com- Clto dispersai sale for AI and at MéQuinn, Bowmanvilie, Ontario, on Saturday, Nov. 20 3 p m. See auction sale column of this paper. 452 Bowmanviile 8 single lots in estabIished area $26.000 each, easy terms. Calil 723-5225. Auctionsale oýf antiques, l ass and funniture. A collec- or's colloction. Saturday,' Navember 20, a- iIl a.m. a-I Claremonit,. Community Hall, Claremont, Ontario. The property af Joe Ward. lnclud- ing coal ail lamps, cranberny glass, aid iantorns, '9 pce. cherrywood diningroam suite, Bas-Ion rocker, organ stools, number of dlocks, depressian glass, numerous ather arti- cles. Terms cash. Na neserve. Eari Gauslin, Auctioneer. 52-tf' er, coins, ry, dish- ý, paint- ýpliances. Frie'ndly Flea MAarketi23Kiing West, 725-978.1 38-tf SMALL metal turnîng lathe. Phono 623-4669. 46-1 USED Furniture and Ap- pliances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-22'41 33-tf WANTEDta buy. Barnyard mianure. Brookdale-Kingswa-y Nurseries. 623-3345. 46-6 ONE barboîl set. Phono 723- 6540 betweon 12:30 and 1:30 p. m. 47-1 Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHESTPRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yar rt623-5756 Residence *-623-7112 45-f 1975 CAMARO, 18,000 miles, 350, autamatic, p.s. and p.b., ýair conditioned, _power win- dows. Phone 987-4865. 46-1ix 1973 OLDS Cutlass Supreme 350, power steering and brakes, hait vinyl top, radial tires, new peint, extra dlean car. $2495 certified. 1974 Pontiac Le Mans, 350, power steering and brakes vin y1 top, $2475 certilf ied. Phone 62-7387. 46-lx '72 FORD Cortina station wagon, 2000 ena i, needs same work, $800. Phone 623-7044. 46-1 1966 RAMBLER station wagon, $300. Phone 623-7746. 46-1 1966 BEAUMONT, 283 auto- matic, excellent engine, good transmission, ra dia, body needs work. As is, uncortified. $85. Phone 623-4872. 46-1 1970 PONTIlAC Grand Prix, $1000 or best offer. As is. 987-4343. 46-1 '71 MUSTANG 302, 4-speod, mags, AM FM, many other extras, 1-983-5121. 46-1 1962 IMPALA, certified, good condition. Phone 623-7472. 46-1 '74 CHEV haîf-tan, 8 cylindor, radio, Michelin tires, certi- fied. Must, selI. Only $2695. Phono 623-3851. 46-1 1968, FIR E BI1RD, 350 motor, 4-speed, best offer. Phono 263-8428. 46-1 '67 FIREBIRD, 6 cylinder, automnatic, power steering. A real boauty. Asking $7295 cortified. 623-3851. 46-1 '72 METEOR, 4 doar, V-8, powersteering and brakes, autamatic, radio, excelient mnotar, paint, interior. Certi- fied $1375- Original Owner. 263-2234. 14- '69 G.M.C.,,12 tan, Winebaga Cap, excellent condition.Ask- ing $1700- Phone 623-2889. J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf ALL trucks'sold with contract. '73 G.M.CTandem, 13 speed, ,427, $15,000; '73 G.M.C.- Tan- dem, 5.&4, 366, new motor $15,000; '69 Fard single axle, 527, heavy duty, $6,000. Phone 725-8411. 46-1 i9l1 MUSTANG 351 Cleveland engine, auto. power steering and brakes gaad condition. Caîl Pete Sullivan 623-2586 9 a.m. - b p.m.462 1975 CHEV Caprice Classic, 350, 4 barrel, ail options except air. Price $4,895. Phone 705- 277-2512 after 5. 45-2 PUREBREDand GRADE DAIRY GOAT DISPERSAL SALE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 3 p.m. Selling for Pat and AI Mc- Quinn, 9 miles narth of Bawmanvilie,' 40 head, of Purebred and Grade high quaiity goats, including 4 purebred Nubian femnales, 3 purebred Nubian maies, one purebred Alpine maie, record- ed femnales, and several good grade miiking goats. Ail, mature goats are bred toaa punebred buck. Equipment includes, iambs bar, tattoo set, deharner, 600 bales of alfalfa and mixed hay and othor items. Catalogues avaîl- able. Contact Li ptay Auctian- eors, R.R.î, Bowmanviîlo, Ont. 416-263-2117. 45-2 Auction Sale Liquidation. No reservo. 2 days sale; this is a large sale, plan ta attend and save. We have been instructed by R. A. Leniczewski Jr. talilquidate the, assets of Machinory Genenal and Air Compressons Assemblers at 365 Bloar St. E. Oshawa, Ontaria, November 19 and 20 - 1976 at 10 a.m. Machinery; Air camprossons; 400 PSI tanks; paint tanks 5 ta 40 gai.; hydrauiic pumps, cylinders and dump truck hoist; 200 electric matons up ta 60 hp; magnetic starters; gas ongines; chain hoists; trol- leys; pallet trucks; 10ton floar jack electnic; tank lift truck, masts, batteries and charg- ors, chains roller and links; steel cabies; concreto vibra- -os; glass plates; stanage bins and sheivings; and 1000 ather items too numerous ta mention. Lunch availabIe. Inspection November 17, 18, 10 a.m.- 4 p .m. Information phono 1-416, 576-1600 an y time. Terms. cash or cor tified cheq ues as nen oosted conditions. Mvles King, Manager and Auction- eer. 725-5751 or 723-0501. 45-2 Wednesd ay, Navember 24th, çivina up farmlng auction sale of Livestock and" Implements. The pnaporty of- Gardner: Ayer, Lot 15 Con. 3 Cartwri ght Twp- 1 mile east of County Rd. 57 on the 3rd con. of Cart- wright south east of Black- stock or 1 mile south of Blackstock and 11/2. miles east. 50 head of >negistored and grade Hostein cattle., 29 mature caws in ail stages of lactation. Catalogues avail- able on request. 1971 Ford 5000 diesel tractar, power steoning complote. New Hoiiand 38 Baler PTO. Triple K type cuitivator, Hydreiri 4-16's plough, Agretei automatic baie stocker, A.C. cut-ditionen mawer PTO. 10' Cullopak, 1975 George White field spnayer, Int. B250 diesel tractor with loader not running. Maynath 20' grain hay elevator with tripad roller bearing wagon with 150 bus. Turnco _grain box. 10' tandem disc, F-arm- matic eiectrir hammor miii- 1970 Patz silo unloader in 18' silo Berg. stable cleaner and 200' of chain with shute complote. New Holland 56 side rake, Int. 7' power mowor full lino of machinory. Approx. 3000 baies mixed hay. Approx.. 12 ton mixed 'grain. Mlueller 400 gai. buik milk tank, 1970 Surgo dumping station, Surge milIking pump. 4 Surge units milk house heater. Terms Cash., No Reserve Machine Sale at 1.00 p.m. Dairy Equipment at 2.30 immediate- Iv foiiowed Lbv cattie. Carl Hickson. Sales Mgr and Auc- tianeer Reabora, Ont. 705-324- 9959. 46-1 39-f O.Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Ronovating 1Roc Rooms, * Repa irs of ail1 types. PHONE 623-2263 20tf DARLI NGTON- MASONRY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: PO. Box 43 -Bowmanville 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating Prossuro Systoms, Now Work and Ropa irs Service and Estimatos Cal 623-2641 Cartwright Secondary .Sehool graduates, front row, lef t to right, Joanne Swain, Shelley MMahon,, Cindy MeCoil, Anne Marlow, Janet Parsons, Karin Mikkelsen and Louise Van Camp; back row, Jack Gunter, Colin Asselstine, Erie Post, Bryan Sleep, Paul Larmer, Peter Kristensen, Bryan Nicholson, Sharon Severn, Tim Wheeler and Harold Wright-, absent, Terri Robinson. Saturday, Novomber 2th Auction Sale of Livostock Somo Machinory and Furniture The property of Gardon Gilson, Lot 6 Con. A Mariposa Twp., 3 miles south of Little Britain, 4 miles west and 2 miles sauth, 90 head of Hereford cattie, 35, mature Hereford cows with 35 calves by side. Bull exposea june isT. 5 Hereford heifers 21/2 yr. aid, bred. 7 Hereford heifers 11/2 yersad open. 7 Hereford stes11/2y r. aid. Purebred Hereford bull '5 yr. aid. McLaughlin' Cutter, Dema- crat, rubber tired. buggy, M.H.7' binder, corn scuf ler, 1948 Fard 1-on truck, 1960 Vauxhallcar, chain saw, '1971 Ski Roule 25 h.p. separater, wicker carniage, grama- phono, McCiary cook stove, some antique furniture, cracks, antique spoaied type couch, many. other items. Terms cash. Na reserve. Machineryand Furniture Sale at 1: 00 p.m. Cattie Sale at 1: 30 p.m. Cari and Grog Hicksan Auctioneers, Roabora, Ont. 705-324-9959. 45-2 Friday, November 19', 12 noon Hoîstoins Malmont Debut Sale at Malmant Farms Sales Arena, 1/2 mile south of Biackstock, Ontario., 50 Head. This is a selected gnoup with ta pquaiity and fuil pedigrees. F eatures of the sale include a 3 generation very good " Rackman", sever- ai daughters of very good dams. A gnoup of taîl bred Heifers with full pedigrees and show type Heifer calves. ires neprsened include? "Ned" "Citation R", "Rock- man", "Emperor", "Uni- que", j"Nover Fea r ""Raya Mark", "Ladysman" etc. Th is sale wilI be preceded by the, officiai' apening of the new Maimont Sales Anena. Don't miss this appartunity ta pur- chasoý a top young caw or foundatian rHe ro. Lloyd Wilson, Auctioneer, Uxbridge, Ontario. 416- 852-3524. 46-1 Auctian Sale at Pethick's Auction Shed, Haydon, one mileeasf of EnniskilIen on Saturday evening, November 20. Old aorgan, box stove, Bowmanviiie wicker nacking chair, slide cane chair, beds, dressons, chests of drawers, black and white T.V., coloured T.V., loads of other articles. Tenms cash. 7 p.m. Cliff Pothick, auctioneen. 46-1 Saturday, November 27th 10:00 a.m. Large dispersai of Antiques- funniture, glass and coliect- ibies, incIuding many pino piecos, 75 chairs, tables, ch est of drawers and hundrods of items. The property of Stan- ley's Antiques, in Leaskda le, 7 miles north of Uxbridge. A sale yau won't want ta miss. Full details next week. Lloyd Wilson Sale Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbrldge, 416-852- 3524. 46-1w The three honor graduates, from the left, Cindy Van Camp, Karin Mikkelsen and Ontario Seholar, Valedictorian Wilma Wolters discuss the evening's program with Prinicpal Gordon Paisley, seated, and Donald Sutton, Program Supt. of Durham Bd. of Education. Saturday, Navembor 27th qiving, up farming. Auctian Sale of Livestock and impie- monts. The property 0f David Patterson Lot 7 Con. 3 Dummer Twp. 4 mi4es east of Peterborough an Hwy 7. 4 miles north and 8 miles east on County Road 8 ta Cotlesloe and I ý mile narth or 7 miles narth west of Norwood (7 miles east of -Douro) 7 registered Holstein caws, 3 Holstein caws VIP, 25 Grade Holstein cows in ail stages of lactation. 6 Hereford and Holstein heifers 2 yrs aid. 2 Hereford steers 2 yrs. aid. Grade Holstein heifer pasturo bred Grade Holstein heifer open, Charolais caw bned., Jersey caw with caif by side. Heref ord- heif er -1 ,yr. aid. Catalogues availabie an re- quest. Nuffield 342 diesel tractar new tires and motor, A.C. WD gas tractor with loader, New Holland 717 forage harvesonr: 1967 Dodge 1 tan truck 49,000 miles, 2 new Halland 175 forage wagons, 8 ton 3 boater with roofs, 1974 Mc Kee snow biawor, 1976 now' Halîand 175 bus. manure spreador, new Feb. 76, M.H. 13 run seed drill, A.C. hay canditianer, 1973 40' hay elevatar, Cackshutt 3 - 1À's trip, beam plough, new Hol- land 270 baien, new HoIIand super 55 rake. 1976 M.F. 2B power mawer, Triple K cultiv- ator. Bear Caf Hammor Miik apprax. 4 tan of fertilizer, full lineoaf modemn machinery. De Lavai 60 can coolor new Apri 76. Universal pipe lino milker' autamatic washer, 3 units double stainiess sinks, 2 Surge milk metens. Universai pump approx. 6000 bailes 1976 hay. approx. 140 ton of corn silage in silo. Terms Cash. No resorve machine sale at 12:30 p.m. Dairy, Equipment at 2:30 p.m. Cattle Sale at 3: 00 Cari Hicksan Sales mgr. and Auctioneer, Reabaro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 46-2 Auction Sa le Grist Mill Auction Barn Newtonville, Nov. 2Oth, Sat. 12:00 Noon Seiiing the contents of an Oshawa homo includi n Electrohome 25 in. calar TMV consul, Silvertone Sterea Credonza, Axminster carpets (12 x 101/2) (9 x 6), Electrolux vaccuum, Singer portable sewer, Electrohome fan, largo air conditianer, portable B-W TV, double podestal desk, Kodak mavie camera, record cabinet, small glass china cabinet, rocliner, armchair, beds, chests of drawers, drossors, Iamps, bed chestor- field, sideboard and hutch, fridgo, stove, 5S c.. kitchon. suite (new), electric~ kitchon apg liances, stainless steel 0'and pans, complote sets of dishos glass, china, silven- wane, smokoir, bundle buggy. Also sellinq an ail furnace 80,000 BTU in gaad condition, t lus lots mono. Terms cash. unch available. Dress wanm- ly1and plan ta be hono. Auctioneers: Staploton Bras. 786-2244. 46-1 Auction Sale, Saturday, Novemben 20 at 1: 15 p.m. at Bannister's Auction Hall besido Fine Hall in Bowdley consisting of nocking chairs, marbie top wash stand, round pedestai tablo, hall stand, cedar chest, dlock, washbowl set, glasswano, dishes, ail lamps, picture frames, ap- pliances, chairs, tables and athen items stilI bomng cansign- od. Rager Ba nniston, auc- tianeer, 797-2651. 46-1 Auction Sale of fanm ma- chinery for John Wilson and ,son, f irsýt f arm south of Tyrono on the 'Manvors, Roa'd, east side or 21/2 miles north of Taunton Rd. an Manvers Road on Satunday, Novemnbor 27th. List of machinery in next wook's papor. Farm soid. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. Laurence Harris, clerk. 46-1 Antique Auction At Sa le Athe Liptay Auction Centre, Hwy. 7 & Bensfort Rd., On Saturday, Nov. 27, 1 p. m. Inciuded are 160 pies of furnituro, china, cracks pot Durham Board Chairman Mrs. Yvonne Christie and Trustee Gordo-,n Goode oiItove, 1894 Marilin re have a brief conversation with Student Council Presidlent Paul Larmner. velvet reclining couch 1895, buffets, round aak pedestalt ad otothpuleo table, wash stands, set of bawNe d aS view and ask questions con- back chis ifayhnig R S L - COUN ! A new idea will be presented cerning the candidates' ideas. iamps, figurines,, colîoctor's dishes, plates, vases, bowis, tu, the candidates at three The meeting will take place candiehoiders, pitchers, public meetings for the Dec. 6 in Blackstock on November 25 lamps, jugs, cracks, pictures, elections in Scugog Township. and in Greenbank on Decem- decanters, wali dlocks, etc. Caddae will be asked ta ber 2. The date for the meeting etc. 160 pcs. Heated Ring. fl Good seating càpacity. Pro- 'MlItiple Listing Service fi out questionaires outiining ta be held in Port Perry has, view Saturday morning. Oshawa & District their positions on most of the not been set. Terms cash. Lunich availabie.; major issues in the commun- Steve Liptay auctianeer, 416- RealI Estate Board ' ity. 263-2117. 462 <jt These questionaires will be ALLIN COLE'S MOBILE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS

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