IEdito Mrs. May Manor, LinÈ week with Mi and Mr. ar Paterson, ai annual turki Newcastle L Sat. evening Mr. and Belleville wE tors with hi Mrs. Clint B Mr. and]N -leville wE tors with hi Mrs. Lloyd Sympathy family and Charles Bedý took placec l5th. Mr. Murray and Artisti*e, Barber and Beauty Salon, is deighted to announce that Rudi Wybenga wiII be returning on November 3Oth. Rudi wiII be pleased to welcome ai l her friends and customiers, and invites themn to make their appointments for Christmas and New Years. Please Cali 623-2931 Now For Appointment 233 King St. E. Bowmanville M Pearce 236, A. Vog( B. Glanville 259, N.1 214, J. Holmes 244, 257-202. PONTYPI A special Thar service will be Sunday in Pontyp( Churcb. (See comnir Mr. and Mrs. Ge( ing of Oshawa an( Mrs. Perey Begg: dinner at the Bonfi: rant on Safurda3 celebrating the birthdays and laI with Mr. and P Hamilton. Home for the we( their families we: Fallis and Bryan Owen Sound and R~ eringen of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. VanDam Sr. spent end with relatives ford. Harry VanWierii charge of renovatii way at PontypoolC Centre. A Wintarii belping to finance t] being made. Mr. and Mrs. Fr( of South Monag] Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Larr and attended the c Town Retains its Ncime The NLewcastle Independlent irs: Jack and Hazel Crago Telephone 987-4 Birthday greetîngs f0 Mrs. Doug Moffatt, MPP. Jackie De Jong, Miss Mabel Newcastle by Mayo: &kf w o~QeOldfield, David Gray, Peggy Rickard, Royal Car. Pruner, Laura Peel, Ricky gion, Veterans ofN Pearce. by Mr. Fred Adair Mrs. Betty Brown, Toronto, Auxiliary of the Ro> attended the furneral of Mrs. dian Legion, Lions Mabel Bedwin, affer which Newcastle, Fine Ric yToms, Victoria ford spent the weekend with she called on Mrs. Florence men Club by Charl .dsay vîsited last hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson. Newcastle Business Irs. Howard Toms Arthur Bedwin and Fred. Mr. and, Mrs. Harry Wade Mr. Howard Quinr( tnd Mrs. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hockin, spent the weekend witb Mr. castie Family Wreai and attended the Oakville were weekend guests and Mrs. Ross Chiswell, Gladys Belsey, Clai .ey dinner at the of hier brother, Mr. and Mrs. Cambridge and attended the Scholan0wa United Church on Albert Pearce. reception for Grand Master School. g, Nov. l3th. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce Elmer Mattbews in Fergus on United CburchN Mrs. Ray Reid, and Mrs. May Scott, Bowman- Sat., Nov. l3th. On Sunday, Nov, iere Saturday visi- ville, visited on Suinday with Mr. Neil Britton, Belleville, Newcastle United er sister, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pearce, visifed on Sunday with his Rev. David Spivey ir Burley. Vicki and Kirk, Betbany. parents, Mr. Harve Britton Jay Wind with hierc Vrs. Jack Devlin, . Mrs. Bertha Touchburn, being a patient in Bowman- of Good Citizenship iere Safurday visi- Orono, Mrs. Bea Jones, New- ville Memorial Hospital. Children's Showî er sister, Mr. and tonville and Mrs Madeline Mr. and Mrs. L. Hamstra, period. On June 18,J Stephenson. Buckley aftended the Retired Whitby, vited on Sunday a $20 bill, which shea is ext ended fo the Teachers' Luncheon in Osha- witb their daugbter, Mr. and Patti Tilling turned 1friends of Mrs. wa on Monday. Mrs. Joe Visser. In their last O.P.P. For their hor [win whose funeral Miss Dale Powell, Sir San- letter from son, George Visser, girls were award on Monday, Nov. ford Fleming College, Peter- hie and bis friends Jamie citizenshipawards. and, Mrs. RaIli~ borough was home for the Crowfher and Paul Nesbitt vey's sermon was fitl d Colleen Frank- weekend were in Switzerland affer f0 Keepa~n Open Mi ______________________________ ouring Holland and Belgiumn For the 1152nd ai and before going on to Italy. services at Newcast Mrs. Pauline Storks, Mrs. Cburcb, Rev. Bol Wilda Johnson, Mrs. Carolyn editor, of Mandate, Garrod, Mrs. Wilma Lovekin, guest speaker at the roteMiss Candy Storks, Mrs. Raye 10: 30 service, Friedlander and daughter Jiîî Af the 7:30 Christie-Brown enjoyed Sun- Rev. Mel Buttars of f rdaybruncb at Belanger's United Church, Os! ed Mrs. Jill Christie-Brown in The prayer f0, be bn er new apartment building,wekfrFmy andKing St, Toronto. Nov.ofofh, gatoers Mr.Pauline Storks and other believe in the uli *volunfeer workers and staff, umph of Righteousn ý11took a bus load of their Wbifby of a prayer by Pe Refarded Group f0 enjyteshal). Ice Capades in Toronto. Sacrament of Bap à% ~Guelph, visited relatives in the Advenf ýSunday, No- area on the weekend. Rev. Spivey bas Mr. Terry Bernard and Miss bis November News] Brenda Magee, Flesherton, every family receiv rRegional Counicillor in Ward-i were Tbursday evening visi- thus keeping everyor (Darlington Twp.) tors with bis grandmotber, ed about all churcb onMrs. Nellie Spencer. Anglican Churci Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Tinling, The Anglican Cli Oakville, were weekend visi- men meet this WE tors witb Mr. andi Mrs. John Nov. l7tb af 8 p.m. Decem b r 6thScott and witb tbem attended Toy Shower, Please1 ec mb r6hthe UCTukysupper. a rpig D long resident of Darlington 'Lorraine, Maple Grove, were be beld on Thursday TownshipSunday visîtors witb bis in the Chapel. To nsipparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Next Sunday, Noe acoti Bisbop's Appeal Sun cesful fameran uies Mrs. Wilfred Wood' enfer- each Anglican Fair ma.tained 'the Ladies' Eucbre our Diocese is ask Club last week. special donation far Mrs. Warburton, Mr. and the North. ___Mrs. Col Ianiels and Neil, and Rev. Robt. and Mi __Mr. and Mrs. Fred Douglas, enjoyed Armistice1 Oshawa, were Saturday visi- the Legion last Satur tors with Mrs. Chas. Cowan President Stan Duri and attended the U.C. Turkey presnainf0t suitably inscribed Congrat utotions f0 the Ne- i (jc~l se t ofrmi F- castle Horticulturai llno omnil ei Gardeners wbo) won first prize 'Rev. and Màrs, 7-J decorating a Christmas tree at Hayne and family 4the Royal Agricultural Winfer reception wifh thelr Fair. The Mosfert children at bis new pa rishi also won prizes on ýa wall ken. hanging, bird-bouse and feed- Following the reg er. f you are planning a visit sbip hours on Nov. to the Fair, look up these Saviour's Orono exhibits! While we are think- George's, Newcastle ing of Horficultural Society, bour and receptionw Newcastle's , photographic f0 bld farewell f0 the SSky'LArk Holklays compet ifion and Christ mas i wek r0show will be beld on Tuesday, Ladies 200 and9 November 3th. E. Perrin 217-237, $ 3 9Not such a pleasant news 255, E. Kidd 213, E doubl e ocupancy) item is thaf of an unidentified 207, 1. Brown 212, M. oartures every Saturday and Monday fromn male body being found in the B. Mercer 228-204, Dec. 20 to April 30 Jose woods south of Highway 261, J. Miller 260, nb Inn in San Juan, the tennis enthusiast and the 401.27,RSios46 rminded holidayer wilI find the perfect vacation in RmmrneDySrie 224, . Petberi246 ico. During the day theres excellent sports facilities On Thursneday ri e Nov. ,Ke.leer 21, J.Fol eevening exciting nightlife, including disco dancing OnlTbhe saynin Remem- lngsaff27210 . wly opened casino. SkyLark aisé offers you holidays 1brancte Da eric a hen-Ld Menf22203 n erto Rico Sheraton and La Concha. No matter which ba teDN ecste Vla e B. Frrow203,d choose, you'll enjoy aU the features of Puerto Ricos Cenofh SNcestle Vsludet 2-25B . F owr203ng Le Lai Lo festival. eoah icth tdns2935G.Cwng o Puerto Rico includes: e Round trip air transporta- of the Northumberland and Nickolson 228-242, ' roronto to San Juan via Wardair 707 jet e Complîmen- Newcastle Board of Educafion 284,S. Powell 2 tl meals and drinks.e Transfers between the airpart and District did not have a Glanville 232-282-30É and baggage handling a Accommodation for seveni or holiday, the teachers and son' 252, J. Forrest, n San Juan e Continental breakfast daîly e Welçome pupils of the Newcastle Public Lewis 206-257, G. KÊ nd party.e Services af a local SkyLark representatîve e School atfended the service. W. Flintoff 277-233, each bag e Puerto Rca gîves you ail the fearures of the MrEdud aerws tn2143 festival, Mar. of CerMemnies. toRev 21ur.Mi 20 e hage ad rasss xraPrce qotd repr erosasrar Rbrt ayn ldinte . oge 17 iy evening Cowling's ter visited M'rs. Roy ekend with ere Wayne McKay of Ron VanWi- s.George ýthe week- * in Brant- ngen is in Jons under- Community o grant is the changes reeman Fee hrlan were guests of -ry Bradley dance witb The Canadian -Stitesman, Bowmi Town of Tr Garnet nadian Le- NJewcastle Jr, Ladies oyal Cana- ýClub of Jdgeý Kins- 'les Gray, ssmen by ney, New- th by Mrs. rke High f le Public N"ews rl4th, at JChurch, introduced certificate, ip for the and Tell Jay found and friend din f0 the onest y, the -ded witb Rev. Spi- led' 'ILike Vlid.' îniversary f le United ob Plant, e, will be ie morning n. service, dAlbert Sf. iawa, will, eused this Frayer is .- and Our eFaith fo timate tri- sness (part 1eter Mar- ptism will service on ov. 28tb. ;published rletter and ives copy, one inform- iactivities. ih News %urch Wo- Vednesday, ifor their Sbring toys iunion will iy at 7 p.m. ov. 21sf, is riday wben imily from 3ked for a or work in VIrs. Hayne SDînner at rday when in made a ie Padre-a desk pen B.raun ch 117 8, Robert enjoyed a 4r families at Ohswe- ýular wor- 28th at St. and St. e, a coffee will be beld e Hayne's. JOver r7 J. Stere K. Mercer 1.Wade 201, B. Major P. Facey M. Garrod ý203, G. [ard 280, A. )ver M. Henry 215-213, T. T. Embley 230-214, S. og, G. Wat- fer 233, B. (imbaîl 222, ýB. Staple- Vote f or und Elect Ray Harding Northumberland - Newcastle Board of Education WARD Il (BOWMANVIILLE) *Five years - Victoria County Board of Educqtion *Two years - Choirman of Finance *Two years - Chairman of Teachers', Ad viso ry (-Salary Negotiations ) *Vice-chairman of Board in the Iast year The restoration of the town's water tower was completed recently when pgainters applied the finishing touches, includingth e Bowmanxnîlle name plus Region of Durham. It now stand out quite, attractively against the dark sky in this photo as this community's answer to t he CN Tower in Toronto. On top is the new anten nae that provides additional reception coverage from officiai communications. ScholCosts Up Oiver Forecast of Ed-Jucoation Board i '1 B' for *Life *Sucq enrolment f0 cover the actuai cost. Along with borrowing cost, expe nses covering teachers' salaries were reported as the main reasoùi for the added expenditure. The committee also encour- aged the board f0 establish their priorities for spending for the coming year as early as possible since the general legislative grant information, for 1977 has already arrived. A committee meeting has been set up in December f0 discuss early submission of the municipal requisition for' education costs. H A YkeDON Club 21, met at the Com- munity Centre on Nov. 8th witb 10 ladies present, Kay Buttery chaired the meeting. Roll Caîl was answered by the flower you hope f0 plant next spring. Secretary's report was read, and approved. Eileen Blackburn reported the col- lection for UNICEF. Jean Garrard gave a reading, we will remember, and 'An Arm- istice Salute. " If was proposed that our grass cutter and caretaker be paid. The ladies planned f0 meet at Mes. M. Read's f0 make plans for the pot luck supper, and Christmas iparty. Blanche Jones offered to fI the Candy bags and the oranges f0 be odrdfrom the, Courice Band. Kay Buttery read, Tbanks- giving in Canada, if seems Canada not the U.S. started our Thanksgiving Day with the second Monday of Octo- ber, sfarted back in 1931. For our social time the ladies baving been fold prior fo the meeting to bring wool, were showed how to cover a clothes hanger, we all enjoyed this different idea, Kay show- ed us the Divine Wires. No giggling and a earnest belief in this is very necessary. Group 3 Mr. Sean Eilseman, Barrie, spent the weekend with Allan Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. S. Trewin, Bowmanville were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin's. Miss May Tabb, Newcastle at hier home on the weekend. Mrs. Roy Graham is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, having had surgery. Best wishes and a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Buttery and family enjoyed a day at WYPAY MORE? i oun ciI lo r Ward 2 Depi At the Ca economy Puerto Rit andin the and a new at the Pue hotel youi exciting L Skyl-ark t flan f rom 1 tary inflgh your hatel 14 nightsi cocktail an SkyLark bf Le Lai La'f Taxes. servici rom $359 1 the SkyLarir Y 1X the 1-oval Winter F'air. Mrs. M. Reacl spenta week with Mr. an~d Mrs. Gordon Dudlev and Neil, Sarnia. Glad to hea r Mrs. Dudley is feeling better. Mrs. Buttery collected over $51 for the Canadian National Institute for the blind. The executive of Club 21 met at Mrs. M. Read's home np. Elementary and secondary school budgets are expectecd to rise above, 1976 estimates, the Northumberland and New-, castle Board of Education's finance committee reported at a meeting on Thursday night. An estimated $100,000 over the original estimate is ex- Riék Johnston and the Clare- mont County Boys supplying the music. Also at the dance were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harwood with a party of thirteen or so who were celebrating Mrs. Har- wood's mother's birthday, Mrs. Emily Duguay, of Don Milîs. The late Mrs. Ada Clark of Bethaniy was burîed in Bally- duff f Cemetery on Friday, Nov. l2th. She had been ill for the past three months in hospital in Niagara Falls and, later at the home of ber son, Dr. jack Clark. The late Mrs. Clark was in her 95th year. Sympathy isextended to the relatives of the late Mrs. Bedwin of Newcastle who was buried on Monday. She was the motherof the late Mildred Gilbank. We send sympathy as well f0 Frank Nester, a teacher of Grandviewý, whose brother passed away on the weekend. Mrs. Thomas White, Law- rence and Stanley, and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bradley attended the wedding of Mrs. Gordon White's son in Toronto on Sunday, Nov. 7th., Congratulations to Lester Urbankiewicz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Urbankiewicz of R.R. 1, Pontypool, who was recently presented with the Allied Chemîicals of Canada award (a silver tray and a cheque for $750) at the University of Waterloo. Lester is a fourth year honours chemnistry student and re- ceived the award for leader- ship qualities and participat- ing in extra curricular activi- ties as well as academic achievement. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Strong attended the wedding of David and Sandy Irvine in Oshawa on Saturday. Monday was Nomination Day in Manvers Township and nominated for our local coun- cil were: Reeve - George Neals (acel.), Deputy-Reeve - Fred evfLaughlin, Lorne Cur- tin, Normne Propp. Council - Linda Me- Laughlin, Fred Marshall, Robert Brown, Lewis McGill, Mrs. J. Penney, Tapio Man- nonen, Fred McLaughlin. Candidates had yntil 5 p.m. Tuesday to qualify Get-well wishes are sent to Mrs. Wes. McMahon of Be- thany who recently underwent foot surgery. Jeanne is in a wheel chair and wîll befor the next two or three weeks. a jil a manamm IÏ ianville, November 17, 1976 5 Wednesday morning to plan the pot luck supper and Christmas party. En g ish Springer Spa- nie Is, puppies, liver and white, x-ray clean par- ents, champion bIood lines, $150 each. Cail after 5, 579-3562. pe cted ini the elementary school budget for the board. Revenue from the Reserve for Working Funds and grants on the expenditure will cover the gap. The finance commîttee cited "increased costs of borrowing and purchase of portable classrooms" as the main cause of the extra expendi- ture. The 1976-77 collective agree- ment for elementary school staff bas to be negotiated yet as well, the finance committee report indicates. The, secondary school budget will exceed the estim- ate by $65.000 with additional grants cominiz-from increased ATTENTION FARMERS!