Plan to, attend the l5th annual Santa Claus parade this Saturday, in Bowmanville at 10:30. Be sure to clap and cheer as the parade passes, thus encouraging the march- ers and bands to stage a peppy, enthusiastic event. And don't forget to buy a Parade Button for a souvenir. This column is for you, your visitors, items of interest, etc. s HHaame ait hhv Just pick up the phone, dial 623-3303 and we'll be happy to include' your item in the week's edition. Six young skaters were' honored at a banquet held recently at the Acres by the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club. They included Marcia Lowery, Clarke High School who placed first in the competition last year; Kim Irwin of the Pines Senior Public School who placed second in 1975; Ron Taîsma of Clarke High School who plac- ed third; Shelley Gray of the Pines; Lisa Wind, Newcastle; Julie Gray, Orono; Jennifer McDonnel, Lockharts; and Michael Vooys of the Kirby Public School. Mr. Ken Wight, Edmonton, Alberta, has been spending a few days with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hammond and family. He left Items of Interest Phone 623-3303 Fitness. In, your heart you know it's righi. An Evening of Gospel "Music with The Believers Quartet from Regina, Sask. ut the Bowmanville Pentecostal Church THURSDAY, NOVEMBER l8th at 7:30 p.m. Happy One-Yearl-OId on Novem ber 6th Monday to take up work in the Libyan Desert again. Mrs. Edith Abernethy, Man- illa and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Van Blarcorn, Nova Scotia were Monday luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aber- nethy. Don Cameron, a farmer well-known resident of Bow- manville was in town recently visiting friends and the States- man office where hie was employed in his younger days. He was, staying in Oshawa with his brother -Brulce for a few days.. His many friends will be sorry to learn that Russel Candier, an employee of Kellogg's in London, Ont., fel this week while inspecting a food storage tank, severely injuring his leg and ankie and is expeçted to be laid up for several weeks due to the injury. He is the younger brother of "Stu" Candler, who is now beginning to get around more, easily since his leg injury over two years ago. Kevin Hodgson, who is attending the Lake Rosseau School, spent the weekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hodgson and brothers David and Paul, Meadowview Avenue. When legendary soprano Lotte Lehmann died recently, enterprising Toronto' record producer Eleanor Sniderman wrote to hier estate offering to record any of the soprano 's concerts that had been taped but not packaged. Yes, there, was one in 1951 and an agreement was made. Only later did she find out that the soprano's accompanist on that occasion was Gwendolyn Kol- dofsky, the former Gwendolyn Williams of Bowmanville, Eleanor Sniderman's sister- in-law, who worked with Lotte Lehmann once in a whîle. A grand prize of $1000 is being offered in a new poetry competition sponsored by the World of Poetry, a monthly newsletter for poets. In addi- tion, there are 49 cash and merchandise awards. For rules and officiai entry forms write to: World of Poetry, 801 Portola Dr., Dept. 211, San Francisco, California 94127. Mrs. C. Siemon of Niagara Falls and Mrs. A. Delve of Oshawa have been guests of Mrs. T.W. Cawker £or the last few days. Saturday evening, Nov. 13,. 1976 saw the Centennial Hall, Queen St., weil filled when L.O.L. 2384 Bowmanville host- ed a rally for ail orangemen. Members were present fromn Parry Sound, Whitby, Belle- ville, Peterborough, Wood- ville, Coîbourne, Lakefield and Quebec. Also, of course from the surrounding lodges in the county of west Durham. There weîre several distinig- uished visitors present. Rt. W. Bro. James Bell, Gr. Master of the Prov. Gr. Lodge of Ont. Wst., Rt.W.Bro. Ralph Langiey, Gr. Master of the Prov. Gjr. Lodge of Ont. East, Rt.W.Bro. Morgan Brown, Past Gr. Master of Ont. East, Rt.W. Bro. Alex Lough, Past Gr. Master of- Quebec and Rt.W. Russell Brown, Dep. Lect. of Ont. East. County Masters were W.Bro. Harry Warner, Coîbourne, W.Bro. Walter Campbell, Whitby and W.Bro. Russell Wright, Ty- rone. There were many past county masters, worthy mas- ters andý past masters also present. Special speaker of the evening was W.Bro. Gary Cole of L.O.L. 399 who gave a most interesting address which was well received. Woodviiie LOL. won the flag for having the most members present. All agreed that it had been a' most interesting evening. Be- fore the meeting several of the out of town visitors were entertained to. dinner by W.Bro. Fred and W. Sis. Pat Grif fin. r.CUT & The Bowmanville Pentecostal Church Wednesday, November l7th - 7:30 p.m. "A NEW AGE FOR QU EBEC" DonMarten, f rom the Quebec Literature Crusade Thursday, November lBth - 7:30 p.m. An Evening of Gospel Music with "THE BELIEVERS QUARTET" Sunday, November 2lst 9:55 a. m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - "VICTORIOUS LIVING" 7:00 p.m. - "THE COMING CRISIS"I Sunday, November 21, 1976 Sunday School Classes for Ail Agýes 10 a.m - 9 and up, and Treasure Hunt Club 11 a.m. - Toddlers and Nursery Care 11: 15 a.m,. -4to 8-year-oIds and Zion (Hope Townhship) visited their cousin Mr. Wini- fred Cameron one day last week before leaving for Vic- toria B.C. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brima- combe, Osaca, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Winifred Cameron. A Bazaar with free admis- sion will be held Saturday Nov. 27th 1-4 p.m.' at the Crippled Children's School, 760 Bloor St.E. (Harmony Rd. and Bloor). There will be a Tea Room and Bake Sale. l'rash to Treasures. Proceeds to go to Crippled Children's Centre. Over 400 Rotarians from southern Ontario and their wives are expected to attend Charter Night for the Rotary Club of Parkwood - Oshawa on November 26. This historic occasion will take place in the Guild Hall oË the Holiday Inn, Oshawa and will be hosted by the Rotary Club of Oshawa. The gala eventý will include the presentation of the Char- ter by D.G. Norman Guild, Governor of District 707, Rotary International to Park- wood President Terry Giles. The distinguished guest speaker will be Gerry Wooll,, a past director and treasurer of Rotary International, Evan- ston, Illinois. The formalities will be followed by a fuli course dinner and dancing to the seven piece Bob Cringan Orchestra. More than 3,000 delegates are expected at the 5th Anniversary Convention of the Ontario Trucking Association on November 22 and 23. Theme of the Convention is "50 Golden Years of Truck- ing". Most Convention activit- ies will take place in the Skyline Hotel in Rexdale while the Annual Meeting and the largest trucking exhibition ever held in Canada will be staged at the International .ýentre in Malton. Shuttie buses will transport delegates between the two locations. The Dayton Tire National Truck Hero Award will be presented at the luncheon. A local phenomenon known as the Toronto International Boat Show which annually attracts 160,000 boating en- thusiasts is scheduled again for the middle of winter, January 14 to 23, 1977. Snow and ice might deter anything but eager boating enthusiasts who take particular pride in battling the elements, winter and summer. The 1977 version willbe the biggest andi best in TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax and Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 1N4 St. Paul's United Chureh Min ister: ,Re. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. ~Organist: Gerald k. Burgess 11:00 a.m. Sunday, Novemnber 21, 1976 1Worship Service 9:45 a.m. Senior Sunday School (9 yrs. and up) 11:OOa.m. Junior Sunday School (Children wiII attend first part of Church Service with their parents) Parents are invited to bring their children to a "Play and Learn- Nursery while they attend church. the 19-year history of the event. The texn-day show is held on the 12-acre site of the Coiiseum, Exhibition Place, and contains more than one thousand boats ranging form dinghies to 42-foot Bertram luxury power cruiser with a price tag of $200,000. Staff Changes Oshawa, Ont-The following changes within the Engineer- ing and Forward Planning DeDartment were announced November 1, 1976, according to F.C. Fleck, Director. M.B. (Martin) Chenhaîl, formerly Staff Project Engin- eer, Experimental, is promot- ed to Staff Engineer, Produc- tion Liaison, succeeding G.S. (Gary) McCullough, who is reassigned to Manufacturing. D.E. (Don) McLean, form- erly Forward Product, Plan- ning, is reassigned as Staff Project Engineer, Experi- mental, succeeding M.B. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville,,November 17, 1976 7 Chenhali., moted to Staff Project Engin- W.V. (Walter) Michael, eer, Body Design, succeeding formierly Body Design, is W.V. Michael. reassigned as Staff Projeet R.J. (Ron) Siblock is pro- Engineer, Forward Product moted to Senior Public Engin- planning succeeding D.E. eer, Product Information, McLean. succeeding D.R. (Ross) A.R. (AI) Macnab, formerly Hawe who is transferred to the Service Engineer, Product Product Service Department Service Department, is pro- as Service'Engineer. For Efficient Administration as has been proven by his past experience; A man known for his Honesty, lntegrity and Community Spirit p ledges f uli-time representation. Vote andElect Bob Dykstra For Regional Councillor Ward 2 (Bowmdnvillle) For Information Phone 623-3345 or after 5: 00 p.m. 623-7444 ELECTION DAY MONDAY, DEC. 6th ADVANCE POLL SATURDAY, NOV. 27th :essf ul merchant for the pas't 17'years, interested in a more progressive town. J you in the past as: fears Councillor - 1968 - 1969 rears as Reeve - 1970 - 1971 - 1972. iears as a member of the Bowmanville Pranning DUdFUrc. A succf Servec eG WCU E eS ______________"Weil Worth Looking For" Prices 5 King MeGregor LD.A. Drugs st. W. _ 623-5792 Bowmoanville This happy,, healthy-looking young man is Ryan Locke who was one-year-old on Nov. 6th, 1976. His parents are Bob and Shawn Locke of Newcastle. Proud grandparents are Jack and Audy Leddy, Newcastle and Stan and Lillian Locke, Oshawa. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Locke, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs., Jack Russeli, also of Oshawa. The traditional Parkwood, Oshawa, annual mum show closes Thursday, for this year. The show is open from 1: 30 p. m. to 4: 00. There will be 250 varieties of chrysanthemums on dispiay. Admittance to the grepnhouses is free while there still is a charge for those who may wish to tour the buildings. The annual Kinsmen Club sponsored Skate-A-Thonwill beheid this year in Orono on Sunday, December 26th. Through the Skate-A-Thon the club is able to raise some $1400. to $1500. annuaily which is directed to Cystîc Fibrosis along with other monies collected and raised by the club. So when you are contacted please give gener- ously to this worthy cause. More information is cQming regard to the use of energy. particularly heat produced by power plants. Doug Moffatt, MPP suggests another area thiat the committî(ee suyn the Darlington Planlt imay well consider in its deliberations. I have just read the press release from the Ontario Institute of Agrologists which clearly indicates that one of the areas that needs to be explored by Ontario Hydro in considering future generating plants is the use of the excess heat which, in the Darlington case, Ontario Hydro is plan- ning to discharge into Lake Ontario. The Agrologists sug- gest that this might well be used to "provide a cheap source of heat for greenhouses where high value crops (usu- ally imported) could be grown. Other -uses such as heating of commercial build-' ings or dwellings should also be explored. " Mrs. Ethel Gable, Tyrone, visited with Mrs. W. Cameron, one evening recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ruluf Beebe Todays Bible It is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father hath put in his own power. But ye shail receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is corne upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unfo the uttermost pa rts of the ea rth. Please write Box 111 Blackstock, Ont. il a.m. -WORSHIP SERVICE LAITY SUN DAY Subiect "WHAT'S MY PERSPECTIVE?" A Warmn Welcome for Everyone 1:00 p.m. - Confirmation Classes, Church Parlor A CONSERVATION MEASURE The committee of Stewards, in an effort to conserve energy and cut fuel costs, ask you to please use centre doors of church during winter months. Effective Sunday, December 5 the west and east doors wil I not be used. The side entrance to Church Hall and Sanctuary wilI remnain in use. I Oshawa Free'Methodist Church TruII's Road (15 Darlington) 72 5-3606 PASTOR: DAVIDA. DYER 725-3872 Sunday, Novemubor 21, 1976 10 a.m. -Sunday School il a. m. - Morning Worship Service Special Music - The Choir Message "For This, 1 Thank God" 7 p.m. - Sunday Evening-Service Wednesday - 7 p.m. - Family Night -- Children's CYC Hour Aduit Bible Study and Prayer Coming - November 27-28 Annual Missionory Conforence Special Guests Rev. and Mrs. Roy Kenny -,- - - - Fwý ý