Proi November 16, 1976 JdeR.B. Baxter prestaed with Acting Crown Attorney' P. Coath and duty counsel K. Van Nest. Peter Barclay, 28, Bowman- ville. pleaded guiltv' to - of the TOWNof NEWCASTLE TENDER: [Sealed Tenders clearly market! as ta contents wiIl be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. C.S.T. Monday, November 29th, 1976. Spec. No. 76-28. FOR: One - 1/ Ton Truck Ail tenders must be submitted on formis supplied by the Town which may be obtained from the undersigned. Late tenders flot ac- cepted. Lowest or any tender flot necessarily accept- ed. T. A. FANNING Director of Parks& 1Recreation Town Hall Bowmanville, Ontario 'I vineial qCour charge laid October 22 of driving after consuming over .08. OPP Officer McDonald observed him driving in an erratic manner on highway 2. Tests were .23. The fine was $250 and costs, in default 15 days. License suspension 3 months. Given 4 weeks to pay. Brian K. Black, 21, Orono, was charged on July 9 did drive after consuming over .08. He pleaded 'guilty'. He was also charged same day did commit the offense of careless driving-and pleaded 'guilty'. Const. Fitzgerald was operating radar and observed three motorcycles pull out of a parking lot making unneces- sary noise. Tests were .14. On the first charge the fine was $150 and costs, in, default 7 days with license suspension 3 montbs in addition to any other suspension. On the second charge the fine was $150 and costs, in default 7 days additional with a further automatic license suspension by the Department of Trans- port. Charles A. Martin, 19, R.R.2 Bowmanville, was charged October 24 at Bowmanville did unlawfully drive in a manner dangerous to the public. He pleaded 'guilty'. Const. Hron- cich was on patrol and followed a car that was going Are crowded mails taking the joy Out of your Christmas shopping? Choose a gift where you can browse at your leisure * Bowmanville Pet Shop and Hobbies LEGO BUILDING BRICKS WOODEN BUILDING .SETS (Imported f rom Austria) REMOTECONTROL CARS 34A King St. W o9%r AFX CAR RACING SETS LARGE ASSORIME NT of games .and much more' to choose f rom Recognize this man? You may have seen him on C.B.C.'s police series "Side Street" or fighting a strong default,5 days. Lîcense sus- pension 3 months with one week to pay. Kîngsway Transport Ltd. were levied a fine $20 and costs for allowing a truck on highway 401 with expired plates. They pleaded 'guilty'. Reliable Transport Ltd, 101 Union St. Toronto, were charged May 18 with excess weight: They pleaded 'flot guilty'. Inisp. Scott stated the overweight was 5,900 pounds and they were found 'guilty' as charged. The fine was $59 and costs, in default,,dîstress. HELP W.ANTED FOR THE TAXPAYERS 0F BOWMANVILLE on the following questions> 1. Whaf has happened f0 the name of our Town?1 2. Have we Iosf our idenfityP?? years as years as years asi Planning My answer, is taken we EXPERIENCE Councillor 1968-1969 Reeve 1970-71-72 a member of Bowmanville Board sorry f0 say, is yes. Bowmanville did lose if's nome, and if -no action are on, the verge of Iosing our identity. Yes Our present Regional Councillor Ivan Hobbs has flot done his'job. -No feed-back and no-strong voice for Bowmanville. You may say how corne we Iost our nome? WeII, at the time1 Ivan M. Hobbs was Mayor, if was Iost along the way as we went into the new Regional structure. What can be done?? 1 would pledge-fo strive f0 the besf of my ability fo work on the following issues:- 1. Regain our voico a? the Rogion and work as a strong cohesive unit. 2. Try to savo our identity. 3ë Give you a strong voice at the Regional Council on bohaif of Bowmanville. 4. Clear up the utterly confused mess of water aind sewer bis. 5. Improved parking and upgrading of the downtown core. 6. Public transportation for oid and young is a mus? in our growing Town. 7. Preserve our natural elnvironment, including the Lakeshore and the Second Marsh area. lt's. time for action' now!l1 1 pledge fo worlk for Bowmianville on a full time basis. VOTE and ELECT MONDAY, DEC. 6/76 BOB DYKSTRA for REGIONAL COUNCILLOR For information Phone 623-3345 or affer 5:00 p.m.,- 623-7444. SPONSORED BY VOTE DYKSTRA FOR REGIONAL COUNCILLOR COMMITTEE Fraser River current in an watch, the St. Catharines-born episode of "The National actor demonstrated the cru- Dream" or even on the top of cial importance of timing in Chevrolet Mountain in Utah haif-minute commercials, advertising Bar Six chocolate...which must run precisely 28 bars for Cadbury. seconds. For his latest ad, On Monday, Nov.15, actor which extols the virtues of Jonathan Welsh was at Bow- Cow Brand Baking Soda manville High Sehool talking Deodorant, the film crew did to students in Jane Eccles' 30 takes between 5 and 6 a.m. senior class about bis career at a farm near Peterboroueh- in theatre and television, inA conjunction with an assign- fispparently, the cash bene- ment the students were given ft of such a venture greatly about understanding televi- outweigh the disadvantages of then the early morning shooting Wihtehelp of a stop schedule, according to Welsh. Broa%.âdbent Cnt Accept 4Separotînsm The Parti Quebecois and the NDP may have a lot in common, but federal NDP leader, Ed Broadbent said last week -that the NDP cannot accept separatism. Speaking at a press confer- ence at NDP party headquar- ters, in Oshawa, the federal. leader said it would be naive to think the PQ would give up "their separatist dreams." "We shouldn't kid our- selves. . .they mean what tbey say. They're separatists," Mr. Broadbent said. .And with the Parti Que- becois in control, the NDP leader suggested it is like confederation ail over again. He said it will be up to the federal parties to sell the idea of federalismn to "ordinary quebeckers". Mr. Broadbent said the PQ must be convinced that it is possible to have such things as economnic reform, full employ- ment and improved housing while staying within Canada. He indicated that a vote for the PQ in last week's Quebec election was not necessarily a vote for separatism. He said the voters cast their ballots for the Parti Quebecois because the, voters wanted a govern- ment that would deal with sucb things as Quebe's 10 per cent unemployment figure. "Only a minority said tbey were going to vote Parti Quebecois because -it was a separatist party," Mr. Broad- bent stated. The NDP leader was asked which federal- party would benefit most from the PQ gains in Quebec, and he replied: "I think the election of the PQ introduces an element of profound uncer- tainty for all parties." "I'm optimistically appre- hensive", the NDP leader said, in describing bis reaction to the Quebec Election. letters fa the Editor Room 230, North Wing, Main Parliament Building, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario Dear Mr. McDougali: With reference to your letter of, October 29, 1976, file number CTC-76-5, 1 wish to make the following comment. The letter outlines the propos- ed rate changes for the community telephone ex-, change in service in the Orono district in the Town of Newcastle. The proposed in- creases exceed the AIB re- commendation for our econ- omy and on that simple matter alone should be reject- ed. However, I wish to make further comments with regard to the operation, of thîs telephone facility and hope that they will be considered. If service, reliability, and availability, of the telephone service in the Orono area were criteria to be considered in the establishment of telephone rates I would submait that the Toronto Actor Talks ta BHS Students' at a high rate of speed. The judge told Martin, driving like that shows a lack of maturity. The fine was $300 and costs, in default 15 days. License sus- pension 3 montbs with one month to pay. Paul R. Miller, Toronto was found speedîng on highway 115 by an air patrol officer. He was going 85 miles in a 50 mile zone. The fine was $70 and costs with license suspension 15 days. Kenne th Allin, R.R.4 Bow- manville was found 'guilty' at a court hearing October 26 for taking a car from a local dealer. He was put on proba- tion for two years, to report to officer once a month, reside at home and be amenable to discipline his parents impose. The judge told him this is a wayhe can rehabîlitate him- self. Joseph F. Goswell,_ 20, Bowmanville, was cbarged October 8 with having care and control after consurning over .08. He pleaded 'guilty'. Consts. Logan and McFeeters' investigated. After leaving the marina parking lot caused damage to a parked car and did not stop. Tests were .09. He finally ended up hitting a bouse. Counsel stated be bas civil damages facing hlm. The fine was $50 and costs, in For Trustee Northumberland-Newcastle Board of Education Amdrew *Former supervising Pri ncipal -Bow m anvil le Public schools and Present -member of N-N Board of Education. Has served on the folIlowing - Chairman - Recreat ion Commission - Sec.-Treas. - Library Boa rd - Member- Hospital Board - Member - Cent rai Lake Ontario Conservation Authority iBoards: - Chairman -:Planning Board - Member -Robert McLaughlin Gallery Board - Chairman - Museum Boa rd Vote to Elect I ThomipsonAndrewlXl For Transportation, Phone 623-5635 îF MM.un m m1 A Management Semninair M AT THE FLYING DUTCHM AN MOTOR INN ON Tuesday, Novemiber 3th 196 9 OMt- REGISTRATION 8:30AM Would you lhke"fto att end? tf so, please complete the coupon and return tl, along with vour cheou to the Iaddress below. For turther information pIease contact Mr* Peter caàsh at F.B.D.B._Oshawa,_Ont. Tel.416-576-6800 -m---m --m -- - --mm T he Manager FeealBusiness Oevelopment Bank M 2e2 King St. W., P.O. Box 980, Oshawa, Ont. 1 iiattend the business management Te o.3t,17 semmna at itBowmnanvi lieonTeNv.3t,17 Name(s)- A ddre s s Piistal Gode Tel The Regrshiaton Fee of $15 00 per person incldes lunuheon. Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, 1 ovember 24, 1976 3 present rates being cbarged vice clubs, companies, indi- » by the Community Telephone viduals etc. They add up s a Company are indeed out of quickly if everyone collects REDC line. The people in the Orono them for me. No new 10 cent RE UD area have access to no other Queens Head. These are too exchanges other than Newton- numerous and of no value. Bl o D n r ville and Newcastle- and al k o o o not permitted to cali any of t hardly takes a second to éhe other exchanges, such as rip the used postage stamps PHILIPS Sa les BoWmanville, Pontypool, Gar- off of an evelople leaving a bit o den Hill, Port Hope, even of paper around though all these exchanges lie This can be VOUR,, way ofSev e well within the spbere Of helpîng thre world's pýoorSevc influence wh ere these people without costing YOU a lot of live. We, as a matter of fact, time or money. all live within the Region of1 Durham and for any person in Please send (by "'Third Orono to cail the Region of Class" Mail) or bring all your Durham requires the calling cancelled postage stamps, of the Oshawa office and going anytime of the vear ton. through a long distance opera- Mr.RMCma tor. Ms .M ha 1 have been as a member of 230 Jarvis Street the legislature interested . i Fort Erie, Ontario TE LE VIîsION having a private line because L2A 2S5 S ERV IC E CO. a number of my constituents or1 caîl me at my home and I arn Mel Samelîs, Prop. on a multi-party line and for Mrs. J.C. Lawrence 185 Church St., well over a year now have 6782 Dorchester Road Bowmanville been asking for such a service Niagara Falls, Ontario Telephone 623-3883 and nothing has been done to L2J 2Z2 establish that service Lt seems to me that the kind of service which the people in the7 T heStfadSuenso area receive from the comn-Th Stfan ud tso münity telephone system isRA not of the sort that we should CL A MRK E expect today. HUGH SCHOOL cordially invite you fto attend their FOURTEENTH ANNUAL' COMMENCEMENT to be herd this year in the PINES SENIOR' PUBLIC $CHOOL AUDITORIlUM on Sat., November ý27, 1976 at 8:00 p.m. I would ask that if great increases be proposed that they be denied, and if it is possible to keep the present rates with extended service then that be considered. Yours sincerely Doug Moffatt, MPP, Durham East, New Democratic Party Dear Friends: Especially at Christmas time, 1 tbink of ail the used postage stamps that are needlessly discarded. These seemingly worthless articles, from any country, are sold in bulk by the Scarboro Fatb- ers, to stamp dealers, to help finance mission pro jects througbout the world. In 10 months I have received over 200 lbs. of cancelled postage stamps, in small quantities, in very large quantities, fromn scbools, ser- «mmmm