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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1976, p. 11

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The Newceastle.Indep'e: Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago cAI~~ Social and Personal Little Neil Spivey i Mrs. Bessie Dean entertain- patient in Oshawa Gen ed the Ladies' Euchre Club Hospital., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jobr Birthday greetings to Mrs. and Glenda, Gary andF Doreen Lake,' Ruhy Brunt, Gibbons, Belleville, enjc Lena Graham, George Kim- the 301h weddiag anniverý ,ball, Douglas Rowe, John party of Mrs. Jobnson's( Metraiher and Alex Hendry. brother Walter and bisi On Saturday evening, Dec. Kit, Agincourt, on Satur( th, Mr. and Mrs. D. Barnett Dec. 4bh. " dson Stephen, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. Douý Mr. and Mrs. William Kean Wade, Oshawa were Tues and daughter, Sandra enjoyed eveaing dinner guests of a musicalprogramme by the and Mrs. Harry Wade. Mississauga Choral Society, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coul Mississauga, in whicb Sandra Kevin and Keith,' Tor( participated. were Wednesday visitors His Excellancy, the Hoit. Mr. andMrs. Samuel Pom John Pringle, C.B.E. fhew in Lake Shore. from bLondon, Enghand, 10 visit Miss Cindy Garrod, Hum bis motber-in-law, Mrs. W.A. College spent the week Benn, a patient in Memorial witb ber parents, Mr.i Hospital, ast Sunday. MAter Mrs. Gordon Garrod Jr. bis visit, the Ambassador Miss Caady Storks, I enjoyed lunch witb Mr. Benn dale, speat Sunday at hb and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Barr. witb Mr. and Mrs. WihJi Mr. and Mrs. Benn are now Storks. making their home with their Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldi daughter and son-in-law, Lake Shore and Mr. and]I Mabs and Keitb Barr. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa w Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lee, Wednesday evening sup Cambray, and Mrs. Bessie guesîs of Mr. and Mrs. B Dean were Sunday cinner Woodhams, Toronto. guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henc Kimball. son, Newtonville, were Sai on Sundayafternoon, Mr. day evening dinner guesà and Mrs. Ross Allia and Mr. and Mrs. Robin Ahhdi famîhy and Mr. 'and Mrs. Lake Shore. Albert Pearce and Mrs. Flor- Mr. and Mrs. Lorne John ence Ferguson attended the and Mr.. and Mrs. Wil]i 9tb birthday parîy for Mrs. Storks aîtended the Cobo Loha Freeman, Maple Grove. Hospital Christmas Party 1The Newcastle people were Friday evening. sbocked 10 bear of the sudden Mrs. Pauline Storks atte passing of Mr. Charles Gilkes, ed the banquet for volunt Bowmanville, on Saturday. workers aI Maplhurst( Sympatby is extended to bis rectional Centre, Milton, wife Marion, and famil ,Tedy e.7h -relatives and frieads. Y Tuesda, Dec. 71h. , S ATTENTION FARMERS! WHY PAT MORE? SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY r ~ GAS -DIESEL FUEL MOTOR OIL Prompt Delivery I'MhI1 ~Please Cail CoIIect ~ DX OILWHITBY 668-3381 (rTOM S & S ON S NewasteOntario Ld The Famiiy Fash ion .store Keep your man warm and f as h lna ble this winter in one of ou r fi ne coats or jackets -Leather -Cloth -Ski Jackets MEN'$SAND BOY 'S SIZES A wide va riety of sweaters, pants, shirts AND MICH, MUcIF- MORE. "A FIN E SELECTION 0F GIFTS FOR THE LADIES TOOI Chargex Layaway is a meral hnson' Rose oyed rsary twin wif e *day, glas -sday fMr. ulter, ronto with )well, mber' *end and Rex- )me, Iiam [red, Virs. wrere ipper Reg. nder- àtur- ts 'of dred, rison Iiam ourg ýy on end- nteer Cor- ion Swit-, 6 ~'tQg Chtaiuvtn "An excellent'selection of ine fashions to choosè from everything for cosual outings or the most festive party. Top qualify at a sensible price. PAULINE'S N EWCASTLE 987-4253 zerland, wbo bas been visiting tbe Metraîller family, return- ed home on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burley were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald ElliotI, Newtonville. Miss Dale Powell, Sir San- ford Fleming College, Peter- Sborougb, spent the weekend wiîb bier parents Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell. Mr. and Mrs., Stanley Powell visited on Sunday witb bis sister, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shetler and Wendy, Osbawa. A life-time resident of Ibis area (formerly of Lake Shore), Mrs. Mabel Rowland passed away Ibis week. Sym- patby is extended 10 bier daugbter Mrs. James Tamn- blyn, Orono and son William, Toronto and Ibeir families. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade visited bier sister, Mrs. Harve Holman, in Port Hope and District Hospital and attended tbe Art Show of Mrs. Ian Wilson, Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burley visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Sproule in Port Hope on Sunday. IMiss Mabel Oldfield and Mrs. Lillian Glenny, Mrs, Minnie Cutler are patients in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ormiston, Bowman- ville and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gray, Orono. Mr. Harry Mcllroy, former- ly of Bowmanville is a patient in Cobourg Hospital. United Cbruch Women's Meetings On Tbursday afternoon Dec. 2nd, Unit Two of the U.C.W. met at tbe home of Mrs. Margaret Smith, Bowman- ville. The ladies enjoyed this very meaningful meeting. Mrs. Aubrey Tizzard, Newton- ville, wbo was guest speaker, gave a talk on putting Cbrist- mas back in the home, in your beart and in the Cburch and tbe Cross at Cbristmas. A record of la Christmas poem composed by Rev. Tizzard and set to music, belped to portray, the tbeme. Unit Three met on Monday, Nov..29tb at the home of Mrs. Marie Pedwell.' On Tuesday, Nov. 3Otb, tbe U.C.W. Executive met at the home of Mrs. Marilyn Martin. United Cburch News On Sunday, Dec. 5tb, at tbe Newcastle United Churcb the second Advent candie was lit by Miss Debbie Pruner. The candle represents Joy 10 the World. The choir rendered a beautiful Christmas Anthem. Rev. David Spivey told the cbildren's story 'Just a pin- point of ligbt.' lus sermon, Ligbt in a Benigbted World, was based on the scripture from Genesis 1: 1-5, John 1: 1-18 and 3: 16-21. Ligbt is Life, a source of energy, illumines our way and gives new hope. Being Cbristian is like a candle passing on ligbt. After tbe service a Family Advent Workshop was beld wben each cburcb family made a simple creche or a yule log or simple pennant. Lunch was enjoyed. Next Sunday, Dec. ý2tb will be, White Gift Sunday. The Prayer for tbe week is Lord, belp me 10 see tbrough the colour and glitter of our Christmas celebrations to tbe Humble Christ Çbild behind it ah. Amen. Anglican Cburch News Re v. Grant Schwartz, Whit- by is the Anglican Priest in charge at St. George's Angli- can Churcb. Communion is at 9 a.m. and 11:15. Flowers in St. George's Cburcb on Sun- day, Dec. 5th,' in memory of Edith Grace Stephenson, were placed by Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb Stephenson. Be sure 10 attend St. George's Bake Sale and Ba- zaar. ridentI lephone 9817-4201 be able 10 use the entrance. When our work was done Sunday nigbt, we went over 10 Mr. Jack Cbard's for a snack and some entertaînment, whicb included Christmas music. Lots of thanks 10 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chard for making tbe evening a greal success. On Sunday, Dec. 4tb, the Hi C bad a meeting in the'Sunday School Hall. We played floor, hockey for an hour and then looked aIt some terrific movies and discussed tbem. Next Sunday nigbt Dec. 111h, we are planning 10 praclice our annual Christmas Play with the choir. Lions Club News on Saturday, Dec. llth, at 2 p.m. aI the Newcastle Com- munîty Hall, the Newcastle Lions are holding their annual Cbildren's Christmas Party, free 10 all the cbildren. Don't miss the fun~ with the clowns, story-teller, Santa Claus, etc. Newcastle Horticultural Society On Tuesday, Nov. 301h, the Newcastle Horticultural Soci- ety held ils annual photogra- pbic competition and Christ- mas Show. Prizes in slide pbotograpby were awarded as follows: Class 1-My Favourite Pet- ist Marjory Freetby 2nd George Buckley 3rd Mary BretI. Class 2-Our Feathered Friends-lst Jean Goode (beautiful shot of a difficult subject) 1Class 3-Blooming Beauty- potted in bloom. lst Mary Brebb 2nd Marjory Freethy 3rd Madeleine Buckley. Class 4 Reflections or Sha- dows-lst Jean Goode 2nd Harold Goode 3rd George Buckley. Class 5j Show off-decoraîive arrangement for a sbow-lst Mary Brett 2nd Madeleine Buckley 3rd George Buckley. Class 6 Society Acîiviîy or resulîs-isI George Buckley 2nd Madeleine Buckley 3rd Mary Brett. Class 7 Canadian Heritage- someihing of the, pasî-isI Mary BreIt 2nd Madeleine Buckley 3rd George Buckley. Class 8 Home Flower Bed- isi Madeline 'Buckley 2nd Mary Brett 3rd George Buck- ley. In the Senior Photograpb Class in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 borna Crockett was awarded first prize. In Class 4, Reflections: borna Crocket -won first p)rize and Marjory Freebhy second. In the Junior Photography Eniries of Class 1 My Favour- ite Pet, Class 2 Creatures of Natbure, Class 3 Summer Activiiy and Class 4 Our Beaubîful Country, Miss Wendy Freeîhy bad the only entries but bhey were well worthy of a prize. Hockey News-Miidget B Team Newc astle 3 Bewdley 2 Here we are witb another season of hockey from the Midget, "B"s. On Nov. 29th, the boys started off well by playing an exciting game against Bewdley, winning by a score of 3-2. Scoring for Newcastle were Marty Lowry, Jîm Wind and Andy Bezubiak with assisîs going 10 Jim Wind, Dennis Rogerson, Andy Bezubrak, Marty Lowry and Owen Johnston. On Dec. 3rd, Newcastle and orono had a terrific game with ailltbe boys phaying very. bard. With Orono scoriag in the second period, il looked as though Newcastle were not going 10 gel on the scoreboard. La the last four minutes of the game, Jim Wind scored the KvinJnkqins z anDnaisn Friday Mixed 200 & Over E. Embley 224, R. Burley 245, M. Henry 276, T. Emibley 200, B. Glanville 266, 211, L,, Willemns 215, G. Henry 211, B, Kentner 214, R. Good 248, 221, 230, H. Caîl 252, B. Caîl 330, A, Guthrie 214, J. Holmes 212, Jack Holmes 231, 205, 216, M, Burley 213, 303, A. Pearce 200, M. Pearce 215, 213, H, Nicholson 213, L. Pearce 272, 263, G. Stere 251, J. Stere 225. OBITUARY. REGINALD G.L. SUTTON A well known resident of Orono, Reg. Sutton, passed away aI Memiorial Hospital, Bowmanvîlle on Thursday, Nov. 251h, 1976 following an illness of twol months. Rorn Feb. 251h, 1900 at Ashford, Kent, England lie was a son of the late Alfred George and Ellen Girling Sutton. Coming to Canada in 1914 hie settled in Oronio where bie resided all his life and was married 10 Ida Frances Elford on August 19, 1931. Employed as foreman at the Dept. of Lands and Forests, Orono for 38 years hie retired in 1963. With a keen interest in nature and ail its beauty, lie loved his garden and flowers, and was a.devoted family man centering his life around bis home, family and church. He was a mnember of Orono United Church and a mnember of session for a number of years. Survivîng are bis wife Frances, daughter Joyce, son- in-law Kennedy Gray and grandson David. Mr. Sutton rested aI the H.H. Barlow Funeral Home witb services held on Saturday from the Orono United Cburch with Rev. Basil Long offi- ciating. The many beautiful flowers and donations 10 the Cancer Society shoxved the esteemn in which the deceased was beld. Paîl-bearers were six friends and neighbours. Messrs. Bill Bunting, Reid Harness, Donald Staples, Rob- ert Chater, John Caldwell and John Duvaîl. Interment Orono Cemetery. KuwEmND A L A Snoopy plaque made by Mrs. Craig Woods for the P.T.A.G. was awarded 10 Mrs. Hoy's Grades 2 and 3 class in Kendal for baving the most parents out on "Meet the Teacher Nigbt". In January Mrs. Harris' class of Grades 2 and 3 wîll have il as tbey had, the most parents out on the last P.T.A.G. meeting. Mrs. Jill Hancock held a, successful Tupperware party last Tuesday forenoon. Mrs. Marg Willia 'ms of Orono was the demonstrator and sales lady. Dinner guests with Mrs. Eleanor Foster last Tuesday aI noon were Mrs. M. Stevens and ber sister Mrs. Florence Porteous of Winnipeg, Mrs. D. Skerratt, Miss Catherine Stewart and Mrs. R. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Stevens of Ottawa were at bis mother's Mrs. M. Stevens Wednesday of last week. Miss Susan Tbompson has been home for a' couple of weeks and bas been the student teacherin Mrs. Bal- son's Grade 1 room for two weeks. The Couples' Club held their Christmas Dinner and Decem- ber meeting Saturday evening in tbe Sunday School room. Nearly 80 people sat in 10 a turkey dinner with all the trimmings. A short business. meeting followed the meal after wbicb Cbristmas carols % were sung led by Mrs. K. Wood aI the piano, Messrs. Lloyd Rans- berry and Keitb Wood on violins. A bowling party is planned for tbe January meeting. Kendal L.O.L. held their Christmas dance Saturday evening in tbe Orange Hall. Several, from tbe Couples' Club meeting finisbed tbe evening at the Orange dance. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wagar and family visibed Mrs. Wa- ger's mother Mrs. Howes of Roslin on Sunday afternoon. Rev. A. Tizzard's Sunday morning message was His- tory- His Story. Advent II. Mrs. Fern Foster was organist The Fireplaoe Plus andirens glass doors ail Iamps woodholders matches candieholders Heatilator Fireplace Centre 900 Hopkins. at Burns St. E. Whitby: 668-3192 and Mr. Ron Frank greeted the People ai the door. It being Bible Sunday, there were pamphlets and envelàpes hande d ou[ ai the door. Mr-. and Mrs. Jack Elhiott of Newtonville spent Sunday evening wiih Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott. On Tuesday, Dec. 7th Mrs. Balson's Grade 1 class and Mrs. Hoy's Grades 2&3' class are to go to Toronto. Tbey plan t0 shop for their Cbristmas gif t exebanges at Simpson's and taiLon's downtown stores. Later they planto see the pantomine, Jack and the Beanstalk at the O'Keefe Centre. The children have worked hard to raise funds 10, belp defray expenses for tbis outing. Advertising.1. Ihelps you judge good from bad. A. Allin 218, R. Coucb 219, G. Kelleher 239, D. Mercer 204, B. Miajor 236,'P. Irwin 206, D. ['ennant 230, E. Kidd 226, J. Pollard 205, 1. Patton 214, P. Pacey 208, R. Sinou 203. Men 200 & Over J. Forrester 205, 217, 235, B. Lewis 334, 258, 245, E. Taylor 244, G. Kimbaîl 237, W. 1 Flintoff 232, B. Stapleton 223, 11, J. Graham 230, T. Embley 209, S. Powell 244, 225, F. Stapleton 218, B. Farrow 223, 214, M. Henry 241, G. Cowling 264, 205, 227, H. Clark 239. Thurs. Mixed 200 & Over F. Lewis 240,- G. Forget 202, B. Forget 289, Ri. Forget 250, 0. Herd 222, S. Dunlop 231, B. hlanvilhe 209-216, Bob Forget 222, 224, W. Forget 213, 211. Thé, Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, -December 8, 1976 Delta Faucet Midgwets Split Weekend (Cvames The Midget 2 Toros have had their bands full tryi: had their ranks depleted due copewith the excellent t 10 injuries and illness 10 key play of the visitors. Mark] players. Despite ibis handicap pressed tbeir advantage ir the Toros acquitted them- second period and early in selves suitably during the past third period they enjoyed week's competition. lead. Backed by solid On Friday, December 3 they iending the Toros replied visiied Uxbridge and avenged two goals from Jim Braun a loss suffered there the Paul Fice. The tying mai previous week. The Toro team was beyond the Toro's gr faced the opposition with only. even witb an extra attackE two complete; unes but skated the dying minute. The closý with the. Uxbridge team result was due in large pai tbroughout the match and the fine work of goalter outscored themn 6-3. Jim Bros- Paul Lavigne. chak scored two goals while Paul has sbouldered all singles went 10, Marc Bisson- work between the pipes elle, Wayne Wbîteman, Kevin cently. Goaltender M~ Ward and Nick Gibbs. Sbackelton is presently in ý On Saturday, December 4, Cildren's Hospital in Tor( Hampton Arena was the recovering from a bout location of a home game pneumonia. The entire à ing 10 team kbam in the in the Ja 3-0 goal- Jwitb in and, arker Yrasp, ker in )e 3-2 art to ender i the ,sre- Mlark rSick Sonto with team FiFare place Accessomies For' Your Home; As Christmas Gifts screens Corn poppers tool sets firelighters grates log toters brooms bellows lamp ail custom arches and more on display 'at:

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