Statesman, Bowmnanville, December 8, 1976 15 DEADLUNE FO"R CLARSSIFIED Tue~,12no i ......... 623-3303 a - - , * a s 1 i i If o r CAMERON - Ray and Gail ýre pleased to announce the ,_.afe arrivaI of their daughter Shanna Marie, 8 lbs. 4 ozs. on Friday, November 26th, 1976 at 7:14 p.m. Proud grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameran, Long Ilt, groat grandiparents are and Mrs. Walter Rahm, ey-n, Mrs. Ethel Graham (Strathaven Nursing Home) or Haydon, Mrs. L. Penwar- don, Long Sault and great great aunt Mrs. Hilda Cross- man, Haydon. Spocial thanks ta Drs. Hubbard and Sylvester and nurses on maternity floorn. 49-1 RICHARDS - Timmy would like ta announce the arrivai of his new sister Jody Loreen born on Monday, November 29, 1976 weighing 8 lbs. 13 ozs. in Memorial Hospital,- Bow- ma1iville. Her proud parents are Lois and Ron and pleased ~ andparents are Mr. and rs. Basii Connoîl, West Flamboro and Mr. 'and Mrs. Ross Richards. Special thanks to Dr. J. Rundleand Matern- ity Ward nur ses. 9l BAILEY - To Kim and Randy, a baby boy, 7 Ibs. 101/2 ozs. born' on November 29th, 1976 at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Donnis Rand- olph is their first born. Proud grandparents Dave and Joan Mairs and Peg gy Bailey, Oshawa and John Bail ey, Oshawa. WH ISTON - Jo and Mike are, ploased to announce the birth of their second son, Stuart Lee, who arrived on Decem- ber 5, 1976 at, Memorial Hospital, Bowmýanville. He weighed 7 lbs. 9 ozs. Simon is pleased to have a brother. Special thanks to Drs. Anfossi and Cunningham and the nursing team in maternity. 49-1 WORBOY - Ron and Mamnie (nee Harrison) proudly an- nounce the birth of their third child, Kristen Jenny, on Thursday, November 25th, at Oshawa General Hospital. A new sister for Adam and Martha,- granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Har- rison, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Worboy of. Peter- borough. 49-1 'a. GILKES - Suddenly at his nesidence, 7 Orchardview Bivd., Bowmanviiie, Satur- day, December th, 1976 Charles Gilkes, in his 69th ypor, beloved husband of Marnon R inch, dear father of Ernest, Newcastle, Beverley, Gonmany, Robert, Oshawa, the late Donald, grandfafher of four grandchildren. Service was held in the Morris Fur-eral Chapel, Bowmanville on Tuesday afternoon. Inter- ment Bowmanviiie Cemetory. 49-i PARKER- at Marnwood N ursing Home, Bowmanviile, Wednosdlay December ist, 1976,. Charity Dewdnoy in her 96th year, wife of t ho late, Henry B. Parker, Bobcay- g eoni, belovod m6ther of the ate Doris (Mrs. E. C. Hall), Hanry, Bridgenorth, Athur, Peterboroug h, Hervert, Bob- caygeon, Wynne (Mns. L. F., Marjorie (Mrs. U Schu tes), bath, of "'wa, Sis (Mrs Maurice Cnway) Bowmanville, dear- ly'loved by 18 gnandchildren yand 38 g reat-granchiidren. Rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvillo. Service was held in Christ Church (Anglican), Bobcaygeon, -on Friday afternoon. Interment lam Cemetery. 49-i "F Iowers ISay it iBest" VAN BELLE DAILY Dliveryto ... Ohawa - BSmanville Aria Phone 623-4441 SHIELDS, Myrtie Mildred - At Hiiisdaie Manor on Wednesday,, December lst, 1976 Myrtle Miidred Truli, widow of Bynon Taylor and Robent Shields, Mother of Ral'ph Taylor. Grandmothen of Douglas and Larry Ta ylor. Sister of Madeline and Han- land Truli,, Bowmanvillo. Rested at Mcîntosh-Anderson Funeral Home, Oshawa. Interment Union Cemetery. ROBLIN - At Memoi Hospital, Bowmanville, S day, December th, iý Clara Osborne, Burket aged 86 years, wifo of the I Konneth G. Roblin, mathoi the late Thelma (Mrs. J( Sinclair), dean grandmotl 0f Kenneth and Willii Sinclair. Service was held the Morris Funenal Chai Bowmanvîlie, on Tuosc affernoon. Spring intermi Hampton Cemetery. ROWLAND - At Marnwc Nursir1g Home, Bowmanvil Manday, December 6th, 19 Mabel Haimes, aged 91 yea beloved wife of the lato Haw Rowland, formelyof La Shore, R. R., 3, Nwastie, a later of Orano, deanr mother Hilda (Mrs. James C. Ta b'lyn), Orono, and William Rowiland, Willawdaie. Sonyi was hold in the Mon Funoral Chapel, Bowm. ville, on Wedgnesdlay afti noon. S pring informent Bc Hoad Cemetory, Nowcasl CARNATION D( < F or Ail Yur e WEEKEND SPECIAL RIEGER BEGONIA ASSORTED COLOURS CASH AND CARRY Carnation Fîower Shap 33 Division St. 623-7141 *Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS -CONCERN -SERVICE Your thoughtfulness for others is our first concern. We wiIl arrange for charitable foundation donations (such as Heart or Cancer Society) to be acknow- iedged anywhere in Canada with the appropriate acknowledgement ca rd pre- sent on the same day, with the othei tri butes. This is part of our service to community. 5DIVISION STRE ET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 48-1 Durham County's Oldest Funera I Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. SIMPSON MEMORIALS - 8e85-6434 49 Lavinia Street Port Hope Monuments - Markers - Inscriptions - Wrought Iron Fîower Stands - Home Appointments GladIy Arranged 4- RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario LiA 3M High Quaîlity at Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5216 Home 885-5222 WORKMANSHIP - QUALITY nrialI un- 976, ,ton, ate ýr of lohn fhon a m I in pl, Mr. and, Mrs. Russell P. McQuaid wiII be at home ta friends and relatives on the occasion of their 40th Wedding Anniversary on December l8th from2 - 4p.m. 49-1 The family of Edith and Laverne Clemens cordially invite relatives and friends to share in the celebration of their 4th wedding annivers- ary on Sunday December 19 at Hampton UnitedChurch CE. Wing from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Best Wishes only. 49 ix BROCK -ln Iovingmeoy of Lillian Brock.who oassed away December th, -1967. There is a gift in life you .cannotbuy, That is very rare and true, Vts the gift of wonderful m emorios, Like the ones we have of you. Not, a day do we forget you, In our hearts you are always near, As wo loved you so and miss you, As if dawns nine Ionely years. -Always remembered by t he fa mil y. 49-1 x BROWN - In Ioving memory of our dear parents rncther Leona Brown who passed away Dec. 11, 1969, and dad, Luther Brown who passed awa y, Sept. 9, 1972. To t h ir gravesides we often wander, Their voices we would love to hear,. For awhile we stand and picture ' Their smiling faces so dear. The flowers we placed upon their graves, May wither and decay, But the love for them who sleeps beneath WilI neyer fade away. -Sadly missed by daughters Reta, Audrey and Luella, son- n-laws Andy, Len and Sam and families. 49-1 daY GILBANK - In loving me- ont mary of aur dean mfother - Mldred Eva Gilbank who entered into rest one year ago, ood December 7, 1975. île, One year has passed since that 76, sad day, rs,J The one we loved was cal led veil away. lj ako God took her home, it was his and will. r Of But in our heants, she liveflh m- stili. J.Y m Ligly remembered and ice Sadly issed by her son Keith, ris daughters Viney, Anne, Lois an- and families. .49-lx onr- n d GRANT, Mary C. - In loving lie. memoryof a dear mother ana -grandmothen who passedi away Dec. 12, 1971. God looked around his gardon, and found an empty space, He thon looked down upon this; oarth and saw your tirod face. Ho put his arm around you and lifted you fa rest, God's garden mnust be beauti- fui cause ho only takes the best. Me Knew tnal you were weary, And he knew thaf you were in pain, He knew that you would nover be well on eanth again. tf Ho saw the ground was getting - rough And the his were hard ta climb, So ho closed your woany eyelids, And whispered "Peace be thine". Lovin gly romomberod by Ir Joyce, George and family. ýr, 49-i SHAMILTON - In loving - memory of Ross, who passod e away Dec. 13, 1969. As we loved you, 50 we miss you r In aur memorv vou are near Loved, remembened, ionged for always- Treasured with a love sincere. -Sadiy missed by wife Bar- bara and family. 49-i NICIHOLSON - In ioving memory of a dean son and brother, Stephen Kenneth Nicholson, who passed away suddenly, December 7, 1972. You Iett us here quite sudden- y, dean Steve, But you' off us with theso memnios, Your thoughts fa us are still unknown. But these mmoaies we are ,proud ta own. _Sadly missed, lovingiy ne- memberod bv Mom. sisters acd brathers. 49-i WHITNEY, Bruce - In evor loving memary of a dean husband and father, who passed away Dec. 14, 1973. No one can over take yaur place dean, As time nouls by, yean atter year. AIH we bave oeff are memonios of you, But tathose memoies, we will always be true, -11 -Gone but nover forgotton by his wife Ina, daughtors Olive and Giadys and their families. 49-1 x WH ITN EY, Bruce - In loving memory of father and grand- father who passed away Dec. 17, 1973. - Ever remembered by Olive, Roy Nesbiftand families, Font 24-ff Mac Leod, Alfa. 49-1 x %HEEHAN - In lovifg moem- orv of a dean mother and grandmother, Caroline Eliz- abeth who passed away Dec. 8, 1973. iwonder if others like us repent, And wish with mothor more time we'd spent A btter persan 0fne nover knew This we roaiized as older we grew. -Sadly missed and fondly nemembered The Sheehan family. 49-i VARCOE - n loving memory of a dean daughter and sister (the former Lamna Taylor) who passed away Dec. 14, 1971. Soffly the beaves of memory 1 fall Gently we gather, -trasure them ail, Somne may forget now that- you're gone, We will remember no matter how long. -Lovingly- remembered by hon mother and sisters The i_ ma and Evelyni, brothers-in- law Norm andLes., ,9lox The family of the late Reginaid Sutton wish ta ex- press their sincere thanks ta relatives, friends and neigh- bours for the floral tnibutes, cards, kindnesses and me- morial donations ta the Cancer Society in the loss of a dean husband, father and gnandfather. Special thanks ta Dr. A.F.' McKonzie and nurses of 1sf floor for cane given Dad while ho was a patient there, also Rev. B. Long, Orono United Chunch Choir, and organist Doug Deweli, H. H. Barlow Funenal Home, staff of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commnerce,. Orono and Dept. of Lands and Forests. Frances Suttan, Kennedy, Joyce and David Gray. 49-1 1 wish ta thank friends, relatives and neighbaurs and Maple Leaf Lodge for flowers and cards while 1 was in Oshawa General Hospital. Also thanks ta Dr. A. Clark and nurses on' 7th floor and staff. Thanks ta my daughter and son-in-law for their kind- f Oss.' Mrs. Hattie Armstrong 49-1 My sincere thanks f0 ail who sent me cards, letters, flow- ers, gifts and visits during my illness in Bowmanvillo hôspît- ai anid at home. Mrs. J.H. Morris OrorioOntario 49-1 1 wish ta thank ail my friends, relatives and neigh- bons for aIl their cards, gifts and flowors. Also nurses on third floor and Dr. Sylvester for kindnoss shown me whilo n Memorial Hospital and since caming homo. Olive Rogers Many thanks for the support given ta me on Election Day. To one and aIl a vory Morry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Keith Shackelton 49-i Thank you for your support at the pol is. Merry Christmas Ivan M. Hobbs. 49 ix Best wishes to Lydia and Jim an your golden wedding anniversary Dec. 11, 1976 f rom sister Sue and nephew John, Southport, Englarsd. 49-i Congratulations, Lydia and Jim on your golden wodding annivorsary tram relatives and tniends in England. 49-i: ý'-Chnistmas Dance in Ponty- pool Community Centre - Satunday, Dec. 1llth - 9 p.m. - i a.m. - Gary Bnistow andThe Country Foyer -1 $5.00 couple - Rot reshments. New Year's Eve dance with Ross Jackman, D.J. 8:30 - ?- $20.00 a couple (includes dinner and corsages for ladies). Tickets on sale in, Pontypool stores or phono 277-2183." 49-i The Town of Newcastle Social Planning Council wili meet Decemben i6th at 8 p.m. in the Council Chambers 0f The Villageo of Newcastle Town Hall. ,Ail concerned citizons wolcame. 49-2 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NEWCASTLE BOB ADAMS and H IS BLUE RIVER BOYS Friday - Saturday December 10 - il Dancing 9 - i Dancing this Saturday nig ht December lith in the Nestie- ton Community Hall. To the countryand western music of FayAXdams & The Country Hits - B3uffet Lunch - Refresh- monts. 11 49-1 x DANCE SOL INA HALL Ray Avery's Orchestra Sat., December llth Everyono Welcome 49-i Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Department of Parks andý Recreation Christmas Baton and Dance Review WED. DEC. l5th' Bowmanville High School Auditorium 7: 30 p. m. NO ADMISSION CHARGE 49-2 Club Annrene Scugog Island FALL DANCE BAND SCHEDULE -"Lockerbie" Dec. 18-" Par Four" New Year's Eve "Something Blue" INFORMATION: Don Armstrong 725-4344 or 576-6599 49-1 BINGO NEWCASTLE COMMUN ITY HALL Tues., Dec. 28th Eanly Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prîzes PLUS $500 JACK POT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS 49-i MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY - 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by Oshawa Minan Softbaii JUBILE E PAVILlON OS HA WA 48-tf DANCE CAL ENDAR Tyrone Comnmunity Centre Decem ber 1i th "The Sun" $5 - couple 8 p.m. -lia.m. GALA NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE WAYNE GORING D.J. $25 couple Hafsi horns, favours, lunch. T ICKETS AVAI LA BLE AT BYAM'S G EN ERAL STOR E TYRONE COMMUN ITY CENTRE 48-4 2nd Mapie Grave Brownies Christmas Bazaar, featuring crafts, bako gaods and White Elephant, Saturd1ay, Decem- ber ilth, 1 - 4 p.m. Maple Grave United Chunch Hall. 49-i Manthly dance at Legian Hall Dec. 18-Christmas dance- dancing 9-i a.m. Fay Adams. Everyone welcome. $5.00, couple. 48-3 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTE'R BINGO NEXT MOND)AY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf HADA SSAH U PHOLSTE RY FABRIC SALE Tues., Dec.l4th 9a.m. to9 p.m. Wed., Dec. lSth 9 a.m. to 6p.m. 144 King St. East, Oshawa New suppîy of loveîy fabrics Good new and used merchandise. Bowmanviile Eagîes dance af Port Dariington Marina Hatel Saturda y, Decemben iith. Prizos. Admission $1. 49-i SUNSHîNE TOURS to Fiorida and Texas BY MOTORCOACH 34 Days Florida Winter Vacation Januany 27th - March 1sf, '77 at a beautif ul beach reoat on the Gulf (ailsa Fob. 24th - Mar. 29th,'77) 16 Day Florida Circle Tours February sth - 2Oth 24 Day Southern Texas Tour March 1sf - March 24th, '77 10 Day Midtermn Florida 1Ma rch i8th - 27th, '77 FOR INFORMATION TO ABOV E TOURS PHON E OR 'WRITE: SUNSHINE PARTY TOURS 36 King St., Cobourg 372-9961 49-5 Oshawa Festival, Singers present CHRISTMAS MAGIC with Linda Eyman, soprano, and The Oshawa Civic Band (canductor - George Quick), Sunday Decemben l2th, 1976, 8 p.m., Bowmanville High School Auditorium. Aduits $2.00 - Studonts $1.00. 49-1 Popula r Book entitled ""A Place Ca lied Solina"'- by Margerite Fraser is still available for sale. CALIL 263-8880 or 263-2023. 49-1 x 750 HONiDA parts; early and late model Triumph parts. Phono Paul Trudeau, 623-7176 af tern5. 49-i SMALL papen b aler $100, wood lathe $165, shean and brake, 4 foot $1100. Ace Machinery 72 13-0933. 4- BED chosterfield, black leathor, re-upholsterod. Phone 623-7084. 49-1 GAS stove, white, four burnor, automatic aven, with rotisier- rie and broloer, minute mind- ET. Can be converted ta p ropane cheaply. Asking $100. Phone 623-5882 after 3 p.m. 49-1 TEAKWOOD, Burma, Scand- inavian, Danish, bedbroom - 8 pce, dîning room, 9* pieces, living room, wall unit, coffee 2' end tables, new furnituro, very reasonable. 1-247-4377. 46-f 1973 STARCRAFT hardtop tent trailor, Galaxie, sleep 8. $1600. Phono 987-4621. 49-1 HAY for sale. Good quality cents a bale. Phono 623-5 after 5 p.m. PEARS $3 bushel, , M (seconds) $2.50 bushel. M~ days, Wednesd.ays and Sai days. Calil Bil<l F edde 263-2074. Na Sünday sales. TWO G78-14 Hiway Byv nyon snow tires on nir Viking wick type humidif Phono 623-3448. 49 Pineridge Tire Sales TIR ES AND WHE ELS To f Ifyour car or truck. Phone »623-4866 BOWMANILLE 1970 SKIDOO, 18 h.p., Oy- pic, excellent cond;ii. Ask- ing $325. Phono 623-2962. 49-i ALUMINUM noast pan, table cîofhs, glasswane, drink mixer, bread box, cannister set, steak knives, flbar polish- or, ail painting, book shelves, desk Iamp, pillow cases, crocheted pot holders, bro- cade fabric, silver sandîes and evening bag, beaded evening ba, childs sloigh, story book s, lowelleny boxes. Ail now or nearly new. 623-7490. 49-lx SNOW tires, 2 pain, 8.25 x 15 belted, GM wheels. Phono 623-6148. 49-i ONE Aladdin blue flamne heater, like new, $45. ýPhono 623-7387. 49-1 ANTIQUE 9 piece soîld oak dining roomn suite, beautifully carved, brass knobs, ekcellent condition. $950. Cal 1 1-983-5652. 49-1 WHITE'S -T.V.. TOWERS -Towers, UH F, V HF Aerials, Rotors & Repairs, S Apartment & Homes Pre-Wlred Ask-About Our Guarantee 576-5606 E. WHITE COU RTIC E 6,500 BALES of hay, end 13 tons ot oats. Tyson Farms, Newtonviîîe 786-2927. 47-tf. GARAGE SALE S1 of , Used Cookstoves LELAND PAYNE, NEWTONVILLE PHONE 786-2512 49-1 APP LES, Mac lntosth, Delc. ious, Spy, f inst road east of Zoo, turn north, third house, east side. No Sunday sales. Phono 623-2106. 46-4x PADDY'S Market now hal ne-v furituire, appliancesi T.V.'s and stereos and alsj, used furniture and appliancesý 'MII accopt trade-ins. Paddy',, Market, Hampton, Phono 2K3 2241. 33-ÎJ JSED Furniture and Appli-î ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf. COLD storage, Spy, Deliciaus, and Mac apples. Bring youn own containers. Frank Hiem- stra, R. R. 1 , Ennýskillen 263-2260. tf J and M' TIRE Service for Michelin tires., your one-stop radial centre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf SPECIAL WINTER COATS 20 Per Cent Off THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, Mary C. Shoppe 80King St. W. 49-1 DISPOSA1 Sale - consisting of dininq room tables, buffets, occasional chairs, bicycles, baby carniages, dressing table, sewing machines, re- cliner. Every item reduced in Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance St., Bowman- ville. 49-1 E AR PIERIN SERýVIC E Hooper's Jewellers- Ltd. Reg rar Price $12.00 NoW $10.00 with studs Special 10 per cent'reduction on first Purchase of earrings with the release form. Phone 623-5747 For Appointment ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removai 136 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 Gentleman, 511011, well gt-oomed, seeks companion 35- 45. Please answer in writing, ndn photo and phono nubr if possible, ta Box 242, Bowmanville. 48-2 Roberta McCann,, C.E. Per- manent. hair removal. Fre consultations. Phone 623-6214.: 19 Burk Court, Bowmanville. À5-ff REGISTERED polled beef Shorthorn yearling bulîs and bred fema les, Top quality and priced reasonably. Hillsway Farm 1-983-5690. 49-1 Y.80 Pure Pine S havings ýCQol0xra1- -5180 Baled, Dust-freest b e 49-i Phone 723-6660 E QUESTRiAN acs- 294f TRAIING CENTRE \ion- BOARDING tur- SCHUBERT PIANO, EX- erma CELLENT CONDITION. Ask-.isrcini 4-5 ing $500. Phono 987-4084. Einttion i Jumping 'WvREFRIGE 1RATOR in workina Dressage e "y-'1 ims, f ier. t9-i x condi ioýn;' -siîngleêd or.Phonm 1-983-9401. 49-i x TWO snow tires, Pinta A78-13 W-W polyester mounted on rims, $55. Phono 623-2997. -49-i SALE Up to 40 per Creative supplies inctuding oasels, paint markers, qtue, paint brushes, pastels, etc. a Iso Wooden toys, puppots and books WED. DEC. 15 and THUR. DEC. 16 Cre.ative -Fun For Little Ones 88 Queen St. 623-2570 49-i CIRCULAR power saw - Ram 71/2", heavy duty, indus- trial 12.0 amps, used once $65. Phono 623-2997. 49-i LIVE TURKEYS Now six months old. Reasonable. $5each. Phone.987-4039 49-i TWOnew white walîs for Ford wagon J78Xl5, nylon and fi bregilass $95. Phono 623-2997. . 49-i POOL table, 3' x 5', excellent condition. Child's chemistry latb in metal box. Elton race car set, track mounted on pîywood, 987-4313,aftor 6 p.m. 49-lx FRESH CUT CH RISTMAS TREES Scotch Pife and Sprijce ,16 Jackman Road Phone 623-4550 Alto at Martin Road, North First Farm on Right Hand Side of the Road. (Approx. 1 mile> FIRE PLACE, WOOD (Apple), 49-, CARPETS of ail kinds, customn made drapes and sheers, hard-surface flooring, profos- sionaîly instaîled. Fno esti- mates . Your âne stop shop- ýingF.A. Knamp, 37-41 King t.. owmanville. Furni- ture, Carpet and Drapes. 13-tf FIREPLACE handwood, cord delivered $30. Cali 623-9277 on 623-4060. 47-4 ONE console stero. Phono 623-4967 affer 6 p.n. -4- FRESH brown eggs. J. <(oia, Concession St. E., 623-2730. 47-tf OS HfIWÂ SAND& GRAVEL SUPPLY ScRIENEI),SÀND GRAVIS. & STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS ALL SIZES FOR DRI VEWAYS- & PéRKING LOTS TOPSOIL & DîRT FiLS. DELIVER ED OR REMOVED TRUJCKS & LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOVAL Phono Oshaw 725-02320 z S90LINJA RD. N. bi4GHWAQY2 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. ---1r-i -i Schooling of Hunto(s & Jumpers Munters & Jumipers Bought & SoId RR 3 BOWMANVILLE623336 - - - -- --------- tf~ 2nd and 3rd MORTGAG E. MONEY- A VA ILABL E - 5 year term - Open Montgages - No payments for three months - No bonuses - No Credif Checks - No inquiny tram neighbans - Confidentiai arrangements made in youn homo - Borrow as l'ow as $1,600 - Fast service Cal Mr. Wiiks Mortgages bought and soîd (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 683-2611, 48-tfi Pain of proscription suni- % lasses in case on King Street, owmanville on Tuesday, Nov. 30. Phono 623-3459. 49-1 x Lady's brown walief near Mn. Submarine in Bowman- ville. Reward. Phone 623-5188. 49-i FREEý REMOVAL 0F FRESH, PEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CA LL MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hamlpton 263-2721 30-fi WANTED, vacation lots and acroagos. 416-267-9301. Harris- Land, 2625 Eglinton Ave. E. Scarborough ,Ont. 43-tf RELIABLE cieaning woman wanted ta hielp ouf Saturday for four hours for working mothen. Phono after 6 p.m. 623-4817. RZ , ONE bedroom apartment, two months in a dvance, heat incîuded., Phono 623-4387 after 6. 47-tf HOUSE wîth garage, 2 bed- rooms, $265. plus utilities, -about eight miles north of Nestieton. Also, downstairs apartment downtown Bow- manville, 2 bedroom $265 plus utilities. Phono 263-8884. 49-i ONE bedroom apartment, broadlocm, utilities incivded $165 a monfh. Prefer retirod couple with references. Write advertiser- 659. c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Box 190, Bowmanville,, Ontario LiC 3 K9. 49-i THE Stonegate. -Very nice i, and 2 bedroomn apartments with view and manv feetures in Port Hope - 885-6500. 47-10 1000 sq. ft., heaoed store ta rpnt. Located on King Street East, downtown Bowmanvil1le. Available January 1, 1977. Telephone 623-7664. 48-tf UPSTAIRS apartment, 512 roomns, heated, with gara ge, separate entrance. 2 miles east of Bowmanviile on high- way 2. Phono 987-4474. 49-2 OFFICE space for rent, 133 Church St., Bowmanville, two rooms, ap proximately 200 square foot each. $4 -per square foot including ai utilities. Leasetopay business taxes only. Available now. Phono 723-0575. 49-4 A THREE bodroum town- house. Ideal for family living. Located on a quiet court in Bowmanviiie, close ta schools, $300 month. Available im- mediately. Cali Marylin Simpson 623-3393 Bowman-' ville, or 923-9174 Toronto f rom,5 p.m. W. Frank ReaI Estate 'Limited, Realtor. 49-i 3 BEDROOM bungalow, close ta schoois and shopping. Callý 623-5878 after four. 49-i1 CENTRALLY located, two bednoom heated apartment. Adults oniy. Phono- 623-3252 or 623-3774. 49-ix TWO -large 3 bedroom apart- ROOMS for rent, daily, week- 4411. Iv or monthlv, reasona.bie ___________ 45-tf rates, Castle Hotel, 54 Ki ng St.LRE e East, Bowmanviile. 43-tt LhomE 2 bsroom aider ________home,__2________ large lot in Onono. $325 a mon th. Ideal LIESULTS CPU NTI famiîy homo, C ail 1-983-9384 after 5:30. . ., 49-i. O RIDE wanted ta Oshawa, Multiple Listing rC Wentwonth and Wilson Rd., .Oshawa & District ieaving Bowmanville af 8ë.M Real Estate Boa rd and retunning 4:30-5 p.m. tfPhono 623-9461. 49-i 1974 NEWPOR~T Custom 4 door, hardtop Chrysier, Alber- ta car, no rust, one owner, 40,000 miles, ýair conditioned, AI shape. $4,000 firm. Cali 623-5221. 49-1 '1974 BLUE HORNET, 6 cyl., standard, 57,000 miles. Best offer. Phone 263-2064. 49-1 19,76 EL CAMINO, V8, auto- matic, metallic blue 'with white cap, white walf radiais, power steering and brakes, radio. 5,700 miles, perfet condition. Phone 987-5006 after 8 P.M., 49-1, 1964 CHRYSLER Windsor, 4 doon, 383 motor, p.s., p.b., 1radio, snow tirés (7 tires on wheels). Reasonaible. Phono 623-5606. 49-if J and M TIRE Service for ?Michelin tires. vour ono-stoo radiai centre. 299.Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1226' 46-tf VITALIZING! Phono 7b3-1155 for Rusfproofin g on new or used vehicles. Wvritten war- ranty. Durham- Vitalizi ng Phone 723-i1155. 47-tf '74 PINTO Squire wagon, 60,000 miles, 4 speed, F M, 8 frack sterea, lots more extras and certified. Cali after 6:30 p. m. 1-983-5187. 49-i '71 CHEV i ton, customn 30, V-8, 4 speed, overhauQe lengine, dual wheels, new paint Jeep 4-wheel drive, pick-up, needs repair. 1968 Ford, 1ý/2 ton pick-up, V-8 standard. 1965 Chev 1/2 ton pick-up, 6 cyl. standard. Phone 263-8172, 49-i '74 PONTIlAC LeMans, 2 door, 350, power steering and powen brakes, vinyl top, $2375, certi- f led. Phone 623-7387, TWO puppies to give away, p art Spaniel, Beagle and TerrIer. Six weeks aid. Phône 623-6978 or 20 Liberty St. S. 49-i ONE part French and Piart miniature poodie, male, six months aid, no papers. House trainedi, excellent house pet. Asking $75. Phone 623-7896. 4-9-ff