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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1976, p. 16

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Carpentry Repairs 1and Aterations Phone 623-7387 or 987-5051 47-4x MOTH ER and R.N would 1ike to do babysitting in Enniskil- len-Tyrone area. Cal 263-2665. 49-1 x J. A. HAYES <SMOKEY) MEATS Custom Ç utting FREEZER ORDERS 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa Phone 579-8011l'or 623-7056 36-tf OXFORD Bricklayers and Stonem-aÉons (Our fireplaces do not smoke) -983-5606 25-tf Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Carpentry, Renovatsing AIlIGeneral Repai rs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-ff A il-Type Painting& Roofiîng Flats, tar and gravel, mnetal, cold process, leaks, repairs, shing les, interior and exterior painting. Free estimates. PHfONE 623-5038 19-tf BUTCHER CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING WM. HENDERSON 263-8072 34-tf MOU NTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE SEPTIC TANK AND TILE BED INSTALLATION TRENCHING, BASEMENTS, WATERLINES. SCREENED STONE, CRUSHED GRA- VEL, SAND, TOP SOIL. PHONE BLACKSTOCK 986-4737 - DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY à. FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf INSTALL-an Esso furnace, bolIer, humidifier,' heater, or air cleaner. Combination wood and oll. Financing a va il able. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service policy. Cal Harvey Partnen, _your Esso service dealer. Free esti- mates. Orono 983-5206 or Zenfith 14620. 24 hour service. 36-tf HOME IMPROVEMENTS Plastering and cement work, cenamic, tiling and ? eneral repairs. Phone 623- 46-4 INSTALLING or renovating a bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, etc. Pipes, valves and f ittinigs f rom Hanvey Partner. We service ail makes. Cali Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620., 36-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS- FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON, 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS:, P.O. Box 43 Bowmanville 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumnbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repa irs Service and Estimates Cal 623-2641 33-f W. W. Bothwell REPAIR SERVICE Paintipg, papering, repair, tilung, rec counter tops. 623-3980 plaster rooms, 48-5 Jimý's Body Shop located at Pete's, Esso on Scugog. Paint and repair, cars and trucks. 623-3122 39-tf Ron's Floor Care Com mercial andt househoîd Cleaning. Dry foamn rug and carpet shampooing. Wax re- movaî' waIl washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf Gloriaý's Canvas & Uphoîstery Custom Made Boat, trailer and sali covers and tarps. Any size. AIl othen canvas needs or nepains. All types of upholsteny and necovering., FREE ESTIMATES < 623746541 48-5 C & C JAN ITOR SERVICE Carpet - Uphoîstery Prof essionaiîy Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVI LLE 45-tf Durham Masonry Contractors Lt. jBricks - Logs Field Stonework Specializing in Fireplaces Phone 839-2431 44-f D. Bee rs& Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repairs of-aI l types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf 'Bil I's GLASS'and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. l7tf WATER Wells bored, 30" tile. Ward's Well Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representat- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 6t Peter Sutherlan Aluminum Proc Siding - Soff it - Facer Eavestrough - Windovj Doors -,Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estimate CAR ETAK E R Applications wiII be receiv'- ed by the undersigned until Thursday, Decem ber 16th, 1976 for the position of Caretaker, 20 hours per week at the Maple Grove East Public School. Good know- Iedge of school caretaking procedures and cleaning methods. Ability to work from oral or written instructions and to communicate weiI with others. Reply- in witing stating qualifications, address and telephone number ta: M.A. Mac LEOD Business Administrator and Treastirer The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Box 470 Cobourg, Ontario K<9A4L-2 49-1 CLERK-TYPIST Clerk-Typist required for Customer Service Depart- ment. If you a re conscientiaus and possess strong typing skills, we would like to talk to vot>. Come in and speak to Mr. J. P. Connor at DENNISON MA N UFACTU RING COMPANY 0F CANADA, LIMITED 200 Base Line Road East, Bowmanville, Ontario. SOMEONE willing f0 help, finish outside of house. Phone 1-983-9401. 49-1lx EXPERIENCED restaurant chef. Phone 725-1198. 49-3 A Pl D Q p Si Q of EXPERIENCED welders wanted. Please a pply in per- son to NestingF urniture in Onono. 48-2 WANTED. Reliable person in immediate vi cinitv of Ontario Street School ta vive lovingi cane and supervision to 5- vear-old amIrlat lunch and affer school and 3-month-old baby girl. $40 weekly. Approximnate- y 9 a.m. -6p."m. starting January 4, 1977. caîl 623-6281 before 49-1 Earn Extra Money! SELL WINTARIO AND PROVINCIAL TICKETS. For information caîl: Mr. Robert Graham 705-292-9989 collect Sunday, December l2th onîy. 49-1 DO you enjoy meeting people? Part time, hours are. flexible, extra help needed f0 show faîl and Christmas specials of Fuller Brush. If interested caîl Patrick Wiebe, 1-372-9969. on write 416 Walton St., Cobourg, Ontario. 45-4x BABYSITTER needed in Waverley Gardens area stant- fin in January. In my home two atternoons a week, 2:30 to 5:30, $2 per houn., Phone 623-4975 atter 7 p.m. 49-1 CLEANER NO. 1 Required for relief duties. A Must be physicalIly fit. Apply: iPERSONNELOFFICER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 47 LibertySt. S. Bowmanville Telephone 623-3331 49-1 THE COR PORAT ION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE requires a MU NICI PAL TREASURER A caneer opportunity in a progressive Municipality that is experiencing accelerated growth a nd develogment. DUTIES: The statutory duties of a Municipal Treasurer f0 include the planning, organization and supervision of ail Treasury Department functions and other related duties assigned by Council. QUALIFICATION: Previous municipal financial and accounting experience with preference given t? a recognized accourfing degree. ;aîary commensurate with qualifications and expenience. Qualified a pplicants are invited ta submit confidential resumne of persona Ib ackg round, education, employment history and other relevant particulars by JANUARY 11, 1977 ta J. M. McILROY, A.M.C.T. Town Cîerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Li C 3A6. TOP CASH PAID FOR USED PIANOS, Player Piano Lots of used pianos in stock, organs too! OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16Simcoe N. (at King) 728-1675 25-tf SET of farm sca les, 2000 lb., in good condition. Phone 1-983 5690. 49-1 OLD Piano, in working condi- tion. Pone 1-983-9401. 491lx CASH for guld, silver, coins, guns, dlocks, jewellery, dish- es, furniture, crocks, paint- i ngs, sealers, appliances. F riendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9782. 38-tf USED Furniture and Ap- p liances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles s For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGH EST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS 22-tf, Yard 623-5756 Residence 6371 1 45-tf ccas Refrigeration and AppIiance ServiceAde isn Commiercial and Domestic Refrigeration - MiIk Coolers Idetsn. PHONE BERT SYER helps you Days .............. 623-5774 know why, Nights .............. 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2f Prof essiona I Stea m Cleaning Services Commercial - Industrial Residentia I WaIl-to-WalI Braadîoomn Carpets, Rugs & Upholstery CALL BOB AT 623-2383 NEED a pressure system? Water Sotteners? Repairs to ail makes. Harvey P art ner, Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 136-tf ALLIN COLE'S MOBI LE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS <Tune-ups - Brakes - Etc.) AIlI work done by Lîcensed Class "A" Mechanic Atf your home or place of business. AýIl parts and labon guaranteed. Tenms cash. PHONIE 623-5045 Bowma nvilîle Information Rape Centre A criàis centre for rape or sèxual assault victîms. Confi- dentialîy guaranteed. 24 Heur Answening Service. Volunteers over 18 needed. 623-7273 or 623- RA PE. 47-tf "Any person knowing the, "Anv oerson knowing the whereabouts of Mrs. B. Kellar, Aunt of Doris Kellar PLEASE CONTACT: Mrs. Lin Brook 416-576-90011" 49-2 Harry Voerman Insurance 181 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont., Phone 623-4428 Res. 62$-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE 'INSURANCE __________ ______28-tf Ontario To Ail Owners or Tenants in Durham Region: Take notice that pursuant t0 Sectiont 40 cf the Assessment Act, Chapter 32, (as amnended) RSO, 1970, I have an the 6th day 0f' December, 1976- delivered or caused to be dèîivered, ASSESSMENT NOTICES toall owners or tenants in this region. The Iast day for appealing the Assessment Notice is January llth, 1977 and the Assessment Rail may be examined at the Municipal Office during reg ular business hours commencing Decem ber 22nd, 1976. W. H. Parnell, tf Regional Assessment Commissioner. DOBE RMAN Pinscher pup- pies, registered, ears cropped, needled and wormed. $150 and up. Phone 623-2805. 49-3 IRISH Setter, puppies, regis- tered, needled and wormed. $75 and up. Phone 623-2805. 49-3 SINGING canaries $25 each. Phone 623-3075. 49-1ix OSHAWA Obedience Associa- tion January, classes. Puppy class, January llth. Show handling, January llth. No- vilce classes, Oshawa, Janu- ary Sth, Bowmanville, Janu- ary l2th. Advanced registra- tion only. Phone 576-1167 or 623-7382. 47-8 EMM--s CENTRAL downtown variety business, famnilyoperated Must be sold. CalII 623-7241. 49-2 FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Look for this seal1. It's vour SFTAFFORD BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers I Monuments I LIMITED IBox 133 I318 Dundas St. E. Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 Estate Farm Auct ion Sale Saturday, December 18, 1976 We have been instructed by the executors of the estate of the late Ralph Simpson, to selI by auction ail the machinery, implements, livestock, team 0f horses, feed, household andi antiques, and car at the farmr on Durh am road 57 and Scugog Road, Bowmanville, 2 miles north of Highway 2. Machinery - 1 p .m. Int. 14 Tractor, Allis Chalmers trac- tor with a front end loader, N. H. 'hay mowen (Almost new) 3 furrow plow, 9' spring -tooth cultivator, N.l. hay elevator, forage harvester, NAl. corn picker, silo tiller, wagon, side delivery rake, 2 forage wagons, grain wagon, drag plow, pul cultivator, harrows, seed drill, grain roluer, grain auger, chain saw, lawn mower, several piles scrap iron, tools, etc. Feed, - 2:30 p.m., 2 large cribs of cob corn, up right silo of corn sîlage, unker silo of corn silage, 1500 bales of hay, 800 bales of straw, 6 tons of barley, quantity of feed pel- lets. Livestock - 3:00 p.m., 40 head of livestock mnclIuding 5 Holstein cows, 15 black and BWF cows, 2 Hereford cows ail with calves (250 f0 650 lbs). Several yearling steers and heifers. One Charolais -bull. Horses One excellent team 0f Belgians, complete with har- ness, also a set of show harness, several belîs, whiffle trees, etc. Household and Antiques - 11:00 a.m., tredle sewing machine, steamer trunks, wooden beds,, iron beds, steel beds, book 'cases, umbrella stand, commode chairs. bedroom suite, beauti- fuI 8f high maple wardrobe, antique oak butfet, (ornate) dressers, dining chairs, cane back chesterfield and arm chair, wicker rocker and arm chair, old desk, brass pail, Acme wood cook stove, Acme wood heating stove, tables, jars, dishes, china, silver- ware, cahdle sticks, Iamps, refrigerator, stove, freezer,. The complete conterts 0f this large farmi home. Car 1972 Plymouth, 30,000 miles. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Lunch Available.- Sale, conducted by Liptay Auction- eers. Ltd. Bowmanville, Ont. 416-263-2117. Auctioneer Steve Liptay. 48-3 Saturday Dec. 18th Farm Sold Auction sale of livestock and implements property of George and Helen Lavender lot 33 and 34 con. 9 Danlington Townshiio. 1 mile west of Enfield Church on ninth line or 1 mile north of Columbus and 4 miles east, 62 head Holstein cattie, 47 Holstein heifers bull exposed from Nov. 16. 1 Holstein springer, 2 Here-- ford heifers, bull exposed fnom Nov. 16, 5 open Holstein heifers, 1 Hereford bu Il, Charolais heifer. 1969 David Deisel tractor, International mower 7 ft, nearly new, Case rubber tire wagon 4 ton Allied 3 pt hitch 21 tooth cultivator, Fertilizer spreader 3 pt hitch, Woods electric grinder Oliver plough 3furrow3pthitch 14" 4 section harrows, set chain harrows, small cattle feeder, Master Feeds supplement tank, 24 ft. grain auger, 5 in, cream seoarator, cattle feed- ers, quantity lumber quantity spruce plank, approx. 18uu bales hay, approx. 200 bales straw, approx. 100 tons corn silage, lunch available sale time 12 noon. Arnot Wotten Auctioneer,, Hampton, Ont. 416-263-2583. Saturday, December il, 10:00 a. m. Real Estate Furniture and Antiques Real Estate: Auction Sale includin9 a 2 yr. old 2 storey home with 1800 sq. ft. living space. With 4 bedrooms, separate living and dining area, large 20 ft. kitchen, main floor family room with floor to ceillng fieldstone fireplace and walkout to deck. House is situatedon over 1/2 acre with çompletely fenced and wifh cedar bush and stream f low- ing through back of property. Property may be seen by appointment, cail 852-7919. The property of Walter and Karen Shadorsky, 57 Yonge St., Uxbridge. Go Main S t. North over railroad tracks and first streef on west side. Contents including: R.C.A. colour T.V. (26"), washstand (glass marbie top), oak pastry cupboard, oak day bed f rame, walnut armchair, walnut vanity with 3 way mirror, sewing machine (100 yr. old in working condition), -old pic- tures and trames, pull-out chestertield bed, 3 pc. modemn kitchen set, 4 aqauriums (130 and 310), 2 B &W T.V.'s and many other items., Terms: on contents' cash. Terms on property $4000 down on day of sale, balance in 45 days, buyer may assumei 1sf motage 101/4 per cent if desired. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbridge 416-852-3524. 49-1 Thursday, December 16 1:00 P.M. Hoisteins Auction sale of 50 fresh and springinig cows (both grade and registered), also a number of purebred and grade calves and yearli1ng heifers, The sale will be held at the Malmont Sales Arena, 1/2 mile south of Blackstock. Features of this sale include a number of f resh cows ready to hel p the, milk supply. Several with full ýedigre es. A "Very Good" ugget sells - due soon. Also daughters by "Starlight", "Em peror", and "Ned", etc. AIl bi ood tested and ready to move. Lloyd Wlson, Auction- er, Uxbridge 416-852-3524., 49-2 Auction sale, Saturday, December 1llth at 1: 15 p.m. af Bannister's Auction Hall beside Fine Hall in village of Bewdley consîsting of: chests of drawers, chestenfield and chair, fables, Electrohomne colour T.V., Bradford 14 cu. ft. freezer, dlock, 2 aquariums wîth stand and attachrffents, oil lamps, dishes, glassware, chairs, space heater and other items s ti Il bein g consigned. Roger Bannister, auctioneer, 49-1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer had their annual Christmas Family Dinner at the Orono I.O.O.F. Hall on Sunday. Over fifty were in attendance. Mrs. Geo Morton with Mr. and Mrs. 'Lawrence Harris spent Sunday evening wîth her sister Mrs. Ida Plumb. Mrs. Cecil Jones has been a patient in the Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webb and Dawn of Toronto were recent weekend vîsitors with, Mrs. Ernest Gilbank and sons Bill and David. , Mr. and Mrs. Les Hrebicek of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ken B3al] and ail four were Sunday eveningdinner guests. Mrs. Mabel Williams of Pembroke is visiting her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams and their tour daughlers. The Anglican'Chureh Wo- men held their December meeting on Wednesday even- ing of this week at the home of Mrs. Herb Murray. December 11 - 1 p. m. Farm E quipmeàt Sale Auction sale of the property of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vleger a miles north of Port Perry on the-Seagrave road turçi east on the- lOth concession, one haîf mile to the end 0f the road, fol low signs. John Deere 7'10 fully equip. ed with radio, hydraulic 1oader, manure' and dirt bucket. John Deere 710 with roll guard and radio, 12 foot self propelled 800 case com- bine with 2 row corn head, Massey Ferguson 124 baler with easy fie knotter, new, agratic autormatic bale stacker, new, 225 bushel Turnco gra'in_ wagon with hydralic auger on a 7 ton wagon with flotation tires new.- New Holland 9 foot haybind, 3 pt. hitch 15 foot Rhlno soraver, new. Sedore double snow blower. Large Westeel grainery new, 32 ft. finger tooth cultivator 18' elevator set. Harrows side- rlolivp-rv rjikA. Snow Blade grain airators, pig troughs wvater troughs, - elecfric fence posts and wire, chains, wheelbarrow, 4x8 truck radio and top, tow bar, extension ladder, stone boat, 14: foot boat, and many more articles, Mr. Vlieger i iigU farming due to his health.The equipment is in exCellent condition and lot being new the last year, an excellent opportun ity to buy good equip- ment in 1976..Terms cash. No reserve. Luch. 1-416-985-2459. Sale Manager and auctioneer Murray Jackson. 49-1 Mrs. Mabel Holmes Raw- land, age 91, widow of Howell Rowland passed away or December 6th at the Marr- wood Nursing Home, Bow- manville. Funeral was on Wednesday afternoon from the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville. Spring Interment in Bond Head Cemetery. Mrs. Geo Morton had Sun- day noon dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Morton and in the afternoon they visited' Mr. Harold Barrowclough of Wes- leyville. Orono Senior-Citrzens hads Pot Luck supper on Thursday of last week. Congratulations to Mr. anc Mrs. Glenn Douglas Grant (the former Miss Elizabeth Ann Sherk) on their marriage on Saturday, December 4th, 1976 in St. Albans Anglican Church, Beamsville. Thenew- lyweds will reside in Leskard. Miss Lorna Lowery of Kirby recently returned home after four mon-ths in the Oshawa General Hospital following a car'accident.' Mrs. H. Freeman of Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webb and Dawn of Toronto. Mrs. E. Gilbank, Mr. Bill Gilbank and Mr. David Gil- bank visited Mr. and Mrs. Alan McAlpine of Belleville on Sunday, Nov. 28th. Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn spent, a few days in Toronto last week visiting her husband in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mun- neke and sons Kenneth and Michael recently, accompan- ied Mr. and Mrs. John Kileens and children to visit Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ferrier and their family at Bolton. The Orono Church Women held two meetings on Tues- day. Unit 2-A Pot Luck dinner at noon in the main hall and Unit 3-A Pot Luck supper at the home of Mrs. Clair Gunter. And the Kirby Church Women- A Pot Luck, dinner at the home of Mrs. Gus Wilson at noon also on Tuesday. The General meeting in the Main Hall on Thursday, Dec. 9th will take the furm of a Christmas Pot Luck dinner at 6 p.m. Everyone Welcomfe. Congratulations tb Mrs. Harry Freeman of Maple Grove on her 901h birthday. DON'T LET ROAD CONDITIONS TURN YOUR WOFILD UPSIDE DOWN Saturday Supper Dancing Dec. 11, 1976 with The Big Town Boys JACK BURKE Dec. 6 - 10 IatudayeciT1 BAKEDI VIRGINIAHAMI Liberty St. South .1 401BwnvI, 1- n' j- ýy Is 1- d Antique auction, Monday, Dec. 13, 1976 at 7 p.m. in the Banquet Room of the Flying Dutchman Motel, Hwy. 401,at Bowmanville. Preview at 4 p.m. Bar and restaurant facilities. Absolutely no re- serve. Featuring: 12 pane pine cupboard with raised panels and bracket base, 1 piece 3 drawer pine cupboard with carved cornice, transitional 'blanket chest with raised panels and original paint, Brockville candle stand. Tables: tavern, harvest, stretcher base, oval extension, sawbuck, carved top 'cherry Hepplewhite, plus others. Chairs include: country Sher- aton, ladder backs, arrow back child's and arm, Windsor rocker and step down, set of pressback's, Quebec ladder back with wings. Pottery and Stoneware: Dion, Cap Rouge, Western Ontario, bird crocks, flower pots, art pottery, spongsware. Glass and china: satin, enamel, clear pattern, black tittin and amethyst, camphor, carnival' , milk, Nip- pon, Limoge, Bavaria, Noni- take, left hand moustache cup with saucer. Blue hobnail hanging lamp with brass trame, Mary McAvoy Indian 32" high, double burner banquet lamp with blue font, horse weather-vane, punch fin, lantern, candle drier, old- books, paintings and pastels Indian baskets, nice small woodenware. Many other good items. Auctioneer Normi Marpie, 1 (519) 924-2611.' Terms Cash:, cheques. or Chargex with 1. D. 49-1w DELICATESSEb German Style 1KOBASSA 1STORE SLICEE' SBACON SI l 'I Fi~ DEADLINE .FOR C7LASSIFIE Tues., 12 noon 1OPPING CONVENIENCE UNTIL DEC. lith 1 CHRISTMASÇ ~ 1 KS lb. N SPECIAL $ 9 £lb. _-Ë For Your Holiday Cooking A Fresh Supply !of Turkeys, Geese, Ducksand Capons NOW IN STOCK SEE OUR LARGE SUPPLYof EUROPEAN SEASONAL BAKE GOODS Gingerbreads, Ginger Cookies, Advents-Stollen,.Almond Pastry Bars and Rings etc. 14 14 '14 '14 14 14 14 14 JUICY, TASTY S~ MiOTSPA ORANGESà M4 TOASTMASTER MONARCH 11 14 CRUSTY 100OPER CENT 1 4WHIfTE BREAD VEG.OIL 1 14 itl.00 MARGARINE 1 1Reg. Price48cEah4 91 1CHAIPMANS vgi 1ICE CREAM Asst..Flavouris 1/2gl 4' 14 HISIS HOLLAND CHEESE, [14 WEEK 1 1TRY A SAMPLE 0F ~ Frico Brand" GOUDA, MILD, MEDIUM' 1EDAM,CLOVE OR LEYDEN 1 FEATURE SPECIAL 1 14Medium, Gouda l.1 f _Christmas'Gifts 1 14NOW IN STOCK A LARG~E SELECTION 1 0F CHOCOLATES AND BISCUITS, 1 ENGLISH TOFFEES AND FRUIT 1 14CANDIES .. .. PACKED IN FANCY 1 14GIFT BOXESm 14CHOCOLATE FIGURINES AND NOVELTIES IDEAL FOR FILLING 1 STOCKINGS 1 14 Ac 9f0e 0od (ýoaketg om 14 MADE TO ORDER 1ENJOY AWARM CUP OF 14 COFFEE WHIU 1 14SHOPPING l Dykstrra'SI 14 Food Market 14 "The Hfome lof Quoity" 1 14 3-77 KIng9 St. WBo mn le1 14Fro. Pa'klng- Enter f rom Que,. st. FOR YOUR SH AiE WILL BE P.M. EVERY :ROM NOW L CHRISTMAS. . SATU RDAYS[ PND lSth AND 'RI., DEC. 24t 3EEF STEAK SPECIAL ;IRLOIN DORTERHOUS' 7-BON E b. AST FRY KING STEAI

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