4 The Canadian Statesmani, Bowmnanville, December 8, 1976 BLACKSTOCK Mrs. Herb McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bradburn enjoyed Sunday supper with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Me- Laughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Me- Laughlin were recent lunch- eon gutests of Rev. and Mrs. J.C. Hill of Columbus, The Cartwright Central Public School Junior Choit', under the direction of Mrs. E.. Kiezebrink sang several num- bers at the Port Perry Baptist Church on Sunday morning. The evening unit of the U.C.W. held their Christmas, meeting at the home of Judi Mountjoy. We opened the meeting by singing two Christ- mas Carols. Beth Schryburt commented on the informa- tive General Meeting about "Wills". She then showed us the slides that were shown ait the General Meeting and made us ail aware about the necessity of having one made. The new executive. for 1977 will be Pres. Sharon Essery, Treas. Joanne Lee, Sec. Jucli Mountjoy. The worship read by Shirley Gibson was'called "A thought for today." Many beautiful candies were dis- played and anyone wishing to W order one could do so. AW followed"by an exchange of cookies. Many from the area enjoyed the Santa Claus parade on Saturday. Both Cartwright High School and Cartwright Central Public School had M 11I entered excellent floats. The Public -School Senior Choir rode on their floats and sang under the direction of I¶rs. Dixon and Mr. Fis. White Gif t Service will be held at Blackstock at Black- stock United Church on Sun- day at 10:00 a.m. Some suggestionsý for gifts are games, dolîs, books, cars, etc. but please no food. Special Christmas Service will be held Dec. l9tb at 7:30 p.m. with the Sunday School participating. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls were Sunday evening, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mata of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Fisher and girls will be missed from the community and we wish them well in their new home in London, ____________ Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gunter and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. andMrs. Tennyson Samelîs. UW ac Winners at the Senior Cïti-, Ubby'sOkancy zen Card, Party with 16 tables T M T lough, 92 nd-Mr.Reed Cook, JUICE 89, 3rd-Maxine Brock, 8,4 L Z î 4th-Carl Wright, 84, 5th-Elva 4 L Z I VanCamp, 82, 6th-Doug Brock,' 81, Low-Roy Werry. The Senior boys minor school Volley Bahl tournament was held at Cartwright Cen- tral Public School Thesday, afternoon, Nov. 3th. The five schools competing were Sun- derland, H.W. Knight, Can- nington, Thorah Central and Cartwright Central Public 8 School. The overali winners were the boys from Sunder- land. They,.were followed by ____________ Thorah, Cannington, Cart- wright and H.W. Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Camp entertained Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carnegie and Canada Grade A Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van, Camp, Jayne and LA RG E David recently. The occasion being Arthur's birthday.W H T EG M.and Mrs. Chris Dowson W H T G and Andrew spent last week- DOZEN end withi Mr. andc Mrs. Ivan Thompson. OBITuÂR MRS. NELSON MOLLON A former resident of Port Perry, Mrs. Nelson Mollon died t Hilsdal Mano1Wed Chapel Oshawa. Service was heldin the chapel Friday. Interment Hampton Cerne- tery. Rev. D.C. Payne offici-* ated. Legion Ladies MIRACLE, BowlingSTR High single- Helen Dunn. E AST MA Lt 297; High triple- Helen Dunn, 60 K ngSt I 705.60 KigS. Top ten averages- Joan R S L Sutciffe 244, Mary Gray 215, R S L N Virginia Fairey 206, Anne Plazek 2o6, Diane Howarth' 555 Rossi and 204, Nyhi Sheehan 202, Helen Dunn 202, June Baker 202, irene Whitney 187, Lola Wright 185. Team standings-Suteliffe .. 22½2 points, 37,134 pinfall, /~ Sheehan 21, 37,381, Plazek 20, 36, 324, Fairey 14/, 36, 026.:~. REDEM LL 2% Partly Skimmed FRESH MILK 3 QT. BAG OR JUG (Plus 40c deposit on jug> 'En Frozen Precressed GRAMDE A YOUNG TURKEYS 6-9 LB. SIZE Homogenized 8 FRESH MILK n L B. 3 qt. bag or jug IL (Plus 40e deposit on jug),2 Ail Purpose MONARCH FLOUR 5 LB. BAG Pan Ready RUPERT RAINBOW TROUT FROZEN 10 OZ. PKG. M8 ET CUOS Preàdresseci "GRADE A" FRmEeàsH l -F RYI1NG CHICKENS 2-3 LB. SIZE LIMIT 3 PER FAMILY PRICES EFFECTIVE IN THE OSHAWA AREA UNTIL DEC. 14, 1976. WE RES-ERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITI ES. Salad Drýessing RACLE WHIP 32 FL. OZ. JAR Instant MAXWELL HOUSE 100Z. JAR Limit 3 Per Family Granulated WHITE SUGAR 2 kg PKG. Fresh Bone-In PO0R 0KB UTT ROASTS LB 4IT Frozen Young Predressed "IGRADE A" Deep Basted B UTTER BAL L TU RKEYS r>16 LB. SIZES 98C Assortod Varieties LANCIA PASTA 2 LB. PKG. Produot of Japan MANDARIN ORANGES, 8 LB. BOX M@9 1 mamod mi 1