2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanville, December 22, 1976 Hydro Report (Prom Page One) housing. Talking in termis of numbers the MacLaren report notes thaf by 1984 when construction in Darlingfon is supposed f0 be at ifs peak, tbere wilh be 604 people associafed with the bydro project living in Osh- awa. Tbat's more than the num- ber of workers expecfed f0 be locafed in Courtice, Newcastle and Bowmanville combined. Move to Newcastle "If is our besf estimate fbat npproximately 120 const rue- tion workers and 50 operat ions people will seek f0 move into the communifies of New- castle"., the report says. The report ndds thaf includ- ing the workers familles and otber secondary population, this represents about 500 people. The MacLaren report states thaf Bowmanville ns the iargesf town in Newcastle would gain mosf of this population.' Looking at dollars nnd cents, the Dariington- plant wili be a mixed blessing, according fo the MacLaren report. More Jobs Firsf of ail, if is esfîmated that about 700 permanent positions will beavailable at the Darlington plant. If is estimated that about 100 people already living near the FLOWERS DRIED station wïll take one some of these jobs. The bydro workers at Dar- lington during the construc- tion period will bc well paid, according to the report. If states "The project is esfim- ated f0 create over $260 million in wage and salary spending of which up f0 145 million could remain in the local area." Ontario Hydro contracts that will be placed locally are estimafed f0 be in excess of $10 million. But, on the other side of the coin, the Hydro report admifs that igber wages offered by Hydro may draw some work- ers away from local, lower paying jobs. "The projecf may draw some of the farm labor away from the farms due f0 comparatively high wage rates, if explains." About 500 unskilled jobs will be available af the Darlington plan durîng construction. Two bundred and fiffy of these would be drawn from the local area. Ontario Hydro reports on the Darlingfon plant are available at municipal offices, libraries, and public utilîfies offices in Hampton, Orono, and Newcastle. The reports are contained in fwo volumes and they were released ast week. Ontario's Energy Minister, Dennis Timbreli, is asking the public f0 take a look at the bydro reports and make comments hy Marcb, 1977. Mondayi's Storm (From Page One) FRESH TROPICAL Students at high schools in Cobourg and Port Hope had *GREEN PLANTS examinations delayed but stu- 3 STRES: dents attending Clarke, Bow- SHighway No. 2 mnanville and Courtice High oK gsth E. Schools weren't writing S mOeSth.wN exams Monday. SImOSt. N., Students within the North- Oshawaumberland Newcastle Board of Education will be starting IJJay encharnment be your giji ut L(, Christmas. Our gi/t is youer jriendship, thanks. GISELA'S VARIETY &GIFTS -7 2SECOND ST. 623-7192 BOWMANVILLE THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Appointments are being made to f111;05 positions in the Town of Newcastle,, to commence duties in 1977. If you are interested in serving in any of the positions isted below, please write, stating your preference, to the undersigned as soon as possible. Please indicate any qualifica- tions or experience which would be beneficial: PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTE E COMMITTEE0F ADJUSTMENT HOSPITAL BOARD LI BRARY BOARD MUSEUM BOARD RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE J. M. Mcilroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario. LI C 3A6 flheir classes this Thursday. Ar-Il No major mofor vebicle Cha muer of Commerce accidents or power failures were reported n spîfe of ____*swethr Asks for Help toPay f or MIay the spiritual peace and joy of SChristmas abide with. you and your loved Mortes. Tbanks for youià generosity. M~ Mrs. J. O. Down and Volunteers f rom Memorial Hospital Bowmanville .ew(Christmas Lighting Additional Christmas light- ing for the downtown area in Bowmanville bas been pur- chased at total cost of $2,600. Tbis is the second phase of a fhree year program f0 "'dress up" the downtown area at this time of year. The Town of Newcastle bas again provided $1,300 as a contribution f0 this program. The Chamber of Commerce bas solicifed tbe local service clerks and the businessmen of our communify f0 assist wifb the balance of the cosf. If is boped tbat sufficient funds will be realized f0 cover fthe' cost of this worthwhile pro- ject. PONTYPOOL Mr. and Mrs. George Los- baw and family of Stirling were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Losbaw's parents, Sadie and Gordon Kirk. Mrs. Helen Brown and Denise and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bradley and family attended the Fee Christmas Party held af Rockhaven, Peterborough, on Sunday. Eleven tables of euchre were played at Ballyduff on Friday nigbf. Prize winners were Mrs. V. Strong ( 81 pt.), Doris Brown, Sid Powers, Jim Mackey, Ahex Joncas and Cliff Curtis. Special lucky prizes were won by Bertha MeGili, Charlie Preston, Winnie Strong and Alvin Mitchell. We wisb a speedy recovery to Mrs. Ruhy Chapmnan wbo bas been in hospital for the past week. We also send get-well wishes f0 Grant Curtis, a patient in Civic Hospital, Peterborough. At this time of vear we esDeciallv fhink of ail those who are ill, shuf-ins and those in nursîng homes. Prom this area we bave Mrs. Evereff Mitchell, Mrs. Harvey Aiken and Mrs. Leslie Fairhurst. Pont ypool Chamber of Com- merce held its annual skating party on Sunclay for ail local cbiidren. Approximafely fwo bundrecl girls and boys were present wifh many older folks enjoying the skating as well. Music was provided by D.J. Ron Hare of Campbeilford. Hot chocolafe and bof dogs were handed ouf to all and around 3:30 p.m. Santa ar- rived by snowmobile and gave treafs to ahi the children. The Sympathy is extended to the Martyn family and, to Mr. and Mrs. Ron Martyn on the loss of thpir baby daughter. On Sunday Dec. l9th Mr. and Mrs, Walter Lawrence en- tertained their tamily for Christmas. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawrence Jr. and Caroline, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawrence, Janet, Steven and Ted of Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrence, Tim, Mike, Jackie and David of Manchester, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cookson, Adam and Ann, Port Perry. Mrs. Gloria Atkinson ar- rived home on Sunday follow- ing a most enjoyable week in Brampton visiting her sons, Peter and Patrie. St. John's Anglican Church held their Annual Sunday School Pageant on Sunday. The children presented the "Little Drummer Boy" f0 a full house. After the pageant everyone was invited to the Parish Hall for lunch. Sympathy is extended f0 Mr. and Mrs. D. Russell on the passing of Ellen's father at Campbellford. A fine Congregation gather- ed for both services in the United Church on Sunday. In the morning the Junior and Senior Chois sangý a com- bined Anthem. Janet Parsons sang "O Holy Nîght" beauti- fully by special request. The Senior Choir sang an Anthem with Ray Perrill accompany- girls and boys also enjoyed the antics of a couple of local clowns who also arrived by snowmobile. The Chamber of Commerce thanks ahl those who helped in preparation and looking after the afternoon 's chores. ,, New Year's Eve tickets are still on sale. Get yours right away. (See Coming Events). Mr. and Mrs. Haumersen arrived on Friday from Rot- terdamn, rHoland, to spend two and a hiaîf weeks with, their daughtLer an1d famiily, M' and Mrs. F.H1. Branidenbjurg in Pinewo(-ods Esta tes. On Sunday, Bessie and George VanDam held Christ- mas for 'members of the VanDam families. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fee, Donald and Patty and Mr. and Mrs. Manus Vander- heul of Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Staples of Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. Jake VanDam, Millbrook and Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanWieringen and Mr. and Mrs. George VanDam, Chad and Lydia of Pontypool. On Sunday a Candlelighting Carol Service was held in Pontypool United Chruch. Members of the C.G.I.T. and Explorer groups took part. During the service the choir rendered two anthems- "Hal- lelujah!" and "The Birthday of a King". Following the service gifts and treats were distributed to the Sunday School children by the Super- intendent, Mrs. Orville Ander- son. Martin Joncas had the mistortune f0 cislocate a shoulder while playing hockey last week. Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Sytnyk and family were Sunday visitors with relatives in Orillia. Mrs. Margaret Wright and Stanley Wright were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Master, Prince Al- bert. Scott Young, a Globe and Mail columnist, bas recently had a couple of articles in the paper about Pontypool and the Pontypool C.P.R. Station. Mr. Young lives near Omemee and is a -regular commuter on the local Dayliner. He is one of many who thinks it is a shame to have our local depot demolished. Already a ten by ing on the drums. Rev. V. Parsons delivered a fine service putting meanîng info Christmns. In the evening, the Sunday Schooi presented their annual Candle light service with ahi deparfmenfs providing num- bers for the program. As usual the iittle folk stole the show. A delicious lunch served by the U.C.W. and social time brought a very enjoyable evening f0 a close. If was announced fbat the Christmas Eve service will be beld on Friday Dec. 2 4th at 7:30 p.m. Plan f0 attend this special service of music and word. Mrs. Mary Sheen of Toronto is spending a few days with ,Miss Susan Sheen. Mrs. Courtney Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor. Enniskillen fo celebrafe Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin'S Wed- ding Anniversary. Glad te0 hear Mrs. Ada Puckett is home from Oshawa General Hospital on feeling nîucb beffer. On Friday the Primary Students at Cartwright Cen- tral Public Sehool beld a concert for their parents. A most enjoyable program wâs presented. Also on Fridny the Senior Choir visifed the nursing home in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson of Cannington and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pereman of Columbus were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin. Mr. Brian Pereman spent Sunday with Mr. Philip Hos- kin. Mrs. Ruth Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson of Yelverton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Milis, Toronto. They were also Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson and fnmily. The weekly Senior Citizen Card party wns wel attended wifh 17 fables. Winn-,ers we: 1sf Orv'al Watson, 94, 2nid-Jac-k Cook 91,:3rd-Olive Gimiblet 85, 4fb Raiph Day 85, 5fh-Albert Timms 83, 6th Margaret Watson 81, Low-Reid Cook. On Dec. l4th the Affernoon Unit U.C.W. met at the borne of Aileen Byers wif b 16 members and 1 guesf present. Affer dei icious hot mince pie and beverage, Dora Martyn opened fthe meeting witn a reading Christmas Lessons. Margaret Van Camp prepared tbe devofional whicb opened with the carol "While Sbep- herds Watcbed Their Flocks". The, Christ mas Sfory from Mafthew was read followed by a medîtation-the fact that God sent His Love fo earth in Jesus is our assurance that peace will come. There are many kinds of peace-the peace of forgiveness is one we ail need f0 receive and f0 give-the peace of adequate resources for what ever burdens, sor- rows or pain we nThy have f0 bear-the pence born of the persuasion thaf notbing can separate usfrom God's Love. During the business one item to remember is that Dora Marfyn and Edifb McLaughiin took a course on "Cooking with Dairy Producf s" and will give us a condensed version on Wednesday Jan. 5th, 1977 af 1:30 p.m. at the regular Womnen's Institufe meeting being held in the Christian Education Room at tbe United Churcb. A prelude f0 our Christmas Program was given by Agnes Watters on "Christmas Thougbts for Al Year". Some of'these were- mend a quarrel, seek a forgotten friend, write a letter, find the time, under- stand, think first of others, express gratitude, welcome a stranger, speak your love, laugh and laugb again, love and love again-Christmas is Celebrafion. Eacb member gave a number for our program wbich was taped by Jean Ferguson to play for shut in members. Audrey Wright rend a poemn "How Christmas bas Chnnged" which was wriffen by Alan Ferguson when be was in Grade 6 and printed in the Port Perry Star. Marion Larmer gave a Christ- mas Prayer for ail of us. Thelma Wright gave a humorous article called "A Computers First Christ mas Card". Agnes Wafters read a poem 'A Christmas Hearf". Ruth Wilson read a parody on the Nighf Before Christmas called the Day Af fer Christ- mas. Aima Taylor read a 5f ory "The Carollers and the Refugees". Gladys Tbompson came bedecked with a Star, and Carrying a small decor- nted Christmas tree and read a poem cnlled "A Christmas Tree". Ai leen Byers rend the Lengend, of the Poinsettia. Elizabeth Skelding rend "A Lullaby for the Child". Flor- ence Larmer read The Price- less Giff of Christmas. Gail Malcolm sang "I Heard the Belîs on Christmas Day." Dora Martyn rend "When December Comes" and a humorous one "The Trouble- some Husband". Jean Adams had a game f0 tax the memory w hich was won by Marlon Larmer. Jean Ferguson had on tape a session of piano practice by ber two sons whicb brougbt back memories for many. Our affernoon unit sends wisbes f0 the Candace and Evening Units for a Happy Christmas and Many blessings in 1977. The 35",Wash Is Bock At 59 King, St. West Quick Cîean Centre NO)T ICE The Bowmanville Public -Utilities Office wiII, be closed for the holidays as follows: CHRISTMAS From Thursday noon, December 23rd to Tuesday morning, December 28th inc lusive. NEW YEARS From Thursday noon, December 3th to Monday morning, January 3rd inclusive. KENDAL Some of the Kendal U.C.W. and W.I. members met hast Thursday affernoon in the Sunday School room to pack Christmas baskets for the Shut-Ins. Mr. and Mrs. George Brew- er and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott were dinner guests with Mrs. H. Lowery of Kirby hast Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Evans attended a Christmas gather- ing witb bis mot ber Mrs. Evans of Blackstock hast Saturday. Mrs. W.JI. Foster refurned home on Saturday af ter spend- ing a week witb Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fonk and family from îîear Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Fonk refurned for the week- end and on Sunday fbey al attended a family Christmas gatbering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Foster on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Therfeli held a Christmas gathering on Sunday. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ther- fell and Orville, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Knapp and family of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Evans and family. The highlight of the afternoon was the arrivai of Sant a and bis helper f0 ban d ouf the gifts. Miss Catherine Stewart cal- led on Mrs. Fred Graham of Kirby last Friday and on Sunday had Mrs. Margaretta Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Hastings, of Coibourne who moved away fromn the 6tb uine called on Mr. and Mrs. Garland Cafhcart last Thîirsday'affernoon. With MVr. andMrs. R, Elliott FRED, FREDA JON MILNI SF.A. Kramp« g37 King St. E. Aai of Fi ve ry best wishes and. nd JOHN KRAMPM BEy RUDDY urniture Ltd. BowmanvilleS TOWN of NEWCASTLE (Bowmanville Area) C.HRISTMAS HOLIDAY GARBAGE (COLLECTION Friday, December 24th and Monday, Decèember 27th ,w 11 be picked up on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28th. Tuesday, December 28th and Wednesday, December 29th wiIl be picked up on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29th. THURSDAY, DEC.3th on THURS., DEC. 3th NO CHANGE Friday, December 3lst and Monday, January 3rd wilIl be picked up on MtfONDAY, JANUARY 3rd. You should clip this out and save for future reference. J. DUNHAMI Director 0f Public Works BLACKSTOCK NEWS,