One of the disadvantages of that they seiaoom are sold with buying plants in supermnarkets instructions as to how they is that they often are flot should be cared for. As a idniidb an.Aohrisrsl tsreie apn At this holy season, may we take the opportunity to Swish you every blessing! SJohn Manuel, C.G.A. 1 Incarne Tax and Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East, Suite 2 Bowmanville How nice it is to be able to thank al l o f our wonderful customers and wish them a happy holiday season! The Double "C"' Curt, Cornie and Family SHwy. 115 North of Orono 983-9231 that plants are located in areas of the home in which they are exposed to improper lighting conditions. While the effects of this may tiot always he serious-the plants may simply not thrive as they, otherwise would have-some plants definitely do suffer injury. Very few plants can, accord- ing to the Ortho book "Wea- ther Wise Gardening," thrive in full, direct sunlight ail day. In winter, most plants requir- ing a sunny location need at least 5 hours of direct sunlight per day. In areas where there is much snow, remember that rays of sun bouncing from snow can add up to 30 per cent additional light. Southern or eastern exposures provide the required amount of light for these plants. Some sun-loving indoor plants include bulbs such as daffodil, tulip, hyacinth and the Calla lily; flowering plants such as begonia, aeranium. chrysanthemum, and poinset- tia; foliage plants such as coleus, herbs, Jerusalem cherry and pereskia. Plants that need a semi- sunny location usually require from 2 to 5 hours of sunlight in winter. In warm weather, they will do well in bright light with littie or no direct sun. Provide a warm (60 to 80 degree), slightly moist (humidity 30 per' cent or more) atmos- phere. These plants can be grown in an area that receives ful sun if they are protected hy a curtain, or if a sun-loving plant rises up to_ give some shade. In this category are African violets, Christmas cactus, gloxinia, impatiens, and orch- ids. Among the foliage plants that like their sun in small doses are bromeliads, drac- aena,, ferns, English ivy, palms, and Swedish ivy. Plants requiring a semi- saylocation thrive in rihopen light but need littie or no direct sunlight, says "Weather Wise Garden- ing". They will succeed in a warm, slightly moist atmos- phere. Most are grown prim- arily for their foliage. Flowering tohacco, anthur- ium, dieffenbachia, and pray- er plants ail faîl into tEie semi-shady, category. Philodendron, pothos, snake plant, and ficus are ail plants needing shaded locations. These will grow in any area that receives no sunlight but there should be enough light to cast a shadow when you pass your hand across the area in which the plant will be placed. It's a good idea to rotate plants kept in poor light-gîve them a week or two or bright light, even two hous of lt's getting Lafe .. . You'd Better Hurry PopCity~ 15 party pleasing flavours to serve you. Regular and Sugar Free ,TA WHY PAY MORE? 71 At the 'SU NOCO -Corner of King and George- Sincere wishes to ail our customers and bfriends for a happy holiday season NOONE'SMotel and Restaurant Elleen, Gerry, Michael and Staff. ~Hwy. 11 orth ofOOrono 983-536f Festival Singers and Civic Band Present Christmas Cc Oshawa's Civie Band, under the direction of George Quick, during one of their numbers in the first haîf of the program. Eleanor Hayward of Oshawa, Jane Staples of Orono and Erin Nicks of Bowmanville were well received when they sang 'Some Enchanted Evening,' fromn South Pacifie. Later in the program, Miss Nicks sang a solo, Little Town of Bethlehem. morning sunlight, then let selections by those flourishing is one of 10 volumes in the them have a sojourn in the in a dimn restaurant or hotel Ortho garden and food book dimly lighted place. lobby. Ail too often these are series, and is availablefrom "Weather Wise Gardening" providedby a plant service hardware stores and garden cautions indoor gardeners not and are periodically replaced. centres dealing in Ortho to be misled in their plant "Weather Wise Gardening" products at $3.98 a copy. "The Nutcracker-" Now A Holiday' One of the most charm- ing traditions during the holiday season is the pre- sentation of the famous ballet, The Nutcracker. Written by the Russian composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. this ballet about a littie girl and her nutcracker bas won the hearts'of millions of chil- dren and adults since it was first performed during the Christmas season of 1892 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Based on a story -by E.T.A. Hoffman, the ballet opens w ith a party at the home of a littie girl, Clara. Among the gîfts under the tree is a nutcracker, shaped like a soldier. Clara is de- lighted with the unusual gif t but unfortunately', ber brother breaks it and that nigbt Clara dreams about the nutcracker. In ber dream, the nut- cracker cornes to life and leads the toy soldiers against tbe Mouse King and bis army. Clara kilîs the Mouse King witb ber slipper to prevent bis vic- tory and Io, and bebold, tbe nutcracker becomes a bandsomc prince! Together tbey journey to bis kingdom, wbere the Tradition Sugar Plum Fairy and ber court of toys and sweet- meats entertain the young prince and Clara. 'Me two young people watch snowflakes dance, flutes dance, and the beau- tiful "Waltz of the Flow- ers," among other deligbt- ful dances. .Tbe fantasy of the story and the beautiful music of Tcbaikçovsky combine to make The Ntucracker a vis- ual and musical delight for both yotvng and'old. In cities across the na- /tion, Christmnas perform- ances of the now-classie Bsret Har.te Story Tells of Western Chris tmas A poor moutitain cabin housing a group of rugged characters forms an unlike- ly setting for an excellent Christmas story by Bret Harte, famed for his writ- ings about the Gold Rush days. Set in 1862, in the Sacramento Valley, "How Santa Claus Came to Simp- son's Bar" is considered one of Harte's hest stories. The story centers arouind a littie boy, jobnny, who is ili in bcd on Christmas Eve. His home is a poor cabin at Simpson's Bar, a cluster of similar cabîns huddled around a littie store, situated on Table Mountain. Little Johnny is wise be- yond his year.s det i rough-and-tumble environ- ment but when be bears about Sauta Claus, be is mystifled. So when Jobnny's father comes home with some drinking companions, Johnny asks bis father a very natural question. Just wbo is "S andy Claws?" His father brushes the question aside but one of the other men, Dick Bullen, is moved by the boy's ig- norance. He borrows a mare, jovita, and sets out to flnd some Christmas presents for the youngster. Section Three The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 22, Mr e5 >net Tielf th INight .r)rlifiilit wjth lieiiiiicr Christrnas goes ouit in aleîlreko wclfth- fX-.-. ....... ' - ~ akesý. n st.yle -wiui i wejrui Night. it is a finish wortby of the time. Christmas l)ay was the morning of the scason; New Ycar's Day the middle of it or moon; Twelf th Nieht is the nivht. -Lez gh H-unt (1784-1859) Heiping you to' greetings for a holiday well seasoned with every bright wish. Thanks for sharing our table, ~ ~-'~~OACH &FOUR' Restauront, Tavera & GIft Shop SHwy. 115 North of Orono 983-5560 flfihIhnd ý ýu ~>--?i 'M S May vour Christmas holidQys be bright with the loue and laughter of children and friends. We look forward to seeing you next year. Best Wishes f rom the Management and Staff of County ~Ch rysler-Dodge Ltd SMaple Grove 623-2586 Bowmanville ballet are becoming a tra- dition. ts fairy-tale quality, its gorgeous spectacle and beloved score make The Nutcracker ideal holiday entertainment for the young and thc young at heart. HIIOSPITAL BOWLING Ladies high smngle-D. Mor- rison 254, high triple-C. Pid- duck 729, high average-B. Hanc 201. Men's high single-E. Ing- ram (spare) 280, high triple-E. Ingram 746, high average-R. Ferguson 206. Team 2-high pins-3754. Standings-Team 2, 69 points, team 6, 57, team 3, 56, team 5, 49, -team 1, 49, team 4, 37. Some Plants Like it Sunny Christmas Trees For Sale 0f your local Beaver Lumber Store Scotch Pine and Spruce Storting Decemnber 3rd